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Chapter 412 Angel’s Internal Cleanup

Chapter 412 Angel’s Internal Cleanup

"Sirs of Sanguinius, we are about to re-form the Legion. In order to deal with the increasingly serious problem of aliens and heretics in the galaxy, the Blood Angel Legion was rebuilt today under the orders of the Imperial Lord Protector and Regent. The operation of the war group is no longer suitable. The descendants of the angel regrouped in front of the angel. The era of the legion has returned..."

Dante looked at the Astartes below. He said to them excitedly. Everyone looked at Dante. Their emotions were aroused by what Dante said. They looked at Dante and imagined his words. The rebuilt Blood Angels Legion.

Although some elders of the war group still had grudges, they didn't have much to say after seeing Wang Ming. No one dared to disobey the will of the Imperial Protector. They all knew that the plan to merge the legions was The Imperial Lord Protector and the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels jointly formulated the plan. There was a lot of political consideration in this matter. Originally, the legitimacy of the Blood Angels rested with the parent group, and it was hard to say anything else if they really wanted to merge them.

At the edge of the square that no one noticed, two mortals were walking on the edge of the team. Their appearance did not alarm anyone, not even the think tank noticed them.

As they walked, they used the data pads in their hands to record something. These two people were Adway and Rengar. They recorded those Astartes who might rebel. Wang Ming knew that there would always be people who were dissatisfied with the reform. Yes, this kind of people need to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise it will not be conducive to unity. In this universe, anyone who has a slightly different idea in their head may be deceived by the Chaos Gods.

It is impossible for Wang Ming to let the unstable factors in the Blood Angels, but these people also need to be very cautious in solving them. One mistake will lead to a civil war in the Blood Angels. For this matter, Wang Ming naturally found a scapegoat. Since the invasion of Baal, its subspace has not been very stable, and it has vaguely broken through the situation of the real universe.

Wang Ming did not deal with this situation, but he still made all preparations. When the time comes, he can guarantee that not even a demon can survive on Baal for more than 2 minutes.

This is also a good opportunity to clean up the dissidents. When the time comes, he will let all the unstable factors go up, and they will all die on this battlefield. There is no way around it. Only if they die will there be no problems in establishing the legion. .

This universe is like this. Sometimes the truths are different. If you reason with them, they may fall into chaos the next moment. This is the disgusting thing about chaos. They will pass through when you least expect it. Something will corrupt you.

Everything in this universe needs a lot of consideration, because there are really gods in this universe. These guys are not good people. They are always waiting for humans to make mistakes and then fall into their arms.

"The list is out. There are 29 people. Most of them are veterans of the chapter. There are two chapter leaders. It is very troublesome to deal with these people."

After the mobilization meeting, Wang Ming returned to the Sun Fortress. He looked at the flying data pad in his hand. These were the information collected by Edwig and Rengar. Rengar deserved to have worked in the Inquisition. His intelligence gathering ability is really powerful.

He not only discovered the situation of these people, but also found various information about these people, which was very important for dealing with these people. However, because of their identity issues, except for a few old men of the war group, they were Except for Zhou Heng, the lives of the other people were arranged to die on the upcoming battlefield.

As time goes by, the time travelers not only brought greenery to Baal, they also brought a lot of flying urbanization to Baal. Cities were built on the green plains. These places were originally supposed to be. It is a desert, but after land transformation, it has turned into a lush jungle, and these jungles have also been turned into a city under various engineering machines.

Travelers attach great importance to people's livelihood. Various facilities in the city are very technological. However, because of the fear of artificial intelligence by all parties in the empire, this city does not have artificial intelligence. Although the technology content is extremely high, The degree of automation is very low, which also provides a large number of jobs for civilians. When people were moved into this city by time-travelers, they couldn't believe that they would actually live in such a place.

The time travelers have done a very good job in resettling civilians. It is also the first time that they have allowed mortals to see such kind Astartes. They will help mortals move things and repair various public facilities in the city. They are very considerate to mortals. Mortals are flattered by his kindness.

