Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 391 A world enslaved by aliens

"How's the harvest for these animals?"

In the wilderness of a world, a twisted alien looked at the humans who were like livestock in the wilderness. An alien looked at the grains grown by humans and said to the alien who was in charge of overseeing the work beside him.

"Blessed by the great gods, the productivity of these humans is really good. They probably never imagined that in ancient legends, we are the ones who fear their existence, hahaha..."

The alien overseer next to the alien looked at the humans. He laughed and said to his companions that the humans in this world once ruled this world 2 years ago, but now these humans are treated like livestock by these aliens.

As the alien laughed, its twisted limbs began to dance. On the bodies of these two aliens, the marks of the eight-pointed star of chaos were all over their bodies. It was obvious that these aliens were twisted existences that believed in the evil god of chaos. .

This alien civilization was one of the many alien civilizations that took advantage of the human federation after the Iron Man rebellion. They came here when the world was at its weakest. They defeated the dying human federal government in this world, and Claiming that this world has belonged to them since ancient times, they do not take normal logic seriously at all. Before human colonization, this world was a big ball of dirt with nothing.

A large number of human creations in this world have also been occupied by aliens. The original masters of this world, humans, have also been enslaved by these alien races. However, there are still some who resist. There are hundreds of thousands of human rebels in the entire world among the tens of billions of humans. , they continue to fight guerrilla warfare against the aliens along the planet's equator. They are led by a federal genetic enhancer soldier who is almost [-] years old. Most of the human history in the entire world is only truly clear to him.

"How's the battle with those beasts going? I heard from my king that they can be completely eliminated within a hundred years."

The alien supervisor suddenly asked his companions about the human resistance. It was actually very afraid of those humans. It heard that those humans were not afraid of death at all, and they did not believe in gods. They would attack those farms and rescue those animals. Animals, wherever they go, all their compatriots will be slaughtered by humans.

"How many years has my king been saying this? Hundreds of years after hundreds of years, which hundred years is not the same?"

The alien companions said to it, with contempt in their tone. They all had the same attitude towards this king. They only listened to him because he was chosen by his god. Really surrender... This is completely impossible. They They will only surrender to the gods they believe in.

At this moment, two lasers suddenly appeared on the heads of the two aliens. Before the two aliens had time to react, their heads were evaporated into steam.

"Kill all the aliens, and then kill those who oversaw the work. Save our companions. If they are unwilling to leave, kill those who are unwilling to leave."

After the two alien corpses fell to the ground, a group of humans wearing various styles of camouflage uniforms quickly ran to the aliens. Among them, a man wearing a tattered federal sergeant uniform was holding a laser gun. He looked at The alien corpse on the ground, while searching for weapons and ammunition on the alien body, said to his companions.

His companions looked at the man. They didn't say anything. After nodding at the man, they rushed towards the human slaves in the wilderness.

As they appeared next to those humans, those humans did not feel the joy of being saved. Their eyes were full of despair. They had been enslaved by aliens for too long, and they were also afraid of these humans who resisted aliens.

The human overseers among the slaves immediately launched an attack on those humans. However, the automatic guns used by these aliens were okay to shoot at ordinary humans, but against humans wearing federal body armor, these things were as powerful as water. Same as shotgun.

The light of the laser flashed, and more than 100 human overseers were instantly killed by the laser guns in the hands of the rebels. After killing the human overseers, the rebels immediately drove the human slaves away from the small breeding farm.


The man stood beside the team of human slaves. He looked at these compatriots who had been enslaved to numbness and sighed helplessly. These humans had no idea how powerful their ancestors were. They had been brainwashed and numbed by the aliens. , the future education of these people is also a big problem.

"The Federation..., when will it arrive in our world..."

Next to the man, a girl wearing a federal police uniform suddenly asked the man. This girl was a new rebel who joined them. After she knew about her ancestors, she had been looking forward to the federal fleet arriving in this world and bringing this world to the world. Liberate the humans of the world, and then destroy the alien civilization that enslaved them.

"It will come. As long as we don't give up hope, we or our children will one day see the arrival of the Federation fleet, and that day will also be the day of destruction for the Kalto aliens!"

The man looked at the humans and replied to the girl in a firm tone. As long as they did not give up resistance, one day they would wait for the federal fleet. At that time, they could look at those humble aliens with pride and say to them If they reveal their identities as survivors of the Federation, they will make the alien race extinct, and there will be absolutely no possibility of peace talks between humans and aliens.

The Federation they had been waiting for did not arrive, but the Empire's fleet did. After a month of sailing, the fleet finally crossed a distance of [-] light-years and successfully arrived in this galaxy.

"The Federation Colonial World of the Cavedilo System, No. 20, lost contact with the Federation at the end of the seventh millennium. The working state of the world is an agricultural world with a population of 500 billion. It is close to an alien race named Kalto, which is an arthropod-like creature. Racial aliens.”

On top of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand. He grabbed the file in distress. There was too little information in this world, which was not enough for them to determine the state of the world.

"Prepare for airdrop operations. No matter what the state of the world is, we must first take the initiative in this world." Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand, he threw it helplessly on the table, and then Wang Ming turned to Radulovi Colonel Qi issued an order to prepare for battle. No matter what, it is always better to prepare first than in time. If humans in this world are already independent, then Wang Ming would not mind using the most primitive means to let them experience human civilization again. What I've been doing best for thousands of years.

