Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 333 Arriving at the beginning of Peppler's cleanup

In Peppler, on the square in front of the Governor's Mansion, a rectangular aircraft landed slowly. On the square, the soldiers and the believers of the state religion looked at the aircraft very seriously, for fear that they would miss any moment. .

In front of the aircraft, the planetary governor, the planetary general, and the bishop all respectfully waited for the opening of the aircraft. The bishop even recited the "Emperor's Words" for a moment. He was extremely nervous because he solved the Primarch he saw. , Extreme religious fanaticism made this 400-year-old man very excited.

The planetary governor and planetary general looked at the aircraft worriedly. They were worried that the Primarch would reprimand them severely after the appearance of the Primarch. They did not protect the world that the Emperor bestowed on them, and they did not fulfill the great trust that the Emperor gave them. .


Just when the three people were tense, the door of the aircraft was opened, and the great demigod they had imagined did not walk out of it, but a group of civilians, they walked out of the aircraft in groups, and the people came to the three people. After standing in front of them, a soldier equipped with a prosthetic body suddenly walked out of the crowd, came in front of them, and saluted them as a military salute.

"Report to the governor, report to the general, the 315th noble regiment, the last soldier, with the help of Lord Primarch, brought back all the surviving civilians in Erla City IV."

After the soldier saluted the planetary governor and the planetary general, he reported loudly to them. In fact, this was what Wang Ming meant. He wanted to use this soldier and those civilians to see what kind of person the ruler of this world is. If it is really the kind of talent he needs, he will center on this world, just like the Moers industrial world group, build a human expedition base on the dark side of the empire, and spread to most of the surrounding people around him. Above the world, let the world affected by the big rift return to the human empire.

"Let the medical team go and bring these civilians to the resettlement point. You have done a good job, and you have lived up to the nobles' orders."

The planetary governor was the first to react. He looked at the soldiers in front of him, and after thinking for a while, he immediately issued an order. He looked at the soldiers and civilians in front of him, as if he knew something.

"Yeah, great adaptability and really the kind of guy I need."

Wang Ming looked at the civilians taken away by the medical team, waved to Xu Chang beside him, and then walked towards the hatch of the aircraft. He needed to take over the world.

"I am the Lord of the No.20 First Legion of the Empire, and I am Wang Ming, the son of the Emperor."

A huge golden figure stepped out of the aircraft. He looked at the three people in front of him. He smiled and said to the three. While Wang Ming was speaking, he also controlled the golden flame to burn quietly on his body. Under Wang Ming's deliberate concealment, it doesn't have much flame effect, it looks like Wang Ming's body is glowing.

"The emperor's method is still easy to use."

Wang Ming looked at the pious expressions of the three people in front of him, and he thought that it would be very useful to learn the emperor's routine. When human beings see such a situation, they will instinctively feel a sense of affinity, and will not Fear or hostility towards this person whom they consider sacred may be the reason why the emperor liked to shine. Of course, it is also possible that the emperor's psychic power is too powerful and difficult to control.

"As expected of the emperor's son, even this one is the same."

Seeing the golden light all over Wang Ming's body, Xu Chang couldn't help but nodded. He was indeed the emperor's son, and this characteristic of shining all over his body was perfectly inherited.

"The great son of God, the son of the emperor, the holy demigod, I am the state bishop of Algro World, Jacob Kuhn, I am very honored to meet you."

The bishop knelt down on both knees, and he reverently performed the extremely humble sky eagle salute to Wang Ming, and then introduced himself to Wang Ming respectfully.

"My lord, I am Tesler Aster, the planetary governor of this world, and I am the patriarch of the Aster family. It is a great honor to meet you. This is a gift from the God Emperor."

The planetary governor also knelt on the ground. He lowered his head just like the bishop, and humbly bowed to Wang Ming.

"My lord, I am the planetary general, Delier Astor. It is a great honor to meet you. This is the honor of my life."

General Planet saluted Wang Ming like the other two. Everyone present could feel the humbleness of the three mortals after seeing the Primarch, who looked like a demigod.

"Celestine? She's here too... The war situation in this world looks really bad."

Wang Ming didn't immediately pay attention to the three of them. He looked at the figure in the sky that looked like an angel in western legends, and thought about the threat level of the situation in this world. From the outside, there was no big problem in this world. It is enough to evacuate the remaining loyal population, and then carry out unscrupulous large-scale battles. It is just that the cultists have taken over the world, which is no big problem, but now he sees the living saint, the "big devil" under the emperor's throne, It's not good news for this guy to appear here.

"Why is it like this every time I arrive..."

Wang Ming looked at Celestine, he complained helplessly in Chinese, and then looked at the three mortals kneeling on the ground again. Wang Ming still felt very good about these three people, their souls belonged to normal The human realm has not been corrupted by chaos, and the bishop of the state religion is obviously a devout believer. The bishop must have played a big role in the city's stability from the disaster created by the chaos cult until now.

Wang Ming understands very well that in this desperate era, faith is the only choice to stabilize the human empire. Although it is ignorant, it can really help mankind. It only needs some correct guidance. The state religion may be true. It can be the weapon of the human empire in the face of Chaos Faith.

"Get up, you have done very well. In the absence of communication, you have maintained your determination to fight for the empire, maintained your loyalty to the emperor, and maintained your pious beliefs. Your troops have always protected civilians. This is the empire. A good embodiment of the concept of the army, our army is used to protect human beings, and you have done a very good job."

Wang Ming looked at the three mortals in front of him, nodded to them with a smile, and then motioned for them to stand up. The planetary governor and planetary general stood up excitedly. They looked at Wang Ming excitedly. It didn't appear. On the contrary, the Primarch actually praised them. This was beyond their expectation. After his Primarch praised them, they immediately felt like they were bathed in a spring breeze. This is the praise of a demigod. ah.

