"The airdrop begins."

As Wang Xiao, who was sitting in the airdrop pod, gave an order, the cargo airdrop pods fell from the Sun Fortress one by one and quickly fell towards the planet's atmosphere. The cargo airdrop pods rubbed against the atmosphere and made a loud noise after entering the atmosphere. The alien cry of Kalto.

"Humans! The humans of the Human Federation are here!"

The alien high-level officials in this world looked at the airdrop pods in the sky. They knew those things. They were the cargo airdrop pods of the Human Federation. They could conclude that the ones dropped were definitely the iron men of the Human Federation.

"Clap clap clap!!"

The orbital defense firepower continued to fire, and they fired at the human airdrop pods with the fear of the Kalto aliens towards humans. However, the number of these orbital defense firepowers was still too small for the massive airdrop pods, although they hit some airdrops. capsules, but those were only a small part, and a large number of airdrops still hit the surface of the planet.

The landing points of those airdrop pods were not chaotic. Their targets were all towards Kalto's alien military camp. The airdrop pods hit the ground heavily. After the airdrop pods landed, the traversers immediately filed out of the airdrop pods. , the weapons in their hands instantly killed the frightened aliens. These aliens who slaughtered human slaves like pigs and dogs were no more threatening to the travelers than a chicken.

The time travelers quickly killed the aliens. On the way to killing the aliens, they saw their fellow humans. Most of these humans had become corpses. Their flesh and blood were used by the aliens as food and sacrifices. These aliens did not regard humans at all. As an intelligent race, they regard humans as tools and food. These aliens do not deserve to live in front of humans and do not deserve to live in the human galaxy.

"Exterminate them! No one left!"

After the battle started, Wang Ming also came to the surface of the planet. He looked at the intelligence collected by the traversers in various war zones. He was really furious now. He wanted to kill all these aliens, destroy their civilization, and let them The parent star was turned into interstellar dust under the order of extinction.

"Huh..., release the No. 20 Five Combat Iron Man Unit of Sun Fortress, and let E013 show these aliens how terrifying human revenge is!"

Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand, took a deep breath, and then issued an order to the fleet. Iron Man Travelers generally would not use it. Unless Chaos had already boarded the ship, they would not use such dangerous things. It would happen, but now, facing a weak alien race, Wang Ming issued an order to use Iron Man. You can imagine how angry he is now.

"Understood, Captain Wang Ming."

Colonel Radulovich replied to Wang Ming that as the artificial intelligence of the Human Federation, he is also extremely angry about things in this world. It may be due to programming reasons, or it may be because of his evolved personality. He also Consider yourself a member of the human race.

"Kill all the aliens in this world, no matter men, women, old or young, even a baby, even an alien egg!"

Wang Ming walked towards the alien city in the distance. He walked normally and said to the original body guards beside him. It is worth mentioning that his original body guards now also have their own name, "Star Guards". This name fits the stars very well. The Legion of Travelers.

"Yes, Primarch!"

The travelers of the Star Guards replied to Wang Ming. They were also very angry. They even changed their names for Wang Ming. Instead of calling Wang Ming boss as usual, they called Wang Ming the original body.

Wang Ming and the Star Guards quickly entered the city. The city they were in was not attacked by the time travelers, because they were the troops that destroyed the city, and this city was the capital of the aliens in this world and the place where the Human Federation once stood. The world's major political center.

Wang Ming and the Star Guards did not use any tactics. Their method was very simple. They rushed directly into the alien city and killed the aliens when they saw them. The first time Wang Ming and the Star Guards rushed into the city, they There was an instant exchange of fire with the alien troops.

Wang Ming was like a Titan. He instantly killed the alien defense line of the time travellers. The rage of the original gene was displayed. He grabbed an alien armored vehicle and forcibly took the alien armored vehicle, which was as big as a Chimera. He used the thing as a hammer, and just like that, he grabbed the alien armored vehicle and smashed an alien armored unit.

The aliens looked at Wang Ming like a murderous god. They had never seen such a terrifying human being. The morale of those alien soldiers suddenly collapsed. They dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground. They prayed to the king. The mercy of Ming Dynasty and the mercy of the gods, but what they were given was only a smashed and deformed armored vehicle.

This is completely a massacre, a unilateral massacre against aliens. As a Primarch, Wang Ming's terror is unheard of by those aliens. His star guards also follow their Primarch wherever they go. Wherever the bomb hits, this huge alien city is being destroyed by them, and the hundreds of millions of aliens in this city are so frightened by these more than 100 humans that they dare not resist at all.

"The stars are immortal! Human beings live forever!"

Wang Ming was walking on the streets of the alien city, dragging an unusually huge alien corpse. It was an alien blessed by Chaos. However, even though it was blessed by Chaos, in Wang Ming's hands, this guy had no Lasted for tenth of a second.

"In the name of humanity, kill the aliens!"

Wang Ming looked at the alien palace in front of him. He dropped the corpse in his hand and rushed into the alien palace in an instant. The Star Guards did not follow Wang Ming. They needed to clean up all the aliens in the city and had no time to follow. Wang Ming entered the alien palace together.

There were also many alien defenders in the palace. They looked nervously at the entrance of the palace. Gunshots kept ringing in their ears, and there were a lot of explosions. They knew that it was an exchange of fire between humans and the defenders on the palace wall. .

Those sounds did not last long. When they heard the surroundings suddenly quieten, they only had one thought in their minds. Human beings had killed all the defenders on the city wall. As for why it was not the defenders who killed all the humans, Wang Ming destroyed a The scene of the armored troops was still vivid in their minds. How could such a monster be killed by the defenders on the city wall.

Quiet, the environment was so quiet that the aliens didn't know what they should do now. They absolutely couldn't run away, and they didn't think they could kill that monster-like human.

