Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 343 Tengger's Longevity

"Blessed by the only true god, in the name of Longevity Tengger..."

A soldier was riding a horse running on the grassland. He looked at the improvised soldiers around him. A large number of cavalry were moving around him. Among them were old people and children aged fourteen and a half, in Tenge. There are almost no people here who can't ride a horse. This is their tradition. If a child cannot ride a horse before the age of ten, he will be considered to be an unintelligent child.

These people held bolt-action rifles and charged towards the aliens on the grassland in front. They had no choice. Behind them was their home, and behind them were their relatives. The carrying capacity of the horses was limited, even if they used all the horses. , they must buy enough time for the evacuation of their loved ones.

"Hahaha, look at the monkey army, hahaha! Give me those little monkeys, and share the rest with you!"

The leader of the Dark Eldar said to his companions, and then rushed towards the children in the cavalry team. It likes monkey children. Their vitality is very strong and allows it to play for a long time.

The other Dark Eldars looked at that guy, and they didn't oppose it. For this group, strength is the foundation. This guy is very powerful so he can lead them, and he must listen to what he says.

How could the horses outrun the anti-gravity motorcycles? Anti-gravity motorcycles ran past the cavalry. In an instant, the horses fell to the ground wailing. These loyal human comrades fell to the ground wailing, and their stomachs were cut open and their internal organs were removed from their stomachs. After rowing out, the cavalry also fell to the ground. Despite this, they still grabbed their rifles. The firing sound of bolt-action rifles sounded on the grassland. No one knew whether they could hit the aliens, but they continued Shooting forward.


The Dark Eldar looked at the humans who kept shooting, they laughed, and even some Dark Eldar stood in front of the cavalry's guns, and took the initiative to meet the cavalry's shooting, those backward bolt-action rifles completely Unable to penetrate the armor of the Dark Eldar, the Dark Eldar laughed arrogantly and slapped the cavalry's rifles away. They picked up the necks of the cavalry and led them to their companions.

The humans in the settlement can't run, their horses can't outrun their anti-gravity motorcycles, and now they need to enjoy an appetizer.


At this moment, a bomb suddenly hit the head of a Dark Eldar, and its upper body instantly turned into fragments flying all over the sky. The reaction of the Dark Eldar was also very fast. They looked like they were killed The companions immediately dispersed, they rode on their own motorcycles, and quickly headed towards the place where the gunshots came from.

These guys have been used to killing humans in the past few days. Although some of their companions were killed by humans, most of the time they were killing humans, so they didn't think about the original reason when they were attacked. Instead of fighting on the ground, they thought about rushing directly to catch the humans who dared to attack them, and then slowly tortured to death.

"What are they doing? They rushed over directly. What the hell is this?"

In a residential area not far away, Wang Lei held a sniper-type bolter transformed by the First Engineer Company and aimed at the Dark Eldar in front. He looked at the Dark Eldar rushing towards him , turned to look at Wang Ming beside him, and asked him suspiciously why these aliens rushed over directly, this kind of tactic is completely death.

"Uh..., Lei, you can't think of the Dark Eldar like normal creatures. According to the Eldar prophets on our ship, these guys are just a group of lunatics who are willing to degenerate."

Wang Ming looked at Wang Lei, and he smiled and replied to him. Wang Ming also drew out his own bolt pistol. For human beings, only dead aliens are good aliens.

"Fire freely and kill these guys."

Wang Ming gave the order to fire to the surrounding traversers, and then killed a Dark Eldar with one accurate shot. As Wang Ming's order was issued, all the weapons of the traversers opened fire. The Dark Eldar looked at With the bombs, plasma, lasers, and melt rays fired at them, they finally understood one thing. The humans they wanted to catch seemed a bit strange.

But they didn't have a chance to figure it out. The firepower of the traversers directly turned these Dark Eldars into steam and minced meat. These Dark Eldars knew the real firepower of the human empire for the first time, but they had no chance. I told my companion.

