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Chapter 37 The Battle of Macragge is Over

Chapter 37 The Battle of Macragge is Over
The battle of Macragge has basically ended, the city has been recovered, the traitors of Chaos have been surrendered, and under the first ray of sunlight in the morning, Macragge's war has won.

Under the blue sky, Guilliman, Wang Ming, and Fulgrim, the three Primarchs in Hera Fortress, stood on the high platform and looked at the Ultramarines and traversers on the square below.

The war was over, at least that of Macragge, but the war among the stars was never over, and never will be.

"The scene at this moment reminds me of the Second Empire..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Ming couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The same is the three Primarchs, and the same is the most dangerous time for the empire. This situation is all reminiscent of the Second Empire thousands of years ago.

Guilliman actually felt this way too, this inexplicable sense of familiarity was the same as the three Primarchs above Macragge ten thousand years ago.

However, the secret of the Second Empire has been hidden in the deepest part of his heart, and all the history about the unremembered empire has been destroyed tens of thousands of years ago.

However, he also felt some sadness. He was the only one left among the brothers who were here ten thousand years ago.

"This is that army, a company of Ultramarines from the era of the Great Crusade." Wang Ming patted Guilliman on the shoulder, and pointed to a hundred-man Astartes phalanx on the square.

Guilliman looked at where Wang Ming was pointing, and he saw the Astartes, which was different from other Ultramarines.

They are wearing the MK2 "Expedition" power armor from the Great Crusade period, except for the blue paint that is incompatible with other Ultramarines.

"They have been collected by Traasin the Infinity of the Necrons for thousands of years, and their memory is still in the era of the Great Expedition."

Guilliman looked at the familiar Power Armor, which was his genetic offspring ten thousand years ago.

Guilliman felt that the Gene-Childs of the Great Crusade had something they didn't have compared to the Gene-Childs of this era.

The gene descendants of Guilliman in this era have not seen the bright scene of the Great Crusade period. They were born in this age full of darkness and have not seen real hope and light.

"I will use them as a basis to let my gene offspring see the true light." Guilliman looked at the gene offspring of the Great Crusade era, and his mood, which had been depressed for a long time, revived.

During this period of time, he learned as much as possible about this era. The darkness and decline of this era made him heartbroken. The great vision set by his father for mankind no longer exists.

Darkness and barbarism, as well as blind and ignorant religious worship, filled this era.

The Ultramarine unit of the Great Expedition era that appeared now showed him the hope of changing this era.

Guilliman will build on their spirit in the era of the Great Crusade, and re-enable the empire to have the spirit that this era did not have, the enterprising heart for the stars in the galaxy.

The war in Macragge ended, and the reconstruction of Macragge began to proceed in an orderly manner. The traversers and the Ultramarines were rebuilding various places in Macragge.

"Boss, what's our next step? Are we going to Terra with Lord Thirteen?" In the temporary camp of the traversers, Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin (the leader of the second regiment) and the company commanders of the traverser legion and Wang Ming Next steps are being discussed.

"Of course we will, but the main problem now is to solve the upcoming Nurgle Plague." Wang Ming told everyone that the Nurgle Plague in a few months will be very troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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