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Chapter 388 Dramatic battle, the captured undead overlord

Jealousy is an emotion that will always exist in intelligent creatures. Necrons, as former intelligent creatures, also have this emotion. The massacre of human beings by the undead overlords in this world is fundamentally jealous of the long lifespan of human beings.

It is jealous that humans have gained such a long life without paying any price, but it does not know that after the lifespan of Federation humans, there are the bones of countless humans. Nothing is obtained for free. The genetic enhancement technology of Federation humans, It was built on the bodies of countless humans. The craziest people in the Federation era were those scientists. All the genetic enhancement technologies that were used on Federation humans were exchanged for the bodies of countless humans.

It can be said that federal scientists are a group of lunatics who regard human life as nothing, but all their scientific achievements have been truly applied to the human species. Genetic enhancement technology has given humans the ability to colonize any world. This is an indispensable ability for human beings to embrace the stars, even if there are many bones behind this technology.

Back on the battlefield in the ground, Wang Ming also joined the battle. In fact, the command of this world did not require him to do everything personally. The commanders of the Federation were still very capable. They quickly adapted to commanding Asta. Special, and in one day, he summed up a set of tactics that used Astartes as the main equipment to quickly advance the front line.

After Wang Ming handed over the command to them, he went to an area on the planet, where the undead tomb is located. According to the emperor, this world has the technology Wang Ming needs, which can The technology to suppress the Great Rift. After the scouts discovered the entrance to the Undead Tomb, Wang Ming immediately went there impatiently.

The entrance to the Tomb of the Undead is in a very ordinary place. The Federation had done some inspections at the beginning, but they did not find much. After all, the Federation’s development focus is not here, and the scientists are not very concerned about the excavation of the remains of alien civilizations. Cold, they are more interested in collecting biological genes that can enhance human genes, and all kinds of weird alien civilizations.

In their view, the alien relics in this world can never compare to the technology of the Human Federation. This is another shortcoming of the Human Federation. They are too confident, and they are confident to the point of arrogance.

"There are a lot of undead here."

On a mountain at the entrance to the Tomb of the Undead, Wang Ming, the travelers from the Second Regiment and the First Engineer Regiment looked at the entrance to the Tomb of the Undead. On the plain at the entrance, a large number of Undead soldiers were patrolling, and there were A large number of Desolate Scorpion Destroyers are running on the ground. They are the guards guarding this undead tomb.

"Let's go straight in..."

Wang Ming looked at the undead. He had just issued an attack order when a green ray suddenly hit his head. The time travelers reacted quickly. They quickly determined the attacker's position and then moved towards him. Launched a counterattack, but their speed was still too slow, and the death mark had already run through the five-dimensional space.

"Lying trough..."

Wang Ming got up from the ground. He looked at the time-travelers around him. Why did he die again inexplicably?
"Boss, you were hit in the head by the mark of death."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming. He explained to Wang Ming what Wang Ming was killed by. The death mark was on something. How should I put it? It was simply a foul weapon. It only took one shot. No matter what it was, Anyone hit by this shot will die, and after being targeted by the death mark, you can't even hide.

"Fuck grandma, let the armored company start the attack. It's rude to come and go. We also give the undead overlord a little surprise."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin, and he said fiercely to Hu Jin, these damn undead souls really have no sense of honor. They actually came to sneak attack on himself, a young primarch in his 60s. They really have no martial ethics. Since In this way, Wang Ming no longer needs to talk about martial arts, he can just rush up and do it. Anyway, he can provide the armored vehicles of the armored company for free.

Now just use the armored troops to create an impact and rush in forcefully. After the time comes, let the brothers of the First Engineer Regiment demolish whatever they see. After all, there are good things in the tomb of the undead. This is One of the things that time travelers know about the undead.

The First Engineer Company also gained a lot of experience in dismantling Necron technology when they dismantled the Necromancer warships before. Putting them in the Necromancer tomb was not a joke between Xu Zheng and Wang Ming. It only took three hours. They can empty the undead tombs and even move away the coffins of the undead overlords.

"My lord, the human leader has been resolved and the location of his troops has been uploaded."

Death Mark looked at the Necromancer in front of him and reported the mission situation to it. In fact, it did not need to report to the Necromancer in person at all, but the Necromancer, as a relatively traditional Necrontyr noble, paid great attention to the sense of ritual. , face-to-face reporting is also a kind of ritual.

"Yeah, very good, as expected..."

Just when the Necromancer was habitually preparing to praise his subordinates, a death mark suddenly appeared in front of the Necromancer. It appeared very suddenly and was actively teleported to the Necromancer.

"My lord, humans have invaded."

The death mark looked at the undead overlord in front of it. It said to the undead overlord without any emotion, as if what humans broke in was not their undead tomb.

"What? Didn't you say that the human commander was beheaded?"

The undead overlord looked at the death mark in front of him and asked it doubtfully.

"Confirmation that the brain tissue of an organism has ceased activity."

Death Mark replied to the Necromancer, and then transmitted the scene to the Necromancer. "It's just a suicide attack by stragglers. It's nothing to be afraid of. Let the troops gather and capture some of these humans alive. These are good experimental materials."

The undead overlord looked at the record passed to it by the death mark. It nodded, and then issued an order to the undead troops. In its view, the time travelers who attacked its tomb were just a group of stragglers who had lost their commander. These Humanity is nothing to be afraid of. As long as its troops are dispatched, they can all be annihilated. When a human army faces all the troops in an undead tomb, the undead overlord thinks that he has the advantage in this wave.

But it didn't know that the time travelers had already entered the undead tomb. Because the First Engineer Regiment was demolishing whatever they saw, the undead overlord didn't notice the time travelers running around in the tomb at all.

