Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 444 The Game in the Void

In the lonely void, a huge fleet passed through the asteroids. Countless asteroids were shattered into pieces under the impact of the fleet. The fleet did not pay attention to those asteroids. They just kept moving forward towards their own goals. move forward.

The sculpture of the eight-pointed star of chaos collides with the fragments of the asteroid, which seems to represent the power of chaos crushing the real universe.

"Wang Xiaofa, leader of the first group of Star Travelers, we are going to meet again..."

Abaddon was sitting on the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit. It stared at the planet on the star map and muttered to itself a little nervously. This was something that often happened after it was blessed by the Chaos Gods. , although it does not believe in the power and firepower of the Chaos Gods to make it surrender, its influence still affects it all the time.

"Warmaster, we have arrived in the Kel system and are heading to the world of Kel."

Beside Abaddon, a mortal was reporting the situation to it. This was the new captain of the Spirit of Vengeance. The previous captain had already been dealt with by it due to some matters and was replaced by a more obedient person. I hope this person will not Repeating the mistake of the previous captain.

"Well... let them prepare for the revival expedition... How ridiculous. Only I can save humanity, the empire cannot..."

Abaddon turned to look at the mortal captain. As a sound like metal friction sounded, it said coldly to the mortal captain. The sound was like an ice hell of one hundred degrees below zero, making anyone who heard it Everyone can't help but feel the coldness to the bone.

"Yes, sir, mankind can only be revived in your hands. You are the hope of mankind."

After hearing Abaddon's coldness, the mortal captain immediately answered Abaddon, and his words were extremely respectful and flattering. It knew Abaddon's current character and had to be careful when dealing with the war commander, otherwise its head might be destroyed in an instant. flowering.

"Yes, you are right. Now, my captain, go and carry out the mission I gave you."

When Abaddon listened to the words of the mortal captain, it smiled, but the smile seemed to be that of a dead man, which was extremely frightening. Its smile made the captain, a Chaos believer, shudder, and he hurriedly looked towards The depths of the Vengeful Spirit ran away.

"Yes, only I can save mankind, only I..."

After the mortal captain left, Abaddon once again fell into the same state of talking to himself before. It stared at the void in front of it, as if it saw its father, the first Chaos Warmaster Horus, speaking to him. It waved to it, telling it its responsibility, its destiny, its future...

At the same time, on Kyle's orbit, the second fleet of the Renaissance Expedition is approaching. Even the fleets responsible for detecting the Rong Merchant Dynasty have been assembled. They are the vanguard of this battle. They will consume a large amount of Chaos in the void. Vigorous.

On a moon-class cruiser of the Rong Merchant Dynasty, workers on the macro-gun deck were loading macro-gun shells. After the shells were blessed by the engine prophet, the huge shells were dragged by a famous sailor and sent into the into the macro cannon.

This is the best way to reflect the emperor's anger. The macro cannon and light are the power of the God Emperor. And just on the deck of this macro cannon, a half-grown boy is looking at the busy adults. In fact, he Children of this age should have joined ship operations long ago, but because of Wang Ming's rectification of the entire army, this use of child labor has also been modified. Children will not participate in some heavy physical exercises before they become adults. For their jobs, they need to learn everything they can.

The history of the empire, the future of human population, the importance of belief in the God-Emperor, the dangers of cults, the dreams of humans told to them by the time-travelers, and the simple mechanical knowledge taught to them by the technical priests of the fleet, these These are things that the children in the fleet learn every day.

It can be said that all the children in the fleet enjoy a better education than the children of the imperial aristocrats. After all, the children of the imperial aristocrats do not get personal lessons from the Astartes, right?
  Regardless of their status, these children will receive all the education from the entire fleet. They are the future of mankind. This is something Wang Ming believes in extremely.

The young man looked at the adults pulling the macro cannon, and he also wanted to help. The shells of the macro cannon were too heavy, and many people were needed to pull them. The young man wanted to help the adults, but he didn't have many options.

