Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 389: Discussion between the original bodies

Chapter 389: Discussion between the original bodies
"This is the hero of the Federation, the battle hero of the Nebula Battle, Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng!"

In the square in front of the federal government building, the leader of the local world government held up one of Zhou Heng's hands. His old face was full of excitement and joy. Like him, the civilians in the square were also excited. Abnormally, people held the flag of the Federation high and sang the national anthem of the Federation. They looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng. They had known since childhood that this man was a hero of the Federation. During the Nebula Battle when humans opened up the star sea, a man destroyed the world. An entire alien civilization.

The emotions of the people of the Federation were ignited. They shouted the name of Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng as a fighting hero and lamented the power of the Federation. In fact, only Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng and the leaders of this world knew that their Federation had disappeared. Now The successor of the Federation is the Human Empire, and the Federation they see now is what the time travelers deliberately let them see.

Despite this situation, the leader still did not give up hope. Wang Ming gave him a promise. He said that this world was the home world of his legion and everything could be autonomous. Wang Ming had allocated a batch of resources to them and formulated a plan. The first centenary plan.

To be honest, when the leader looked at the centenary plan formulated by Wang Ming, he still felt a little sigh in his heart. The name and layout of this plan were just like when he was in the era of Galaxy development. He originally developed Galaxy with the Construction Corps. He later officially joined the combat force after receiving a surgical quota for a genetically enhanced warrior.

Looking at the documents of the first centenary plan, he recalled the days when he followed the construction corps to open up wasteland in a desolate world. At that time, they shouted slogans and opened up the stars for the motherland. Looking back now, they will never return. ah.

The appearance of Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng stabilized people's hearts. After all, a living Federation fighting hero is more convincing than a few slogans. Humans are a race that needs hope. They can sustain themselves as Federation citizens for so long in a desperate galaxy. , also because they still believe that the Federation is still there, and the appearance of Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng now proves that the Federation is still there.

For this matter, Wang Ming organized a small military parade. He mobilized a mortal auxiliary army to act as a wave of federal troops. Anyway, local humans could not understand what they said, and besides, they could not understand what the local humans said. If you don’t understand, just use translation to solve the problem when the time comes.

People waved flowers and flags to the parade, and the mortal auxiliaries waved to the people. Before they came down, they were told the rules, that is, they were not allowed to talk about anything about the empire with the locals.

The collapse of faith is a very terrible thing. This is how humans are, and it has always been like this. The original purpose of faith is to bring individual human beings together in a stable environment. This was true in the ancient barbaric era, and it is still true today, as if It's never been the same.

Countless beliefs and ideas unite individual human beings under one banner. This is human beings, this is civilization, and human beings after the collapse of beliefs are crazy. This is why Wang Ming wants to let the time travelers and mortals The reason why the auxiliary troops act as federal troops is that once they know that the federation has been destroyed and the empire exists now, their faith will definitely collapse, and then the world will probably fight a war against the empire.

This is something Wang Ming absolutely does not want to see. These human beings have gone through a lot of hardships before they finally have hope. Now Wang Ming will never let them despair.

The "federal" troops walked through the parade ground, and people cheered for the strength of the federal troops. Many old people shed tears. The federation they had been waiting for so long finally arrived.

"This is the first century-old development plan, in which the development of heavy industry is particularly important. Although there are already a large number of heavy industries on the earthly world, these are still too few, and the defense of this world also needs to be strengthened."

In the local government building and conference hall, Wang Ming is discussing the details of the first centenary plan with local leaders and officials. Most of the plans are in accordance with Wang Ming's arrangements, except for some military details. Wang Ming can understand that people want to use the federal operating model. After all, this world has been like this for thousands of years, and it cannot just change.

Moreover, as the home world of the No. 20 First Legion, this world is also tax-free. The only thing that needs to be paid to the empire is the recruits of the No. 20 First Legion. Wang Ming is full of expectations for the recruits of this world. The humans of this world His physical fitness is much stronger than that of the Imperials in other worlds. If he becomes an Astartes, his combat effectiveness will definitely not be low.

"It's confirmed, that's it. In this way, you will prepare a group of recruits first, and the descendants of the genetically enhanced ones will be given priority."

After finalizing the first hundred-year plan, Wang Ming began to look for new recruits. He was very much looking forward to this batch of recruits.

"Approximately how many are needed? There are about 5000 million children in our world who meet the requirements."

The old man looked at Wang Ming and said to Wang Ming in a normal tone. He did not know that Wang Ming was shocked by his words.

"How many!?"

Wang Ming looked at the old man. He was shocked by his plain words, why are there so many genetic enhancers in this world?
"It's nothing, Comrade Primarch, the world on earth has had a Federation garrison since the Federation era. It was a Federation Marine Corps with 500 million people. These children are the descendants of Federation soldiers. Most of their ancestors died in the war. In the battle with the aliens, I am just lucky enough to survive until now."

The old man looked at the surprised Wang Ming. His tone was a little lonely. He recalled his comrades in the Federation era. They were all good people. They were all warriors who fought against the stars for mankind. They fought against the aliens until the last moment. Their descendants It is also because of the identity of the ancestors that it prospered and developed.


When Wang Ming heard about the number of genetic enhancers in this world, he was really shocked. With this number, if they were all transformed into Astartes... Wang Ming shuddered unconsciously when he thought of this, and then gave up the idea. , after all, Astartes needs not only physical strength, but also soul strength and willpower. It is estimated that there will not be many people selected by then.

The candidates for the recruits came out quickly. They were all selected from 5000 people after layers of selection. They walked to the transport ship of the time travelers with a big red flower that represented the local glory with a smile. They were recruited from this world. of the first batch of recruits.

