Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 441 The Great Demon Comes to the World

The Chaos Lord looked at the imperial troops in front. He picked up his power ax, which was an original Ultramar battle ax. It was a weapon that represented glory and was also its teacher. The former name was A weapon used by the Imperial Space Marines who fought to the bitter end, but now in its hands it has slaughtered countless Imperial warriors.


The Chaos Lord exhaled a long breath, and then rushed forward with his Chaos Space Marines. They were not rushing towards the imperial troops, but towards the Slaanesh followers. They really couldn't stand it anymore. These damn perverts actually started doing things like that on the battlefield. This was not only an insult to the enemy, but also an insult to them.

"grown ups…"

A Slaanesh cultist was wildly rewarding itself. Suddenly, it saw the Chaos Space Marines in front of it. Just as it was about to say something, a power ax chopped off its head. The Chaos Space Marines rushed into the Slaanesh cultists and went crazy. The massacre started.

The Chaos Space Marines couldn't stand it anymore. They even wanted to hack their companions to death. Those Slaanesh Space Marines were actually rotting with the mortal cultists. Fortunately, these Slaanesh Space Marines were watching the enemy from their companions. The same gaze stopped, otherwise they would also be hacked to death by the angry Chaos Lord and his men.

"Take care of those mortals and let them reorganize their defenses. No matter what happens, we will all be killed by the empire's bastards!!"

The Chaos Lord looked at the mortal cultists and said to the Chaos Space Marines around him. They were a war gang. Although there were many people, there were only a few of the Chaos Lord's subordinates. They were all a group of other warriors. Gang of Chaos Space Marines.

This warband is no less difficult to manage than the political factions in an imperial hive world, and its level of chaos is terrifying. If they were not all centered on the same goal, civil war would probably occur in the next second.

After hearing the words of the Chaos Lord, the Chaos Space Marines were more or less dissatisfied, but the current situation indeed required the unification of force, and they immediately went to deal with the mortal cultists.

With the intervention of a Chaos Space Marine, the order of the mortal cultists was quickly stabilized. Those cultists who believed in Tzeentch were pulled out individually, and based on the height of their awakened psychic talents, they could be used to summon demons. consumables, which will become walking psychic bombs.

The cultists of Khorne are not that troublesome. They will charge with the Space Marines of Khorne, while the cultists of Nurgle are driven to the front line. They carry diseases that will infect other cultists. Causing unnecessary trouble, as for those Slaanesh cultists, in order to maintain the dignity of themselves and their enemies, all these disgusting things were used by the Thousand Sons wizards as sacrifices to summon demons, and were expedited by the Thousand Sons wizards. Entering the subspace in exchange for more demons.

Under the actions of the Chaos Lord, order finally returned to the Chaos Space Marines' positions. They finally had a certain fighting ability. The Khorne cultists carried bombs on their backs and charged crazily towards the Empire's armored firepower. , the Tzeentch cultists used their newly awakened spiritual powers to focus on launching spells at the Imperial troops. Although every time they launched a spell, there would be a few who could not control their spiritual powers and exploded to pieces, but these The dangerous psykers still caused some losses to the Imperial troops. A Rand was directly turned into a piece of scrap metal under the spells of dozens of psykers.

The Nurgle cultists used their "immortal bodies" that had gradually transformed into living corpses to continuously charge against the firepower of the imperial troops, intending to use the filthy weapons in their hands to attack the imperial troops. Spread the gospel of Father Nurgle.

As for the Slaanesh cultists, they were tied up and placed in front of the Thousand Sons wizards. They were used as consumables by these wizards, and their souls were used to summon terrifying demons. Join the battle against imperial forces.

For the demons, today is a good opportunity to enter the real universe. It is rare to see so many portals, but they soon discovered one thing, that is their enemies, the Asta of the empire. Their firepower is so powerful that some demons who have experienced the siege of Terra even wonder if the firepower of these Astartes is the firepower configuration of the Great Crusade. Why are they so terrifying?

They returned to the subspace within a few minutes of their appearance. They didn't even see the appearance of the imperial troops clearly, and they were blown to pieces by bursts of explosions.

The demons did not believe this situation. They responded to the call again and went to the real universe, but the result was still the same. They did not understand how they were exiled at all. There was no time in the subspace, and their fragments He was restored by the piecework of his own evil god, and then summoned into the real universe again.

This time they finally saw the armored firepower of the traversers, but it was too late. A series of brutal blades passed over their heads. The demons were once again exiled back to the subspace. At the same time, some unlucky demons met Chen Jiuzhou. , they were reduced to pieces of ashes under streaks of psychic lightning and white flames that even the Chaos Gods needed some time to fight.

The time travelers marched on the battlefield. The tracks of their tanks pressed through the muddy ground and rushed into the position of the Chaos Space Marines. The Chaos Space Marines and cultists watched the armored giants enter the position. They all initiated In the last resistance, they attacked the empire's armored giants with whatever they had, but these attacks had little effect.

Their armored units were all scrapped in the first wave of attacks. Now they only have melta bombs and some heavy weapons that can deal with armored vehicles, but those mortal cultists holding melta bombs have no chance. They can't get close to the armored vehicles of the empire. The coordination of infantry and tanks formed by the time-travelers allows the time-travelers in the armored company to move forward without any worries at all. As for those firepower points... you know, there are snipers among the time-travelers. Hands-on, these snipers who were trained after shooting countless explosives were the incarnations of death on the battlefield. Every shot they fired would silence a position that was preparing to launch heavy weapons.

