Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 422 Signing a Contract with Tzeentch

Chapter 422 Signing a Contract with Tzeentch

"Your Highness the Protector, these suggestions of yours are simply blasphemy to the God of All Machines!!"

The Foundry General's voice resounded throughout the Mechanical Temple, while Wang Ming in front of him shook his head indifferently, and then placed a data board in front of the Foundry General. He looked at the data board slightly, and motioned to the Foundry General to take a look. Contents of the data pad.

The foundry general looked at Wang Ming. He picked up the data board, and then a mechanical tentacle appeared behind him, which was directly connected to the data board, but soon, he disconnected from the data board.

His eyepieces looked at Wang Ming's flashing green and red light, which meant that his emotions were extremely excited now. He looked at Wang Ming, and then an oil pipeline on his body exploded and oil flew around in the air. Wang Ming Ming hurriedly took a step back to avoid being sprayed by engine oil.


The foundry general suddenly twisted his body, and the exploded oil pipe twisted once, and then returned to his body.


Zhu Zhu looked at Wang Ming in front of him. He held the data pad and said to Wang Ming. He was like a father holding his child, as if the data pad in his arms was the most precious treasure in the world.

"The Mechanicus fully supports the various plans of the No. 20 First Legion and provides technical support to the world within the entire empire. This is the first millennium plan to upgrade human civilization in the Stone Age to at least the steam age, and at the same time cooperate with The state religion preaches to these worlds, establishes teaching courts at the same time, and uses "Human Truth" to compulsorily educate children throughout the empire. It also provides the support of the Titan Legion to the No. 20 First Legion, and allows the No. 20 First Legion to mobilize the entire empire under special circumstances. The power of the Skitarii Mechanicus."

Wang Ming looked at the foundry general in front of him. He stated his request, and then looked at the foundry general quietly, waiting for his answer.

"The Mechanicus accepts it and will sign a contract with the No. 20 First Legion on Mount Olympus one day later. It will be the incarnation of the Ohm Messiah. Everything will be as you wish."

The foundry general looked at Wang Ming, then carefully put away the data tablet, and after making a gear salute to Wang Ming, he walked out of the Mechanical Temple.

This sentence of General Casting can mean many things,
"Boss, what did you say to this tentacle monster? Why did he suddenly agree to our request?"

After General Casting left, Wang Xiaofa asked Wang Ming what Wang Ming had said to General Casting and why General Casting suddenly agreed to all their requests.

"Nothing, just a guide to the rules and principles of weapons from the Federation era, as well as a few basic technology development techniques."

Wang Ming looked at Wang Xiaofa, who smiled and said to him, Wang Ming used the interests of the Mechanicus. After all, the Mechanicus has provided a lot of indispensable support to all aspects of the empire. The empire cannot be without the Mechanicus, otherwise the empire will be They are just independent human civilizations lost in the galaxy.

Wang Ming, on the other hand, used a batch of cutting-edge technologies from the Federation era as a benefit to get the Mechanicus Church to accept their plan. Wang Ming never thought that the Mechanicus Church would accept their plan unconditionally. Even the Emperor did not do it back then. For this kind of thing, the emperor still used his so-called "miracle" to make these tentacle monsters listen to him.

And Wang Ming's current behavior is also similar. After all, the things Wang Ming gave are not much different from miracles to the Mechanicus. These technologies are enough to make the dead branches on the Mechanicus' technology tree rot. Ye is connected, and Wang Ming did not completely give these technologies to them. These are only a small part of them, just like a drop of water in the ocean of technology. The final right of interpretation still lies in Wang Ming's hands.

After Wang Xiaofa heard Wang Ming's explanation, he became thoughtful. He was thinking about what changes these technologies would bring to the Mechanicus. Today's Mechanicus technology has many hidden dangers. The source of its technology may be Related to the Void Dragon above Mars.

Travelers are instinctively wary of alien creations. They know that in this desperate universe, all technologies that do not come from humans themselves have more or less hidden dangers.

"Let's go and see this largest industrial base that mankind has ever seen."

