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Chapter 445: Void gang war

The Chaos Fleet is chasing the Imperial Fleet. They don't know that right behind them, an Imperial Fleet is quietly approaching them. The entire Chaos Fleet in the Kyle Galaxy has been interfered with by the anti-reconnaissance equipment of the Immortal Spark. , this is also a standard operation of the Federation's void naval battle, absolute electronic warfare suppression.

The directional segment interferes with the reconnaissance equipment of enemy ships in galaxies with constant interference. This can well protect friendly forces and yourself, and assist a large-scale assault activity. The current situation is the embodiment of this function.

However, Abaddon soon discovered something was wrong. The Imperial fleet had been running away. This was very wrong. According to common sense, the Imperial fleet should have fought to protect the Imperial world when the enemy was outnumbered. , waiting for the arrival of the support fleet, the Second Fleet of the Renaissance Expedition simply chose to escape cleanly, which is definitely problematic.

Thinking of this, Abaddon instantly got out of his Alzheimer's mode and immediately ordered the fleet to start spreading out, preparing to meet the enemy's attack, but it was already too late. A macro cannon shell hit one Chaos warship after another, and in an instant Those Chaos battleships were blown to pieces in an instant.

After the Chaos Fleet was attacked, they finally reacted. This wave is not about me. I am being led away by the nose. The Chaos Fleet responded quickly. The Solution Fleet began to turn and opened fire on the Hongshang Dynasty's fleet. .

The battle in the void is cruel, whether it is a battle between ships or a gang war within the ship, it is the same. The Astra Militarum also has some artillery support during the battle, but when the Imperial Navy fights There are actually very few things to rely on. As long as the ship is successfully ganged up, they will have to fight with crazy Chaos believers in the narrow corridor of the ship. If it is just Chaos cultists, it is okay, but the most fearful thing is Even the Chaos Space Marines joined the gang. In front of the navy sailors, they were like moving messengers of death. They were invincible under the light weapons fire of the sailors.

Although the fleet's sneak attack was very successful, the number of Chaos fleets was still too much. Just as the federal ships made another sharp turn, preparing to support the fleet of the Hongshang Dynasty, some Chaos fleets had already broken in with their numerical advantage. When they reached the distance from the fleet of the Hongshang Dynasty, a gang-hopping battle was quickly launched above this distance. Although the short-range defensive firepower of the Hongshang ships was pretty good, there were too many jumping gang torpedoes that could not withstand them. , there are thousands of jumping torpedoes, and they can’t even be hit with a head hit.

A Moon-class cruiser of the Rong Merchant Dynasty was jumped into the gang. In this ship, a large number of sailors were ready to go. The equipment on their bodies was the first-generation equipment of the Star Liberator, QBZM21. Type laser rifles and void armors. These weapons and equipment can be said to be good things that these sailors have never seen before joining the st Legion in the Rong Merchant Dynasty. They even feel that the price of these things is even more expensive than their own lives. .

"Hurry, hurry, those heretics are already coming up, everyone quickly packs up their equipment and heads to the combat area!"

A sailor company commander looked at the sailors in front of him. He spoke loudly to them. His voice was transmitted to the ears of the sailors through the loudspeaker of the fully enclosed helmet and the internal communicator. Listening to the roar next to their ears, their ears were completely numb.

After quickly sorting out the weapons and equipment, the sailor company commander led one hundred and fifty sailors to the combat area. It is worth mentioning here that after the time travelers took over the ships of the Rong Merchant Dynasty, the ships The armed forces on the ship have also been reorganized, and their organization has changed from the previous model of imitating the Imperial Navy to the model of a mortal auxiliary army.

This adaptation has greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the sailors. After all, there is no force more powerful than a systematic force. These people have received the first-generation equipment of the mortal auxiliary army, which has greatly improved their Individual combat capability, but this is only for mortals... If the enemy encountered is an Astartes, it will not be easy to deal with.