"God! God! Save us!" "Great God!"

"Gods of men! Gods!"

At the same time, at the wall of the palace, Wang Ming was looking at the humans enslaved by the aliens. These humans were originally pulled into the palace for sacrifice by the aliens. Wang Ming rescued them when he joined the palace. They are now looking at Wang Ming, who was wearing golden armor and burning golden flames all over his body, had already regarded Wang Ming as a human god.

"I am not a god, I am a human being. Pick up the alien weapons, and I will take you with me to kill the alien emperor."

Wang Ming looked at those humans, and he suddenly understood the emperor at that time. Wherever he went, humans regarded him as a god. This feeling made Wang Ming feel very bad. This was a disgusting emotion. He hated gods. He spoke to the humans through a simultaneous translator.

"Yes, god!"

Obviously, Wang Ming's words did not make these humans change their minds. Although they picked up those alien weapons, they still called Wang Ming god.

These human beings are now full of excitement. In their view, their human gods have finally come to save them, and they are about to follow the human gods to kill the aliens who enslaved them.

"Clap clap clap!!!"

Just when the aliens relaxed, the entrance to the palace was suddenly opened. They didn't care about Sanqi 21. They frantically pulled the trigger towards the entrance of the palace. Countless lasers and bullets flew towards the entrance of the palace. Their fear had been suppressed. Losing their sanity, they just want to shoot out all the ammunition in the weapons in their hands.

They didn't stop shooting until they had completely exhausted all the ammunition in their hands. They were just about to change the ammunition, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. Before they had time to make any reaction, their heads were with theirs. body separated.

Wang Ming looked at the alien corpses on the ground indifferently. He waved towards the entrance of the palace, and then a group of humans rushed into the alien palace. They looked at the alien corpses on the ground and cheered. Some humans even They picked up weapons and shot at the alien's corpse. They were venting their anger at being enslaved by the alien for many years.

Wang Ming didn't care about those humans and allowed them to whip the alien corpse. He quickly rushed into the depths of the alien palace. He now needed to capture the alien emperor and show his head to all the aliens in the world. with enslaved humans.

"Prepare white phosphorus bombs, prepare five salvos!"

On a battlefield, Wang Xiaofa looked angrily at the alien city filled with human blood in front of him, and he said to the mortal officers beside him.

The mortal officers looked at Wang Xiaofa, saluted him, and immediately gave the order. They all saw the massacre of human beings in this world. Wang Xiaofa finally understood the greatness of the Great Crusade. If the Emperor had not launched the Great Crusade to save and regain In human worlds, the fate of humans scattered throughout the galaxy may not be better than here.

"Enjoy, revenge from humanity!"

As Wang Xiaofa roared, the artillery fire above the artillery position began to fire. Five rounds of salvo fire from an entire mortal auxiliary army artillery regiment, which was enough to plow the alien city ahead several times.

The white phosphorus bombs flew in the air, and after reaching the sky above the city, they dispersed into a field of glowing light spots. These white phosphorus bombs are weapons equipped by the human federation to the planetary combat forces. They have been optimized for several generations, and their coverage area is also Expanded countless times.

The fire rain of death fell into the alien city. The hundreds of millions of aliens in the alien city felt the anger of humans. Their wailing could be heard even from the position where Wang Xiaofa was. His eyes were cold. They had already investigated this place before. The city, all the humans in this city were massacred, so Wang Xiaofa used white phosphorus bombs to avenge these aliens.

In the city, countless aliens are stuck by white phosphorus bombs. They are constantly wailing in the high temperature of the white phosphorus bombs. The high-temperature white phosphorus flames burn their bodies. Even if they have chitinous carapace, it cannot prevent the damage of the high temperature. , the only thing it can guarantee is that these alien bodies will be grilled more fragrantly at the beginning.

The wailing of the aliens does not make humans feel any sympathy for them. These are just a group of aliens. Their lives are not more important than the pets raised by humans. You know, when Wang Ming's big dogs died, they were all covered with the imperial sky. Eagle flag, it died for mankind at that time.

The alien's wail resounded through the sky, and humans looked at the alien city indifferently. The white flames in the city were burning. It was the fire of human anger and the alien's fire of extinction.

Throughout the world, humans are slaughtering aliens, and they have successfully saved a large number of humans. It is worth mentioning that the time travelers have successfully contacted the human resistance, and all human weapons and equipment have been After being redressed by time travelers, they also joined the war against the aliens. As an army that had fought against the aliens for thousands of years, they were very familiar with the aliens' tactics and tactics. After they received the assistance of the Human Empire After that, it became one of the most feared human troops by the aliens.

The battle between the Human Empire and this small alien race was crushing. The Astartes slaughtered the aliens. The alien cities were destroyed by countless artillery fire. The chainswords of the Astartes cut the aliens and the summoned ones. Demons, countless human breeding farms were destroyed, and countless humans were saved by the Emperor's Angels. For the first time, the descendants of Kalto's aliens understood their ancestors' fear of humans.

"Demon Prince? And..., demon..."

After talking about the battle situation above the world, now the perspective returns to Wang Ming. After Wang Ming rushed into the alien palace, he rushed directly into the main hall of the alien palace. The moment he entered the main hall, he saw the main hall. A huge figure and a group of twisted things are among them.

That huge twisted thing was a huge twisted demon, and it was surrounded by a group of smaller demons. Those demons were of various kinds, but they were not the demons under the Four Gods that Wang Ming knew. The same is true for the devil, which is like an arthropod magnified hundreds of times. The belief of this alien seems to be more than just belief in the four gods.

His blessings may have been given by several gods, or the chaos of his belief as a whole and the different shapes of those demons may be the reason.

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