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Chapter 424 The Renaissance Expedition Begins

Chapter 424 The Renaissance Expedition Begins

"Renaissance of humanity! Revival of humanity!! Revival of humanity!!!"

People looked at Wang Ming. They shouted excitedly to the four primarchs about the revival of humankind. They already understood their mission, which was to revive human civilization. Every time they worked in life, they were reviving human civilization. Through hard work on the road, people understand the importance of human rejuvenation, and they will all work hard for human rejuvenation.

Looking at the fanatical people, Wang Ming looked at his brothers. He looked at his brothers. The other three Primarchs all understood what Wang Ming was talking about. The revival of mankind was their wish during the Great Crusade. They smiled and looked at Wang Ming and nodded towards him.

"My brothers, this is the power of the people. Feel it. The future of mankind is not actually in the hands of us supermen, but in the hands of these mortals. They are the empire and they are humanity."

Wang Ming looked at the fanatical people and said to his brothers.

After Wang Ming's speech, his three brothers said that Wang Ming has always thought this way. The foundation of mankind will always be the people. It is the people who are corrupted by chaos, the people who are massacred by aliens, and the people who are protected by the empire. As long as there is With the power of the people, the people's faith, and the empire's ability to protect humanity, there won't be many things in the galaxy that can threaten humanity.

The three Primarchs nodded to Wang Ming, and then each came to the stage to talk to the people about the reform and future of the empire. At the same time, Wang Mingyu announced that the revival expedition had begun. Humanity will let the entire galaxy feel the power of humankind again. They will With the will of mankind ten thousand years ago, we embark on an expedition to the entire galaxy. This expedition may last for thousands of years, or another 1 years, but as long as mankind can be revived, everything will be worth it.

Just when Wang Ming announced the start of the Renaissance expedition, some light spots suddenly appeared in the sky. They were the lights of the Renaissance expedition fleet. Their engines had been ignited. The three expedition fleets were ready to set sail. The entire Holy Taipei The people in Ra all saw the light in the sky, and they all cheered. The Primarch's speech had been broadcast live throughout Holy Terra, and they all knew what the fleet in the sky was doing.

The people cheered, they cheered for the human revival fleet to set sail, and at the same time, the astropaths also sent all the news to the entire empire.

After finishing his speech, Wang Ming went to the Sun Fortress. At the same time, the expedition force from Mars also arrived at the fleet of traversers. The Mechanicus also sent a fleet. According to the contract signed between the Mechanicus and Wang Ming, they sent a group of A group of Titan Legions, Skitarii, and Tech-Priests joined the fleet of time-travelers.

At the same time, a huge fleet of the merchant dynasty also came to Holy Terra to join the fleet of traversers. These merchant fleets were the fleets that had previously declared their allegiance to Wang Ming. They brought almost all of their fleets to Holy Terra. La, and this fleet that is so huge that it can cover the sky is only what is left after the revival expedition began. Before that, there were already a large number of fleets to serve as the vanguard for the three fleets of the revival expedition. They will serve as the vanguard for the revival expedition. The vanguard before the fleet arrives to gather information for the revival of the expedition fleet to reform the world.

To be honest, this is the first time Wang Ming has planned an expedition of this magnitude. This revival expedition is also the largest expedition launched by mankind after the Great Crusade, with four legions, hundreds of millions of Astra troops, and 10,000+ Asta Especially, there are also a large fleet of the Imperial Navy and the exploration fleet of the Rong Merchant Dynasty. This is the largest expedition after the Great Crusade.

At the same time, this expedition is also the beginning of human renaissance. Even the planner Wang Ming doesn't know its end time, but he will become a sharp sword that pierces the great rift across the galaxy and will make the dark side of the empire... The salvation of countless worlds will allow all sentient beings in the galaxy to see that the former overlord of the galaxy, the human empire that destroyed countless alien civilizations, has returned to this galaxy. Perhaps it will stop after ten thousand years, so that it can stop at the end of human civilization. Will stop in front of the evil god in the highest heaven.

