On the ground of a hive city, several traversers looked at the blood angels in front of them who were frantically fighting the demons. They didn't know what to do, while the normal blood angels around them looked helplessly at their brothers. They knew the "flaws" of themselves and their brothers.

"Brother Zhou Dong, we..."

Captain Uriel Sirki of the Blood Angels looked at the company commander of the traversers beside him, he didn't know what to say now, those "flaws" on them were actually nakedly displayed in front of the Brother Legion.


Just when Zhou Dong was about to answer what Uriel Sirki said, a blood angel who was fighting frantically in front yelled, which interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Brother Uriel Sirki, we know something about you, don't worry, we haven't seen anything..."

Zhou Dong said to Uriel Silki beside him that he understood the thoughts of these Blood Angels. As a legion with genetic seed defects, they are very sensitive to their own defects.

"Um, and Brother Uriel Silki, their situation is a bit complicated..."

Zhou Dong looked at the Holy Blood Angel who yelled "Horus", and said to Uriel Silki that these angels had fallen into a "black rage", and they had been controlled by the hallucination of their own Primarch's death.

"Thank you, Brother Zhou Dong."

Uriel Sirki said to Zhou Dong that they were all very grateful for Zhou Dong's help in hiding his legion's flaws.

"But Brother Uriel Silki, those brothers must be dealt with..."

Zhou Dong looked at those crazy angels and said to Uriel Silki, to be honest, the travelers are actually very curious about the matter of "Black Rage". They have also experienced this feeling of experiencing the death pain of the Primarch, and Wang Ming has died more than once.

"Yes, we all understand, Brother Zhou Dong, there is no way around this."

Uriel Sirki said to Zhou Dong, and then picked up the bolt gun, and attacked the demons from a distance, providing support for his brothers who fell into the "black rage".

"Black Rage..., this... It seems that no one can avoid the impact of the death of the Primarch, even the Blood Angels collected by the Figure King in the era of the Great Crusade..."

Wang Ming looked at the data board in front of him. Zhou Dong naturally reported the "black rage" of the Holy Blood Angels to Wang Ming. He did not break his promise with the Holy Blood Angels. After all, the traversers knew their "black rage" and "blood thirst". This is not a secret.

"Son of Sanguinius..."

Wang Ming looked at the videos sent to him. He watched those crazy angels killing cultists and demons one by one, and he sighed the difficulty of these great fighters.

Wang Ming put down the data pad and walked out of the headquarters. Wang Ming needed to appease the people on Vigilance. After Khorne attacked various hives with billions of cultists on a large scale, the morale of humans on Vigilance had been declining. After all, in every hive area of ​​each hive, the sound of various weapons firing and various inexplicable strange screams could be heard almost every day. Their trust in the empire and the Primarch was slowly being worn away by these things. Wang Ming had to stabilize the hearts of the people on Vigilance.

In a palace, Wang Ming walked on a gorgeous carpet. He looked at the holy statue of the emperor in the hall. The lecture venue had been prepared. Calgar stood together with those mortal auxiliaries who had gained military exploits in previous wars, waiting for Wang Ming's arrival.

In the age of war, what can greatly improve the morale of one's own people?
It is nothing more than news of the victory of the war and sufficient civilian supplies. The news of victory can let the people know that their own army is in an advantage, and a large amount of supplies to the people can make the people feel that the war has not affected their lives.

The distribution of materials has been handed over to Jose, and what he needs to do now is to broadcast their victory in the war globally, and award medals to the heroes who have made contributions in the war.

"Master Primarch!"

Wang Ming walked to the speech venue, and those mortal auxiliary soldiers who were about to be awarded medals all saluted Wang Ming in unison. They were very excited when they saw Wang Ming. They, the leading soldiers, had the opportunity to come into contact with the sacred Primarch so closely. It was a great honor for the Primarch to award him a medal.

They are even ready, as long as they survive this war, they will hold the medal issued by the Primarch for a lifetime.

"Well, you and those dead warriors are all heroes..."

Wang Ming looked at the soldiers of the mortal auxiliary army in front of him. These soldiers had all survived the battlefield. Most of them were the only survivors in their regiment. In order to defend the empire's position, some of them even held power swords and started a dangerous melee battle with the Khorne demon army.

"For the Emperor! For the Primarch! The stars are immortal! Human beings live forever!"

The mortal auxiliary army looked at Wang Ming. When they heard Wang Ming's words, they thought of their dead comrades. They all crawled out of the corpses of their comrades. When they saw that they were the only ones left on the front line, they looked at the group of demons in front of the position. How desperate they must be.

But they did not give up, they took up their weapons, they fought at the last moment, whether for their dead brothers, or for the Empire and the Primarch, they fought, power swords cut through the bodies of demons, and mortal powers can slay demons in the warp.

The traversers arrived at the last moment when they were about to be killed by the demons. They were lucky and survived until the traversers arrived. On many fronts, the traversers could only see broken humans all over the ground after they arrived.

"You can begin, my lord."

A technical priest walked in front of Wang Ming, he bent slightly towards Wang Ming, and performed a sky eagle salute. Along with his movements, the metal parts on his body collided with each other.

"Well, let's get started."

Wang Ming looked at the engine oil guy in front of him, and calmly said to him, he felt that this guy should have undergone a lot of modifications. As an engine oil guy, this level of mechanical modification should be a routine operation, but he didn't add shockproof to the metal parts on his body, which made Wang Ming a little puzzled. Doesn't this kid run like a big bell?
"Good sir, the global visualization and broadcast live broadcast is ready, now you can speak."

