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Chapter 334 The Weak Heretic

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

On the positions of the cultists outside Delil, a large amount of artillery fire covered and exploded, mushroom clouds exploded on the ground one by one, and the stumps and broken arms of the cultists flew all over the sky. The blood-red blood fog has become a battlefield The main color above, every time the smoke from the shells dissipated, the blood-red mist would fill the entire battlefield.

That is to say, those cultists are fooled out of their minds, so they can still maintain morale on this kind of battlefield, but they are chaotic cultists after all, and their behavior patterns are also very different from ordinary people. Okay, but those followers of Slaanesh...

To put it this way, these guys even ran to the battlefield covered by artillery fire in pursuit of excitement, just to feel the extreme fear and painful stimulation of death.

In this way, every time the artillery fire was covered, they would run to the battlefield in groups excitedly, yelling and waiting for the shells to hit their heads, and when the artillery fire coverage ended, those lucky enough to survive The cultists will return to the trenches with unfinished business. While slowly reminiscing about the extreme emotions they experienced during the artillery coverage, they are looking forward to when the next artillery coverage will start.

On the battlefield, almost 80.00% of the empire's kills were provided by the Slaanesh cultists. Those guys are really not afraid of death in pursuit of excitement.

"The scope is determined, and the bomb is ready to be dropped. It's just like in those empire movies. Heretics and aliens were killed by us without any resistance, hahaha."

After the artillery cover was over, a large number of transport planes appeared in the clouds above the sky, and as a pilot's joke sounded on the communication channel, the bomber's bomb hatch door slowly opened.

Bombs fell like raindrops, and huge mushroom clouds bloomed crazily on the battlefield. With this level of firepower coverage, even demons would be exiled by them. Demons are not completely immune to physical damage. If physical damage is useless to them , then this is just insufficient firepower, just add a little more firepower.

"Okay, the bomb has been delivered, let the artillerymen continue."

After dropping the bombs, the fleet returned directly. Their appearance was only to keep the artillery supply vacant. When the artillery was replenishing, they were dispatched.

"Order from the headquarters, order from the headquarters, the artillery cover stops, the target of the strike is completed, the target of the strike is completed, the infantry attack begins, repeat, stop the artillery cover, the infantry attack begins!"

On the artillery position in the city, the communications soldier rode a Terra horse and passed a piece of information to the head of the artillery regiment. Because of the fear of the influence of the traitor, these important orders would be conveyed twice, once through the communication channel , once is a written order.

"Stop artillery fire coverage! The infantry attack will begin in 10 minutes!"

The head of the artillery regiment quickly issued an order to his boys, and all the artillery stopped roaring. Those shells that were fired last will eventually land on the battlefield after flying for a few minutes. Once these shells hit the ground, the Astartes forces could move.

In order to prevent the new traversers from making mistakes in the face of the cultists, Wang Ming specially transferred the second regiment, [-] Astartes, facing tens of millions of mortal cultists, this is not a one-off mission. It is not a war, but a unilateral massacre. The traversers of the second group will massacre these cultists to let them know the price of betraying the human empire.

At the gate of the city wall, the second regiment is ready to go, and with it are four mortal auxiliary legions, two of which are armored regiments, and the other two are preparing the experimental weapons of the first engineering company. The Experimental Legion, they will act together with the second regiment to give the traitors the punishment they deserve.

"I will go with you too. Although there are a large number of heavy armored vehicles and heavy fire support, I am also afraid of some underworld things."

Wang Ming stood by Hu Jin's side, and he brought the Primarch guards here, ready to join the battle with the second regiment. After all, it is impossible to use such a powerful combat force as the Primarch, isn't it? There may also be big monsters on the ground, such things need him to kill them quickly, otherwise they will definitely hinder the offensive.

"Um, Boss, it's true to say so, but is it a bit..."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming. He knew why Wang Ming thought this way. He just wanted to go to the battlefield to kill some big monsters and increase his combat experience. The boss of his family still felt that he was too weak and wanted to improve. But boss, haven't you thought about a question? You're not really weak. At least your melee ability has already surpassed Lorgar, right?
"Let's go boss, the city wall gate is open."

Feeling helpless and thinking that Wang Ming would never be able to grab any big monsters, Hu Jin walked towards the gate of the city wall helplessly.

After the last shell hit the ground, the human infantry unit walked out of the city. They walked out of the city, looking at the stumped limbs and broken arms on the wilderness and the blood-red blood mist filling the battlefield. Standing in a row, they held bolters and special alloy shields, like a silent high wall of steel, advancing towards the battlefield full of broken flesh and blood.

Almost every step they took would step on a large amount of broken flesh and blood, which would not affect them in any way. They were the second regiment, one of the regiments that had followed Wang Ming for the longest time. They were the emperor's mad dogs. It will make all the enemies of the emperor feel the ferocity of the human species.

"Your Highness, their ability to learn and coordinate is very strong. What this kind of battle formation needs most is coordination. It must be as uniform as an advancing city wall. This is what they have done very well."

Xuchang looked at the travelers who were advancing neatly like a city wall. He smiled and said to Wang Ming that he was very satisfied with the travelers. They were his favorite disciples, all disciples he taught.


The moment the time-travelers entered the battlefield, the Khorne cultists and Slaanesh cultists, as if they had heard some order, rushed out of the trenches collectively, shouting and rushing towards the time-travelers. , they waved various weapons in their hands, shouted the name of the Blood God and the Lord of Joy, and rushed towards the battle formation of the time travelers crazily.

