Chapter 38 Demon Primarch
A few days after the end of the battle for Macragge, in Hera Fortress, three Primarchs planned their follow-up.

Macragge needs to be rebuilt, the people of the Empire need to be appeased, and the onslaught of Chaos in the world around Macragge is not over, it all needs to be resolved.

It was then that a mortal Archon proposed to Guilliman that a victory parade be held in Macragge and that word of the Primarch's return spread throughout the Imperium.

Guilliman considered the propaganda significance, so he agreed.

"Sure enough, it did appear." Wang Ming looked at the flattering mortal consul in front of him and thought, the plot was still as written in the book.

This mortal consul who believed in the evil god of chaos really proposed to Guilliman.

Wang Ming patted the shoulder of the mortal consul in front of him, and the huge force of the Primarch pressed on the shoulder of the mortal consul, causing his entire upper body to fall straight down.

This is the effect of Wang Ming's strength, otherwise this mortal consul would have been shot to death long ago, even if he had the blessing of the evil god of chaos.

"A good proposal. The victory parade can stabilize people's hearts at this time, and its propaganda significance is also great. After all, in this era of belief in the emperor, there is nothing more inspiring than the return of the emperor's son of god."

Wang Ming held down the mortal consul, with a bright smile on his face, affirming the mortal consul's proposal.

The mortal consul resisted the pressure on his upper body, raised his head and looked at Wang Ming with a forced smile.

"However, this proposal was actually proposed by the traitors of Chaos." Wang Ming suddenly changed his style, and the strength in his hands increased a bit, crushing the bones of the mortal consul's upper body, and directly pressed the mortal consul to the ground .

At this time, the gray knight master teacher who had been hidden for a long time also came out from the shadows. The moment his blessed armor touched the body of the mortal consul, the mortal consul exposed his body corrupted by chaos.

His body distorted by the evil power of chaos was displayed in front of everyone.

Looking at the distorted mortal consul in front of him, Guilliman picked up the Emperor's Sword and was about to slay him, but at this moment, an extremely familiar voice suddenly came from the amulet on the monster.

"Finally we meet again, we haven't seen each other for ten thousand years, my dear brother Robert Guilliman."

This lazy voice Guilliman will never forget, the owner of this voice is the culprit who seriously injured him ten thousand years ago and made him sleep for ten thousand years, that is Fulgrim who has become the devil prince.

Fulgrim also heard the same voice, and he looked angrily at the twisted monster in front of him.

The "flaming blade" was drawn, and Fulgrim walked towards the monster.

"Oh, isn't this me? Is this the work of Fabius?" The demon Fulgrim saw Fulgrim walking towards the twisted consul, and immediately recognized the clone.

"I'm not you, you evil traitor!" Fulgrim said angrily to the Primarch.

"That's true, after all, you are just a clone of me." The demon Fulgrim said indifferently, and the demon primarch didn't care about it.

"But in a sense we are the same, don't be in this disgusting human empire, and enjoy endless pleasure with me." The demon primarch bewitched Fulgrim.

"I will kill you to atone for what you have done to the Imperium of Man!" Fulgrim said to the Primarch, determined to atone for himself with the traitor's death.

The cloned Fulgrim has all of the Primarch's memories, though he doesn't do what the Primarch did.

These memories made him feel extremely guilty for the Human Empire and his father, and he vowed to use the death of the Demon Primarch to prove his loyalty.

"Cough cough cough..." At this tense moment, Wang Ming coughed a few times and diverted everyone's attention to him.

"Who are you?" The Demon Primarch did not recognize the sudden appearance of the Primarch.

Wang Ming didn't answer the demon primarch, he directly raised the golden giant sword and rushed to the side of the twisted monster.

A single blow cut it in two, ending Fulgrim's bewitching voice.

The voice of the Demon Primarch was really too loud, the voice full of bewitchment and endless joy made Wang Ming feel a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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