"Your Highness, the time is almost up."

On the wilderness of Baal, Wang Ming and the Forbidden Army stood on the wilderness. The Forbidden Army calculated the time and said to Wang Ming.

"Understood, the think tank is preparing us to deal with these demons, and the combat team is ready to fight at any time."

Wang Ming looked at the Forbidden Army beside him, nodded towards him, and then issued orders to each combat group.

The battle plan is very simple. The think tank will directly open the subspace through psychic spells to let the demons out. Then the combat team will fight with those demons to kill the demons. During the battle, the hidden dangers of the Blood Angels will be revealed. After all, they died in the battle against Chaos Fei for human beings, so it was considered an honor to die. This was the only thing Wang Ming could do for them.

These people must not be alive. Their existence will be a huge hidden danger, especially the two chapter leaders. They are both guys who are unwilling to give up their power. If they lead their own chapter and a civil war breaks out, then The combat effectiveness of the two battle groups cannot be underestimated, so we can only trouble the two of them to return to the Golden Throne.

The think tank group's spells soon began. As the think tanks used spiritual energy to actively break the structure of subspace and the real universe, a subspace crack instantly appeared in the sky, and a strange light was projected from the supreme sky to the real universe. , red-skinned monsters also appeared in the void above Baal's orbit.

Kabanha rushed out of the subspace rift. It looked at the surrounding environment, then waved its wings and rushed towards Baal's atmosphere. The other demons did the same. They followed Kabanha and fell towards Baal's land. , they can feel that there is an extremely powerful warrior above Baal. As long as they kill that warrior and offer his head to Khorne, they can gain Khorne's favor.

There is no air in the void, Kabanha flapping his wings is just a habit, but it can also move in the void. The demons entered Baal's atmosphere and turned into meteors falling towards the ground.

"Woohoo... there are quite a lot of them coming. The Forbidden Army and the Sisters of Silence are getting ready. If they can't hold on any longer, come with me." Wang Ming looked at the red meteors in the sky. He looked at the largest one among them. Yes, he said to the Imperial Guards and Sisters of Silence beside him.

The Forbidden Army and the Sisters of Silence nodded, and then quietly waited for the battle to begin. The Khorne demons quickly landed on the ground, and the combat team quickly rushed in front of them. They were the Blood Angels and the Travelers. Formed together, they fought against the demons, but the time travelers deliberately let the Blood Angels who repainted their power armor red move forward.

In fact, the time-travelers are very opposed to Wang Ming's approach, but they also know that this is the only way to best deal with this matter. This kind of matter cannot be solved by talking. No. 20 First Army may not be able to solve it. Keeping an eye on them, the seeds of rebellion have been planted. As long as Chaos seizes an opportunity, the Blood Angels will begin to collapse from within.

This kind of thing has existed among the Blood Angels. The incident between the real and fake angels made Dante understand that he must prevent internal problems. They will also be corrupted by Chaos.

The empire will always have countless enemies. Some of them can be seen, but some can never be eliminated. Again, the destructive power of internal enemies is always greater than that of external enemies.

Wang Ming looked at the Blood Angels who were killed by demons. He sighed helplessly. Then he gave the Forbidden Army a look. The Forbidden Army understood the problem and gave the order to the Forbidden Army in question. Then the Forbidden Army followed Wang Ming. They rushed towards the demons together.

The targets of the Forbidden Army and the Sisters of Silence are those demons, while Wang Ming's target is Kabanha. For this big demon, Wang Ming's tactics are very simple. His body size is five meters in the armor-piercing state. He directly Using his size advantage to press forward, Wang Ming stabbed Kabanha directly with the power halberd in both hands.

After training with Sanguinius for so long, Wang Ming was already very familiar with weapons and combat techniques. But even so, the power halberd was still entangled by Kabanha's whip, but Wang Ming did not stop because of this. He quickly let go of the power halberd. After letting go of the power halberd, Wang Ming directly took out the eternal life from his waist, and then cut off the arm of Kabanha holding the whip with a backhand knife.


