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Chapter 411 The Gathering of the Blood of Sanguinius

"Brother, I really can't fight anymore. I can understand the fighting skills you trained me, but why are you teaching me these arts and etiquette, as well as political methods? I don't want to play politics with those high lords. , I have always used my own governance system."

In the battlefield space, Wang Ming and Sanguinius were sitting opposite each other. There was a row of chess in front of them. Wang Ming had lost 150 eight times, and he had never defeated Sanguinius once. His mentality had already changed. collapsed.

"My brother, although these things are not necessary, I couldn't help but teach you these things after seeing you walking over the years. And, look, you learned it very quickly, didn't you?"

Sanguinius looked at Wang Ming with a smile, and said to him with a smile. That smile made people feel like spring breeze, but in Wang Ming's view, it made him scared. He didn't know that he was killed by this archangel who looked so handsome with his smile. How many times had it happened, Wang Ming had almost figured out a way to make his death more comfortable after his head started flying.

"My brother, it's time for me to go back. My legion still needs me to lead. I can't sleep for 1 years like our brother Guilliman."

Wang Ming looked at the archangel in front of him, nodded towards him, and then said goodbye to Sanguinius.

Sanguinius looked at him, nodded to him, and then turned into a golden light and disappeared in front of Wang Ming. After Sanguinius disappeared, the scene in front of Wang Ming suddenly began to change.

After a period of distortion, the scene in front of him turned into the Hall of Heroes above the Fortress of the Sun. He looked at the candles and incense burners around him, and instantly started to have a headache again. Why did he sit on this chair again? Wang Xiaofa couldn't let it. Do time travelers throw themselves into their own beds?
Wang Ming stood up from his chair, walked out of the Hall of Heroes directly, and then went to the command room of the Sun Fortress. He still had a lot of work to deal with. Although he knew that the time travelers could solve these things, but It's better to take a look.

The information about Wang Ming's awakening was immediately known to the time travelers. They immediately returned to the Sun Fortress and met with Wang Ming. After a series of work reports, he quickly understood the current situation. , Baal's reconstruction process is in full swing, and the Blood Angels' reconstruction is also in progress, but Dante needs to discuss some key things with Wang Ming.

Wang Ming also understood that Dante wanted to discuss this matter with him. The Blood Angels lost too many people in this battle, and many of the sub-groups that came to support were wiped out.

The number of its legions must be replenished, otherwise based on the recovery ability of the war group, it will take years and months to restore the number of legions.

Wang Ming also returned to Baal after dealing with some matters. He needed to discuss with Dante about rebuilding the Blood Angels. The Codex Astartes was now under the leadership of Wang Ming and Guilliman. It has been completely turned into toilet paper. Other legions without the original body can also restore the standard of the legion, but they must be monitored by the No. 20 First Legion or the No. 13 Legion to prevent the number of Astartes from exceeding the number without the original body. Often leads to rebellion.

On the way to Baal, Wang Ming saw a scene that he had never imagined. He actually saw Baal in the warm spring. The former deserts had disappeared and turned into patches of jungle. He also knew that this was The time travelers transformed Baal, but he did not expect that the First Engineer Regiment could transform a desert world into a green world.

After Wang Ming found Dante, they discussed the situation of the Blood Angels. Regarding the Blood Angels, the No. 20 Legion expressed that they could support them in rebuilding the legion. They could provide weapons and equipment in large quantities, and even provide supplies for the Holy Blood Angels. The angels offer some battleships.

"Sir, we are very grateful for your assistance. We really need these things. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Dante looked at Wang Ming in front of him and expressed his gratitude to Wang Ming. After all, the current Blood Angels also needed these weapons and equipment very much. After all, they quickly restored their combat effectiveness and thought that the empire could continue to work.

"It's nothing. Sanguinius has also helped me a lot. As his brother, I should help his heirs, and you have fought for the empire for thousands of years, so you should also be treated like this."

Wang Ming smiled and said to Dante, Wang Ming still likes the Blood Angels very much. Even though he has an unchangeable genetic defect, he still firmly fights for the empire. They also have countless reasons because of blood thirst and blackness. Fury fell towards Khorne, but they did not. Even those warriors who were organized into the Death Company were fighting for the Empire with their own confused spirits.

After a series of discussions, Wang Ming and Dante determined the supply plan. A large amount of supplies were moved down to the Sun Fortress. Dante also gathered the remaining Blood Angels on Baal. He announced to these Blood Angels spawn the re-establishment of the Blood Angels Legion.

Regarding this matter, the reactions of these Blood Angels sub-groups are different. Some of the groups who are still alive and some old people are very entangled. They want to return to the Blood Angels Legion, but the thousand-year-old chapter culture says that they give up. Just give up, this is also an impossible arrangement.

Those battle groups that had only a few new recruits left continued to support them. They did not have as much sense of belonging to their own battle group culture as the old man did. For them, it was indeed an honor to return to the battle group.

The occurrence of this situation was also expected by Wang Ming. He looked at the information Dante handed him. After thinking about it, he came up with a way with Dante to let the returning battle groups follow the previous battles. The regiments are organized into different large companies, and these large companies are named according to the names of their former chapters. They are allowed to retain the emblem of their own chapter, but their emblem must be based on the symbol of the Blood Angels, so that Eliminate the resistance of those elderly people as much as possible.

And after doing so, they can slowly integrate the traditional culture of those chapters into the Blood Angels, and gradually make the Blood Angels a whole again.

Dante is positive about this method, but the danger is still relatively high. What if some more radical war groups disagree?The descendants of the angels have reached their most dangerous time. They can no longer withstand another civil war.