He is still too young, and he cannot pull those ropes at all. His small body will definitely be pulled away by the huge reaction force under those ropes.

The young man looked at the sailors and suddenly felt a strange feeling. It was a feeling as if the whole world was moving. The young man did not show any fear because he knew what it was, the ship's subsurface. The light speed engine started, and the fleet began to move towards the enemy.

"The radar has found the target. All ships are preparing a wave of torpedoes. Pay attention to calculating the space trajectory and blocking the Chaos Fleet's activity route."

"Attention, the Rong Merchant Dynasty fleet, after blocking the route of the Chaos Fleet, you began to harass the Chaos Fleet."

"All federal ships serve as the main attack force. Let me use all those weapons. Except for the regular weapons, those things will cause irreversible damage to the Kyle Galaxy."

On the New Immortal Spark, Wang Xiaofa continued to issue orders to the entire fleet, and the fleet moved quickly according to Wang Xiaofa's orders. Before setting off from Holy Terra, Wang Xiaofa studied hard with the captain of the Imperial Truth and Zhou Heng. Looking at the fleet command skills and the layout of his current orders, he learned them from his two teachers.

Wang Xiaofa's arrangement can be said to be the standard Imperial void naval battle mode, except that some federal navy battle modes are added to it. After using torpedoes to seal the road, a harassing fleet is used to lure the enemy's firepower, while the main fleet You can pour out your firepower without any thought at all. The plan has been laid out, the location of the Chaos Fleet has been confirmed, and each fleet has begun its own operations. However, before that, the first ones to come into contact with the Chaos Fleet were the void defense forts. In order to cope with Abaddon's arrival, the Renaissance Expedition was The Jingwei-class engineering ships of the Second Fleet have deployed a large amount of void defense firepower throughout the Kyle system.

After the Chaos Fleet arrived in the Kyle System, these void defensive firepowers began their work. When the Chaos Fleet passed through the asteroid belt, the dark void was instantly lit up by countless light spears.

The Chaos Fleet is not a fool. They have already detected those defensive forts before and have already targeted those defensive forts. It is just because there are too many defensive forts in this galaxy that they chose to come here.

Just when countless light spears hit the void shield of the Chaos Fleet, light spears also appeared in the Chaos Fleet. The goals of these light spears were very clear. They rushed towards the defensive forts and instantly transformed these defensive forts. For shards and molten iron.

As a Chaos Warmaster who has been fighting in this desperate galaxy for thousands of years, Abaddon knows very well what the battle in the void is like. The layout of the fleet was completed by him and his mortal captains, and their goals are not the same. Not an all-out attack, but to maintain combat effectiveness before the arrival of the Imperial fleet to meet those Imperial fleets.

Abaddon knows about the fleet of the [-]st Legion. Most of the ships of the [-]st Legion are the ships of mankind in the dark technological age. The performance of these ships is many times higher than that of the Imperial ships. , the artificial intelligence on the flagship of the [-]st Legion that they captured before, after analyzing a large number of ships in their fleet, even came to the conclusion that most of their ships are inferior to the civilian ships of the Federation. .

Abaddon is not a fool. Although it now has some senile idiots... and is nagging, its caution still exists. Its strategy for the fleet of the [-]st Legion is to win with quantity. The Second Fleet of the Renaissance Expedition has broken it. There are only more than [-] ships in the sky, and it is about to have thousands of warships. Although the quality is uneven, their quantity is definitely suppressive. Abaddon feels that I have the absolute advantage in this battle.

If thousands of warships were destroyed by two hundred warships, it would be really embarrassing.

"Thousands of ships? Where did Abaddon come from with so many warships? Now we're in big trouble. Thousands of warships. Even if we catch pigs, we can't catch them all. We can't prevent them from escaping now. Alas. …”

On the Imperial Fleet side, after Wang Xiaofa learned about the number of Chaos Fleets, he also fell into hard thinking for a while. He did not think that too many Chaos Fleets would be a threat to his own fleet. Wang Xiaofa still trusted the Federation's technology. , there are just too many Chaos Fleet warships. If they want to escape, they really can't prevent much with more than two hundred warships.

