Mountains, this kind of thing is a big slope to the Tengger people. They don't think that those big slopes are mountains, although those big slopes occupy an extremely large area on the surface of the planet.

This is also a big misunderstanding of the imperial people about the Tengger people. In their world, there are some areas with names and mountains, but if you ask the Tengger people where the mountains are, they will tell you There are no mountains in your Tengri, only slopes.

This is actually a language translation problem. The meaning of Zhongshan in the Imperial High Gothic language was translated into the meaning of Poe in the local Low Gothic language of Tengger. This is a small translation problem, but because of this matter, I came here before The merchants in Tengger World also made a lot of jokes.

It all started in the sacred mountain of the Tengger people, where the only true god once landed, and Burhan Mountain. In the hollow of this mountain, a huge circular device was activated, and a group of humanoid creatures came from Walking out of the activated equipment, they looked at the surrounding environment, twisted their slender bodies and walked towards the exit of the hollow. They walked out of the hollow and looked at the vast grassland. Those humanoid creatures let out a burst of excited cheers.

"Hehehe... This world is an isolated world. Those monkeys never thought we would come here. Brothers and sisters, our feast is about to begin, and we will get more lives and souls."

Among those humanoid creatures, a guy with soaring braids looked at the grassland in front of him. He opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the world. He said to his companions, and then quickly stayed in place at a strange speed. , when it reappeared, suddenly there was a human boy in its hand.

The boy looked at that guy in horror. He didn't know what happened just now. The adults in his family had already gone to the front line. He was just grazing here on behalf of his father. Why was he suddenly caught by a monster in pitch-black armor? What?

"Hahaha, look, this is the child of those monkeys, hahaha, what a lively life, I seem to have smelled the vitality in the soul."

That guy grabbed the struggling boy and showed his companions his first spoils after coming into this world. Their companions looked at the boy in his hands with undisguised greed and excitement in their eyes. All of Moro's greed and desires will not be hidden by them. Only by using other people's souls and sufferings can he avoid being "hungry and thirsty" to get his own soul.

"Just take it as the beginning of our plunder in this world, hahaha..."

The guy laughed and threw the struggling boy to his companions. There was no doubt that the child would die slowly in the pain of being tortured by them.

After its companions caught the boy, they began to pass the boy in their hands. Looking at the boy who kept screaming because of fear, they smiled happily, as if this was the most fun game in the world, and they enjoyed it. The fear of the boy, the enjoyment of the boy's pain.

After they had had enough, the real enjoyment began. The boy's screams rang through the grassland, but this location was too remote, and no one heard his screams at all. He could only be tortured by those monsters, An extremely painful death.

"It is being docked into the planet's orbit. The troops have been prepared. The airborne landing will begin immediately after the docking into the orbit is completed."

After three days of voyage, the fleet of the traversers finally arrived at the Tengger world. When they first entered this galaxy, they discovered something. The world seemed to have fallen into a state of silence. The fleet received it, but the war observed from the orbit of the planet indicates that there are still humans in the entire world, and a planetary-level war is still going on.

"What's the situation, I can't receive any communication, what happened in this world?"

Wang Xiaofa stood in the airdrop deck. He frowned and asked Wang Ming while holding the data board. They used communications in various frequency bands, but after entering this world, everything came to nothing. Even the astrology communication came to nothing. According to the astropaths, Their star communication is blocked by psychic spells. It's strange, what psychic spells can block psychic powers?This requires very high skills and level of psionic energy users.

"Unclear, the planetary scan is being performed, we need to wait for the scan results, but the best detection is to see it with our own eyes, we need to go to the surface of the planet."

Wang Ming replied helplessly to Wang Xiaofa. He looked at the cargo airdrop cabin in front of him, handed the data board in his hand to the servo skull beside him, and then walked towards the cargo airdrop cabin.

"Well, indeed."

Wang Xiaofa looked at Wang Ming's back, nodded in agreement, and then walked to the airdrop cabin. Rather than waiting for the results of the planetary scan, it would be more suitable for the travelers to fight by directly landing on the surface of the planet to see what happened. style.

"In this way, this is the capital of this world, the Tiankehan Tent. According to legend, this is what the Tengger people called the emperor in the era of the Great Expedition. Over time, it became the name of the capital. Um..., this is very relevant. style of the world."

On the cargo airdrop, Wang Ming held a miniature holographic projection sand table, and told his Primarch Guard and the traversers of other regiments in the airdrop cabin some information about this world. This world was recovered during the Great Crusade In this world, when the emperor came to this world, the superstitious Tengger people believed that the emperor was the only true god, and they joined the empire without any resistance. During these ten thousand years, for the emperor The belief has become the local traditional culture.

"Tian Khan, the only true god. These are the local people's names for the Emperor. At that time, we only need to say that we are the "Batulu" of Tian Khan. They know this."

Wang Ming looked at the traversers around him and the white scars who were airborne together, and told them some things that need to be paid attention to when they come into contact with local civilians.

When Wang Ming said this, the expressions of the White Scars and the company commander of the No.13 regiment, Briged, became strange. They are too familiar with the state of this world. This is their happy hometown, the prairie. , Great Khan, all kinds of traditional culture, this is the place they are most familiar with.

"Khan, we can serve as contacts with local civilians."

Xia An, who had white scars, looked at Wang Ming and took the initiative to take over the task of contacting local civilians. Brigede also nodded to Wang Ming, indicating that he could also contact the civilians.

"Well, I'll leave it to you. I'll stop by to meet the planetary governor and ask what's going on in this world."

