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Chapter 423 The dream that makes humans crazy

Chapter 423 The dream that makes humans crazy

A majestic voice sounded in Wang Ming's soul. He felt relieved after hearing this voice. This was the Emperor coming. In the solar system, which is closest to the Emperor, its power is very powerful. Yes, Wang Ming doesn’t need to worry about anything at all.

"That's it, General Forge, I hope I can see the expedition you have prepared for me in a month. It will be a huge expedition. I hope your troops can satisfy me."

Wang Ming looked at the casting general in front of him. Golden flames suddenly burned on his body. The casting general looked at the golden flames on Wang Ming's body. He was not surprised. Although there was not much information about Wang Ming, Wang Ming's They still know their abilities. After all, there are people from the Mechanicus in the fleet. Although they don't have much information on some sensitive issues, they still have a lot of information about Wang Ming himself.

Among them was Wang Ming's record of using golden flames. General Casting nodded to Wang Ming, then took gifts and left with his colleagues. At the same time, Wang Ming also boarded the transport plane. The Martian matter had been resolved, and next It's time to go back to Terra to sort out the troops.

After the reform plan begins, Wang Ming will launch an expedition, and the four Primarchs will fight together into the dark side of the empire to bring salvation to the empire's millions of worlds and bring destruction to those enemies of mankind.

Wang Ming quickly returned to Terra. After he returned to Holy Terra, he immediately started recruiting mortal troops. The next expedition will require a large number of troops. These troops will be divided into independent expedition fleets, led by each regiment leader. Leading and launching expeditions to various areas on the dark side of the empire, these fleets also carry a large number of construction corps. These construction corps will bring enlightenment of reform to the local world.

This time the conscription was different from the first time. A large number of young people spontaneously arrived at the conscription office. They all had only one simple idea, which was to protect the empire and the God Emperor. This was what Wang Ming did in that Terra I told them during the speech, and they also remembered it deeply.

Now we finally have the opportunity to carry out this great mission. Countless teenagers are pouring into the recruitment office. After passing the basic physical examination, they are taken into the recruit training camp. This is one of the screening processes of the Mortal Auxiliary Army. Compared with the mortal auxiliaries adapted from the Astra Militarum, these recruits need a lot more training. Some who do not meet the requirements will be eliminated in the recruit training camp, and the remaining ones who can accept the training will be released. Join each mortal auxiliary army unit and be led by veterans for the next stage of professional training.

The training time for these recruits is only three months. After three months, they will join the Mortal Auxiliary Army. Under the guidance of the veterans, they will become a glorious No. 20 First Legion Mortal Auxiliary Army.

At the same time, the time travelers also began to prepare. Three huge fleets appeared on Holy Terra. These were three expedition fleets, led by the first regiment, the third regiment, and the fourth regiment respectively. As for why The second regiment does not have a fleet under its own leadership. That is because Wang Ming does not dare to take over the fleet to their management. If Hu Jin is so anxious by Chaos that he drives the fleet directly into the Eye of Fear, then It's over.

An expeditionary fleet has a mortal auxiliary force of 100 million, with a standard base of [-] supporting materials. If necessary, it can independently recruit mortal auxiliary forces, and each fleet has two Earth-class battleships, as well as an entire supporting fleet. Federation fleet.

These fleets were the core force of the entire expedition. At the same time, Wang Ming also provided some ships for Guilliman, Leman Russ and Fulgrim. However, considering some things, all the artificial intelligence on them was removed. After removing the artificial intelligence, the combat effectiveness of these ships will be reduced a lot, but their various weapons can still cause great headaches for the Chaos Fleet and the Alien Fleet.

The troops are about to arrive, and reforms in various departments of the empire are also in full swing. The efficiency of each imperial department is rapidly improving. At the same time, departments established for expeditions have also appeared. The Expeditionary Logistics Department is responsible for the mobilization and supply of expeditionary forces. , and receive help messages from various worlds at the same time.