The First Engineer Regiment is like a group of hard-working miners, working tirelessly to dig out those precious minerals, and those minerals are various technological equipment of the undead. They don't even let go of the walls, and even the underworld beetles are destroyed. They were collected one by one using a standing position.

And those undead structures were also forcibly captured by the time travelers using various things. Finally, 10 minutes later, the undead overlord finally felt something was wrong. It immediately teleported to the out-of-control areas in the tomb, intending to See the situation for yourself.

Just when it was teleported to a corridor, an explosive bomb suddenly hit it in the face. While it was still in a dazed state, a big hand grabbed its head and instantly killed it. It's stuffed into a static force field.

"This undead seems a little different? Forget it, let's see then."

After Wang Ming stuffed the Necromancer into the static field, he moved forward again. Although he felt that something was wrong with the appearance of the Necromancer, the battle had not stopped yet, and he had no time to care about those things, so he continued to capture it. The Necromancer structure was so good, just like that, a dramatic thing happened. Wang Ming didn't realize that he had caught the Necromancer so easily, and the Necromancer didn't expect that he just came to see the situation on the battlefield. Why were you caught like this?

After the time travelers entered the Tomb of the Undead, they were like a group of bandits entering the palace. They spared nothing. In the Tomb of the Undead, the few Death Marks who still had a certain sense of self looked at the travelers. This kind of behavior makes their entire structure numb. Although this is just a metaphor, the Death Marks still feel that these humans are not normal creatures. Who is a normal creature who would tear down whatever they see like a bandit?

The Death Marks were not without resistance. They were caught after being killed several times by the time travelers. It was not that they did not escape with the help of the five-dimensional space, but that the time travelers surrounded them desperately. They at least killed There are more than 500 time-travelers, but there seems to be no way to kill all of these humans. It is impossible for them to abandon the tomb and escape.

The time travelers spent a day dismantling almost all the things and resistance forces in the tomb of the undead. In order to transport these things, Wang Ming also specially built an atmospheric transport ship, and the things were delivered bit by bit. On the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming finally learned the identity of the undead overlord he had caught casually. He was puzzled. The undead overlords he had faced before were each more difficult to deal with. How could this happen? Was he easily caught?

This joy came too suddenly. Wang Ming directly found Leman Russ, had a good drink with him, and solved the undead overlord. The situation in this world was almost under their control. Without the command of the undead overlord, The Necromancer Dynasty is a big fool. Those Necromancers only use their own instincts to do things, and they don't have the same level of organization as before.

The undead overlord also stayed in the static force field. It was absolutely impossible for it to escape through the regeneration protocol or transfer of consciousness. The battle situation in this world was so dramatically solved by the No. 20 Army, which made Wang Mingdu There is a sense of unreality. In the previous battles, people's heads were beaten into dog heads, but this time it was solved directly. It was like a dream.

This even made Wang Ming slap himself hard with several big mouths. It wasn't until those big mouths mixed in with the big mouth of the Emperor that Wang Ming slowly stopped.

"Boss, we probably found that technology."

Just after Wang Ming stopped slapping himself, Xu Zheng suddenly contacted him. After the first engineer's search day and night, they may have finally found the technology that can counter subspace. That is a It looked like an inconspicuous black cube. They didn't notice it at first, until Edwin suddenly fell to the ground when she passed by.

After a lot of screening and experiments, and through Edwin's reaction to each necromancy device, they finally found this thing, but this was painful for Edwin. She experienced the feeling of sensory deprivation more than 50 times. All because of the truth-seeking spirit of the First Engineer Regiment.

After Wang Ming learned the news, he immediately went to the Sun Fortress. The moment he boarded the Sun Fortress, he disappeared instantly. In 5 minutes, he arrived at the location of the Scientific Research Department. This is Wang Ming's At full speed, he takes this technology too seriously.

"Can it be analyzed in reverse?"

The first time Wang Ming saw Xu Zheng, he asked him the question he was most concerned about. Can this necronomicon science fiction be reversely studied by humans to find out its principles and manufacturing methods? If this kind of thing can be produced, then Wang Ming Tomorrow we can take the fleet to seal the Great Rift.

"Uh... Boss, we are scientists, not magicians. Uh... even magicians can't do it. If you want to figure out the operating mode and manufacturing method of this thing, it can't be done overnight, just like the undead ones we got before. The technology is the same. To be honest, it took us ten years to develop the phase sword technology, and there wasn’t much research on the previous things. The generational gap in technology is not so easy to break..."

Xu Zheng looked at Wang Ming. Wang Ming could clearly hear the loneliness in Xu Zheng's tone. For a scientific research professional, it was very uncomfortable to have a large number of high-tech products in front of him but he could not understand them. a feeling of.

"Don't worry... Now that we have obtained these technologies, we will definitely be able to understand them one day. Think about our ancestors. They did not have a scientific research environment like ours. They could only rely on guessing and figuring out on their own. , they didn’t have a computer, but they used an abacus to create an atomic bomb.”

Wang Ming looked at the lonely Xu Zheng. He also understood Xu Zheng's thoughts. When Xu Zheng talked to him before, most of them were because of this issue. Although the brothers of the First Engineer Corps were all Astartes, their scientific research capabilities were also limited. It is very powerful, but it is still a bit too difficult for them to analyze a lot of things that they cannot understand. It took them ten years to analyze the previous information on the phase sword, and these things are still available in the Assassin's Court. Using human replicas and genuine copies as a reference, trying to quickly catch up with the technology of the undead is tantamount to wishful thinking.

"Boss..., the technology of the atomic bomb is not as outrageous as the technology of the Necrons..."

Xu Zheng looked at Wang Ming and knew that Wang Ming was comforting him, but he still couldn't help but complain.

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