However, just after the two stood up, the bishop did not stand up. As I said before, his legs and feet were not good. When he heard Wang Ming asked them to stand up, he was excited to stand up, but he was terrified. He suddenly found that he couldn't stand up, and his legs were unable to support him to do this action.

"Jacob Kuhn, pay attention to your body, the emperor's servant must have the ability to provide him with range."

Seeing the bishop's panic, Wang Ming lifted the bishop up, and after he stood still, he smiled softly and said to him.

"Yes, my lord, respect and obey the instruction."

The bishop looked at Wang Ming, and after hearing Wang Ming's words, he lowered his head in shame. He actually forgot about this matter, and asked the Primarch to remind himself that he had never thought of this in the past 400 years.

In addition to this idea in the bishop's mind, another idea appeared, which is to enshrine this piece of clothing. You must know that this piece of clothing has been touched by a holy demigod. It is definitely a holy object. To contemplate the sanctity of this relic is to know that such a small local world bishop once saw the Primarch, and even had close contact with it.

"Can you give me the command of the world? Mr. Planetary Governor."

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor. He didn't use a commanding tone, but asked the planetary governor in a questioning tone. Wang Ming liked this planetary governor very much. In his opinion, as long as the planetary governor received training , can definitely become a very good executor of the "new imperial truth".

"Yes sir, this world is yours now."

Hearing Wang Ming's question, the planetary governor quickly replied to Wang Ming, he breathed a sigh of relief, the emperor's god son came to take over his post, and he could finally continue to manage the people's livelihood, no need to study forcibly Tactics strategically manage troops too.

"Very well, thank you for trusting me, but this world will not be mine, it was given to you by the emperor, and, Tesler Aster, can I let you learn this? This is "Imperial Truth" is a book written by me and my descendants, which contains a lot of management knowledge, which should be of some use to you."

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor with a smile. He nodded towards him, then took out a thick book and handed it to the planetary governor. He also explained the content of the imperial truth to the planetary governor.

"Of course, of course, great son of God, I will learn this, in order to better serve the empire and the emperor, I will study hard."

The governor of the planet looked at the book in Wang Ming's hand. He took the book respectfully, and then knelt down on the ground again. He looked at the book in his hand. The original awe in his heart turned into fanatical religious worship. Lord Primarch He actually personally gave him a book on management. With his years of experience in the world, how could he not know what Lord Primarch wants to do.

Lord Primarch gave him management books, which means he is satisfied with him. Lord Primarch recognized his management ability. This is the recognition of him by Primarch. This is a great honor for him and his family. .

"Now, go back to your job, I will destroy those enemies of mankind for mankind!"

Hearing the planetary governor's answer, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then took Xu Chang by his side to the city wall. He hoped to see that Celestine and ask her some questions about why she appeared in this world. things, and whether she has the emperor's order for this world.

Wang Ming and Xu Chang came to the city wall. Wherever they went, the already extremely exhausted soldiers all stood up after seeing them. Now Wang Ming and Xu Chang are performing the Sky Eagle Salute, and some even The soldiers all began to recite the prayers from the Emperor's Proverbs. Along with praises and prayers, Wang Ming and Xu Chang finally arrived at the position closest to Celestine on the city wall.

"Saint Celestine."

Wang Ming and Xu Chang, they stood on the city wall and looked at Celestine in the sky. Wang Ming called out to her softly. Wang Ming's voice was not loud, but just after his words landed At that moment, Celestine in the sky suddenly turned around and flew towards Wang Ming and the two of them.

"Your Highness, you will come here, Your Majesty said you will come."

Celestine landed on the ground in front of Wang Ming. She looked at Wang Ming and bowed slightly to Wang Ming, and then said to Wang Ming.

"Um... the Emperor said I would come? Is it a prophecy?"

Wang Ming looked at Celestine suspiciously. Their plan to come to the world of Algro was already determined, and the Emperor should be able to see it, but the Emperor should not do such a thing peeping. Bar.

"It's not a prophecy. Your Majesty has been paying close attention to you, and all your majesties are paying attention to you all the time."

Celestine looked at Wang Ming, she shook her head after hearing Wang Ming's question, and then told Wang Ming the reason of the matter, the reason was that the Emperor was watching him all the time.

"Eh..., although I'm surprised, this is indeed a job that Nils can do. How can the Emperor's personality be so good?"

Wang Ming looked at Celestine, and he sighed helplessly. Sure enough, among the personality of Emperor Nils, only he was the most humane.

Regarding being monitored by the Emperor, Wang Ming has no objection, and even has some support. After all, his current state is already a thorn in the eye of the evil god, and he is watched by the evil god all the time. If there is no protection of the emperor, what will happen? It is unimaginable that Wang Ming was influenced by Tzeentch before, and he still remembers it vividly. In this desperate universe, the threat of evil gods really exists.

"Come on, Celestine, have you been ordered to protect the world or something else? Has the Emperor let you speak?"

Wang Ming thought for a while, and then asked Celestine if the Emperor had any instructions, so that he could better formulate a war plan.

"No, Your Highness, His Majesty just asked me to protect this world and wait for your arrival."

Celestine shook her head towards Wang Ming, and then answered Wang Ming's question.

"Okay... that's fine, Colonel Radulovich, let me know that the war has begun, and the cleanup of this world begins with the tens of thousands of cultists who besieged this city."

Wang Ming nodded to Celestine, he raised the personal terminal in his hand, and issued an order to the troops of the Sun Fortress.

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