Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 442 Chasing the Chaos Space Marines

On the battlefield where killings continued, dozens of time travelers suppressed the Great Demon of Khorne. No matter how hard it struggled, it could not break free.

"Are you really brave? Do all the great demons of Khorne have no brains? Go head-to-head with a Gamma-class and a group of Primaris Astartes fully equipped!"

Wang Xiaofa stood next to the big demon's head. He used his remaining arm to hold a power hammer and beat the big demon of Khorne on the head. The big demon of Khorne couldn't move at all on the ground. It could only It roared when it was beaten. Its anger has now reached the extreme. Since its birth, it has never been so aggrieved in the endless years.

It was a big demon, and it was forced to the ground by a psyker and a group of Primaris Astartes full of personnel. It was still the kind that didn't resist much. Its hands and feet were chopped off. It now looks like a Like a big fleshy insect, it kept squirming and roaring on the ground, but it couldn't do anything.

"Gag its mouth and put a flag on it like that time. If you dare to come to the real universe to cause trouble, you must be prepared to be caught by humans."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the incompetent and furious demon of Khorne, and he hit its head with another hammer. After he finished hitting it, he said to the time-travelers around him.

Just like what happened on the Batko [-] before, the time travelers got a flagpole from nowhere, and then tied the Khorne demon under the Aquila flag, and they just carried it with them A roaring Daemon of Khorne continued to fight those demons.

The light of the power sword filled the entire battlefield. The time-travelers were not afraid of the terror of the demon and were forced back. They looked at these damn subspace creatures in front of them, waving their sharp swords. Countless humans had once He died in their hands, and today they will avenge these humans.

"Pay attention to the suppression. I will find a way to close this subspace rift."

Chen Jiuzhou looked at the time-travelers in front of him. He spoke to them through the communication channel, and then began to lead the think tanks in the group to make up a counter-curse. As a psyker with an extremely high level of psionic power, Chen Jiuzhou could Feeling the power of the subspace rift, if a subspace rift of this level is not closed, the threat it will generate will definitely become greater and greater, and this thing must be dealt with as soon as possible.

After the time travelers heard Chen Jiuzhou's words, they also began to suppress the demons. No demon could enter within a hundred meters of Chen Jiuzhou and the think tank. Even if some were lucky enough to enter this distance, the time travelers who reacted would not be able to enter. Will solve them all too.

"Emperor, please give us some strength, otherwise the world will be in great trouble. In exchange, I swear that from now on my prayers will be absolutely serious, and I will never mess with Amitabha with the Emperor's prayers again. Say it.”

Chen Jiuzhou stood in the center of the think tanks. His whole body was exuding the light of psychic energy, and he was constantly praying to the emperor in his heart. Just as he was praying, a psychic sword suddenly appeared and hit him directly in the face. superior.

Chen Jiuzhou felt this familiar psychic power, and he felt happy in his heart, because he knew that his prayer was successful, and his psychic level suddenly increased at this moment, but the side effects that followed were also very serious. It was obvious that he heard some disharmonious sounds in the void. Those sounds were like roars, curses, and desires, but these sounds could not really affect him. His soul was now filled with black energy. Protected.

"For the Emperor! For human civilization! You rats! Get out of the human world!!!"

Chen Jiuzhou opened his eyes that emitted golden light, and his voice gradually became more majestic. He stared at the demons who were fighting the traversers. Several golden psychic lightnings suddenly appeared in the void around him. These spiritual lightnings suddenly appeared in the void. The lightning is like a giant dragon swimming around, quickly rushing towards the demons on the battlefield.

The demons howled and turned into ashes in the psychic lightning. They felt the man's power and came to the battlefield. For a moment, except for the demons of Khorne who were completely crazy, the demons of other gods began to escape and even committed suicide directly. Back in the subspace, they were not afraid of fighting because they could not die, but that man could really kill them, which made the demons who still had some brains feel afraid.

In an instant, the only demons left on the entire battlefield were the Khorne demons. They roared and rushed towards the psychic lightning, but how could these ordinary demons block a demon who was personally promoted by the God Emperor? When the psykers attacked, they instantly turned into pieces of ashes, and even their essence showed wounds when they died.

Chen Jiuzhou walked on the battlefield, surrounded by thunder. There was no emotion in his golden eyes, as if a God of Thunder had descended into the world. Wherever he went, golden lightning would turn all demons into monsters. Ashes, his every move will banish countless demons on the battlefield. At this moment, he received the blessing of the God Emperor and became a natural enemy in the subspace.

The time travelers stopped fighting. They no longer needed to fight. The entire battlefield was filled with golden lightning. They looked at Chen Jiuzhou. They knew what Chen Jiuzhou was in this state. It was caused by the emperor. The state when Wang Ming was possessed by the emperor was almost the same when he was possessed by the emperor. It was just that Wang Ming was too unrestrained when the emperor possessed him.

The battle ended quickly. The golden psychic lightning directly shattered the subspace rift, and all the demons that had not had time to escape had been cleared away.

"The Emperor's attack is really powerful, but it consumes too much of the body. No wonder those who were possessed by the Emperor, except for the original gene, did not have any good results for the mortals. , this is completely draining the body of all its strength..."

Chen Jiuzhou was lying on the ground. He looked at the battlefield that had stopped. He felt that he had no strength at all. His whole body was in pain. All his spiritual energy was used up. He was no different from a salted fish. , except for his golden pupils, no one would associate this think tank, which is already in a scrapped state, with the powerful psyker just like the Emperor descending to earth.

After the demons were dealt with, the battlefield cleaning was handed over to the mortal auxiliaries, and the time travelers continued to chase the cultists and Chaos Space Marines. For these guys who had trapped them in this world for several months, the time travelers But there are many things I want to say to them.