Wang Ming did not want to use strong methods to return the lost federal worlds to the human empire. For these worlds, Wang Ming still wanted to merge them into the empire as gently as possible.

Just when the fleet was heading to the human federation colonial world in the local system, a small fleet suddenly appeared on their only path. It was a fleet that looked like a patchwork of rags, but compared to the green-skinned orcs, this fleet The appearance of the fleet can be regarded as full of technology.

This fleet is obviously an alien fleet. It not only has alien characters on it, but also a large number of chaotic eight-pointed stars. After this fleet saw the empire's fleet, they immediately began to make an emergency turn, as if they were looking at Like a cat to a mouse, it looks like it should have advanced four points.

"My great gods, why! Why is the human fleet here again?"

On the flagship of the alien fleet, the alien captain waved his twisted body and kept shouting to the surrounding aliens. The surrounding aliens looked at the alien captain, and their bodies were shaking. This was not because they were afraid. Captain, it's because they are afraid of humans. As a relatively long-lived race, 1 years is enough time for their ancestors to pass on their fear of humans to them. They know the terror of humans.

It is precisely because they are afraid of humans that they torture enslaved humans crazily. They do not regard humans as intelligent creatures at all. Food and manpower are provided to humans in this world as long as they are available to humans. After making arrangements, they concluded that the Human Federation would not come back, and now, an entire Federation fleet was in front of them, which gave them a huge sense of fear.

"Attack! Attack the human fleet!"

The alien captain looked at the frightened aliens around him, and he suddenly jumped up. He looked at his cowardly companions and shouted loudly at them.

"The human fleet is nothing special. Their ships are just a little bigger than ours. As long as we attack, the human fleet will definitely be annihilated by us. Human beings are nothing more than that. Our ancestors have defeated them before, the same! We! That’s okay!”

The alien captain looked at his companions and yelled at them. Although his words were nice, his companions didn't catch a cold. Every individual in the Kalto civilization knew that they were the ones who took advantage of the situation. Facing an entire human fleet, they probably died without knowing how.

It's okay to deceive others, but don't be deceived by yourself. This gap in strength cannot be bridged no matter what.

Just as the alien captain finished speaking, a burst of light suddenly appeared on the bridge, and a burst of fire instantly engulfed the ship and all the aliens on it.

"Report, Lord Primarch, that the alien fleet has been completely wiped out. Please ask for further instructions."

Wang Ming was sitting in the command room of the Sun Fortress. He listened to the words of the mortal soldiers around him, nodded silently, and then motioned for the fleet to continue moving forward.

"The alien fleet, the situation in this world doesn't look very good. If it believes in the Chaos Evil God, I will immediately give you an extermination order..."

Wang Ming looked at the busy mortal crew in front of him. He recalled in his mind the traces of chaos on those ships. How dare the alien fleet sail blatantly in the galaxy of the Human Federation. This human colonial galaxy was probably invaded by aliens. .

In the world of Goyat, today is a special day. The Kalto alien forces in the city are constantly operating. Troops are constantly stationed towards the human breeding farms. A large number of human slaves are also brought from the breeding farms. In the areas where the Kaltor alien troops were stationed, after these humans were taken there, they never came back. The various Kaltor troops began to attack the human resistance more severely, and the Kaltor aliens began to hold more ritual activities. Altar after altar was erected in the city. In just one day, tens of millions of humans were sacrificed by the alien priests of Kalto.

As these sacrifices began, the already distorted Kalto aliens began to become even more twisted, with more twisted limbs appearing on their bodies, and blasphemous voices kept whispering in the ears of Kalto aliens throughout the world. Kalto's alien also began to behave strangely.

Some Kaltor aliens began to allow humans to have fun with them, but this was biologically impossible. The Kaltor aliens were too large for human anatomy and they should not be interested in humans.

Some Kaltor aliens have released biological viruses that the Human Federation has used to clean up crop disasters. These viruses are equally harmful to humans and Kaltor aliens.

Some Kalto aliens are killing people crazily in farms and cities, whether they are humans or the same kind. Once they see them, they will kill them with the weapons around them.

The high-ranking officials and psykers of Kalto's aliens began a twisted ritual. They hoped to use the god they believed in and use the souls of humans sacrificed to that god to elevate their king to a demon who escaped from the mortal world. prince.

In short, in one sentence, the Kalto aliens all over the world are crazy. They will do anything for the gods they believe in, and humans have become victims of these aliens. Countless humans have been slaughtered by aliens, and those planets The human resistance forces were also forced to fight a head-on battle with the crazy aliens. All the weapons and supplies they had accumulated for thousands of years were thrown into the battlefield. They did not know why the Kalto aliens were so crazy. Although The Kalto Alien was like this before, but this was the first time the human resistance had seen it to this extent. They vaguely felt that something was going to happen, but under the Kalto Alien's offensive, they were unable to explore it. Reason.

What caused all this was not that the Kalto aliens were crazy, but that the Imperial fleet had arrived in this galaxy. The Kalto aliens were desperately looking for the power to fight against the Imperial fleet. They were afraid, and they were at the end of their rope. , all the madness is their reluctance when they are at the end of their rope. They have obviously eliminated all means in this world that can ask for help from the Human Federation, but why!Why did the Human Federation fleet come anyway? !Obviously this galaxy is just a marginal world to the Human Federation!

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