Wang Ming looked at them, nodded towards them, then put away the holographic projector, and then sat back to his seat.

Needless to say, there is no need to explain the process of orbital airdrop. The big iron block passed through the atmosphere and smashed into the planet's atmosphere. The landing location of the traversers was the capital of this world. The capital of Tengger is very strange. They have cities. However, there were not many residents in the city, but in the tent areas outside the city. However, during the war, all the men went to the battlefield, and there were only the elderly, women and children in the city. The Great Khan set an example and was in the big tent. "Imperial people..., the salvation of the only true God, the "Batulu" of the only true God! Hahaha!"

The Great Khan looked at the airdrop pod slowly falling in the sky. He opened his arms and laughed towards the airdrop pod in the sky. The soldiers around him also began to pray. They prayed for the salvation of the people in the sky, looking forward to Those of the Sky can slay the monsters that ravage their kin.

The airdrop pod landed slowly. When the door of the airdrop pod opened, teams of traversers rushed out of the pod quickly. They looked at the surrounding environment and rushed to the position where they could best control the field. The civilians around Looking at the giants running in front of them, they knelt on the ground and prayed to the traversers. In their view, these giants are gods, Khans, and the only true god "Batulu" is their salvation. By.

"Where is your Great Khan?"

Wang Ming walked out of the airdrop cabin. He looked at the civilians and soldiers around him, and asked them where the planetary governor was. He needed to see the planetary governor to understand the situation in this world.

"I am here, the great "Batulu", the only true God bless you, you are really here."

The Great Khan looked at Wang Ming who came out of the airdrop cabin, and immediately ran up to Wang Ming. He knelt down on both knees respectfully, saluted Wang Ming, and then showed his identity to Wang Ming.

The surrounding civilians and soldiers looked at the Great Khan in amazement. They did not expect that their own Great Khan would also need to kneel down to salute. When facing these "Batulu",

"Are you the planetary governor of this world?"

Wang Ming looked at the man in front of him. The observation ability of the Primarchs around him allowed him to see something on the man, some traces of artificial implants. This man has definitely undergone body modification, and the degree of modification is not low.

"Yes, the great "Batulu", I am the planetary governor of the Tengger world, Bart Drog."

The planetary governor nodded to Wang Ming, and then said his name. The planetary governor knew the speaking style of the imperial people. As a Tengger noble who had been educated by the imperial nobles, he knew very well how to deal with the emperor's angels. .

"Bart Zoorg, report the situation in this world."

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor and asked about the situation of this world.

"The great "Batulu", aliens have appeared on this world, they are twisted spirit races, they appeared three days ago, and after they appeared, they have been capturing the people of the empire, as well as those heretics, they also Catch the cultists, these damned aliens!"

As he spoke, Bart Zoorg became angry. At this moment of despair, these aliens who took advantage of the fire made him very angry. Those cultists were taken away when they were taken away, but as the Great Khan, he These alien hands could not protect his own people, which made him extremely angry and painful.

"Dark Eldar..., what the hell, I know..."

Wang Ming listened to the description of the Planetary Governor, and he knew what the great enemy of this world was. It was the fallen Eldar, one of the disgusting things in the universe, the Dark Eldar.

"Let the Aerospace Forces take off for air support, do not stop orbital reconnaissance, and large forces are airborne throughout the world. In all battles, protecting the safety of the people is the first priority."

After thinking for a nanosecond, Wang Ming activated his personal terminal and issued an order to the troops. To deal with the Dark Eldar, he must work hard and let them die on the planet.

Moreover, looking at the situation on this planet, they did not come to this world through ships, so there should be a webway gate on this world that can use it normally, which may lead to Comoros, or other Locally, this is an absolutely destabilizing factor that must be brought under control.

"Tell us all the settlements, and tell us where the front lines are."

Wang Ming looked at Bart Zoerg and said to him, Bart Zoerg listened to Wang Ming's order, quickly took out a data board, adjusted it, and placed it in front of Wang Ming. It is a map of the settlement layout in this world.

Wang Ming took the data board, nodded to Bart Zoerg, and then took his Primarch Guard and traversers to the front line marked on the data board, and the task of contacting the local government for a long time fell behind. In the hands of White Scar and Briged, they looked at Bart Drog, went to his tent with him, and discussed all the conditions of this world after the Great Rift.

The front line, a small settlement, where women and children are hiding in houses, and soldiers are running in the streets and alleys. The so-called front line in the current Tengger world is actually the place where the Dark Eldar are hustling, and the cultists have already It's not the main threat anymore, they are all tortured by the Dark Eldar and can't take care of themselves, how can they still have the ability to fight the empire.

Now the only ones who have the ability are the Slaanesh cultists. They became more excited after the appearance of the Dark Eldar. They risked being killed every day. Thousands of people chased the Dark Eldar. They thought it would be very Exciting, although they have died thousands of people in the past few days, and there are only more than 100 people left, but they still haven't given up chasing the Dark Eldar.

Just like the human beings captured by the Dark Eldar, the Dark Eldar captured by the Slaanesh Cultists, as long as they fall into their hands, they will definitely live in pain. The Slaanesh Cultists will not kill these Dark Eldar, they will slowly torture them.

After talking about the current situation, let's turn our perspective back to the settlement. The soldiers were running in a panic. They held bolt-action rifles, and under the command of the commander, they marched towards the grassland outside the settlement. On the grassland , a large number of Dark Eldar are laughing and riding anti-gravity motorcycles towards the settlement, they will enjoy the feast.

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