Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 426 The world invaded by Slaanesh

In the Aryad Nest, a heavy red rain was falling. It was not rain, but the blood of loyalists and civilians. The traitors and demons laughed loudly, shouting the name of the Lord of Joy. The number kept venting its desires to the humans who were still alive, and the people were wailing and struggling in this hell-like place.

"The landing has been completed, operations have begun, and attention is paid to protecting civilians."

At this moment, a "meteor" suddenly smashed a hive city spire. As the spire collapsed, a cargo airdrop pod also fell into the hive city. After the cargo airdrop pod landed, a group of Astartes quickly They walked out of it. They looked at the surrounding environment and the red rain falling in the sky of the nest city. They quickly started a cleanup operation.

On the streets of the hive city, a corrupted Planetary Defense Force soldier was dragging a man with his limbs chopped off. The man was not dead. He looked at his bleeding severed limbs with dull eyes and kept wailing. But this kind of wailing is just like an instinctive struggle, and there is no big emotion. The Planetary Defense Force soldiers enjoy the man's wailing very much. It is bathed in the blood rain and laughs loudly, as if it has reached At the happiest time in his life, his emotions have reached an extreme level of happiness.


At this moment, a bomb suddenly hit the Planetary Defense Force soldier. It instantly turned into blood mist. The blood mist it turned into spread on the man's body, and some light appeared in the man's eyes.

"Hemostatic agent, and a think tank to check this person's soul."

The man suddenly saw a group of giants appearing in front of him. These giants injected him with a tube of medicine, and then white lightning suddenly appeared on one of the giants. The lightning quickly entered his body and then disappeared.

"Company Commander, there is nothing wrong with him. He is a little emotionally numb, but there is nothing wrong with his soul."

The think tank looked at his company commander, and he said to him. The company commander nodded to the think tank, then asked the pharmacist to treat the man, and then threw the man to the brothers in the logistics force.

"The angel is coming! The angel is coming!! The angel is coming!!! Salvation is coming!!!"

Just after the time travelers took the man over to the logistics team, he suddenly yelled. His voice was so loud that it was as if his throat was about to explode. However, he did not stop and kept yelling. Meanwhile, the time travelers of the logistics force ignored him. They looked at this poor man and found the prosthetic limb used by the mortal auxiliary army from the supplies of the logistics force.

This man was quickly calmed down, but his mood was still very bad. This man was a little nagging, but he could still answer some questions from the travelers. He looked at the travelers in front of him. , pointed out the enemy's hiding place to them with tears of gratitude.

Under the leadership of men, the time travelers discovered the corrupt place of the Slaanesh cultists. They looked at the men and women twisted together and pulled the triggers of the bolt guns without any emotion, firing one round after another. Flying through the air, the scorching bombs hit the twisted cultists one by one. In an instant, the cultists in the entire space turned into blood mist.

The time travelers continued to move forward under the leadership of the men. As they moved forward, meteors continued to fall from the sky. They were huge cargo airdrop pods that fell into various locations in the hive city, bringing space to the world. Angel to the Emperor.

"It has been completely corrupted..."

Wang Ming looked at the decaying scenes around him, and he already had a certain estimate of the situation in this world. This world would definitely be subject to an extermination order, but there were still many civilians in it who had to be saved.

Wang Ming's plan is this. They first evacuate the population of this world, and then use the Extermination Order to destroy the world. This world has become a paradise of subspace and evil gods. Countless evil demons have descended into the world from here, and they are at odds with themselves. Those followers together turned this world into a hell on earth.

"Boss, most of the civilians here who can be found have been gathered up, but the combat environment in the hive is still too complicated, and they are really hidden too deep."

Hu Jin stood next to Wang Ming. He looked at Wang Ming and reported to Wang Ming the survivors gathered by various units. There were only a few hundred thousand survivors, but by asking these survivors, the time travelers knew this There are at least tens of millions of humans in the Eryad Hive, but not many can be found today. Some have joined the cult in the most desperate circumstances, while others are hanging on the spire of the hive, high in the sky. The falling red rain is their blood.

