Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 473 Using the Internet Channel

"You..., what are you doing here?"

Elise looked at Wang Ming at the door. She stared at Wang Ming tremblingly. She didn't know why Wang Ming came to her. Could it be that this human son of God finally couldn't bear it anymore and was ready to kill her. Sure enough, Humans look down on the Spirit Race, so what should we do?

"What are you thinking?"

Wang Ming stared at Elise, whose expression was constantly changing. He looked at the spirit race in front of him with a strange expression. He was a little excited, but she was not so afraid.

"I need a large network that can lead to Mors, preferably one that an entire fleet can enter."

Wang Ming looked at Elise, and he told her the reason why he found her. He needed the great prophet of the Spirit Race to find the location of a webway for him.

"The web channel..., yes, I can do it, but I need to contact my companions. The opening and use of the web channel requires their help."

Elise looked at Wang Ming. After hearing what Wang Ming asked her to do, she breathed a long sigh of relief. She thought she was going to die today, but it turned out that she just opened the Internet Channel.

So the fleet sailed out of the subspace and headed towards the entrance to the large network channel pointed out by Elise.

The fleet advanced, and the Eldar fleets stationed near the Webway also received the news. They did not stop the advancement of the human fleet, but made way for the human fleet to slowly fly towards the gate of the Webway.

Wang Ming looked at the huge Webway gate through the porthole of the ship. He watched his ships enter it one by one, and suddenly there was a feeling in his heart. As long as these Webway gates were occupied, human beings would Now we can completely break away from subspace navigation.

But this idea only appeared for a moment, and Wang Ming gave up the idea. Although the future of mankind can be the Internet, there is more to the future of mankind. Wang Ming now also has the ability to travel at super-light speed without the help of subspace. Technology, but the technology from the undead still needs to be analyzed and reverse engineered.

"Well, the road is still long."

Wang Ming looked at the gate of the webway. He turned to look at Elise beside him, and then said something to himself. Elise also heard what he said, but she didn't know what Wang Ming meant.

The traveler and Wang Ming still have the experience of crossing the webway. From one point to another in an instant, this is simply the best super-light speed navigation technology. To be honest, Wang Ming is already a little envious of the Eldar. They have completely inherited it. The Webway technology of the Old Ones became the former overlord of the galaxy. It would be great if humans could also obtain the complete Webway technology.

After the fleet entered the Webway, they instantly passed through the endless sea of ​​stars and arrived in the Mers galaxy. The moment the fleet arrived, the gate of the Webway they passed through was directly closed. This is what was agreed before. , they only need to pass through, and the next time they use it, Elise will need to notify the Eldar again to open the webway.

"Huh... let's head to Mors now. The fleet should pay attention. We are ready to engage in firefights with the Chaos fleet at any time... What is that thing?"

Wang Ming looked at the cosmic background outside the window. Just when he was about to issue an order to the fleet, he suddenly saw a group of impossible things. Those things were absolutely impossible to appear in the real universe.

"Spirit of Vengeance? How many!!?"

Wang Ming looked at the hundreds of ships outside the window that looked like copied and pasted copies of the Spirit of Vengeance. He looked confused as those Spirits of Vengeance yelled at Elise beside him.

"What..., I, I, I, I don't know..."

Elise was trembling right next to Wang Ming. Her ears even kept trembling because of fear. The two pointed ears kept trembling, and she was a little scared and couldn't stand still.

Vengeful Spirits, too many Vengeful Spirits, too many. Even the size of the First Fleet of the Renaissance Expedition pales in comparison. Hundreds of Vengeful Spirits are simply too outrageous. That’s hundreds. A Glory Queen-class battleship, what are you using to fight it! ? Hit him on the head? !

Even the Fortress of the Sun would be destroyed instantly by these Vengeful Spirits. Wang Ming stared at the Vengeful Spirits and he broke out in a cold sweat. A Primarch could actually break out in a cold sweat. This already shows Wang Ming's strength. The level of fear was so great. The last time he was so scared was because he had just traveled to the Warhammer Universe in Cadia. At that time, he was just an ordinary person. That kind of fear was very extreme.

