Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 474 The Defeated Travelers

The armored troops of the mortal auxiliaries ran across the ground, and the torrent of armor impacted the chaotic positions and troops. Countless cultists were reduced to ashes under the firepower of these armors.

The tracks crushed the flesh and blood of the cultists. They praised the great power of the God-Emperor and praised the coming of the Ohm Messiah. These armored firepower could not be stopped by the cultists. The largest armored vehicle of the cultists was only the Emperor's Poison. Blades, and these corrupted Emperor's Poison Blades did not have much maintenance. The pollution of Chaos and the abilities of those traitors simply could not allow these corrupted machines to operate on the battlefield.

These corrupted armored forces were crushed. The empire's armored forces overwhelmingly overwhelmed the battlefield. The cultists had collapsed. They looked at the windy sand above the Morse wilderness, and their hearts were filled with despair and regret. They I really don't want to fight the armored troops of the empire anymore. Originally I just wanted to have a full meal, but now I not only don't have enough to eat, but I am about to lose my life.

Among today's Chaos troops, except for those true cultists who believe in demons, those cultists who still have some brains are ready to mutiny. There is no way, they know the power of Chaos Astartes, but they know more about the relationship with the Empire. There is no way to survive in the collision of armored firepower. Compared with the two, the rebellion has a better chance of survival. At least..., at least the weapons in their hands are really likely to harm the Chaos Space Marines.

Let me mention the weapons in the hands of cultists today. In order to deal with the armored firepower of the mortal auxiliaries, the Chaos Space Marines equipped their hands with a large amount of melt and plasma. You know, these things are difficult to penetrate. It was modified into armor by the First Engineer Regiment, but it is very easy to penetrate the power armor of the Chaos Space Marines.

Under the continuous attacks of the time travelers and the mortal auxiliary troops, the cultists finally couldn't hold on any longer. They took off their military uniforms directly, and then used the tools at hand to tattoo the Imperial Sky Eagle on their bodies. They directly switched their guns and aimed at the Chaos Space Marines around them. Although the Chaos Space Marines reacted quickly and quickly killed a large number of cultists, but again, the number of cultists was too many. , as the light of melt and plasma lit up above the Chaos troops' position, the Chaos Space Marines were instantly killed by the cultists.

Those Chaos Space Marines didn't even think about it before they died, why those cultists who were no different from bugs in their eyes would dare to switch their guns and fire at them. This is not normal. Is it the one who sits on the Golden Throne? The false emperor also has the ability to corrupt?

The imperial troops looked at the Chaos cultists who suddenly defected on the battlefield. They looked at the cultists with confused faces. They didn't understand, what was the situation of these cultists, and why did they suddenly defect on the battlefield? Why did he kill his comrades?

"Defection before the battle? It seems that their morale has completely collapsed."

Wang Ming looked at the latest information in his hand. He nodded as if he had expected it. He knew the nature of the Chaos cultists. Except for those crazy cultists, most ordinary cultists actually just joined the cult just because they wanted to. They just wanted to eat enough, but they were corrupted by the evil god in the process of eating.

"Okay, let the mortal auxiliary troops on the front line pay attention. Let the cultists who defected before the battle attack the positions of the cultists who are still resisting. If they defect again, we can deal with them together."

Wang Ming looked at the commander of the Mortal Auxiliary Army beside him. He told the commander of the Mortal Auxiliary Army about the next battle plan. This plan could reduce some of the losses of the Mortal Auxiliary Army. If those cultists defected again, then the Mortal Auxiliary Army would They can also kill those cultists instantly.


The commander of the mortal auxiliary army looked at Wang Ming. He stood at attention, saluted Wang Ming with a military salute, and then walked out of the headquarters.

After the commander of the mortal auxiliary army left, Wang Ming began to adjust the holographic projection command sandbox in front of him. He stared at the holographic projection sandbox in front of him, and then moved to another battlefield. This battlefield was what he really cared about. , the enemies on this battlefield are not cultists or Chaos Space Marines, but demon legions.

