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Chapter 437 A real naval battle

"Your experience is really wonderful."

Ye Fan looked at Liu Yuchi beside him. He listened to him talk about his experience after time travel. He really felt that the guy in front of him was not simple. Although he was very kind in front of his fellow countrymen, Ye Fan saw in his eyes Not only is he kind, but he also has some thinking expression, which is almost invisible to mortals, but Ye Fan, the Astarte, can easily see it.

He had seen this kind of look in the eyes of the nobles above Terra. Those guys were all a group of scheming old foxes. The only difference was that Liu Yuchi had a gentle look at him, while those on Terra The eyes of the old guys above were full of flattery and greed. They wanted to get something from the newly emerged [-]st Legion, but they didn't know that everything about them had been taken away by the time-travelers. It was clear to see that they were time travellers, and they understood how pedantic they were better than those nobles.

"It's okay. Compared to you, no matter how much trouble I, a little village leader, make, it's just a small fuss. You have to face this cruel galaxy, and I just face the various states of this world. I’m exhausted.”

Liu Yuchi looked at Ye Fan beside him. He picked up a bottle of red wine next to him, poured a glass for himself, and then poured a glass for Ye Fan. This was his role as the officials on his own planet. communication habits.

"Um..., actually, I quite admire you for these things. Although you are a time traveler, you are still quite powerful in being able to solve all the threats to yourself in this world under the circumstances at that time."

Ye Fan took the red wine. He looked at the cup that was the same size as a bottle of oral liquid and drank the red wine in one gulp. The taste of this red wine was naturally not as good as Quadis wine, but it still tasted very good.

"Hey hey hey, thank you. How about this wine? My father bought it from an Astartes war group."

Liu Yuchi scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly, like a college student who deserves praise.

"Wine from the Chapter Astartes? Wait!"

Ye Fan listened to Liu Yuchi's words, and he suddenly remembered a problem. There was only one Astartes Chapter buying wine in the entire galaxy, and the wine that that Chapter bought to the imperial nobles was all stamped by aliens. He thought of this , Ye Fan's face suddenly turned bad, a sense of nausea filled his heart, and he suddenly felt dirty.

After seeing Ye Fan's expression and hearing his words, Liu Yuchi's face became ugly. He also remembered it, and he immediately slapped his throat.

Just as the Planetary Governor was communicating with the [-]st Legion, on the planet of Lemat, on a floating island, a group of PDF-equipped soldiers were driving the floating island towards the mainland. Lemat's floating island was actually There is a huge sea ship on it, which can be driven.

"Father, mother, and all relatives, please protect me, that damned little beast Stowe Van Ersende, I will kill him in front of your tombstone!!"

On the floating island, a woman in gorgeous clothes looked at the mainland in the distance. She never stopped looking at the giant tower of the Governor's Mansion in front of her, thinking firmly in her heart.

She was the only member of the Ersende family who escaped Liu Yuchi's purge. She was not on the mainland at the time, but was traveling around the world on a floating island given to her by her father. She hoped to see all the scenery in Lemat , and it was this idea that successfully saved her, and after she learned that only she and Liu Yuchi were killed by Liu Yuchi in her family, she had been thinking about a revenge plan.

Now when the imperial authorities come to Lemat, she finally has a chance. She has a fleet, which are private soldiers absolutely loyal to her father. She will use Liu Yuchi to concentrate most of the PDFs in the Governor's Palace. Taking this opportunity to use the fleet to destroy them all and bombard the Governor's Mansion was exciting to think about. An unnatural red color appeared on her face when she thought of this. That was because she was too excited.

As an imperial noble, she also has her own special hobby, which is the pursuit of excitement. At first it was the pursuit of beauty, so she went on a trip around Lemat, and now she has grown up over the years. After that, her hobbies have become twisted. She longs for more excitement. Killing makes her happy, and death is a game that makes her extremely addicted.

She looked at the city in the distance, imagining its destruction by herself, imagining her laughing loudly in front of her parents' tombstones with Sto van Ersend's head in her hand, imagining what she would do after she ruled Lemat With everything she gets, she can turn the entire world's population into her toys.

"Master, the fleet is ready and can launch an attack at any time. I suggest taking action immediately. After all, Stowe Van Ersend also controls all the navy in Lemat. If we cannot preemptively strike, then we You might be at a disadvantage.”

Just as the woman was excitedly thinking about what she would do in the future, a white-haired man came up behind her. He looked at the woman respectfully and told her that their fleet was ready. .

"Ah, thank you, my fleet commander, let's begin. This is a just revenge. After I regain the glory of the Van Ersend family, I will make you my planetary general, my loyal Mal. division."

The woman looked at the man beside her. She gently hugged the man's arm, and then said to him. The man looked at the woman and felt the woman hugging his arm, but he didn't have any reaction. He knew this fan... The eldest lady of the Ersend family has some kind of mental illness. If it weren't for his loyalty to his father, he would never go on this fatal mission. He doesn't believe that their fleet can do it. Facing the most powerful navy in Lemat, this is absolutely impossible, even if the military god in Lemat's history is resurrected.

He knew that he was going to die, but he couldn't disobey the woman's order. He just thought that at the last moment, he could send the woman to a frigate, and then let her run as far as she wanted, so that she would understand that the so-called revenge is fundamental. Impossible, this time he will use his own life and the lives of all the soldiers loyal to the woman's father to teach the woman a lesson and let her recognize the reality and give up the idea of ​​revenge.

The man ignored the woman hugging him, then picked up the communicator and issued orders to all their battleships.

"According to the order of the family leader, all warships are in battle formation and open fire on the enemy city ahead!"