Wang Ming looked at Wang Xiaofa who was thoughtful. He patted Wang Xiaofa and then walked out of the Mechanical Temple. He wanted to take a look at Mars. As a major tourist attraction in the Warhammer universe, Wang Ming had not taken a closer look. Woolen cloth.

Flames and steel, engine oil and machinery, red and brown, industry and production, these are Wang Ming's first impressions of Mars. Countless factories are constantly producing all kinds of machinery, and the stars surrounding Mars in the sky are In the huge shipyard, Wang Ming told the life of this world, which was the life of the machinery in this brown world.

He heard the pulsation of the production line and the beating of mechanical current. He saw the birth of machinery and the life of machinery. But Wang Ming also felt the powerlessness of human civilization. When technology becomes a sacred religion, when technology becomes a sacred religion, Forgotten by people, when all human science and technology can only pass through archaeology, when ancient science and technology are thousands of years more advanced than modern science and technology, all this is too declining, human science and technology has not developed much at all in these thousands of years, Except for Kaurna who has some technological development, most of the other Mechanicus are in the process of archeology.


Wang Ming looked at this brown world. He let out a long sigh, and then boarded the transport plane behind him. He was going to Mount Olympus today to sign a contract with the Mechanicus. At the same time, he would also A gift was given to the Mechanicus as a token of their cooperation.

The transport plane was flying in the sky. Wang Ming looked out the window at the tallest mountain on Mars. He had many thoughts in his mind. He was thinking about the origin of the Mechanicus. The origin of the Mechanicus may be related to the Star God on Mars. The fragments are related, this thing is a powerful star god named Void Dragon.

He was originally on Terra, but the Emperor forcefully sealed this thing on Mars. His years on Mars may have inspired the emergence of the Mechanicus after the Federation Era, and The so-called God of All Machines may himself be the Void Dragon, but it cannot be ruled out that it is also a plan of the Emperor.Regarding the world of Mars, the Emperor had obviously been here before the Mechanicus came into existence, and he might be the creator of the Mechanicus' Ohm Messiah prophecy. All these things are too complicated, and Wang Ming also wants to know the secret for the time being. Without it, he could only make limited guesses based on the information he knew in his previous life. However, the specifics of this guess were more or less accurate, and that was another matter.

Just when Wang Ming was thinking about these things, the aircraft also arrived on Mount Olympus, and it slowly landed at the site where the Mechanicus signed a contract with Wang Ming. In this highest mountain on Mars, there is a Mechanicus. Since the era before the Great Expedition, countless technologies have been born in this highest mountain, and the Foundry General's choice of this location to sign a contract with Wang Ming also represents the importance they attach to Wang Ming.

"Your Highness, one of the incarnations of the Ohm Messiah, the great Lord Protector of the Empire, Mars declares his formal allegiance to you and your legions, just as we allege our allegiance to your father."

Wang Ming signed a contract with General Casting. He looked at Wang Ming and said to him. Suddenly the tentacles behind him were waving. The meaning was very obvious. He wanted Wang Ming to give them something more.

"As a commemoration of the establishment of the contract, this is a gift I prepared for you."

Wang Ming looked at the General Casting in front of him. She showed her strength to Wang Xiao, Wang Xiaofa. Wang Xiaofa saw Wang Ming's actions. He walked up to the General Casting with something in his hand. It was something similar to a crystal, but There are some technological products on it. The most amazing thing is that in the crystal, there is a star, which is like a running star system. The star emits light and the planets orbit the star.

It is not the kind of simulated image. In the eyes of the casting general, the star system in the crystal actually looks like a real star system. It does not have the pixels of those images.

"Your Highness, what is this?"

The foundry general looked at this thing and asked Wang Ming. This thing is obviously very high-tech. It is like a miniature star system.

"As you can see, this is a star system that has been frozen in time and preserved in the technological products of the Human Federation. You should know what the Human Federation is, right?"