"Alien miscellaneous."

Wang Lei walked on top of the corpses of the Dark Spirit Tribe. He spat on the corpse of the Dark Spirit Tribe, and then stepped on it a few times. He was very disgusted with the Dark Spirit Tribe travelers. , they knew what these aliens were, a bunch of damned alien pirates who survived under the watchful eye of Slaanesh by sacrificing the souls and lives of others.

"All right, all right, go see those kids."

Wang Ming looked at the angry Wang Lei. He patted Wang Lei on the head, and then walked towards the humans abandoned by the Dark Eldar.

Those human beings also saw the time traveler and Wang Ming, they looked at the giant slowly approaching them in front of them, they knelt on the ground and wept with joy, they praised the only true god, they knew Astartes, and they worshiped the only true god There are statues of Astartes in the temple, and they know that these giants in front of them are the only true god "Batulu", the warriors of the only true god.

"Boys, you are brave."

Wang Ming walked up to those mortals. He glanced at them, and found that many soldiers were half-grown children, and only a small number of middle-aged and elderly people. These should be all the available soldiers in this settlement. .

Surprisingly, these mortals did not listen to Wang Ming's words and stood up from the ground. They all looked at Wang Ming in confusion and knelt on the ground motionless.

"What's the situation, the psionic spell of the Dark Eldar?"

Looking at the strange situation in front of him, Wang Ming asked Shen Jian in the Primarch Guard suspiciously. He believed that the ignorance of these mortals was caused by the dark spirit clan's psionic spells.

"Boss, let's just ask if there is a possibility that they don't understand Gothic."

Shen Jian looked at Wang Ming, and he replied to Wang Ming with a speechless face, did he, the boss, become dazed? This is true even for the Eldar. In theory, the use of psionic energy by the Eldar is more dangerous than that of humans. Their souls shine brightly in the subspace.

"Uh, cough question."

Wang Ming coughed in embarrassment, and then took out a translator. This is a translator with low artificial intelligence. It can analyze the language and composition rules of the language by speaking, and through these it can translate most languages. .

"Speak, talk..." Holding the translator, Wang Ming kept gesticulating to the mortals in front of him. Seeing Wang Ming like this, the traversers all felt a sense of intimacy. Only Shen Jian supported himself. His forehead was silent and speechless.

"Boss, I can use psionic energy to communicate with them..."

Shen Jian looked at Wang Ming, and he said this abruptly. When Wang Ming heard Shen Jian's words, he immediately turned to look at Shen Jian.

"Didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wang Ming looked at Shen Jian angrily and said to him, Shen Jian really didn't say anything earlier, which made him make gestures for so long.

"Boss, psychic transmission is a bit risky. If it is not properly controlled, it will be a disaster for the mortal brain. Besides, you didn't ask, boss."

Shen Jian looked at Wang Ming, and he said helplessly to Wang Ming that the use of spiritual energy must be cautious, besides, Wang Ming didn't ask him.

Wang Ming looked at Shen Jian speechlessly, then turned around and continued to gesture to the mortals. After spending some time, Wang Ming finally got the Low Gothic translation of this world.

In the previous worlds, Wang Ming was already used to Gothic language. When he came to this world this time, he came into contact with these low-gothic languages ​​with local style. same language.

"Praise the only true God, Lord "Baturu", thank you for saving us."

With a translator, Wang Ming was finally able to communicate normally with these mortals. After these mortals saw that Wang Ming could communicate with them, they quickly began to thank Wang Ming and the travelers.

"How is the situation in your settlement? How many people in the frontline area have not been evacuated?"

Wang Ming looked at the mortals in front of him, nodded slightly to them, and then asked about the situation in the frontline area. The information obtained by the Great Khan must be inaccurate. Now the dark spirits are everywhere, and the situation in the frontline area is changing rapidly. , Human beings are taken away by the Dark Eldar all the time, and troops are annihilated by the Dark Eldar all the time. These are news that are not easy to get in Tengger, a barren world that lacks communication capabilities.

