Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 427 Extermination Order

Wang Ming looked at the escaping planetary governor. How could he give this chance to escape? Wang Ming disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already reached the escaping planetary governor.

Eternal Life was swung down by Wang Ming and slashed directly on the back of the Planetary Governor. The fat meat on its back was cut open by Eternal Life, and golden flames quickly entered the Planetary Governor's body from the wound.


When the Planetary Governor was struck by Wang Ming's Eternal Slash, he suddenly felt that his senses had returned to the time when he was a mortal. He could feel real pain. This kind of pain would not cause it to feel stimulation, but would make it feel When it felt real pain, it whined and twisted on the ground, which made Wang Ming feel a little sick.

Imagine a huge meat mountain twisting crazily in front of him. Such a disgusting scene can only be said that Wang Ming has seen too many things. Wang Ming's psychology is also extremely strong, but it is still a bit disgusting. After all, Anyone who sees such a big lump of moving flesh will feel extremely sick.

Wang Ming looked at the Planetary Governor. He didn't want to take another look at him. Yongcun waved his hand in the air and slashed directly at the Planetary Governor's head that was out of proportion to his body. The Planetary Governor looked at the head coming towards his head. Blade, it could only roar in despair, but this was of no use.

A head flew up, and Wang Ming looked indifferently at the gradually burning body of the Planetary Governor. He walked directly to the door of the Governor's Mansion. The golden flame burned the Planetary Governor's body, but the burning smell was too unpleasant. The Primarch's sensitivity to smell far surpassed that of the Astartes. After he smelled these smells, Wang Ming felt as if he was smelling a piece of burning meat, although it was not too wrong to say it. , but there are too many hallucinogenic drugs in the body.

Wang Ming inhaled these disgusting things. The disgusting smell of these things irritated Wang Ming's nose, making Wang Ming suddenly feel like sneezing. Logically speaking, the original gene should not sneeze. , but this disgusting planetary governor made Wang Ming sneeze.

Wang Ming regretted it. He was wondering why he didn't put on his helmet to smell these disgusting smells.

After Wang Ming walked out of the Governor's Mansion, the time travelers quickly installed various explosives in the Governor's Mansion. Although the Planetary Governor was dead, the Governor's Mansion must be blown up. After all, it had been completely corrupted. , it has become a large portal for chaos to invade the physical universe, and it must be dealt with. What the already very angry travelers did not expect was that the subsequent extermination order would destroy the entire world. They have nothing to do with destroying the Governor's Mansion now. The real meaning is just to vent your anger.

As the transports left the Governor's Mansion, the Governor's Mansion also began to explode. The Governor's Mansion is a spire structure. It is a huge tower that reaches straight into the sky. Its building specifications are built according to the strength of a space elevator. It needs to be mentioned here. , the Empire's space elevator is different from the space elevators in other science fiction films. The Empire's space elevator is not built through a space station in geosynchronous orbit.

It is a huge Babel Tower. Its construction strength is ridiculously high. Otherwise, if its construction strength is not up to standard at such a high height, it will collapse with the slightest impact.

However, the structural strength of the Governor's Mansion is extremely strong, but the travelers of the second group carry nuclear bombs, and some even carry portable hydrogen bombs. After these things explode inside the building, no matter how strong the Governor's Mansion is, That can no longer stand.

It's just like the collapse of the Tower of Babel in the ancient sacred myth of Terra. The giant tower that represents the world's supreme power collapses at this moment. All the betrayers will be cleared away, and the world will already gain Cleaning up, this world will soon no longer belong to humans, but this is only a short-term process, and it will have the opportunity to return to human hands soon.

The rescue work of civilians is in full swing. After confirming that there is no problem with their souls, each civilian is sent to the fleet. The population of this country should be tens of billions, but now there are only a few million people left. These people The situation is not very good. The torture of the followers of Slaanesh has left wounds on their bodies and minds. The physical injuries can be healed, but the psychological injuries are different.

Although most people's souls have not been contaminated by Slaanesh beliefs, they are already a little psychologically fragile. Necessary ideological education and psychological counseling are necessary to make them realize that they have escaped from that hell on earth.

After Wang Ming and the travelers solved the Governor's Mansion, they returned to the Sun Fortress. In the Sun Fortress, civilians were being inspected by think tanks. Although they had been inspected on the surface of the planet, they Fixed-point inspections are still needed, otherwise if a chaos believer gets mixed up, big trouble will happen.

The civilians had no idea about regular inspections. They were already very grateful to the emperor's angels for saving them, so naturally they had no thoughts of resistance. Moreover, the food in the fleet was much better than what they usually eat.

After Wang Ming arrived at the fleet, he asked about the situation of population evacuation. The time-travelers evacuated almost all civilians to the fleet. Those who had been contaminated by Chaos were dealt with directly on the surface of the planet. For these people they had The civilians and time-travelers who were dealt with were also helpless. These civilians did not know that they had been contaminated by Slaanesh. They thought that the time-travelers were here to save them, but it was not the time-travelers who saved them, but them. With the bomb in his hand, it would be better to die as a human than to become a twisted disciple of Slaanesh.

Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand. He sighed helplessly, and then walked to an observation window in the Sun Fortress. He looked at Helor and issued the extermination order to the fleet through the personal terminal in his hand.

The fleet received Wang Ming's order and moved quickly. It slowly came to Helor, and then the Imperial Truth broke away from the fleet. The ship that carried out the extermination order this time was the Imperial Truth. As a ship The Earth-class battleship has the ability to destroy stars with a single ship, so it is very good to let it carry out the extermination order.