At the same time, Wang Xiaofa also understood the reason why Abaddon dared to come to the [-]st Legion after several previous battles. That was the abnormal number of the Chaos Fleet. It just wanted to win with numbers. Thinking of this , a big bald head suddenly appeared in Wang Xiaofa's mind, and the bald head said in a voice with an accent, "No matter how you put it, the battle strength is [-] vs. [-], and the advantage is mine."

This kind of human sea tactic has been proven to be impossible in the ancient Terra era, right? War is not only a matter of troop strength, but also an issue of overall quality. You can never expect a group of primitive people to hold spears. Fighting a starship, right? This is obviously Abaddon's underestimate of the single combat effectiveness of the Federation fleet.

This almost amuses Wang Xiaofa. You must know that the single combat power of an Earth-class battleship, the flagship of the Renaissance Expedition Fleet, can easily defeat an entire Imperial fleet with a full crew, let alone A whole fleet based on the Federation era was fighting a fleet where most of the ships were inferior to even the civilian ships of the Federation era. Quantity was not the key issue at all. Abaddon just wanted to recreate some ancient wars. The Two Thousand Rings from Terra's famous science fiction novel?

"But this is also a good thing... maybe we can deal with the spirit of revenge this time."

Wang Xiaofa thought for a while, and he suddenly realized that this was a good plan. Since Abaddon thought that he could win by relying on numerical superiority, why should he just think so? To prevent it from being a mobile war, as long as the fleet was running warp engines If it starts running, even adding a hundred thrusters to the Chaos Fleet can't catch up.

At that time, let the Chaos fleet feel that they are escaping, and then let the fleet of the Merchant Dynasty approach the Chaos fleet from behind, and finally attack from the front and back. The effect will definitely be very good.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaofa suddenly felt that it was nothing to have so many Chaos fleets. Although it would be very troublesome for them to escape after a fight, I have the obvious advantage this time.

Then, a very dramatic thing happened. The empire and the Chaos side felt that this wave was our advantage, and then the two of them started their own arrangements. The Imperial fleet began to divide into two groups and approached the Chaos fleet, and at the same time launched torpedoes to block it. There was movable space for the Chaos Fleet, and the Chaos Fleet attacked directly without dodging.

Abaddon knows how powerful the galaxy-level radars of Federation ships are. They can even detect invisible Eldar warships. This is what they knew when they used the captured flagship of the [-]st Legion to attack the Eldar. Abaddon had no doubts about their reconnaissance capabilities, and the Imperial fleet had definitely discovered them.

In fact, this was indeed the case. When those blockade torpedoes appeared on the auspicious auspices of the Chaos fleet, Abaddon responded quickly. The imperial fleet had discovered them, and they immediately began to advance at full speed. The torpedo defense network The coverage is three-dimensional, but it is only surrounded from the top, bottom, left, and right of their fleet. They can only avoid a large number of torpedo blockades by moving forward at full speed while the torpedoes are not completely deployed.

The movements of the Chaos Fleet were also expected by Wang Xiaofa. He watched the large spot of light on the radar move rapidly forward. He showed a confusing smile and ordered the fleet to move forward quickly.

The empire and the chaos fleet were approaching at full speed. The moment the two fleets met, they seemed to be frightened by the huge number of the chaos fleet. They actually made a sharp turn. Just ran away.

Abaddon looked at the Imperial fleet in front of him. It looked a little confused at the Imperial fleet's turn that did not conform to the laws of physics. After thinking for a while, it directly ordered to pursue the Imperial fleet.

Just like that, a very outrageous scene occurred. One hundred federal ships were chased by thousands of Chaos warships that looked like a group of large sampans compared to them.

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