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Chapter 443: Fortressing the world, preparing to welcome Abaddon

"That is to say, Abaddon is coming as well. This..."

Above the world of Kyle, in the construction headquarters of the local hive city, Wang Xiaofa looked at Chen Jiuzhou in front of him, and he once again confirmed the authenticity of this information with him.

"Yes, what the Emperor said before he left is absolutely true, Commander."

Chen Jiuzhou stared at Wang Xiaofa in front of him. He didn't know how many times he had repeated these words. At that time, after the Emperor possessed him, he showed him a prophecy. In the prophecy, the burning world of Kyle would... Chaos space warriors and demons running on the earth, and Abaddon holding Wang Xiaofa's head and laughing.

He told Wang Xiaofa about the rape immediately after the battle. Wang Xiaofa became worried about this matter, not because Abaddon held his head and laughed, but because of the impending destruction of Kyle's world. After these years of fighting, Wang Xiaofa knew that the outcome of the prophecy could not be changed. The only thing that could be changed was the process in which the prophecy occurred.

"Huh... let the fleet begin to transfer the population. The original construction plan was changed to a fortress world construction plan. At the same time, let the Jingwei-class engineering ships establish a defense network in the galaxy. Since the predicted results cannot be changed, then we cannot make Abaddon feel better. !”

Wang Xiaofa thought for a while, and then expressed his thoughts to Chen Jiuzhou. Although they could not prevent the destruction of this world, they would never make it easy for Abaddon. Even if everyone died in the battle and the boss was resurrected, they must let Abaddon be resurrected. Patton, this bastard, wants to taste the gift given to him by the [-]st Legion.

"Well, as expected, leader, you are indeed a person just like the boss, and you have never suffered any losses."

Chen Jiuzhou looked at Wang Xiaofa. He remembered the things Wang Ming had done and couldn't help but tell Wang Xiaofa.

"Haha, maybe I have been with the boss for too long, but speaking of which, I still can't learn how ruthless the boss is, deciding the life and death of hundreds of millions of people. If it were me, I really couldn't make this decision... "

After Wang Xiaofa heard Chen Jiuzhou's words, he smiled helplessly, and then talked about Wang Ming with Chen Jiuzhou. He admired Wang Ming's ideas among the time travellers. Wang Ming was not an ordinary time traveler. He only needed to fight. That's enough. He still needs to deal with a large number of affairs, including fleet supplies, casualties, pensions, and the lives and deaths of billions of humans in the empire world.

These huge pressures are what Wang Ming needs to bear. Travelers all know that Wang Ming was just an ordinary company employee before traveling through time. He was able to reach this situation purely because of the situation. He It is impossible to determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of humans in an imperial world, but as a genetic primarch and the protector of the empire, he needs to protect all humans in the entire empire. He understands that every time he issues an order, hundreds of thousands of people will be affected. When a person steps onto the battlefield, he also knows that every order he gives will cause the people of a world's empire to lose their home planet.

But on the basis of protecting the entire empire, it has become the most correct choice. This choice has nothing to do with Wang Ming's personal thoughts. He can only decide everything in the interests of the empire.

In these years of fighting, Wang Ming and the time-travelers finally understood the thoughts of those imperial officials. Most of the anti-intellectual behaviors of the empire that they had criticized before time-traveling were helpless actions. The reason why the time-travelers were so tough , no one is afraid of them, that’s because they have resources and fighting power. Before them, those ordinary people who fought against chaos and aliens only had loyal hearts. Compared with the enemies in their hands, they were countless times less pitiful. resource.

"Yes..., but it's not easy for the boss either..."

Chen Jiuzhou listened to Wang Xiaofa's answer, and he also thought of the changes in Wang Ming and them after the time travel. From the despair and excitement at the beginning, to the complete powerlessness now. When they first time travel, they did feel that they were those Players in player novels can use their immortal bodies to fight Chaos at all costs, but what about now? Everything has become powerless. They are immortal, but immortal demons like them in the subspace are everywhere. The power of the evil god cannot be completely eliminated in the empire's time no matter how hard they try.

The cultists still praise the evil gods and bring demons to the human world. The alien civilizations in the stars are endlessly killing them. The internal affairs of mankind are also in shambles. They will no longer feel that they have no care. Players, they are just a group of warriors who will fight for the empire forever. Behind them is Holy Terra and all living beings in the entire human empire. They are not players who do not take care of them. They have heavier responsibilities than anyone else.

Just like Mr. Dante, as long as he can't die, he will fight for the empire forever. They are time travellers. They are not as decisive as the local space warriors. They are facing those who are polluted by Nurgle and are suffering towards them. Mortals who ask for help will still be soft-hearted. They want to do everything they can to save every human being, but all their efforts are in vain. The evil gods are laughing at them, and other Space Marine Chapters feel that their kindness to mortals is Useless.

Wang Xiaofa suddenly remembered the battle report above the hospital world Aix. The time travelers who went to destroy the giant cauldron of Nurgle even almost fought with friendly forces because of their treatment of civilians. They did not belong to this era, but they still They were idealists who brought themselves into the war of this era, but in this desperate universe, the results of rationalists will eventually be contrary to their rationality, and the Emperor is a good example.

The Emperor's rationality is to revive humanity, re-rule the entire galaxy, eliminate the influence of subspace on humanity, and return humanity to the era of science and rationality in the Federation era. But what about now? This rationalist has become a half-dead god who is worshiped by all the beings in the empire every day. He can hear all the words of the beings in the empire, but he cannot give them much help.

Captain Zhou Heng is also an idealist. He originally hoped to rebuild the Human Federation, but now he also has some psychological problems, and is now receiving psychological counseling from Wang Ming every day.