After Wang Ming learned about Dante's wish, he also had a way. When the time came for the adaptation, he would be there in person. No matter how many people would object, they would not be able to suddenly do it under the supervision of the Imperial Protector. To make trouble, Wang Ming can also ask Edwin and Rengar to go together to see who wants to cause trouble, and then let Zhou Heng deal with them.

In the City of Angels, Dante looked at Wang Ming in front of him. He felt a little uneasy. The task of rebuilding the Legion was in his hands. He was very nervous about this task. In his opinion, he was just an Astartes. , but wants to replace his genetic father to rebuild the legion.

"Dante, this is the honor you deserve, and it is also a task you must complete. I have talked with your father and my brother. He is very satisfied and pleased with you." Wang Ming looked around him and felt a little unconfident. Dante said to him gently. He didn't know much about the old man Dante, but he still knew some things about this old man who had fought for the empire for thousands of years.

Wang Ming expressed more sympathy for this old man who had fought for the empire for thousands of years. After all, Wang Ming didn't know how strong he was until he hacked Sanguinius to death so many times. He was still dying. It took me countless times to feel this way, but Dante is a pure Astartes. He does not have the body and soul of the original body. All he has is the responsibility to the Empire and the Blood Angels, but he He never backed down, he always faced it with all his strength.

"Father..., he approves of me?! Sir, is this true?"

Dante looked at Wang Ming in surprise. He couldn't believe what Wang Ming said. His father actually recognized him.

"Of course, when I was unconscious, I was training with Sanguinius..., well, my holy brother."

Wang Ming looked at Dante. He remembered the time when he was instantly killed by Sanguinius. He controlled his emotions as much as possible and spoke to Dante in a gentle tone.

To be honest, Wang Ming really doubted whether Sanguinius had inherited the Emperor's evil intentions. When he pulled Wang Ming into the battlefield space, Wang Ming seemed to remember whether Sanguinius laughed.

"I do not have…"

Suddenly, Wang Ming vaguely heard a voice. He looked around, but no one was talking.

Wang Ming ignored the sudden words, and after telling Dante what to do at that time, he went to the Fortress of the Sun. He needed to see some work of the First Engineer Regiment. This work was ordered by him personally. , its slap in the face of Chaos is very big, maybe it can let Abaddon break through the defense once.

Watching Wang Ming's transport ship heading to the planet's orbit, Dante was still thinking about his father's approval of him. Does his fighting deserve his father's approval?Did he really do everything he could?

"What's going on? Is Cardia's restoration plan feasible?"

After Wang Ming returned to Sun Fortress, he immediately went to the laboratory of the First Engineer Regiment. He immediately found Xu Zheng and asked about the feasibility of repairing Cadia.

"Boss, it can definitely be repaired. We just need you to determine the repair process and the expected repair results."

Xu Zheng looked at the excited people in front of him and quickly pulled out a holographic projection screen and placed it in front of Wang Ming. On the holographic projection screen was Cardia's repair plan. This opportunity was very simple. The Jingwei-class engineering ship would be stuck in the jam. The Dia galaxy releases a large number of engineering robots, and these robots will clean up a large number of large planetary debris. Those fragments will allow the nanorobots to recombine, and they will also transform the world's environment in the process of combination. Xu Zheng's plan is to let The reborn Cadia became a world of beautiful natural scenery.

In his vision, the new Cadia is a self-sufficient ecosystem. On top of this self-sufficient world, there will be a large number of fortresses. They will be the first line against chaos. At the same time, The orbital defense firepower of this world will also be very powerful. Xu Zheng is even planning to install the artillery equipped on the Sun Fortress on the ground. The longest range of these things can even reach the edge of the galaxy. By then, the Chaos Fleet will not be close to the card. Dia was directly destroyed in the void.

"Well, Xu Zheng, this opportunity is good, but have you considered the fact that Cardia is close to the Eye of Terror? The local plants will probably not be alive by then, and those that have been planted may also be destroyed because of their vitality. If it is affected by Nurgle, it is better to just let it become a world with a small amount of plants. This will also make the construction of fortresses and war facilities smoother."

Wang Ming looked at Xu Zheng. After thinking about Xu Zheng's plan, he carefully analyzed the situation with Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng's design was very good, but he did not fully consider Nurgle's pollution. Nurgle liked that the most. of a vibrant world.


Xu Zheng was a little disappointed, but he knew that what Wang Ming said was indeed true. He replied weakly to Wang Ming, and then went to make a modification plan. Xu Zheng had confirmed that Cardia's repair plan was feasible, so Wang Ming You can rest assured to formulate the integration plan of the Blood Angels in Baal.

A few days later, Wang Ming finally made a plan with Dante. On a square in the City of Angels, a huge angel sculpture stood on the ground. On the square, the Blood Angels and their sub-groups The Astartes looked at the huge statue of Sanguinius. They didn't know what they were going to do today. Although Dante had already told them about the unified legion, they didn't know that just today... Ding will announce this.

Under the gaze of the Blood Angels, Wang Ming and Dante stepped onto the high platform above the square. The high platform was located under the angel statue. The two of them stood under the gaze of the angels, facing thousands of people. Astartes, these Astartes all come from different battle groups, but they are all descendants of Sanguinius, and they are all Blood Angels.

All the Blood Angels looked at the two people. When they saw the two people standing on the high platform, they all saluted the old man. These two people deserved their salute. One was the Empire's No. 20 The master of one legion, the great protector of the empire, and the current chapter leader of the Blood Angels. He is a great man who has worked for the empire for thousands of years.

Wang Ming looked at the Blood Angels who were saluting them. He smiled and nodded to Dante beside him. Dante also responded to Wang Ming. He knew that today the Blood Angels would become a legion again. , all the blood of Sanguinius will gather together once again to overcome obstacles for the empire in this dark era. They will definitely live up to the blood of Sanguinius.

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