Those cultists and Chaos Space Marines did not know how many of their own people were sacrificed. In addition to the forced sacrifices of several Chaos Demon Army, those Chaos Demon Army had been fighting the three time traveler groups for a month. Wang Ming really didn't understand why for such a long time, those Chaos Demon Army still had chaos energy to support the existence of the demons.

At present, the nearby hive city on the battlefield is about to collapse. Fortunately, the local civilians have been evacuated before, otherwise the hundreds of millions of civilians in this hive city will definitely be wiped out by the fighting on both sides.

"A war of attrition..., a war of attrition..., I don't know how long Hu Jin will have to hold on..."

Wang Ming looked at the situation on that battlefield. He thought about the situation on that battlefield, and then thought of Hu Jin who was commanding that battlefield.

Just when Wang Ming was thinking about Hu Jin, the situation on Hu Jin's side was getting heated. Hu Jin was standing on the corpses of countless demons. The power sword in his hand had been cut off by an unknown weapon. His power armor is also full of scars. In his actions, the time travelers and the demons are still fighting. But what is strange is that among the time travellers, there is actually a demon who is killing with them. The demon has red skin and looks like a Khorne demon, but it can use psychic spells.

Behind the demon, Hou Xuzheng, the chief think tank of the second regiment, looked at the demon with a smile. He was holding a power hammer and had a benevolent smile like a newly graduated college student, but you could tell from the pain on the demon's face. It can be seen from the expression that it was definitely forced, and the person who coerced it was obviously Hou Xu.

"If you work hard, the emperor will never treat you badly."

Hou Xu looked at the demon, the spiritual light in his hand flickered, and he said to the demon with a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, he will never treat me badly."

After the demon killed a demon, it turned around and nodded and bowed to Hou Xu. It didn't look like a demon at all, but like a small employee nodding and bowing to the leader.

"Huh..., who knew that this guy would come out after the knife was broken."

Hu Jin slowly stood up from the ground. He looked at the fighting around him, then dropped the power sword in his hand. He stared at the demon coerced by Hou Xu, and then looked at the broken long knife beside him. That long knife was the Chaos artifact. As an artifact that used psychic spells, this thing was cut off by Hu Jin.

Hu Jin did not expect that after the demon's sword was cut off, a demon actually appeared. The demon wanted to kill Hu Jin the moment it appeared, but when the demon was about to take action, he was hit by Hou Xu with a hammer. It flew away, and after some education from Hou Xu and the pastor of the second regiment who lacked virtue, it became a thug of the second regiment. The devil was also reluctant, but Hou Xu's power hammer carried that person's power. The blow would really hurt, and because Hou Xu's hammer had that person's power, it didn't dare After returning to the subspace through death, it simply goes to fight other demons. Anyway, it does not belong to any evil god. It is a demon prince without distinction and chaos.

“It’s like there’s no end to those demons, Mad!”

Hu Jin got another power sword from the logistics force, and then rushed to the battlefield. The tactics of the second regiment were still very effective on this kind of battlefield. After all, there were only the time travelers of the second regiment. , are a group of warriors who can make even the Chaos Space Marines feel fear.

The travelers of the second group are constantly fighting against the demons. The brutality is simply heart-rending. It is a normal operation to rip each other's hearts out with the demons. What they are doing now is even more demonic than the demons.

Take Hu Jin as an example. This guy has killed so many demons on the battlefield this month that he can’t even count them. He spends 24 hours a day, killing demons and demons. He has done nothing but kill demons this month. After being hacked to death by a demon, he was resurrected. After being resurrected, he went to the battlefield to hack the demon. Now he is working all day long at two o'clock. He was hacking the demon, and then he was hacked to death by the demon. Then he was resurrected. After resurrection, he went to the battlefield again. Kill the devil and live a regular life with two points and one line.

Hu Jin's regular life made Xiao Changqing, who fought with him, a little confused. As a standard professional soldier who was proficient in tactics and strategies, he could not follow the same rules as Hu Jin. He still had no idea about the layout on the battlefield. There are a lot of tactical strategies, but these tactical strategies are not very effective, because under the leadership of Hu Jin, every battle will become a chaotic battle of hacking each other in the end.