The Imperial Truth was parked on top of Helor. The muzzle of its front section slowly opened and then it adjusted its posture to aim at Helor. Wang Ming looked at the Imperial Truth and Helor quietly. He was about to see a world with his own eyes. Destroyed on command.As the Imperial Veritas' star-destroying weapon was charged, an energy beam was shot directly from it and flew towards the planet. Almost instantly, the energy beam ignited the planet's core, and huge energy flowed from the inside of the planet. As the outside rushed out, the structure of the world began to break rapidly. The continents disintegrated and volcanoes began to erupt. After a while, a continent was hugely sent into the void, followed by the second one until the world completely began to shatter. It turned into a large piece of interstellar matter.

And Wang Ming watched the whole process until the end. He watched a world being destroyed under his own command. It was not the world engine of the undead, but a real human world, but the humans on it had been destroyed by Chaos. Completely contaminated.

"It's a bad start..."

Wang Ming looked at the destroyed world and muttered helplessly to himself. The first stop of the Renaissance Expedition was to destroy a world. I wonder what happened to his other brothers. The fleets of the Renaissance Expedition set off at the same time. , Guilliman and the others should have reached the dark side of the empire now, but I don’t know what the situation is like on their side.

Wang Ming sighed again when he was disappointed, and then ordered the fleet to continue their journey. They needed to go to the next world, and just as the fleet started to set sail, Wang Ming fell into huge guilt. He could have arrived earlier, If he had arrived earlier, the world would not have been destroyed, and the world would not have been completely invaded by Slaanesh.

"Don't let other things affect your heart."

Just when Wang Ming fell into a huge guilt, he remembered what the emperor said to him before he left. At that time, he told Wang Ming not to be affected by anything. He should have seen what he is now. This is the case.


Wang Ming looked at the Emperor's painting in his office. He patted his desk gently and then continued to deal with fleet affairs. The Emperor was right, don't let anything affect your heart. The only thing he has to do is to revive mankind. Nothing else can affect him. He has only destroyed a world and the civilians in the world have also been saved. What else does he need to think about so much?
After thinking about it, Wang Ming continued to handle official duties, and the fleet also began to move. The huge ships regrouped into the fleet, and then flew towards the subspace channel of the Helor galaxy, with plasma tail flames streaking. Passing through the void, it illuminated the fragments of Helor and sailed to the next world. The first stop of the revival expedition main fleet was unlucky. Although all loyalists were saved, tens of billions of people were saved, and only a few hundred were saved. Wan, this still makes Wang Ming feel very guilty, but the revival expedition will still continue. The possibility of encountering such a thing in the future is high or low, so it is also very good to make some mental preparations in advance.

The next stop of the Renaissance Expedition is a star system adjacent to Herol. Its name is Decadi. This world is a wild world of an empire. The human civilization on it is still in a state similar to the European Middle Ages. The empire has never thought about upgrading human civilization in the galaxy to the same level. The size of the empire is one of the major reasons for this situation, but this is only one of the reasons. Another reason is that the empire hopes to be as low as possible. Cost control These worlds, those imperial worlds full of ignorance and superstition, are very fertile ground for the spread of the state religion.

This is the best situation for low-cost control of the imperial world, but this situation is not very good for the overall development of the empire. In a galactic empire, a unified empire, all worlds do not have unified teaching materials, and the entire The languages ​​of the empire have not been unified. These are fertile grounds for the development of chaos. They will invade local human civilization according to the conditions of those worlds.

A major purpose of the Renaissance Expedition is to develop the civilizations of these worlds and to uniformly improve the civilizations of each world. This is an important goal for the rise of human civilization.

The fleet sailed through the void and entered the subspace again. In the turbulent subspace, countless demons spied on the humans on the fleet, but Geller's position prevented them from spying. The fleet sailed through the eternal night of the subspace, heading for own destination.

Just as the fleet was heading to its destination, at the same time on Decadi, kings similar to those in the Middle Ages were fighting with each other. This was the norm in Decadi from the time of the Great Expedition to the present day. This was the case with Decadi as the Great Rift unfolded. After the Great Rift unfolded, Decadi's war level only increased a bit.

In this world, dozens of various large and small kingdoms and principalities are constantly fighting wars. The purpose of their wars is the same as that of all wars in human civilization for thousands of years. They are all to compete for their own world. Those poor resources and population.

They don't know anything about Chaos and the Empire. They only care about the resources they compete for. Of course, as a world that needs to provide tithes to the Empire, there is also a local planetary governor, who is the king of the largest local kingdom. , as the planetary governor of this world, he himself does not have much power. He is just a role similar to the messenger of the empire. Similarly, the empire also guarantees his authority, every time he collects tithes From time to time, the empire will send a group of tax collection troops to this world to collect tithes. If any of the local kingdoms refuse to pay, the empire's tax collection troops will ask these kingdoms to consider it carefully in the name of the Planetary Governor Kingdom. Whether their refusal to surrender can be implemented.

Under this situation, the environment of the local world before the Great Rift unfolded was slightly better than the current situation, but it was different after the Great Rift unfolded. The tax collection fleet has not been here for a long time, and all the kingdoms are taking notice. After this situation, all the kingdoms began to seek revenge and complain, and because of the behavior of the messengers of the Planetary Governor Kingdom, they have now become the revenge targets of several kingdoms.

Who makes it the largest kingdom in the local area, and it is also the leader of the empire. In the minds of the locals, the planetary governor's kingdom is a rich kingdom, and a kingdom with terrifying force, but this does not stop them from planning revenge. , after the tax collection fleet disappeared, all the kingdoms believed that the planetary governor's kingdom had declined. Now that their temptations were over, all they needed now was an opportunity for the kingdoms of the entire world to start besieging the planetary governor's kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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