The firing sound of laser rifles kept ringing in the ship corridors. The lasers illuminated the ship corridors like daytime. A large number of cultists turned into a ball of steam in the death light network composed of lasers. The power of the QBZM21 laser rifle It is very powerful. Although it is an early standard rifle of the Federation, its power at maximum power is enough to evaporate a mortal and his body armor into steam.


Just as the sailors were shooting the cultists, a huge sound of chain saws suddenly came from the corridor. A huge figure stepped on the cultists' bodies and quickly approached the sailors. That guy didn't care about mortals at all. The life and death of the cultists, the mortal cultists who were knocked away and trampled by it were instantly turned into a pile of minced meat, and they did not even let out a scream.

The sailors also noticed this situation, and they immediately fired at the figure. The laser penetrated the void and hit the guy, but it only melted a few bullet marks on its power armor. Its movements There was no hindrance.

"It's the Chaos Space Marines! Get the Melta..."

A sailor who was close to the figure saw the appearance of the guy, with a ferocious chain sword and terrifying power armor. It was clearly a Chaos Space Marine. The sailor just wanted to pass on information to his comrades, but as the chain The saw sword was swung in front of him, and he was cut in half instantly.

The defensive performance of the Mortal Auxiliary Army's first-generation power armor is excellent, but the weapon in front of them that can cut through tank armor plates is simply unstoppable. The high-speed rotating single-molecule sawtooth can cut through the Mortal Auxiliary Army in an instant. Power armor, perhaps only the power armor equipped by real star travelers and a personal defensive stance can block these powerful attacks.

"Puff puff…"

The sound of flesh being cut apart appeared in the ship corridor, and the sound of heavy objects falling on the floor was extremely terrifying. In this narrow, close combat environment, the combat effectiveness of the Space Marines was greatly reduced. With great performance, what is the greatest advantage of the Space Marines over mortals and aliens? That is asymmetric warfare capabilities above close range and special operations.

Their individual soldier quality is extremely powerful. It is easy for one person to cut down a group of mortals at close range. Their war advancement speed can even allow them to capture an entire world in a few days. This is the Space Marine. A perfect work of art of killing and war.

They are like pieces of ore that were mined. After the emperor's miraculous genetic modification surgery, they became magical weapons. But sadly, these magical weapons betrayed their masters, just like this one now. Like the Chaos Space Marines slaughtering the sailors!

"I have cleared the mortals in this area and am ready to start teleportation."

The Chaos Space Marine held a chainsword. It stood on a group of mortal corpses, watching the cultists running past it. Its chainsword was dripping with mortal blood. It enjoyed this very much. The feeling of taking away the lives of mortals. Although it does not believe in the Chaos Gods, it has a special disdain for mortals. It feels that it is a more powerful creature than mortals. It is a creature that surpasses humans. It only has contempt for mortals in its heart. , it does not feel that mortals have any role.

This is a typical bastard who doesn't know what he is. He is originally a human but feels that he is a creature higher than humans. Just like what Zhou Heng and Wang Ming said when discussing Chaos Astartes, After several genetic enhancements, with several implants in the body, they no longer regard themselves as human beings. This kind of guy is a group of psychopaths. They are obviously human beings, but they look at human beings from a higher perspective than human beings. Such people That's neurosis.

"Zizzizi!" After the Chaos Space Marines reported the situation to their companions, it dropped a teleportation beacon, and beams of teleportation light appeared in the corridor. Several Chaos Space Marines appeared on the ship. On the Moon-class cruiser, they looked at the corpses on the floor in the corridor, and walked toward the depths of the ship with the Chaos Space Marine without saying a word.

After the Chaos Space Marines boarded the ship, the interior of the Moon-class cruiser was completely turned into a mess. The sailors bravely resisted the Chaos Space Marines' footsteps towards the Macrocannon, and the sailors on the Macrocannon deck also fought hard. It is equipped with a round of macro artillery ammunition.