The believers of Khorne are quite normal, they charged in such a large scale while shouting the name of the blood god, but the believers of Slaanesh...

There are all kinds of weird things all over their bodies, and they keep making strange noises. The traversers looked at those Slaanesh cultists with disgusting faces. Although the brothers of the second group like melee combat, But in the face of these disgusting things, they must use explosive bombs to deal with them. If they really fight with these things in close combat, they will probably be disgusted for 1 years.


Hu Jin looked at those Slaanesh cultists with disgust on his face, and then gave orders to the traversers, he would never let these things get close to him, it was really disgusting.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The traversers finally received the order. They looked at those disgusting things, and they didn't care about the Khorne cultists. They pulled the trigger frantically at the Slaanesh cultists, and a hot explosive bomb hit Those mortal cultists were instantly turned into blood mist, just like using a harvester to cut wheat. was wiped out.

"Just like the time in Frank, flesh and blood and hot weapons, but these disgusting things are more blasphemy to the truth of the empire than those barbaric Terra warlords."

Xu Chang looked at those Slaanesh cultists who turned into blood mist, he could see the smiles of those Slaanesh cultists before they died, these disgusting things were even more shocking than those barbaric technological barbarians.

"Well... the thing that these things believe in is a disgusting ****. Alas... there is no way. The enemies facing human beings in this era are no longer those aliens and human beings themselves."

Wang Ming looked at the blood mist, and said to Xu Chang, the enemies of this era are no longer those of the Great Expedition era. The enemies of this era are all extremely extreme things, and ignorant beliefs and extreme religious worship will make people The analogy has led to the abyss of destruction. The empire that advocated science and truth that the emperor once wanted has disappeared.

"Bang bang bang..."

The first round of shooting by the traversers killed most of them. The Slaanesh cultists who dared to charge, the others who were still a little conscious, and some who were afraid of death, all ran towards the trenches behind. They just want to enjoy the stimulation, and they don't want to die so soon. Although the fear of death and sensory stimulation make them extremely excited, they still want to live to experience other stimulations.

"Okay, they have collapsed. Although they are all a group of lunatics, there are still many guys who know the fear of death."

Wang Ming looked at the fleeing Slaanesh cultists, said to Hu Jin beside him, and then waved to the Primarch Guards, Wang Lei led the Primarch Guards to the Khorne cultists knowingly, The cavalry-type terminators are like a silent high wall, killing the Khorne cultists. Bombs, lasers and various weapons are constantly used by the traversers, and the mortal cultists are transformed under the attacks of various weapons. For the sake of steam, blood mist bloomed on the battlefield, and fragments of corpses kept flying in the air, but those cultists were not afraid at all.

They are believers of Khorne. Cowardly and incompetent guys will never be watched by the blood god. They will not be afraid of anyone, so the brave blood god will definitely protect it, for the blood god, for the glory, for the gods .

The belief in the gods has completely made them lose their minds. They are constantly charging towards the traversers. Various weapons continue to roar, and the ammunition of the automatic guns keeps hitting the traversers. The ceramic steel armor keeps blocking The ammunition of the automatic gun, the ammunition of the automatic gun of various calibers kept hitting the armor, and the ammunition kept bouncing back to the ground, and a string of blood mist exploded on the ground, which was the flesh and blood of the cultists on the ground.

The Khorne cultists launched a crazy attack, the traversers kept shooting, each of the Khorne cultists continued to explode into steam, and the fragments of their limbs continued to fly on the battlefield. The traversers looked at those crazy cultists, Explosive bombs were constantly fired at them, and human body fragments kept flying on the battlefield. The traversers didn't care about the death of these Khorne cultists at all.

For the traversers, these Khorne cultists are a group of non-humans, they have lost their human rights, they are just a group of beasts, they are a group of non-humans, no matter how many they kill, it doesn't matter, they have lost their rights. human identity.

"For the Emperor!"

The traversers of the Primarch Guard roared, they roared, and killed the Khorne cultists, they approached the Khorne cultists, and the power weapons kept killing the Khorne cultists one by one, this is A one-sided massacre, the Astartes confronting mortals, their massacre was pure massacre.

"Report! The Khorne cultists have been cleared!"

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming and reported to him. The Khorne cultists are really too honest. It is true that they are charging. Tens of thousands of cultists are constantly attacking the line of the traversers, but flesh and blood How can the body be compared with the bombs, the bombs are fired one by one, and the cultists die one by one on the battlefield. Now it looks like a slaughterhouse. The power of mortal cultists is in these superhuman Aspen In front of Tate, it was not worth mentioning at all, death was like an egg hitting a stone in front of the traversers.

Millions of cultists, under the air-to-ground attacks of the traversers and a large number of heavy weapons, there is no chance of resistance at all. No matter how strong their faith and devotion are in the face of evil gods, the traversers In front of the hot weapons, it is nothing at all, how can the flesh and blood be against the heavy weapons of the Astartes.

Although the Khorne cultists are extremely crazy, under the explosive bombs killed by the Astartes, they are a group of traitors that are not worth mentioning. The explosive bombs and laser salvos, the traversers install The high-energy laser is simply a harvester, and the lives of a large number of cultists have been harvested by it, and they don't even have the power to resist.

Those Khorne cultists who have not yet broken out of the trenches can no longer suppress the fear in their hearts as they look at the Astartes who are killing their companions crazily. Even if they believe in the Blood God, unless they have a devout belief Those city residents who were forced to become believers of the Blood God had their own ideas after seeing the time-travelers.

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