This universe is too cruel. There is no hope at all. Humanity is just struggling and will never be able to return to the glory of the Federation era. This empire is dark and can only be dark. In this desperate universe, there is no hope. A civilization that understands the desperate truth of the universe can still maintain its sanity. As for titanium..., they are lucky, but it is precisely because of this luck that they think they are righteous.

After Wang Xiaofa talked with Chen Jiuzhou for a while, they left the construction headquarters and began to change the construction plan in this world. They could not change the prophecy, but they could leave a large number of Chaos Space Marine corpses behind Abaddon.

The transformation plan was quickly implemented. The original reform of people's livelihood had been abandoned. The next transformation was to turn the entire world into a fortress. Huge anti-aircraft forts were built one after another. The residents of the hive city also began to move in large numbers. Young people Strong men were selected, and all of them were incorporated into the local planetary defense forces. The weapons and equipment of the original planetary defense forces were also upgraded. Wang Xiaofa opened the Second Fleet of the Renaissance Expedition. Weapon inventory, in these weapons inventories, there is a large amount of equipment from the first generation auxiliary army. These things are much better than the equipment of the Astra Militarum. The equipment was quickly issued, and the soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force received new weapons and equipment with smiles on their faces. They did not notice that the intensity of their training was suddenly strengthened, and the officers who trained them were wearing Wearing military uniform and power armor that they had never seen before, the night before the storm was the quietest.

A large number of old people, children, and women have been transferred in these days. The official statement is that time travel requires population to build colonies. In fact, these old and weak women and children are transferred to a relatively safe planet in the Kyle galaxy. On the planet, on that planet, simple cities have been built. These people are the fire of this world. As long as the war is over, they will return to their own world and rebuild their homes. What they are doing now Just wait.

"Ralph, what do you think those adults are going to do? Five times the credit points. It's just for building a building. It's really abnormal to give so many credits."

On the construction site of an orbital defense fort, a construction individual was discussing with his companions about raising his salary. They were workers of a large construction company in their local world. The planetary government suddenly found them a few days ago and gave them Their big order allowed them to build a large number of fortresses and platform buildings in the shortest possible time, and they also gave the workers credits worth five times their normal wages. This kind of thing is not very normal.

"What can we use? We are going to fight. Look at these fortresses and platforms. They are obviously preparations for war. Alas, we will not be able to live a peaceful life for a day."

Ralph looked at the young man next to him who had just joined the company. This young man had not experienced much. He was too slow to see these things. With so many fortresses and platforms, it was obvious that he was going to fight again. Well, we just dealt with those cultists, and now we have to fight again. Ordinary people like them just can't live a peaceful life for a day.

"Are we going to fight again? How many days have passed? But with those angels here, there shouldn't be any problems in our world. Those are the angels of the God Emperor..."

The young man looked at Ralph. He didn't think about the war. In the previous war, he didn't feel the cruelty of the war. The time travelers really protected the nest city very well, and the cultists did not There was no breakthrough into the hive.

"Oh..., I hope so..."

Ralph looked at the young man. He was not as optimistic as the young man. A friend of his who had been in the Planetary Defense Force on the front line told him that the angels on the front line battlefield would also die. He did not Not being an overly optimistic person like a young man, he must prepare for the coming war.

In fact, Ralph's thoughts are the unified thoughts of all people with certain abilities in this world. They are all planning their own survival after the war, ranging from the top levels of the planetary government to members of hive gangs and hoarders who hoard weapons. Weapons, food hoarding, they all felt something was wrong, but they tacitly did not spread these things, and they were all carried out quietly.

The time travelers also know about these things. You must know that in order to ensure the victory of intelligence warfare, each revival fleet has several to dozens of Crow Guards. They are all masters responsible for intelligence warfare. Under the intelligence investigation of these Crow Guards, no movement in the entire world can escape the eyes of the time travelers.

The behavior of these people does not make any sense to the time-travelers. After Abaddon comes, every part of the world will be plunged into war. Their preparations do not have any meaning. They are just struggling, but the time-travelers Why don't we? The outcome of the prophecy cannot be changed. Everything they are doing now is a struggle, but the struggle of the time travelers can make Abaddon suffer a little and let the Chaos Warmaster once again experience the terror of the [-]st Legion.

"Why is Abaddon only watching us and fighting? Wouldn't it be better to go to the boss? Wouldn't it be better to die completely in one step?"

Wang Xiaofa stood on top of the Governor's Mansion in the nest. He looked at the buildings under construction in the distance and muttered to himself in Chinese.

The planetary governor next to him could not understand Chinese. He looked at the adult in front of him with fear in his heart. From the conversation he had just had with Wang Xiaofa, he already knew that there was going to be a war in his world again, and it was the same one. An apocalyptic war recorded in myths and legends.

Although the Planetary Governor believed that the Space Marines would do everything possible to protect the world, he also knew that in those apocalyptic wars, even the Emperor's angels died one by one. He really couldn't imagine such a war happening. What would it be like in his world, but now he has to face this situation.

"Don't worry too much, Planetary Governor, we will move you and your family to a safe place, and this world will not be destroyed. We will also help rebuild it later."

Wang Xiaofa turned to look at the planetary governor. He saw the planetary governor's thoughts, so he comforted the planetary governor. Wang Xiaofa still liked this planetary governor. He was not like the planetary governors of the previous worlds. Playing tricks on the time-travelers has caused a lot of trouble for the time-travelers.

"Yes, sir, but I can't leave. If I leave, the people in this world will collapse. I must stay to stabilize society."

The planetary governor looked at Wang Xiaofa. After listening to Wang Xiaofa's words, he smiled bitterly, and then rejected Wang Xiaofa's plan to transfer him with his family. He is the planetary governor of this world. If he runs away, what will happen to this world? Society is definitely in trouble.

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