The man held the communicator and issued the attack order. At the moment the order was issued, all their warships formed a T-shaped battle formation. The muzzles of all the ships, including those on the floating island, were It began to spray its own artillery fire towards the mainland ahead. Thousands of artillery fired, and countless artillery shells fell towards the city ahead. But just when the artillery shells just fell over the city, lasers suddenly flew out from various commanding heights in the city, and a large number of artillery shells were directly intercepted in the air. It is the laser defense system in the city. As the largest city in the world and the seat of the Governor's Mansion, its defense is naturally very powerful.

During their lifetimes, the previous planetary governors spared no effort to expand the city's defense system. They all knew that their position was definitely being spied on. In order to ensure that their descendants would be immortal, they must take everything into consideration. .

The man looked at the rain of fire over the city and the few artillery shells that luckily escaped the laser and fell into the city. He knew that he was going to die today.

Now that the city's automatic defense system has been activated, it has blocked [-]% of their attacks. He can't even think about the follow-up Lemat First Fleet. You know, they are just a miscellaneous army. Matt's first fleet is a regular army that the Planetary Governor family has spent a lot of money to support for countless years.

In the ocean world of Lemat, it is never the Army Planetary Defense Forces that decide the war, but the Navy Planetary Defense Forces. Although they are not even worthy of carrying the shoes of the real Imperial Navy, the firepower they control on the planets, It's enough to make an Astartes Chapter feel the danger. In an ocean world like Lemat, naval ships are the most powerful firepower in the world.

One hundred thousand giant cannons, one hundred thousand glory, just like the naval battleships of Ancient Terra in World War I. Their ships are multi-fort believer ecstasy ships. On each naval battleship, there are countless Ten various artillery pieces, the caliber of which is much larger than that of the battleships of Gu Terra.


In the city, several streaks of black smoke rose, and air defense sirens also sounded. Above the city's military port, ships began to leave the port one after another. The fleets that were cruising along the mainland coastline also began to return to the port to support. Watching The ships slowly appeared on the sea, and the man was completely numb. He looked at the woman beside him, touched her head as gently as he did when she was a little girl, and then walked towards the floating island. At the headquarters, everything was planned. He couldn't survive today, but the daughter of the family leader must survive.

That unit is ready, and they will take the woman away at the last moment. These people are the most loyal soldiers. They will use everything they have to protect the woman, and the so-called fleet commander will let the woman Knowing what it means to shake a tree like a worm, they have no power to resist at all.

The naval battle began. For the First Fleet of Lemat, the number of enemies was very large, five times their number, but that was all. A large number of these warships were converted from cargo ships and could not form much combat effectiveness at all. The warships of Lemat's first fleet are all customized products of the Mechanicus with laser cannons. Their ancestors once drove these warships to regain Lemat, and now they will also use these sacred warships to eliminate enemies one by one.

At the same time, in the city, on the high tower of the Governor's Mansion, Ye Fanzheng and Liu Yuchi were looking at the battlefield in the distance.

"Do you really not need our help? Although the empire has a tradition of not caring about planetary coups, as a fellow countryman, I can help you."

Ye Fan looked at Liu Yuchi beside him and asked him doubtfully.

"Well, thank you for your kindness, but it is unnecessary. I already know who did it. That little girl, after so many years, I should have used this Lemat navy to kill her. You shouldn’t leave yourself with such trouble.”

Liu Yuchi shook his head, then slowly poured himself a glass of local low-alcohol wine and said. His blue eyes were staring at the battlefield in the distance, his long blond hair was flying in the sea breeze, and he was holding the wine glass like Like a confident mastermind, looking ruthlessly at the battlefield that he had planned in the distance, his planetary governor side was finally reflected in front of Ye Fan for the first time.

Those who can sit in the position of planetary governor are not ordinary people. They may be dirty and greedy for pleasure, but they are definitely not a group of incompetents. They are a group of wily politicians and a group of powerful individuals. A capable king, otherwise they would not be able to protect their position as planetary governor.

"Let's get started. The First Fleet of Lemat is my proud work. If the technical priests of the Mechanicus hadn't had objections to my transformation plan, I would have installed vertical missiles on all the ships. ”

Liu Yuchi held the wine glass, looked at the battlefield in the distance, and made a gesture of toasting. Ye Fan, who was beside him, looked at his actions and felt as if he was watching some big villain behind the scenes controlling the situation. It was extremely unnatural. When he woke up, he felt like he had seen this action before, but he couldn't remember it. It seemed that it was a gesture made by a villain who looked very similar to Liu Yuchi.

"really weird…"

Ye Fan recalled it for a while, but still couldn't recall it, and finally complained helplessly.

And just when Ye Fan felt strange, the battle began on the battlefield above the sea. Compared with the live ammunition artillery in the rebel navy, the weapons of Lemat's first fleet were much more advanced. Lasers appeared one after another. On the sea surface, the rebel ships were turned into steam wherever they went. This was the laser main gun salvo of Lemat's first fleet. These laser cannons were the planetary governors of the Van Ersend family for generations. Good things obtained from the Mechanicus at a large price. Although they are products that the Mechanicus don't pay much attention to, their power is enough to make the Lematt First Fleet invincible in the local combat environment. .

The laser flew above the sea, and the enemy fleet was also counterattacking. Shells flew towards Lemat's first fleet, but these physical ammunition could not escape the interception of the laser close-in defense cannon.

The woman stood on the floating island. She looked at the Lemat First Fleet in the distance, and watched her fleet turn into steam under the attack of the Lemat First Fleet. A voice suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Want to gain strength and joy? Believe in me..."

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