Generally speaking, the responsibilities of the Expeditionary Logistics Department are still very large, but at the same time, they also have sufficient power and ability. The personnel of the Expeditionary Logistics Department are talents found through various channels provided by Wang Ming. Although their work ability cannot keep up with manual labor. Intelligent, but they are enough to ensure the logistics of the expedition team. It is not a big deal when it is just calculating the logistics of tens of millions of people. Compared with the Ministry of Military Affairs, their affairs are still too few. Similarly, the reduction Things also give them enough energy to handle everything perfectly, ensuring that the possibility of making mistakes is minimal.

Just when everything was about to be ready, a speech also began in the palace area. This was the speech for the start of the expedition. It was also a speech for all humans in Holy Terra and even the entire galaxy. This speech will make The morale of the entire empire will be greatly improved again. At the same time, it will also make the citizens of the empire more aware of the future of the human empire.

In the lecture venue in the palace area, countless civilians are waiting for the speech to begin. It is like a press conference, which will announce the start of the expedition to the citizens of the empire, and will also announce to them the news of the human race. Future prospects.

"Hello citizens of the empire, it is three o'clock in the afternoon on Holy Terra. I am Wang Ming, the Primarch of the Empire's No. 20 First Legion. I am very happy."

At three o'clock in the afternoon Holy Terra time, Wang Ming finally appeared on the podium, along with three other Primarchs. They looked at the citizens of the empire under the podium. I saw the expectation and fanaticism in the eyes of these imperial people. Most of these people had heard Wang Ming's speech to protect the empire and the emperor. Their recognition and belief in Wang Ming had reached the point of fanaticism. In fact, it was not only They have this tendency throughout Holy Terra.

After all, what Wang Ming told them at the beginning really inspired their confidence in the empire. Wang Ming said that they were not a burden to the empire, but the guardians of the empire and the God Emperor. This statement made everyone feel confident. There was a feeling of giving everything for the empire. The factory workers even started to work overtime day and night because of that speech. Of course, under Wang Ming's reform policy, they were also rewarded for overtime work.

Those who are loyal and those who serve the empire will receive the rewards they deserve, maybe not many. Whether they have them or not is a completely different concept. This is the reward that loyalists and those who serve the empire should have. Its symbolic significance is greater than practical significance.

Wang Ming's reform plan even includes labor models. The selection of these labor models is all conducted by personnel from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is also supervised. These labor models can stimulate the enthusiasm of workers and let them know how to work hard. You will be rewarded if you do it, there is no meaningless work, and all work will be rewarded.

The effect of this action is huge. Since this action was popularized, the production efficiency of the entire Holy Terra has been greatly improved. At the same time, the No. 20 Legion has also solved the food problem for the people of Holy Terra. Those in the ocean basin The food cultivation factories on the planet can feed all the people of Holy Terra every year, and there is even some surplus food for emergencies.

Everything is for the sake of people's livelihood. Starting from Holy Terra, the empire will gradually generate new vitality. The wounds of this giant are slowly healing. This is a long process that will take thousands of years, but when this process is over, mankind will will be on the road to rise again, and mankind will face all threats and enemies under the same faith.

"Lord Protector! Lord Protector! Prince Regent!! Prince Regent!! Son of God!!!" After people watched the Primarchs appear on the podium, they burst into noisy cheers and praised. The descendants of the God-Emperor hope that they can bring salvation to the empire and mankind.

Wang Ming and other Primarchs looked at these cheering people, and they all waved to these people. People looked at the Primarchs waving to them, and they burst into cheers again, with an almost religious fanaticism. His emotions kept praising the sons of God.

"My fellow humans, can I ask you a question?"

At this moment, Wang Ming suddenly spoke. Almost as soon as he spoke, the noisy people stopped. They looked at Wang Ming quietly and listened to Wang Ming's words. At the same time, the reporter in the crowd also began to record.

When people listened to Wang Ming's question, they were all very confused. It was unheard of for the Son of God to ask himself a question, and it was really unclear what questions the Son of God had to ask these mortals.

"You..., do you hope for the revival of mankind?"