In this way, the time-travelers chased the Chaos Space Marines with the incompetent and furious Khorne Demon on the flag. At the same time, the Chaos Space Marines were already at the end of their rope. They gave up their own The cultists used them as tools to cover their escape.

Those cultists don't know their fate. They are already very crazy, and they don't think about too many things now, except for some Tzeentch believers who are constantly thinking about a plan. , it can be said that none of the remaining cultists are even remotely sane.

"Blood sacrifice to the Blood God! Skull sacrifice to the Skull Throne!! Brothers and sisters, let those bastards of the empire know that the false emperor is incompetent and the gods they believe in are cowardly. Only the great Blood God is the real god in the galaxy!!! "

The cultists of Khorne gathered together. One of the leading cultists of Khorne loudly praised Khorne to his companions. They did not know that they had been abandoned by their own adults. They only knew now One thing is that they are about to fight the Imperial forces, and they are going to use the blood of Imperial warriors to please their blood god. "Well, that's good. Those brainless guys are ready to go head-to-head with the imperial troops. We just need to pick peaches then. You must remember that this is our only chance to upgrade. We will use a plan To gain the attention of the Lord of Change.”

What the Khorne cultists didn't know was that not far away from them, a group of blabbering cultists were gathering together and whispering. They kept thinking on their bald heads that had been corroded by spiritual energy. One big plan after another.

However, the ideas of these cultists are doomed to failure. Several Thunderhawk gunships have appeared above their heads, and the weapons carried on them have been aimed at the cultists above the ground.

"Clap clap clap!!"

Just when the cultists were preparing to cause trouble, a hail of fire suddenly fell from the sky, and they fell into the crowd of cultists. These cultists, who had just been preparing to confront the imperial troops, suddenly It was turned into pieces of steam and fragments by the powerful firepower of Thunder Eagle.

"The road has been cleared, please join the pursuit team."

On top of the Thunder Eagle, the time traveler in charge of commanding the Thunder Eagle Squadron sent some battle information to Wang Xiaofa, and then asked to join in the pursuit of the Chaos Space Marines.

"Understood, you can join the pursuit team and pay attention to detect their escape routes at all times."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the intelligence on the personal terminal on his arm, and activated the Thunder Eagle Squadron to join the pursuit team. In fact, grasping the escape route of the Chaos Space Marines did not require Thunder Eagle reconnaissance. The ships of the Second Fleet of the Renaissance Expedition were here. Above the world, it is a simple matter for them to know where the Chaos Space Warriors are, and as long as the Chaos Space Warriors dare to escape through the aircraft, the fleet will attack them desperately the moment they take off.

"By the gods, those damn empire bastards are chasing us again!!"

The Chaos Space Marines were running away quickly. Superman's body allowed them to move on the ground as fast as cars. They all moved and even raised a huge cloud of dust on the ground.

They were escaping when they suddenly noticed something unusual in the sky. Several Thunderhawks appeared in the sky at some unknown time. On its huge fuselage, the golden Imperial Skyhawk flashed under the light of the stars. The Chaos Space Marines looked at the Thunderhawks in the sky, as if they saw that their death was coming, but they would not sit still and wait for death.

The wizards of Thousand Sons were the first to take action. The psychic lightning they summoned rushed out of the void and quickly headed towards the Thunder Eagle gunship in the sky. This was their all-out attack. Those psychic lightnings were within this distance. It still maintains good damage. If it really hits the Thunder Eagle gunship, the Thunder Eagle it hits will only turn into a ball of scrap metal.

"Dare to resist?"

The pilot of the Thunder Eagle also saw the psychic lightning flying towards him. He quickly adjusted the Thunder Eagle's flight to avoid it, and then fired directly at the Chaos Space Marines on the ground. In an instant, bursts of explosions appeared on the ground. above the earth.

When the Chaos Space Marines faced this kind of attack, there wasn't much they could do. They could only watch the Thunderhawks in the sky rain down bullets.


The Chaos Lord looked around. Those brothers from the war group era were reduced to pieces. It finally collapsed. Those were all its battle brothers from the war group era. They once fought for the empire together, and after accepting the coercion from the empire, After a series of suicide missions, they all chose to betray the Empire together. After a hundred years of struggle in subspace, its last brothers also died in this war.

"Get down here, you damn puppet emperor's lackey!!"

The Chaos Lord looked at the Thunder Eagle in the sky. It finally used the blessing it had received. The spiritual light in its hand flashed, and a force instantly pressed on the Thunder Eagle gunship. That was a change. The spell of gravity.

The Thunder Eagle gunship was instantly suppressed by this spell. The time traveler driving the Thunder Eagle looked at the console in front of him. The Thunder Eagle's lift could no longer withstand such a strong gravity, and he was falling rapidly.


The Chaos Lord looked at the Thunder Eagle that fell to the ground and turned into a huge fireball. There was no expression of relationship on its face. The Chaos Lord was a psyker, and it served the Lord of Change, but it It does not have the means of other Tzeentch believers to weave their destiny at will. It is just an ordinary Chaos Lord. It just wants to get more things with the old brothers of its own warband.

"If you pull down one, there will be nothing you can do about the rest..."

The Chaos Lord looked helplessly at the Thunder Eagle in the sky and the Thousand Sons wizards who were using spells to attack the Thunder Eagle. It closed its eyes in despair and waited for its death.

In this way, the pursuit of the Chaos Space Marines was successful. They successfully caught up with the Chaos Space Marines who were restrained by the Thunder Eagle. Needless to say the rest, the Chaos Space Marines still wanted to resist, but after a while In front of the sixteen hundred Primaris Astartes fully equipped, these old Space Marines who believed in Chaos had no power to resist.

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