Wang Ming looked at the blood falling from the sky, and he sighed helplessly. The situation in this world has reached its worst point. The big demon has come to the world, and countless demons are killing unscrupulously on the earth. The local planetary defense force He also completely fell into the chaotic team.

"By the way, boss, we have also found the source of chaos you asked us to look for. The source of pollution comes from the Governor's Mansion in the top hive. It should be a hive noble who worships Slaanesh again and something has happened."

Just as Wang Ming sighed helplessly, Hu Jin handed Wang Ming a document, which was the investigation report of the think tanks. Wang Ming had previously asked the think tanks to investigate the source of the corruption of the world. "Okay, let's go to the Governor's Mansion to have a look, and then after all the survivors are transported to the fleet, we will execute the extermination order for this world."

Wang Ming looked at the sky. He walked towards the transport plane and then said to Hu Jin. Logically speaking, the guy who caused this chaotic invasion should not be dead. Its twisted master should have given it some benefits. Now it is estimated that While enjoying himself in the Governor's Mansion, Wang Ming always felt very alienated unless he dealt with this guy.

At the same time, in the splendid Governor's Palace in Herol, the reliefs that originally praised the God-Emperor have now been covered by the twisted and corrupt symbols of Slaanesh. Thousands of men and women are eroded in it, and the air is filled with energy. A drug that excites mortals to the point of instant death, and on the throne of the planetary governor, a fat, twisted thing that is as disgusting as a mountain of flesh is crazily having fun with a group of Slaanesh succubi. It was having fun while drinking the wine that it was reluctant to drink before.

The entire Governor's Mansion has been turned into a corrupted devil's cave. All kinds of loud and distorted heavy metal music resounded through the Governor's Mansion. Outside the Governor's Mansion, Slaanesh Space Marines were dueling for fun. They were holding some bottles of lubricating oil. Weapons and all kinds of disgusting things were constantly beating each other's bodies, and they were laughing excitedly as they were beating each other.

However, these guys who were immersed in endless joy did not notice that huge transport planes were coming towards the Governor's Mansion. Their good days were also over. A drone was floating in the sky above the Governor's Mansion. Live broadcast all the images here to Wang Ming.

On the transport plane, Wang Ming frowned. He looked at the pictures from the drone. He looked at those twisted and rotten disgusting things and felt that his blood pressure could no longer be suppressed. He knew that Slaanesh was very disgusting. It was a twisted thing, but now that he had truly seen a world that was so corrupted, he felt that his anger and outlook had been completely shattered.

Those perverts on the earth, compared to the Slaanesh things he saw today, were like clean little girls. At least they would not kill people while having fun. These were a group of lunatics, or a group of A psycho with no moral restraints.

Just when Wang Ming was about to kill them all after landing, he suddenly saw something else, and then gave up the idea completely. He decided to let the transport plane hit all his ammunition on the Governor's Mansion first. Clean up a large area of ​​those twisted things, because he saw all kinds of weird and disgusting things on the weapons of the Slaanesh Space Marines. He really didn't want to fight these disgusting things. He was afraid of ruining his eternal existence. Dirty.

Wang Ming's attack order was issued quickly. Missiles, rockets, and laser aerial cannons flew towards those Slaanesh gadgets above the Governor's Mansion. Various ammunition streaked across the sky, and those The Slaanesh Space Marines also noticed those attacks. They did not dodge, but opened their arms excitedly to welcome the attacks.