Wang Ming does not have to worry about the lives of the time travelers and himself. What he worries about is the lives of the mortals and children in the fleet. Those are their comrades and brothers. The time travelers even regard the children in the fleet as their own. The time travelers are unable to have children, so they can only put their love for their children on the children in the fleet. It can be said that the children in the fleet may be the happiest children in the entire galaxy. They enjoy The care of his parents and the travelers.

Wang Ming didn't dare to think about what would happen to the time-travelers if those children and the mortal auxiliaries in the fleet were gone, and the flames of revenge would probably burn into this real universe and subspace. .

"Get all weapons ready. Rule weapons are allowed to be activated. Turn on the anti-physics rules and let them protect the fleet. Every ship should be prepared for battle at any time."

Wang Ming stared at the Vengeful Spirits. He issued orders to the fleet. All weapon usage permissions were opened. The fleet's artificial intelligence immediately began to make tactical and strategic arrangements based on the current situation. Various defenses The sexual rule weapons have been activated, and the anti-physics rule weapons have been spread around the fleet. The space around the fleet is distorted. Those anti-physics rule weapons protect the fleet and allow the fleet to withstand as many physical attacks as possible. However, defensive regular weapons are also dangerous. All physical weapons of the fleet are ineffective, and they cannot prevent the underworld psychic means of Chaos. After all, those things in subspace are not physical means.

The fleet was already in a defensive state, and Wang Ming kept staring at the Vengeful Spirits all the time, ready to receive the attack from the Vengeful Spirits at any time.

Time passed minute by second. Wang Ming stared at those Vengeful Spirits, feeling uneasy. There were too many, too many. Just now, there were only a few hundred Vengeful Spirits, but now they have changed. There were thousands of ships, and as time went by, their number continued to increase, just like the copy-pasted letters on an ancient Terran Meditator, each one was the same, and their number continued to increase.

Just when Wang Ming was about to lose his patience, a golden light appeared in front of him, and a voice also appeared in his ear.

"See what you want to see, follow your heart, don't be fooled by the enemy's power, believe in your own power."

The voice spoke to him like this. When Wang Ming listened to that voice, he knew the owner of the voice. That was the voice of the Lord of Humanity, and that was the voice of his father.


After Wang Ming heard those words, he said these two words in confusion, and then the golden light burst out from his body. The light from the Golden Throne reached the Morse Galaxy with the help of Wang Ming's body, and it illuminated this area. The imperial territory invaded by Chaos dispersed the power of Chaos and gave his warriors a way forward.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Wang Ming finally came back to his senses. He looked at the disappeared Vengeful Souls and remembered what had just happened. He had just died once, and that one came directly from the Golden Throne. The light directly turned him into ashes, and he was resurrected again.

"Wang Ming..., why don't you wear a pair of pants..."

Just when Wang Ming was recalling what he had just done, Elise's voice suddenly appeared in his ears. After his Elise's words, he glanced at his body. He looked at He didn't say anything about his naked body, but took out a camouflage uniform of the 21st Legion and put it on.

Wang Ming doesn't think he has anything to be embarrassed about. This Eldar is probably older than him by an unknown number of years, and Wang Ming himself is a Primarch who is close to a hundred years old. He doesn't care about these things at all.

"All ships continue to move towards Morse."

Wang Ming looked at Elise beside him, and then issued an order to the fleet. After receiving Wang Ming's order, the fleet continued to move forward. The fleet continued to move through the void towards Mors, and in Mors Above, on top of the Vengeful Spirit, Abaddon looked at the void in front of him with an angry face. He felt the power from the Golden Throne. The power from the Golden Throne shattered the entire galaxy. The power of chaos that had begun to spread has returned the ownership of this galaxy to the real universe.