"Sir, we don't know much about these things. The messengers from each tribe stopped visiting the tribe the day before yesterday. The situation in other places should not be much better than ours."

Among the mortals, an older man stood up and answered Wang Ming's question respectfully. They were not too clear about the situation in other residential areas. The messenger in charge of communications did not appear in various residential areas to exchange information the day before yesterday. Well, I think the situation in various residential areas is probably not very good.

"Oh, we..."

Hearing the words of ordinary people, Wang Ming heaved a long sigh. Just as he was about to give the order to go to the next settlement, a roar in the sky suddenly interrupted Wang Ming's words, and everyone raised their heads. , I saw a fleet of various planes in the sky flying towards the front. The shock of the fleet of thousands of fighters flying overhead is indescribable, although it is not as shocking as it is in space. The fleet's power to destroy everything, but it has a different kind of shock.

A fleet of thousands of various fighter planes is enough to make anyone feel insignificant. Wang Ming looked at the fleet and smiled. He recognized the models of these aircraft. They were his naval aviation forces.

"The HNA troops have arrived, and it is estimated that the follow-up troops will arrive quickly. They will be separated on the front line, in groups of ten, to protect the surrounding settlements, and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive."

Wang Ming looked at those fleets, and he gave orders to the traversers of the Primarch Guard. Wang Lei looked at Wang Ming, thinking that Wang Ming didn't really need their protection, and then quickly took the traversers to various residents. point.

After the traversers left, Wang Ming also sent those civilians back to the settlement. Seeing them embrace and cry with their relatives, Wang Ming also thought of his relatives on Earth. Unfortunately, they will never go back .

"Boys, dig the trenches. Here are the automatic guns and body armor. Get these."

In the settlement, Wang Ming was leading the children and soldiers to dig trenches. Wang Ming also gave them some equipment to give them at least some combat effectiveness. Wang Ming was digging trenches in front with a huge engineer shovel. , the mortals took some shovels and kept cleaning the surrounding floating soil.

In some matters, Wang Ming is completely an industrial machine. Soon a standard trench was dug out. Wang Ming also took out some heavy weapons and deployed them on the position. He carefully taught the soldiers how to use them. Weapons, the learning ability of these children and soldiers is also fast, they quickly learned to use automatic guns and heavy weapons.

To be honest, the operation of firearms is actually not difficult. The operation of weapons is actually as simple as possible. Just like a movie said, the power of a gun is the same for children and adults. kill people.

"Here, study hard."

Wang Ming looked at the soldiers in the trenches. He took out some books and handed them to them. They were some quick books on tactics and strategy. He could only help them so far, and they had to rely on them for the rest. Own.

"Thank you, great "Baturu", for your gift."

The soldiers looked at Wang Ming, knelt down and thanked him reverently. This is also a normal state in the wild world. The residents there are generally superstitious and pay great attention to some traditional cultures.

Wang Ming stayed in the trenches with a group of mortals. The mortals lit a fire, and the women and children in the settlement also took out their own large animals. The flames grilled the raw meat. Geli's ballad, it is a ballad that describes the praise of Tian Khan and Changshengtian. In addition to the only true god, Tengger people also believe in a natural spirit, that is, the benevolent Changshengtian, who is the benevolent God of Tengger The protector, he is not a god, he is the Tengger world itself, he protects the victorious Khan, and he protects the herds of the herdsmen to prosper.

Wang Ming felt a sense of intimacy when he heard this, as if he could feel that the Tengger people's longevity was beside him, and the benevolent spirit of nature was protecting the human beings in this world.

"Is this a subspace thing?"

Just when Wang Ming felt the Changshengtian, the subspace PTSD in his heart appeared again, and he began to wonder whether this Changshengtian was a subspace thing.

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