After the machine oil guy heard Wang Ming's order, a connecting tentacle protruded from somewhere behind him, and it connected to the live broadcast equipment in the venue. After confirming that all the equipment was activated, the machine oil guy told Wang Ming that he could start the speech.

"Citizens of the Empire, I am Wang Ming, the Primarch of the No.20 Legion of the Empire. During these years, Vigilante has encountered a world-scale war. Heretics and aliens hope to get our human world, but they did not expect us to arrive. The loyal people and troops of the Empire are also on Vigilante. The dirty ones have been killed by us! They cannot get our world. Vigilante will always be the human world. You promise that the No.20 First Legion will guard the citizens of the Empire on Vigilante, and we will expel heretics and aliens from the world of the Empire!"

Wang Ming stood in the center of the lecture venue. He had already taken off his helmet. His divinely handsome face was seen by all the humans with data pads in the hive through the live camera equipment, and many humans in the safety zone set up by the traversers also saw it.

Behind the place where he was standing was a huge mural of the God Emperor. It was behind Wang Ming, as if the God Emperor was looking at his Son of God. The incomparable holiness infected all human beings who saw Wang Ming.

Looking at the handsome face of the demigod, listening to the extremely reassuring voice of the demigod, their hearts, which were originally fearful because of the war, could not help but feel a wonderful sense of peace of mind, as if only the great Primarch was on Vigilus, so they didn't have to worry about any war hurting them.

"My lord, something has happened."

Just when Wang Ming wanted to say something more, Jose suddenly entered the palace. He looked at Wang Ming who was giving a speech, asked the engine oil guy for a data pad, and wrote down what he wanted to say to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming also saw Jose, and he gestured to the oil guy, who immediately interrupted the live broadcast.

"What happened?"

Wang Ming looked at Jose, he looked at this old friend who was clearly agitated, and asked him.

"Master Primarch, a monster has appeared in the place where the nobles are being held. It has already fought with Li Xin. Also, the volcano in the Dragon's Nest area has erupted for some reason. Now lava and volcanic ash have filled the Dragon's Nest area."

Jose looked at the tall demigod in front of him, and he quickly reported the situation to Wang Ming. Not long after Wang Ming left the headquarters, the news reached the headquarters.

"Grass... (ancient Terra plant)."

Wang Ming listened to Jose's report, he was completely numb, he knew what those nobles had done, the Slaanesh demon, those nobles must have seen that the development of the battle situation was not clear, and under their own random thoughts, they carried out their last madness, and then summoned the Slaanesh demon in the intense enjoyment.

As for the volcanic eruption in the dragon's lair area... that must have been caused by Tzeentch's cult. As followers of Tzeentch, even though they have been hunted down by the empire, they have never stopped doing things on their own. Finally, they succeeded. This time, they directly gave Wang Ming a big blow and erupted the volcano in the dragon's lair area.

This sudden billions of tons entered the atmosphere. The good news for the residents of the empire is that they may never see the big rift in the sky again. The bad news is that they may never see the sky again. This will undoubtedly make the already severe and harsh ecological environment of Vigilance even worse.

"Distribute personal protective equipment... I personally went to the place where the nobles were detained, and Jose, took the Primarch's bodyguards, to the Dead Forest Nest area, but the nobles there were all controlled, and they were not allowed to touch their personal belongings. I stripped them all and threw them in a single room."

Wang Ming looked at Jose in front of him, thought for a while, and then gave him an order. He just assured the entire Vigilante that Chaos will mess up in the next second. Is Tzeentch playing with him?

"Yes, Lord Primarch, I will do it right away."

Jose looked at Wang Ming who was a little angry, and quickly replied to him, and then immediately went to the barracks of the Primarch's Guards, ready to carry out the mission of the Primarch.


Wang Ming looked at the data board in his hand and sighed, then walked out of the palace and went to the building where the nobles were imprisoned. He was too indulgent with those nobles before, but he just didn’t allow them to go out and gain power, but he didn’t stop them from enjoying it. Now it seems that this is all Wang Ming’s fault.

"These damn insects!"

Wang Ming went to the airport, boarded a Thunder Eagle, and went to the place where the nobles were detained. Wang Ming was cursing all the way, which made the pilot very nervous. What made Lord Primarch so angry?

"Lord Primarch, we have arrived."

After a short flight, Wang Ming arrived at the destination, and the pilot carefully informed Wang Ming.


Wang Ming nodded to the pilot, and then walked off the Thunder Eagle, but the pilot noticed that the weapons in the original body hall were actually placed on top of the Thunder Eagle, which seemed to be done on purpose by the Primarch.

"How are you doing now?"

Wang Ming walked to the entrance of the building, and there were already several traversers guarding the entrance of the building. They were all urgently transferred from the battlefield. Now Hyperia's traversers are already very tight. Due to the need to fight across the planet and prevent Abaddon from teleporting and stealing ships, there are now more than 1 traversers on the planet and the fleet, and a regiment has been sent to Omispyron. This makes Wang Ming want to conscript again.

"Boss, the leader has already entered and is still fighting. There should be a big monster inside. The leader asked us to guard around the building to prevent that thing from escaping."

A traverser saw Wang Ming, and immediately replied to him that Li Xin, the head of the sixth regiment, had ended up on his own due to lack of manpower. After Wang Ming got the news, he really began to think about whether he should conscript again.

Brothers, you can put the characters you created in the comment area, and I will use the settings of the brothers to write a few company commanders. (^_^)

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