"This is..., Feitian Cathedral..., it's over! It's over! It's completely over!"

The Planetary Governor knelt on the ground with a look of despair. He looked at the flying cathedrals and recognized what class of battleships they were. They were Space Marine strike cruisers and Imperial ships.

"Assemble the planetary defense forces, and then let the noble armies put on their preparations and wait. Our world is about to welcome imperial guests."

The planetary governor watched the ships slowly approaching the star port, and then issued an order to his world immediately. In his understanding, the empire's fleet was coming, and it was bringing space warriors with it, either for fighting or fighting. There was something big wrong with his world, and he had to be prepared for war, and he didn't want to be judged as a heretic by the empire and then be broken into pieces by various types of explosive bombs.

After the planetary governor arranged the things on the planet, he waited at the starport with an honor guard. He did not want to leave a bad impression on the possible Space Marine Chapter Leader.

"All great angels, and friends from the Merchant Dynasty, welcome to the Empire's loyal Lemat, and thank the God Emperor for allowing me to meet his great angels..."

On the star port, the planetary governor looked at the several giants and several nobles from the Merchant Dynasty in front of him. He respectfully performed a standard Aquila salute to the people in front of him, and then took out a document and handed it over. In his opinion, the Space Marine in front of him, this Astartes wearing gorgeous power armor, must be the Chapter Master of this Chapter, but this kind of Astartes with gold and silver as the paint color matching It seemed like he had never seen the Tate Battle Group before traveling through time.

If he hadn't seen the style of their power armor, he would have thought those Astartes were Gray Knights, but he was relieved now. They were just an ordinary Astartes Chapter, and they were really Gray Knights. This world is almost gone, and he and his people will be silenced by these demigods.

"Well..., very good, planetary governor, I am Ye Fan, the first company commander of the second regiment of the [-]st legion of the empire. Now the [-]st legion has officially taken over your world. Do you have any objections..."

Ye Fan looked at the respectful planetary governor in front of him. He took the document and then winked at the think tank beside him. The think tank immediately understood and began to quietly examine the soul of the planetary governor.

Ye Fan set off early as the leader of the reconnaissance fleet. Before departure, Wang Ming specially equipped the fleet of the Hongshang Dynasty with some imperial warships. After all, their mission was to take the lead in reconnaissance intelligence. In case of encountering an enemy fleet, in the empire The dark side definitely couldn't do it with the firepower of their large cargo ships, so Wang Mingcai arranged for them an empire-standard cruise fleet to replace those cargo ships.

After the merchants were given these battleships, the entire dynasty fell into a kind of unspeakable religious fanaticism. They praised those battleships as the miracle of the son of the God Emperor, and they thanked Wang Ming for taking over such a sacred mission. pass them.

Wang Ming and the time travelers are confused about these things. They have gradually become familiar with the religious fanaticism in the empire. There is even a statue of Wang Ming on the Sun Fortress that is believed by the mortal auxiliary army. This matter Wang Ming also acquiesced to the matter. After all, even if tens of thousands of mortal auxiliary troops smashed their heads into his subspace projection, there might not be much change. It would be better to use himself to stabilize the loyalty and firmness of belief of some troops.

"The [-]st Legion..., this..., of course, sir, I have no objection. Lematt will always be loyal to the empire, and we will unconditionally obey anything the empire does."

The Planetary Governor looked at the Astartes in front of him. He was stunned for a moment. What is the [-]st Legion? There is no such Legion in the background story. Is this universe a parallel world? And this [-]st Legion seems to be It was a Chinese-style legion. The decorations on their power armor and their faces all looked like Chinese people. If they hadn't spoken a kind of Latinized English, he would have thought that these guys Stat would suddenly speak a few words in Chinese.

"Okay, let's confirm that there is no problem with the planetary governor of the local world. The boss will arrive in about a month. Let's first inspect the situation of the local world with the merchants, and then formulate a reform plan. Talk to the gear boys and let them Bring the instruments and let's go to the surface."

Ye Fan looked at the document in his hand. This is the layout of the planetary defense force on the local planet, the economic situation of the local world, and the tithe tax bill prepared five years ago. It seems that this planetary governor is A person who does practical things just meets the boss's requirements for talents to reform the world.

After reading the document in his hand, Ye Fan said to the think tank beside him that for the sake of convenience and not to be heard by the people around him, he directly spoke in Chinese, but in this sentence he directly mentioned the planet The Governor was stunned. What did he hear? He actually heard the native dialect he was most familiar with, and it was spoken in the mouth of an Astartes. It was no less than seeing an alien speaking Chinese.

"Chinese..., shit..."

The Planetary Governor looked at the Astartes in front of him. He stared at his black hair and black eyes. His face was full of shock. He really didn't understand why this Astartes could speak Chinese. This is not normal. Is it really a parallel world?
  "What do you want, Planetary Governor?"

Ye Fan also noticed that something was wrong with the state of the mortal in front of him. The mortal governor in front of him was obviously a little excited, and it was just when he had just finished talking to the think tank. This was very abnormal. Logically speaking, the planet The Governor probably didn't understand what he said.

"Could it be that... this Governor?"

Ye Fan looked at the governor in front of him, and he suddenly remembered the wild travelers in the fleet. These wild travelers were not recruited by conscription, but traveled to this universe for various reasons. Their appearance did not have any pattern, and if he is not actively exposed, the possibility of being discovered is basically zero. Just like Lu Feng before, he stayed on the fleet for so long. If he hadn't sat up twice, it would have been really difficult. He couldn't bear it anymore and confessed his identity to the fleet. The fleet probably didn't know when he would know his identity.