Kabanha had one of his arms cut off by Wang Ming. It roared angrily, and then used the giant ax in its other hand to slash at Wang Ming. Wang Ming also anticipated Kabanha's attack, and he dodged directly. took this blow.

Wang Ming is very familiar with the battle of Kabanha. When Sanguinius taught Wang Ming, he specifically talked about Kabanha. For a demon prince like Kabanha, Wang Ming was also very relaxed. He has killed many demon princes. Although his fighting skills are not as good as those of other primarchs, Wang Ming has no martial virtue.

After Wang Ming escaped Kabanha's attack, he instantly took out a weapon from his waist. This was a directional nuclear explosion weapon used by the Emperor at that time. Although Wang Ming did not want to use this thing, in order to quickly Kill the Demon King Ming decided to use this thing.

As a burst of high temperature appeared in Wang Ming's hand, a red high-temperature flame instantly appeared in front of Wang Ming, and it directly hit Kabanha's body.

The high temperature distorted the surrounding air. Wang Ming looked at the disappearing flames in front of him and felt that there was still something wrong. He waved Eternal Life and slashed directly at the disappearing flames.

The thing was exactly as Wang Ming thought. When Wang Ming slashed towards the flames, an ax suddenly rushed out of the flames. It was Kabanha's battle axe. The everlasting blade directly hit the battle axe, and it was like this. The battle ax was cut like tofu, and the sharpness of the phase weapon could even cut through the metal of the highest heaven.

The chopped ax flew past Wang Ming. Wang Ming did not give Kabanha time to strike again. He rushed directly into the flames. The high temperature and radiation caused the system of his power armor to send an alarm to him. But Wang Ming didn't pay any attention to these alarms. He rushed through the flames and came to Kabanha in an instant.

Today's Kabanha is in extremely bad condition. Half of its body is gone, leaving only some joints around the waist. However, even so, it still attacks Wang Ming. Just when Wang Ming rushed to it When it was in front of him, it roared and bit Wang Ming's head directly, but Wang Ming was faster. He immediately raised his weapon holding a directional nuclear explosion weapon, and instantly inserted it into Kabanha's terrifying body. In the sharp-toothed mouth.

"Hahaha, you bastard, die!"

Wang Ming immediately pulled the trigger. He did not remember that he still had the golden flame to use. This was entirely because he had stayed in the battlefield space for too long. The golden flame had no effect at all when he fought Sanguinius. He simply stopped using the golden flame, and this time Kabanha was lucky enough to avoid real death.

The directional nuclear explosion weapon fired in Kabanha's mouth. The flames instantly rushed into Kabanha's mouth. High-temperature flames erupted in its mouth. The violent flames instantly reduced Kabanha's head to ashes.

Wang Ming dropped the directional nuclear explosion weapon. He looked at Kabanha's headless body and suddenly remembered something. He had his own subspace essence. Why didn't he use golden flames to burn Ya to death just now?
Wang Ming looked at Kabanha's body, and depressedly grabbed a Khorne demon not far away. Golden flames instantly appeared from Wang Ming's hands, and then burned the demon into a pile of ashes. He looked at the ashes that had been turned into ashes. The devil was depressed for a long time. Why didn't he remember just now? He was really stupid. He could have killed Kabanha directly at that time.

Wang Ming looked at the Sisters of Silence and the Forbidden Army around him. Golden flames ignited on his body and he rushed towards them quickly. After finishing Kabanha, these demons were also solved by Wang Ming in three strokes and five divided by two. This battle was originally It was an asymmetrical battle. How could a group of little demons led by a big demon cause so much trouble in front of tens of thousands of Astartes and one Primarch.

Wang Ming looked at the dead Blood Angels. He asked the Emperor if they had returned to the Golden Throne, and then went to the Sun Fortress. The internal affairs of the Blood Angels had been resolved, and they also needed to leave Baal and go to Cartier. Added strength to Chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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