Rather than avoiding those attacks, letting them be blown to pieces directly, and then feeling the extreme pain of death can make them more excited. Each Slaanesh Space Marine was blown to pieces by various heavy firepower, and their wails were heard in the air. The moment before death, a strange music was synthesized that caused a splitting headache. Wang Ming and the time travelers were also affected by this strange music. However, this was not the case for the Astartes and the Primarch. What a big deal, those Slaanesh things outside the Governor's Mansion have been completely cleared away. Transport planes landed outside the Governor's Mansion one after another. The travelers and Wang Ming all walked towards the corrupt Governor's Mansion.

"Ah~, this sound really makes me so excited. I have never felt so happy even when I was blessed by my Lord before~"

The corrupted planetary governor also heard the sounds outside, but it didn't pay too much attention to it. It just thought it was the extremely joyful music created by the Slaanesh demon. It twisted its disgusting flesh-mounted body and followed the sound. Weird music was dancing, and the followers of Slaanesh under its throne also began to engage in more corrupt activities, and everything was extremely blasphemous.

Just when the planetary governor wanted to take another sip of the wine mixed with hallucinogenic drugs, the door of the Governor's Mansion suddenly exploded. Everyone was attracted by this, and they listened to the sound of the explosion. Their eardrums felt an unparalleled stimulation, and pain was more exciting. All Slaanesh believers sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

But at the next moment, a series of explosive bombs turned them into blood mist. Wang Ming and the time travelers quickly rushed into the Governor's Mansion. They looked at the broken limbs and blood mist on the ground, but there was no thought in their hearts. Any idea that they knew of the decay in the Governor's Palace, that everyone in the building was going to die, was the one responsible for Slaanesh's arrival.

"My lords~, I am Daniel Hernandez Santos, the local governor, the head of the Santos family. Your lords are welcome from afar. Do you also want to join my banquet~"

The planetary governor looked at Wang Ming and the time-travelers. It did not have any fear. On the contrary, it used its disgusting voice to send an invitation to Wang Ming and the time-travelers to join the joyful banquet.

Wang Ming frowned, and he instantly raised one of his hands. The trigger of the bolt gun in his hand was instantly pulled, and a bolt directly hit the planetary governor's lower body. A piece of blood instantly jumped on the mountain of flesh. Flower, and then the planetary governor began to wail crazily, but not long after, its wail turned into a sound of joy, as if it was enjoying it very much and was in pain.

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor. He knew that this was the standard appearance of Slaanesh believers. Their senses had been completely distorted. They would only pursue all kinds of strange and strange stimulations without any restraint, regardless of whether these stimulations were related to the bottom line of human beings. They don't care whether it is related or not, they only care whether these stimulations can make their bodies feel the greatest stimulation.

Wang Ming looked at the howling Planetary Governor. He made a gesture to the travelers, and instantly fired bolt guns at the Planetary Governor. A round of explosive shells was fired into the Planetary Governor's twisted body. The explosion exploded into bloody flowers on top of this mountain of meat, but the Planetary Governor was obviously not harmed by these bombs. Although it was hurt by these bombs, it did not take any action. It was enjoying the pain very much, but it The succubi around him no longer had this ability, and they were torn to pieces by explosive bombs in an instant.

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor who was constantly shaking after being hit by explosive bombs. He knew the physical strength of this guy. He was not torn into pieces under such a volley of explosive bombs. His physical strength had reached the level of a great demon. , he took out Eternal Life. Although he didn’t want to use Eternal Life to chop this disgusting thing, Wang Ming had to kill it.

Golden flames appeared on Wang Ming's body. At the moment when the golden flames on Wang Ming's body burned, the planetary governor moved. It ran off the throne at a speed that was not suitable for its size, holding on to the traversers. Attack and run towards a gate on the side. It can feel the terror of the golden flames on Wang Ming's body. It can feel that if it is killed by Wang Ming, it means that it is really dead. Even the Lord of Joy will It can no longer protect its soul. It doesn't want to die. It still has many exciting things that it hasn't enjoyed yet. It's also planning to use its "sanctified" body to go bungee jumping above the stars. Absolutely Can't die here.

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