Abaddon's anger caused a subspace storm to appear above Mors, but as soon as the subspace storm appeared, it was instantly dispersed by the power from the Golden Throne. Abaddon could only be helpless and furious, but the traitor The blessing received in Qi's hand reminded it at this moment that the empire's fleet was coming and it had to leave. It did not want to directly engage in a firefight with the First Fleet of the Renaissance Expedition. This was not what it thought it should be. Choice, Tzeentch's blessing gave it many abilities, including many prophetic and precognitive abilities. It understood the danger of fighting with the first fleet of the Renaissance Expedition, and it was impossible for it to lose the fleet like this.

At the same time, on the ground of Mors, the big demons have appeared. The time travelers have been fighting with the big demons for who knows how long. It is really a correct decision for Wang Ming to let Hu Jin come to the battlefield of Mors to take command. As a The leader of the second regiment is very familiar with this kind of crazy war of killing each other, and he is still aware of his notorious reputation in Mors as the Governor of the Planet of Mors. Back then, he led a group of greenskins to clean up When he was a cultist, the planetary governor of Mors was so frightened that he almost had a heart attack, so he was already relieved of Hu Jin's command, because he had nothing to worry about anymore. Anyway, as long as Hu Jin directed the life and death of this world It's in the hands of the second group.

"Attack towards this position. The first group of Chaos Army is at this position. The 256th Regiment of the Mors Guards will cooperate with the first company of the second regiment to attack this position. Then the sixth company of the 13th regiment will Cooperating with this attack, after a quick breakthrough, we directly besieged the Sons of Life war gang of Chaos with the subsequent second armored regiment..."

In the headquarters of Morse, Hu Jin looked at the holographic projection command sand table in front of him. He issued command orders to the troops. Compared with the commander of the garrison regiment in Morse, and the commander of the 13th Regiment, Hu Jin still has quite a lot of commanding experience.

"Captain, the boss has arrived. The fleet has arrived above Morse and now the boss is airborne."

Just after Hu Jin issued the order, Ye Fan suddenly rushed into the headquarters. He looked at Hu Jin who was issuing the order and told him the news that Wang Ming had arrived in Mers. Hu Jin heard the news He was a little surprised afterwards. He didn't expect that Wang Ming could arrive so quickly, and subspace navigation wouldn't be so fast. Could it be that the fleet's super-light speed technology has finally been developed?

"This is the situation. The big demon has arrived, and the brothers are fighting with them, as well as the Chaos Titan Legion. The knights of the Knight Family are now trying to stop them with their lives. There are only more than two hundred knights left in the Qianji Family."

In the Morse War Command, after Wang Ming arrived at Morse, he immediately took over the command of Morse. After Wang Ming took over the command of Morse, he sent the five time-travelers on the fleet to Placed on the battlefield, at the same time, the Titan Legion was also arranged on the battlefield by Wang Ming. The Titans this time were all new star-level and protector-level Titans, but this time the captain in the Titan cab Most of them are reserve captains. Wang Ming really doesn't dare to let those Titan captains who are familiar with the battlefield go to the battlefield anymore. He doesn't want to leave the fleet with no masters who can teach the subsequent Titan captains.

"Well... I have arranged everything. At the same time, the fleet is also chasing the Chaos fleet. Now we need to regain the areas occupied by the Chaos forces. You were too passive in the previous battle. We now need to switch to the offensive."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin in front of him. He clicked on the holographic projection, and then mobilized the deployment of the troops. One by one, troops went to the battlefield according to Wang Ming's deployment. At the same time, the remaining fleets in orbit also Starting to provide orbital strikes to the ground, the advantage of the entire battlefield has shifted to the empire's side.

The hell flying dragon in the sky was also shot down by Hydra and various anti-aircraft weapons. At the same time, federal fighter jets also entered the atmosphere. Now the demon engines in the sky are being hunted down by various imperial forces. Already, the torrent of armor is rolling on the earth, the imperial eagle is soaring in the sky, and the offensive of chaos has been forced back.

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