Wang Ming looked at the Foundry General and said these words that shocked him extremely. This was actually a star system, and he also knew that the Human Federation was a human civilization before the Empire. Although Mars was very important to the Human Federation. Most of the information has been lost, but some STC templates still have some records.

"This kind of technological creation is simply the embodiment of the great power of the God of All Machines, a star system..."

The casting general looked at the crystal in front of him. He gently picked up the thing. He looked at the star system in the crystal, and his heart was filled with shock. The empire destroyed the star system with technology, but it preserved a star system completely. And it also eliminates its own quality impact, which is simply unheard of.

"The incarnation of the great Ohm Messiah, can this technology..."

In the eyes of the casting generals, Wang Ming is already a true incarnation of the Ohm Messiah. He said this before because of the technologies he brought out, but now the casting generals really regard Wang Ming as one of the incarnations of the Ohm Messiah. Otherwise, how could he come up with this kind of technological product?
"These technologies have been given to you. Please carry out my mission. We will study all future technological discoveries about the Human Federation together with you."

Wang Ming looked at the Foundry General and interrupted him. He knew what this guy wanted to say. For the Mechanicus, this technology is the embodiment of the power of the God of All Machines and a miracle. They hope to pry into it. A little bit of mystery in it.

In fact, Wang Ming doesn't like the Mechanicum's worship of technology. In his view, technology is just a tool that humans can use, and nothing more. Knowledge is also the power of humans themselves, not a gift from the God of All Machines. , but the machines in this universe really do have souls, and machine souls really exist.

"Great incarnation of Om Messiah, can you give your servant some pointers..."

The foundry general looked at Wang Ming. He did not answer Wang Ming's words directly, but continued to ask Wang Ming about those technologies. Wang Ming gave them a lot of technologies, and he wanted to know what kind of technology they were. To be able to achieve such a miracle is an important step for them to take a step closer to the God of All Machines.

"Rule technology..."

Wang Ming looked at the founding general in front of him who had fallen into a frenzy. It was obvious that the CPU of this guy was almost overloaded. His head was now full of ways to get further with the God of All Machines. Regarding this guy's state, Wang Ming also There was nothing he could do. He was really afraid that the Foundry General would be so excited that if he burned out his CPU in excitement, the No. 20 Legion would definitely have a civil war with Mars.

If this guy died while signing a contract with the No. 20 First Legion, then it would be the No. 20 First Legion’s responsibility. After all, this is a crime of assassinating the Foundry General. Wang Ming finally looked at this guy, Helplessly, he said a Gothic word to him, rule technology. This is one of the technologies that the Human Federation is most proud of. It is the mastery of the rules of the universe. This is one of the top technologies of the Human Federation and is the most important technology of the Human Federation. The latest technology towards the realm of gods.

Mastering the rules in the universe is like mastering the power of a god. It can control everything in the universe, from stars to latitudes, all will be under human control. Wang Ming recalled the description of rule technology, and he suddenly thought of a The problem is, such a powerful human federation actually declined and disappeared. With the scientific and technological strength of the human federation, its final result should not be like this. Could it be that in addition to the Iron Man rebellion and a subspace storm, the gods in the subspace also Interfered with the fall of the Human Federation?
Thinking of this, Wang Ming couldn't help but feel an extreme sense of fear. He suddenly felt that the gods of the subspace were so terrifying. The powerful human federation was destroyed in their hands. How powerful this was.

"Something's wrong!! Damn it! It's a subspace mollusk!! Get out!!!"

Suddenly Wang Ming realized something was wrong. This was not his idea, but a forcibly implanted emotion. He immediately realized that he was being targeted by something. The golden flame on his body immediately ignited, and the essence of subspace instantly Wang Ming's soul was protected, and at the same time, a force coming from the direction of Holy Terra also protected Wang Ming's soul.

That was the power of the emperor. The moment he protected Wang Ming's soul, he immediately rushed towards the power that affected Wang Ming. If he did something under his nose, he really didn't take him seriously. The four of them together can't fight, and you can't fight alone, at least you won't make it so easy for them.

(End of this chapter)

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