Wang Ming looked at the civilians of the empire. He asked them his question. His question made the citizens of the empire instantly excited. The civilians of the empire did not know the meaning of Wang Ming's question. What did they think? Let humanity be revived. Isn't the Empire now the most powerful civilization in the entire galaxy?At least that's what they heard from the empire's propaganda. Why did the Son of God ask this question?

"I see your doubts, compatriots, our motherland is under attack from the enemy all the time, the empire's territory is being spied on by the enemy all the time, and the empire has lost a lot of things."

Wang Ming looked at the confused civilians. He told them about the plight of the empire and its current situation. His words made the expressions of Guilliman, Fulgrim, and Leman Russ change. This Wouldn't it be a loss of one's self-confidence to say such things?But they immediately realized that this was trying to arouse the emotions of the civilians. It really belongs to you.

This is a key effect of a speech. It is very important to stimulate the emotions of the speaker.

"Think!! Lord Son of God!! We want to revive the empire!!"

Just after Wang Ming said all this, a voice suddenly appeared in the crowd. At the same time as this voice appeared, other people also expressed their hope for the revival of the empire to Wang Ming. They trusted Wang Ming and believed in him. Wang Ming, they will not let the Son of God they believe in be disappointed.

"Okay! Compatriots, I know your thoughts. This is also the thought of my brothers and I. At the same time, this is also the thought of the God Emperor, our father!"

Wang Ming looked at the citizens of the empire, he said to them, and then observed the emotions of some citizens of the empire, fanaticism and excitement, expectation and hope. These are the emotions Wang Ming felt through his subspace essence. This situation made Wang Ming was very satisfied, and people's emotions had been aroused.

"Humanity once made this wish thousands of years ago, that is, the Great Crusade. During the Great Crusade, humanity almost regained the entire galaxy. However, due to the conspiracy of humanity's enemies, humanity failed that time. Now, humanity is making this wish again. !”

"Compatriots, human beings are a great race, the best race in the entire galaxy. Our ancestors once conquered this galaxy, and we will take up the sword of our ancestors again to conquer this galaxy again. No enemy can stop it. We, some enemies are hiding among us, they are cults, they believe in false gods, those guys are just a bunch of trash, they are cowardly, they do not want humanity to be revived, don’t be beguiled by the enemy’s words, your beliefs and dreams are only One, that is the revival of the empire and humanity, we will destroy all heretics and aliens, and destroy all enemies that stand in the way of humanity’s revival!!”

"Humanity is great, and the Empire of Man is great. Compatriots, are you willing to pick up the sharp sword in your hands and work hard for the rejuvenation of mankind again? Maybe some compatriots will say that they are civilians, not soldiers, and don't know No matter how hard you work, compatriots, you are actually the cornerstone of the empire. When you work in the factory, you get more than just pay. At the same time, you are also working hard for the empire of mankind, accelerating the progress of human rejuvenation a little bit, even if it is just a little bit. Even a tiny bit is your contribution."

"When you are working in the factory, when you are doing your own labor, you are all working hard for the revival of humanity in the empire for thousands of years. You are glorious and sacred. All those who work for the empire are glorious and Holy city!"

Wang Ming said something to the people that made them extremely excited. At the same time, what Wang Ming didn't know was that his words would drive the civilians of the entire empire into a kind of fanaticism, and would also trigger the propaganda work of the Chaos Cult in the entire empire. It is extremely difficult, and we are all working hard for the revival of the empire and humanity. Who is a good person who wants to go to a cult?

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, and that is that they are useful to the empire, even if it is just a tiny and invisible thing, they all absolutely believe that their lives are meaningful.

Wang Ming looked at those people, and he continued to talk to them about the rejuvenation of mankind. He described a future for mankind, a future without wars and enemies. In that future, mankind will have eternal peace, and everyone will With a happy job and the food of the top-hive nobles, the ships will not bring countless troops, but fine wine and countless food. Humanity will become the master of the entire galaxy. will destroy all their enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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