"Are you a time traveler too?" Thinking of this possibility, Ye Fan immediately asked the planetary governor in front of him. This moment made the planetary governor excited. His whole body clicked very quickly, and he hugged him directly. He grabbed Ye Fan's thigh, and then cried bitterly and told Ye Fan about his identity.

"Fellow fellow, it's not easy to meet a fellow countryman. I originally thought this was a universe like Star Wars, but I never thought it was that cesspit. Woohoo... we promised to travel to another world. , the promised elf and demi-human beauties are not there at all, fellow, this is a subspace fraud, wuwuwu..."

The planetary governor hugged Ye Fan's legs, seeming to open up some emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time. He cried bitterly and told Ye Fan that he knew how he felt after traveling to this cesspit. When he saw those imperial warships Some of them collapsed, but because he didn't have any outlet, he could only endure it and think about how to survive. But now, why did a fellow countryman stand in front of him? He couldn't hold back all of a sudden and cried so much. Call it miserable.

"Uh, um, brother, you get up first, let's talk slowly, I understand your mood, we cried quite miserably at that time."

Ye Fan looked at the planetary governor who hugged his calf and refused to let go, and said to him helplessly. Ye Fan actually understood very well that this wild time traveler collapsed in front of him. After all, they had no comparison when they time traveled. How good is he?

After all, that Hammer guy doesn't want to travel to the Warhammer universe, right? Compared to this shithole universe, they would rather go to the Trisolaran universe. At least there is a dark forest where they can hide and live out their lives without having to lose their own souls. You need to worry about being played by evil gods and demons after death, and the Warhammer universe is a battle royale for all races in the galaxy. Like the Dark Forest, they all want to kill each other, but the difference is that this one is really messy. Evil gods, aliens, and the terrifying extraterrestrial invaders have turned the entire galaxy into a mess, and no one knows when they will die.

People don't know what kind of terrible torture they will suffer after death. They can only face this terrifying galaxy with their devout faith, and face a galaxy without any hope.

"Sorry, I'm so excited."

After the Planetary Governor heard Ye Fan's words, he immediately stood up. He looked at the mortals and members of the Mechanicum looking at him with strange expressions, and understood how stupid his behavior just now was. Fortunately, it was him. Fellow fellow, if this were the Astartes from other chapters, he would probably be a piece of rotten meat on the ground by now.

After Ye Fan communicated with this fellow for a while, he went to the surface of Lemat's planet. As the master of this world, the planetary governor told Ye Fan about the situation of his world and the situation above his world along the way. of the reforms he enacted.

At the same time, Ye Fan also knew the name of the planetary governor, Stowe Van Ersende, which was his name after time travel. He even hoped that Ye Fan would call him Liu Yuchi, which was his original name.

As a college student in the [-]st century, Liu Yuchi still tried his best to use all the management knowledge he had learned before traveling. He stipulated the seafood fishing rules in the local world, and then stipulated some local fishing rules. Social welfare, everything is aimed at lifting the people of Lemat out of poverty and becoming rich, at least ensuring that everyone has seaweed blocks and fresh fish every day, and he has successfully accomplished all of this.

Since he took over the position of planetary governor from his dead father when he was thirteen years old, he has been working hard to reform everything in this world, first of all his former relatives. The big reason why Lemat could not develop before, It is because of the exploitation of the nobles by fishing from the marsh. In the previous Lemat, all fishermen who went to sea were required to hand over [-]% of their income to the nobles before they could get work and food. Because the fishing grounds in this world before Control is in the hands of those nobles.

Liu Yuchi's father didn't have much to do about this matter, and he was undecided to reform the world. But when Liu Yuchi came to power, he immediately started reforms. To be honest, Liu Yuchi believed that his father's death must be related to Those relatives of his are related, otherwise there is no way to explain why his father died inexplicably.

So after he inherited the position of planetary governor, he immediately investigated the cause of his father's death, through the private soldiers who were loyal to his father, the planetary generals who had close contacts with his father, and the star whisperers in the Star Communication Tower. , he finally investigated the cause of his father's death.

His father was assassinated by his relatives. Those nobles coveted the position of Planetary Governor, but they were not the legal successors to this position. They could only find a way to obtain the position of Planetary Governor through assassination. When he After his father died, the position of Planetary Governor came into his hands. Those people thought that if they waited for a while and then killed Liu Yuchi, they could re-elect a puppet family on the grounds that all the Planetary Governor's family died unfortunately. Come to inherit the position of planetary governor.

They don't have to worry that a thirteen-year-old child can produce a descendant to inherit this position. Even if Liu Yuchi can really produce a descendant, it will be the same if he is killed at that time.

But they never expected that Liu Yuchi was not a child, but a time traveler. After learning all this, he began to secretly recruit his father's private soldiers and planned a big thing. Cleanse your family of all those who intend to rebel.

Finally, just one month after he inherited the position of planetary governor, with the cooperation of the planetary generals, he took his father's [-] private soldiers and rushed directly into the noble palace next to the governor's palace, without giving any chance to those He didn't care whether those people were related to him by blood or not. He directly ordered the entire palace to be cleaned. As a time traveler, he didn't even leave a child behind just in case.

Later, he reformed the world as the planetary governor, making the world's living standard higher than the average level of the empire. This was his only great achievement.

Ye Fan just listened to Liu Yuchi's self-report all the way. He had roughly figured out the capabilities of this fellow. He was a very good manager. He didn't have much ambition. He just hoped that he could safely protect the current situation of his world. But he has different means from this goal. After confirming that his relatives will pose a threat to him, he does not hesitate to deal with the entire family. This kind of person is a perfect manager. He can be very kind, but when On some matters, his methods can be more terrifying than a tyrant's.

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