Above the Sun Fortress, in the main conference room of the Sun Fortress, all the time-travelers have arrived. Wang Ming is going to say something for them. When all the time-travelers have arrived, Wang Ming walks to the podium. Looking at the travelers wearing starry sky camouflage, I vaguely saw a troop from the previous life.

It is a force that protects the people and the motherland. They will never betray and will always be loyal to their beliefs. They do not believe in gods. If the gods dare to threaten the people they protect, they will block it with their own flesh and blood. In front of the gods, Wang Ming knew that the time travelers were also such a force. They would fight for the stars and overcome obstacles for mankind. They had absolute kindness to mortals that other legions did not have. Perhaps only the salamanders could match their kindness to mortals. Attitude.

"Comrades, please allow me to use this ancient title. We have only one belief and ambition, and that is the rejuvenation of mankind. That is to allow all human beings to live a citizen life in the federal era. For this goal, we may never be able to return. We have arrived at our hometown, but we cannot regret it. Behind us are countless humans in the entire galaxy. Behind us is Holy Terra. Behind us are the sentient beings of the Human Empire. Comrades, our responsibilities are very heavy."

"Perhaps some comrades don't understand that we are time-travelers and we are not humans in this universe. Why should we fight for the humans in this universe? Isn't it good to use our own power to do whatever we want? Comrades, that is Because we are human beings, no matter which universe we are in, we are all human beings. We are not the time-travelers in those novels, we are just human beings, but we have power, and we will use our own power to protect mankind and rejuvenate mankind. Work hard for the road.”

"Comrades, I know that what I said may be nonsense. I also know that the moment we leave our hometown, we can no longer go back. Our destination is Wang Ming of mankind, and we will bring all the people with us. Years ago, humanity’s mission was to go up to the evil god, give them a few slaps, and then tell them that humans!! are the overlords of the entire galaxy!!!”

Wang Ming looked at the time-travelers. He almost said his words in a roaring manner. When Wang Ming spoke, the eyes of the time-travelers also became firm. At this moment, it seemed that every time-traveler A golden flame appeared in the eyes of those who were there. They are the guardians of mankind, the cornerstones on the road to human rejuvenation, the star travelers, and the descendants of ancient human civilization.

No gods can stop them, no enemies can stop them. They will fight with heaven and gods just like their ancestors. If God punishes floods, they will control the water. If God wants to punish God, he will kill God. They say A sharp sword with countless human hopes as its edge. They will rush into this desperate galaxy with the goal of reviving humanity without hesitation, letting those evil gods know what it means to be human and what it means to kill as long as you If you don't kill me, I will find a way to kill you. They will think of anything but will not give up.

"I! Hu Jin, the leader of the second regiment! I will dedicate everything I have to the revival of mankind!!"

"I! The second group Ye Fan! I will dedicate everything I have to mankind!!"

"I! Xu Mingjun, the leader of the fifth regiment! I will dedicate everything to mankind!!" "I! Li Xin, the leader of the sixth regiment! I will revive everything for mankind!!"

"Me! The seventh regiment..."

"Me! The Eighth Regiment..."

With Hu Jin's first start, all the time-travelers swore that they would dedicate everything to mankind, dedicate their lives and souls, even until the heat death of the universe, without hesitation or regret.

Wang Ming laughed as he watched the time travelers swear. He looked at his brothers, he looked at the guardians of humanity, and laughed.

At the same time, in the throne room in the Holy Palace of Terra, Nils also smiled happily. His choice was not wrong. The words of all the time travelers came from the heart. Their hearts have always been like this. It will be the same in the future.

"We will let every world in the galaxy fly the flag of humanity, and we will make our enemies tremble under our feet. We are humanity! We are the stars! The stars are immortal!! Humanity will live forever!!!"

Wang Ming looked at the time-travelers, and he yelled at them, and then all the time-travelers roared. The sound was so shocking that even the Sun Fortress began to tremble slightly. The revival of mankind is here. This moment officially begins.