Remember that boy from before? This child is now also participating in the loading of macro-cannon ammunition. This is not mandatory, but the young man takes the initiative to help. As an empire child who has been educated by time-travelers, he knows the importance of winning the war against the heretics, and also Knowing the mission they were born to shoulder, using everything they have to help the empire, protect the empire, and change the empire, even if it is only a trivial little bit, is to fulfill the value of being born and fulfill the mission of galactic mankind in this life.

The young man followed the sailors to pull the macro cannon ammunition. The huge cannon shell was like a building. It was dragged out of the ammunition depot by the sailors, and was slowly dragged into the macro cannon with the blessing of the engine prophet.

"May the God Emperor bless you..."

The young man looked at the shells entering the macro cannon, and quickly joined the next loading of the shells. He listened to the loud sound of the macro cannon firing, as if he heard the emperor's anger burning in his ears, and he smelled the macro cannon. After firing, the strange-smelling gas filtered out by the gas mask on his face seemed to feel Hongpao's breath.

"Kavier, you should be treating the wounded in the medical room now..."

The boy and the sailor were dragging the macrocannon shells. He suddenly remembered his neighbor. She was a very beautiful girl with a pair of blue eyes and long brown hair. She was the boy's neighbor and the girl he grew up with. The two children are best friends. They both like each other, but they just haven't said it out loud. The boy has already made a decision, that is, after the war is over, he must confess his love to Kaweier. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would not have that chance.

But just as the boy and the sailor were dragging the macro cannon shells, bursts of gunfire suddenly came from the door of the macro gun deck. The sailors also heard the gunfire, but they were still doing their jobs. The enemy was not there yet. To break through the macro gun deck, they cannot stop the task of loading ammunition, even if they die, otherwise the moon-class cruiser will lose a large part of its firepower.

"Boy! Go to the gunner!"

Just as the young man was trying hard to pull the macro cannon shell, an old man suddenly kicked him out of the crowd dragging the macro cannon shell. The old man dragged the macro cannon shell while yelling at the young man, and so did the other people. Likewise, they all let the young man leave. They knew their fate for a while, and they did not want the child they had watched grow up to die with them.

"I want to stay..."

The young man looked at the sailors. He just wanted to say that he wanted to stay, but was interrupted by a pair of big hands. Those were the hands of the gunner. He carried the young man and ran to the command platform in a hurry.

"I'm going to help them..."

The boy looked at the gunner. He wanted to say something else, but his words were interrupted by the gunner.

"You have a smart mind and shouldn't die here. Listen to me. Take this. I will give you an order later. As soon as you hear my order, you press the button on your hand. This is the firing of the macro cannon. Order issued.”

The gunner looked at the young man in front of him, interrupted his words, and then handed a small device to the young man. It was the command button of the macro cannon. After the transformation of the traversers, this fleet also had With a certain stable command system, all ship weapons are connected to the command platform, and the command platform can quickly report the firing status of each artillery to the bridge.


The young man looked at the gunner in front of him. He didn't think he had the ability to command the macro cannon to fire. Although he had learned these things, he was still a little unsure if he was actually asked to do it now.

"There's nothing, just follow my orders!"

The gunner yelled at the boy, and then rushed to the deck of the macro gun. He, the gunner, actually followed the sailors to pull the shells of the macro gun. The boy also walked to the deck of the macro gun, and he stared at the gunner with all his attention. , since the gunner believes that he can do it, then he must be able to do it, and he cannot betray his trust.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this moment, a burst of explosions suddenly came from the entrance of the Hong gun deck. In a burst of fire, the door of the Hong gun deck flew out directly. It passed through the air and hit those who were standing there. On the heads of the sailors who were dragging the macro cannon shells, several sailors were hit by the huge metal gates, and fragments of flesh and blood tissue were spread all over the deck of the macro cannon in an instant.

The sailors were frightened by what happened suddenly. They looked at the entrance of the macro gun deck in fear, and saw several huge figures walking towards them in the smoke of the explosion that had not yet dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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