This gave Xiao Changqing a headache. He and Hu Jin didn't have much cooperation at all. In the end, Xiao Changqing couldn't help it anymore. He looked at Hu Jin who was leading a group of time-travelers and the demons to dig out each other's hearts, and he also picked up the The power sword came to the battlefield. Since it couldn't be commanded, it simply stopped commanding at all and just led the time-travelers to kill each other.

As for the sixth regiment commander Li Xin who fought with them, he also completely gave up command. He couldn't handle these two regiment leaders, so he simply ignored them.

Just when Hu Jin and the demons were having fun, behind the demon army, Abaddon was leading a group of black legion terminators to look at everything on the battlefield. It was a bit strange to say that those around Abaddon The appearance of the Chaos Terminators is very strange. The power armor on some Chaos Terminators is actually the Terminator armor painting of the Sons of Horus. And around Abaddon, the evil forces are almost solidified. .

Abaddon is now like a subspace fragment moving in the real universe. The power of chaos in it is too terrifying. Subspace entities are now beginning to appear around it. Those twisted entities appear around Abaddon. Disappeared again, these subspace entities kept roaring at the Chaos Space Marines around Abaddon, but none of them dared to roar at Abaddon, as if Abaddon was their master.

"Hu Jin, Xiao Changqing, Li Xin, the three leaders of the Star Travelers, the damn Star Travelers..."

Abaddon watched the battle on the battlefield. It used the power of Tzeentch to lock on the three traveler captains, and then the psychic witchcraft of chaos tore the three captains into pieces. The three of them didn't even Know how you died.

"What the hell... what's going on, we're dead, boss?!"

The three regiment leaders appeared beside Wang Ming with confused expressions. Wang Ming also looked at them with confused expressions. Wang Ming didn’t know why these three guys died together. This is unscientific. Could it be Hu Jin Did you take the two of them to play together and blow yourself up? This is impossible, and it is impossible for Hu Jin to do such a thing.


Although Wang Ming knew that Hu Jin was not such a person, Wang Ming still looked at Hu Jin and asked him about things.

Facing Wang Ming's question, Hu Jin was also confused. He didn't know how they died. They were killing Zheng Huan on the battlefield, and suddenly there were no more people. Who can I talk to to reason with you?


Wang Ming just wanted to say something, but at this moment, people suddenly began to appear in films around Wang Ming. Those time travelers looked at the scene around them with confused faces. They Shouldn't he be resurrected by the regiment leader on the battlefield? How come you go directly to the boss to resurrect now? This is unscientific. Could it be that the captains and others are dead? This is not right. After the captains died, the company commanders will also be the resurrection points. Could it be said that the company commanders also died? This is impossible. In an instant It's impossible to designate so many Primaris Astartes to be killed.

"What kind of love is this... Damn it! Battlefront!"

Wang Ming looked at the time-travelers. He was just about to ask what the situation was when he suddenly remembered something. He instantly ran to the holographic projection command sand table, and then learned about the battlefield situation through the orbital observation of the fleet. As expected, the time-travelers Their large number of deaths caused the battle line to be broken through by demons. Demons one after another have broken through the battle line composed of the remaining traversers, and they are advancing towards Thanatos' nest behind the battle line.


Wang Ming looked at the changes in the battle line. He had just wanted to let the time travelers return to the battlefield, but at this moment, the remaining time travelers on the battlefield were gone. The defense line on the battlefield was now only supported by those mortals. The soldiers are gone.

"Damn..., this is an enemy who understands our tactics and directly prescribes the right medicine for us.

... "

Wang Ming looked at the time-travelers, and then looked at the battle line situation on the holographic projection command sand table. He realized how well the enemies who defeated the time-travelers knew about them. He first killed each regiment leader who was the resurrection point, and then continued The leader, and even the squad leader, and then quickly killed all the time-travelers, defeating the time-travelers in this way.

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