Wang Xiaofa knew that he was determined to kill these guys this time. Even if they took advantage of the chaos to escape into the hive, it didn't matter. He would clean up the hive after this battle. The Chaos Space Marines' position is very large, consisting of countless trenches and simple fortresses, but these things are still too childish for the armored company's traversers. With the huge size of their armored vehicles, they can easily crush them. Overwhelm those forts and trenches.

But just when the time-travelers felt that no one could stop them, psykers with dull eyes suddenly appeared in front of the army. They were glowing with psychic energy and frantically moved toward the time-travelers. Their armored vehicles came, and their charging speed was extremely fast. They even avoided the firepower of the traversers during the charging process. The way they avoided was very strange, as if they knew where all the ammunition would land. Likewise, the traversers' shots can't hit them at all.

"Precognitive ability? These guys are not combat-type psychics. Wait, everyone, step back and keep distance from those damn guys!!"

Wang Xiaofa was sitting in a Cruel Blade. He looked at the battle outside through the observation mirror. He stared at the psykers rushing towards them. He was a little confused at first. These psykers were not combat-type psykers. Ah, their precognition ability can dodge attacks, but with their newly awakened spiritual talents, they don't have much combat power at all, so why are they rushing over to die?

But after thinking for a second, Wang Xiaofa suddenly realized that something was wrong. These guys were not here to attack them at all. The spiritual light flashing on them was obviously that the spiritual energy in their bodies was out of control and about to explode. , they want to launch a suicide attack.

The moment Wang Xiaofa ordered to retreat, the time travelers immediately retreated, but it was too late. The psykers had already rushed in front of the armored troops, and as their crazy laughter rang out on the battlefield, These demon-possessed psychic bombs exploded directly in front of the travelers.

Blue mushroom clouds exploded, and a subspace rift also appeared in the real universe. Countless demons roared and ran out of it into the real universe. They looked at the travelers in front of them and started to get excited. fighting.

The battlefield situation changed under the explosion of these psychic bombs. The armored companies of the time travelers were almost completely wiped out by these psychic bombs. Only some Rands and some Sikarans were left. They could still banish the demons. , but there are too many demons brought out by the subspace rift. When the armored company was intact, they could still suppress them, but under this situation, they can only rely on the traversers of other companies to fight back.

The cruel close combat began. The first group of time travelers shouted the names of the original body and the emperor and rushed towards the demons. Chen Jiuzhou also used all his spiritual powers to block a large area of ​​demons. However, This method of burning his soul also caused him to die quickly, but the resurrection point was on the company commander. After death, they could still be quickly resurrected and fight again.

The most familiar fighting method of the time travelers began. They fought against the demons without fear of life and death. The time travelers fought with the bloodletting ghosts with swordsmanship, the think tanks fought with the Tzeentch demons with magic spells, and the tongues of flamethrowers drove away the demons. The demons of Slaanesh and those demons of Slaanesh were expelled piece by piece by the heavy firepower in the hands of the time travellers.

The entire battlefield is now in complete chaos. The time-travelers and the demons have completely fought together. The time-travelers are constantly being resurrected and the demons are coming again. The two immortal armies have begun a battle with no end in sight. He keeps killing the opponent, but the opponent cannot be killed at all and will still appear on the battlefield.

The Chaos Lords and Chaos Space Marines also saw this scene, and they were frightened out of their psychological shadows. Through the analysis of the knowledgeable Thousand Sons Wizard, the entire first group of Star Travelers was a group of immortals, and these immortals could not be captured at all. Killing, they are actually facing a group of enemies that can never be defeated.

"Let's go, while they are still fighting the demons, let's escape quickly. These guys are not something we can deal with. There is a steady stream of heavy firepower, and there are Astartes who can't kill them no matter how hard they are. I just say Why did the fight take so long? They still have so many Astartes. It turns out that it is for this reason..."

The Chaos Lord looked at the time-travelers. He was completely in despair. A group of star time-travelers and [-] Astartes with immortal physiques. How could they fight? Hit them with their heads. Hurry up and take advantage of this. As they were fighting demons, they could just run away. Anyway, they had received enough blessings in the past few months. Those few battles just now were worthy of the blessings of the Chaos Gods. Fighting these monsters, This is really embarrassing for them.

The Chaos Travelers didn't know that the Chaos Space Marines were already trying to escape because of their crazy fighting. They just kept killing demons and fighting against these non-material creatures in the subspace. Their corpses were already covered with The whole battlefield was occupied, but those demons still rushed out of the subspace in a steady stream. They finally got a subspace rift that could enter the real universe. How could they give up?

Soon, a huge demon appeared on the battlefield. It was a red-skinned demon holding a huge axe. The travelers immediately recognized its identity. It was a Khorne demon. This world has begun to have big demons come into the world.

The Great Demon of Khorne looked at the Space Marines in front of it, and it let out an earth-shattering roar. However, this roar was enough to make mortals lose all their courage, and it had no effect on the time travelers. They had exiled the Great Demon of Khorne more than once. , speaking of this situation, among the Chaos forces they faced after time travel, it seemed that Khorne was the most powerful one. His demons almost became wild monsters that every time traveler had killed once.

The Great Daemon of Khorne looked at the Space Marines in front of him, and he suddenly discovered something was wrong. Why didn't these Space Marines spread out their formations and fight with long-range weapons like those cowards? Instead, they all carried melee weapons. The weapon rushed towards him.

But this is okay, only this kind of battle can get the attention of the Blood God. The Great Demon of Khorne looked at the time travelers surrounding it. It didn't care about the number of time travelers at all. You know, that was a full number of people. Sixteen hundred well-equipped Primaris Astartes, and a steady stream of "Eternals" who are completely unkillable.

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