Of course, these recruits need to be distributed. For these recruits, Wang Ming also fought with Leman Russ. Leman Russ also knew how good the recruits in this world were, but this was not Wang Ming and him. The main reason for the fight was that Wang Ming wanted to compete with Leman Russ.

In a wilderness, Wang Ming and Leman Russ stood facing each other. They looked at each other. They both clenched their weapons. They had to fight for this group of new recruits.

"Ruth, all the outstanding recruits from that world were given to you before. Now this batch of recruits will be given to me..." Wang Ming looked at Leman Russ in front of him and persuaded him. Wang Ming wanted to take the original The new recruits from the World of Eden came to replace this batch of new recruits. After all, really speaking, Leman Russ still owed him a favor. Although Wang Ming wanted to compete with Leman Russ, the drama still had to be sufficient.

"Wang Ming... Regarding the recruits in the Eden world, you should give me at least half of the recruits in this world, and I will give you all the recruits in the next world."

Leman Russ was holding the battle axe. He looked at Wang Ming in front of him, showing two small tiger teeth, and smiled at him and said that he was bound to win the new recruits in this world. He had already seen the fighting power of humans in this world before. , he also knows how strong the physical fitness of human beings in this world is.

"Then let's fight."

Wang Ming would never give recruits from this world to Leman Russ. After all, the best of the previous batch of recruits were given to Leman Russ. If this world gave them again, then Wang Ming would really lose money.

"I beat you..."

Leman Russ heard Wang Ming's words and just as he was about to put forward some conditions, Wang Ming interrupted him.

"If you win, I'll give you half of the recruits in the world."

Before Wang Ming could wait for Leman Russ to finish speaking, he said that if Leman Russ won, he would give half of the recruits in the world to Leman Russ.

After Leman Russ heard Wang Ming's words, he didn't say anything else. His figure disappeared instantly and he rushed directly towards Wang Ming.

"Damn..., why is this happening?"

Wang Ming looked at Leman Russ who suddenly took action. He knew that Leman Russ definitely needed new recruits in this world, but it was impossible for him to hand them over directly. The main reason for his fight with Leman Russ was not Because of the problem of new recruits, Wang Ming wanted to test his strength. He had been fighting the Primarchs in the Emperor's illusion for so long, and he still didn't know what his strength was now. It was just right, with the help of this Opportunity, let Leman Russ have a fight with him.

Leman Russ' figure instantly appeared in front of Wang Ming, and Wang Ming responded quickly. Wang Ming had experienced this situation countless times in those five years. For the archangel sister, Leman Russ Si's attack can still be parried. Wang Ming immediately used Eternal Life to block Leman Russ's giant axe. The phase force field was not activated on the blade of Eternal Life, otherwise Wang Ming could not guarantee Leman Russ's axe. Will it be cut off forever?

In the blink of an eye, Wang Ming and Leman Russ fought for hundreds of rounds. These attacks were not visible to the surrounding time travelers watching the battle. Only Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng used the motion capture device in his eyes to see the two clearly. movements, he watched the original body fight, and even he was wondering in his mind whether he could block these attacks.

The battle between the two was like two titans fighting. The earth-shaking loud noise resounded across the plains. When people in the distance heard the sound, they thought it was the federal artillery performing a show. The sounds were really terrifying.

Wang Ming fought hard with Leman Russ. He quickly parried Leman Russ's attack. He looked for every flaw in Leman Russ, just like what he had done in the past five years. Although he could not defeat Afa and Luojia in five years, defeating any other Primarch would require a huge price.

Eternal and the giant ax collided. Wang Ming instantly discovered a flaw in Leman Russ. He quickly transferred the blade of Eternal, and then slashed towards Leman Russ's neck. As a Primarch, he could stop instantly. Blade, this is why Wang Ming dared to attack Leman Russ.

But at this moment, Leman Russ suddenly laughed, and his two small tiger teeth were exposed outside his mouth. He directly grabbed Wang Ming's neck with a strange movement. Wang Ming had time to catch Leman. Russ's arm, and then he was pinned to the ground by Leman Russ.

The dust was flying, and Wang Ming was pushed to the ground by Leman Russ. With his strength, he could easily break free from Leman Russ's arm, but that was no longer necessary. He lost. If Leman Russ really wanted to kill At that moment, Wang Ming's neck had been broken by Leman Russ.

The opportunity just now was a flaw that Leman Russ deliberately sold. The emergence of this flaw is also very dangerous for Leman Russ himself. As long as Wang Ming is ruthless, his neck will be slashed forever. The slash will be forever. The blow would hit the armor on his neck, but if it was in a real battle, not this kind of sparring, then Wang Ming's Eternal Existence could cut off Leman Russ's neck like a knife cutting through butter. .

"I lost."

The two said this almost at the same time, and then they looked at each other in confusion. Wang Ming gave up because Leman Russ pushed him to the ground, and Leman Russ because he knew that Wang Ming The blow Ming just took could kill him, he was not a shameless person.


The two looked at each other, and suddenly burst out laughing under the gazes of the travelers watching the battle. Leman Russ stretched out a hand and grabbed Wang Ming's arm, and he pulled Wang Ming up. , was very satisfied with this time of fighting Leman Russ. He enjoyed the feeling of fighting with his brothers. This was the feeling he had when fighting with his brothers during the Great Crusade. In this desperate era, his brothers either Missing or falling into Chaos, he only has three remaining brothers, Wang Ming, who appeared at an unknown time, a clone of Fulgrim, and the only Guilliman he is familiar with. It feels like thoughts from another life. appeared in his mind.

"Half the recruits are yours, my brother."

Wang Ming's words made Leman Russ recover. Leman Russ looked at Wang Ming's golden eyes. He didn't see the loss after failure in Wang Ming's eyes, but a strange happiness. He smiled. Said to Leman Russ.

(End of this chapter)

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