The fleet will travel through subspace to their destination. Even the super-light speed of curvature navigation cannot catch up with them. They move forward indomitably. For the revival of mankind, they will never return and will always carry out their mission firmly. .

"Father, mother, I can no longer go home. I will fight for mankind with my whole life. Don't miss me. I can't write this letter to you, but I can't help but write. I'm sorry, I am an unfilial son. , I hope that my father and mother will not be too sad because of my disappearance. I did not die, but fought for the revival of mankind. I'm sorry..."

This is a letter written by a time-traveler to his parents on earth, but this letter can never be sent. This is sad, but the time-traveler has no regrets. He has nothing to contribute to mankind on earth. opportunity, but he got it after time travel. Although he didn't really want to time travel, he still wanted to accompany his parents to slowly spend his life, but in the face of today's righteousness, he only needs to fight for mankind. If he continues Give him a chance to choose again, and he will still choose to travel through time, but he will make arrangements for his parents.

It’s not that the time-travelers didn’t miss home, they also wanted to go home, but they knew the moment after they time-traveled that they wouldn’t be able to go home in their long lives, but they didn’t regret it because they had something they could contribute to mankind. Opportunity of a lifetime.

The main fleet of the Renaissance Expedition set off after Wang Ming's speech. The first fleet of the Renaissance Expedition Fleet quickly headed to Mandeville Point. They were about to return to the dark side of the empire and go to the worlds that needed saving.

Under Wang Ming's advance preparation, everyone had a firm belief in reviving humanity. The pace of the revival expedition began. At the same time, the countdown to the end of the enemies of humanity on the dark side of the empire also began.

Helor, the civilized world of the empire, is dotted with countless hives. Various local gangs control almost every hive on the planet. The living environment of the local civilians can be described as a place full of outstanding people, and everyone is precarious. They all live in endless gang wars, and the local nobles are immersed in their own various enjoyments. They don't care about the living environment of the people in the hive city. As long as it does not affect the local tithe payment, then they will not care about it at all. Regardless of the problem of the gangs, at most the local planetary defense forces can periodically suppress the gangs and prevent them from affecting the factory work in Zhongchao.

But after the Great Rift unfolded, the situation in Helor became different. The gang war was still going on, but their guns were not aimed at hostile gangs and civilians, but at the monsters that suddenly appeared. The gangs that once made local civilians miserable have now become the hope for local civilians to survive. All gangs have spontaneously protected civilians and state church personnel. Although they are bastards from the bottom of the nest, they are at least still human beings. Although they They forced local civilians to pay protection fees, but they also protected local civilians.

The Eryard Hive is the largest hive in Helor and the capital of the local planet. Today, the Eryard Hive has become a huge battlefield. The gangsters are fighting against those twisted people. The monsters fought, and they looked at the twisted monsters in front of them. They kept reciting the prayers of the state religion, hoping that the Emperor would bless them to defeat these monsters.

On the battlefield of the hive city, in the steel jungle of the hive city, the largest local gang, the "Spike Gang", is fighting those monsters that suddenly appeared. With the help of the Planetary Defense Force soldiers who have taken refuge in the gang, these gangs have already There has been a trend of transformation into Planetary Defense Force soldiers, but they are still a group of gangsters, and even with the training of the Planetary Defense Force, their quality is still worrying.

"Kady!! Kady!! Ammunition! Give me the ammunition!! Mad, these monsters can't be killed at all!"

In a street, a little leader of the Wolf Fang Gang was leading his brothers to fight against those monsters. He had already run out of ammunition, and just when he was calling his deputy Cady to give him ammunition, He suddenly discovered something that shocked him to the point of suffocation. On the battlefield, all his brothers were dead, and behind him, a slender monster with bisexual organs all over his body was looking at him with a smile. The smile made his brain stop thinking. The moment he saw the monster, the monster immediately used its own pliers to cut off his head.

(End of this chapter)

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