Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 484 A complete federal world

The fleet was traveling in the subspace, and on the Sun Fortress in the fleet, Wang Ming was discussing tactics with Macarius. After these days of getting along, Wang Ming also learned about Macarius. Wang Ming learned the art of war in Urth very quickly. His Primarch's learning ability surprised the former Sun Lord and now the Marshal of the 21st Legion Mortal Auxiliary Army. He knew the Primarch's ability to learn. Powerful, he also knew how powerful the Emperor was. After all, as a person who had died once, he had also met the Emperor, but he did not expect that the Primarch was not only powerful in terms of force, but also had such terrifying learning ability. .

"Sir, we are about to enter the solar system."

Just as Wang Ming and Macarius were discussing tactics, the navigator's voice reached their ears through the radio.

"Well, it seems that I lost this war simulation."

Wang Ming listened to the navigator's voice. He looked at the holographic projection sand table in front of him and the command post on it that had been guided by artillery fire. He smiled at Macarius and then said to him.

"Your Highness, you have done well enough. If I give you a few more rounds, I probably won't be able to defeat you based on my past experiences."

After Macarius heard Wang Ming's words, he smiled and replied to Wang Ming. The powerful learning ability of the Primarch was really terrifying. They were simply perfect weapons built for war.

The fleet slowly sailed out of the subspace. Wang Ming stood by the observation window of the office where the partition had been raised. He looked at the sun that had illuminated human civilization for tens of thousands of years. He couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. Maybe, no matter what the galaxy, No matter how the war changes, the operation of the entire universe has never changed.

Subspace, evil gods, intelligent races, the Milky Way, and the universe are all like a stage. On this stage, a desperate space opera is being performed. All living beings are struggling in the galaxy, struggling in the hands of evil gods, with the intention of continuing their own race.

"The future of human beings will definitely not be like those of other intelligent races. Human beings will definitely have a bright future, and human beings will never disappear!"

Wang Ming looked at the star and thought in his heart, he raised a hand, and then slowly held the sun in his hand.

The fleet slowly approached Holy Terra. Wang Ming looked at the yellow dry planet, and then smiled. The entire birthplace of mankind would be completely cleaned up by him.

"The Primarch is back, the Primarch is back!"

"The Protector is back, damn it, why is he back!"

"Woe to the Primarch! Woe to the Primarch!"

"The Protector is back again, and many people are going to die again..."

When the fleet arrived on Holy Terra, the people of Holy Terra were all excited. The senior officials of the empire felt that Wang Ming was going to kill people again when he came back, but the common people at the bottom felt that they would fall under the policies of the Primarch again. get more social security.

"Sir, this is the list. These are the people who participated in the assassination, as well as these officials who acted in secret, and those inquisitors who intended to betray the interests of the empire."

Above Holy Terra, in the huge palace area, Wang Ming looked at the list handed to him by the Raven Guard in front of him. He let out a long sigh. Why, why are there still so many insects, and why are there not many serious ones? What about those who work for the Empire and humanity?

"I understand, let me inform you. You can take action. Bring all their heads to the lecture square I arranged before, assassinate the Lord Protector, betray the interests of the empire, and betray the interests of the empire. Who gave them the courage!"

Wang Ming looked at the list in his hand. He said to the Raven Guard in front of him that these people must be dealt with. Those people are all obstacles to the advancement of the empire.


The Crow Guards received Wang Ming's order, and then retreated into the shadow of the room. There were fifty Crow Guards on Holy Terra. These Crow Guards were Wang Ming's spies, and they were using themselves all the time. The miraculous abilities given to them by the Gene-Father monitor all the upper echelons of Holy Terra.

After the Raven Guard left, Wang Ming went to the throne room. He would have a good talk with the Emperor about the future management of Holy Terra.

And just after Wang Ming's order was issued, the entire Holy Terra hierarchy wailed. A large number of inquisitors were suddenly beheaded, a large number of treacherous insects in the Ministry of Internal Affairs were dealt with, and those who planned the assassination of Wang Ming All the guys were treated like burning with white phosphorous. Today, in the square of the palace area, the wails of the insects were particularly miserable.

"The next step is to re-appoint. The Ministry of Interior is divided into two departments, namely Civil Affairs and Imperial Affairs. The Ministry of Military Affairs begins to reorganize..." Two months later, Wang Ming, Guilliman and Fulgrim were in the palace area. , they are constantly discussing one reorganization plan after another, which is a reform of the management of the entire empire. Guilliman mainly plans the transformation of the empire, while Wang Ming will ensure that this reform can be carried out smoothly. Wang Ming does not care about those so-called political games. , there is only one thing he does, and that is to kill, kill all those who hinder the reform. The empire has never lacked talents, it only lacks people who change, but changes may be targeted by Tzeentch, so this plan requires Within controllable range.

All management must be within control, they must be reliable people, and they must be people with firm faith in the Emperor.

"Well, that's it. After completing the reform of the empire, I will go to the Kroros expansion area. My father has told me something. He needs me to regain a complete federal world."

After the general arrangement of the matter was completed, Wang Ming told Guilliman and Fulgrim the order he had received. When he had discussed the transformation of the empire with the Emperor, the Emperor had given it to him by the way. Wang Ming gave an order to recover a complete federal world.

This order from the Emperor made Wang Ming very confused. Emperor, this is already 42k, how can there be a complete federal world? It’s not that he has never discovered the federal world before, but the situation in those worlds What has become of them? Either their technology has regressed or they have been enslaved by aliens. A complete federal world, so why has the empire never discovered them? Let’s not talk about the imperial officials, let’s talk about the rogue traders. Didn’t they discover this world?

In response to Wang Ming's questions, the Emperor just gave him a very simple sentence. You will know it after you see the world with your own eyes.

Wang Ming actually didn't quite understand why the emperor asked him to lead an entire legion to recover that world. Is this world really so important?

But the emperor didn't answer him too much. Everything in this world needs to be seen by Wang Ming himself.

After completing some things on Holy Terra, Wang Ming took the fleet to the Kroros expansion area. Guilliman and Fulgrim stood in the palace area, and they watched the fleet leave in the sky. , Guilliman's inner uneasiness was completely put down. Wang Ming obeyed his father's orders. His loyalty should not be doubted by himself. Guilliman was even ashamed of his doubts.

Before Wang Ming left Holy Terra, he left Macarius, a large group of mortal auxiliary armies, and a regiment of traversers in Holy Terra. Macarius served as the marshal of the twenty-first legion of the mortal auxiliary armies. , continue to command this force to complete the revival expedition.

In the Kroros Expansion, in an unknown galaxy, federal ships are fighting with the twisted alien fleet. The light spears illuminate the darkness of the galaxy, and various energy shells continue to explode between the fleets. The terrifying latitude trap turns the alien warships into two-dimensional pictures.

Although the federal ships had technological advantages, the endless alien fleet still caused a lot of damage and losses to them. However, in the end, the federal fleet won the battle. The alien fleet evacuated the galaxy. After the evacuation, these federal fleets returned directly to their own planet. On that blue world, a huge artificial star ring surrounded the world. It was the naval base of this world, and all federal ships were docked. On top of the star ring, and then began to repair, everything was extremely natural, as if everything had happened tens of thousands of times.

"The location of this world... is next to the ground. Didn't we notice it before?"

In the subspace, above the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection star map in front of him. After comparing the coordinates in his mind with the star map, he was surprised to find that his target was actually next to the federal world he had recovered before. Yes, this is a big problem. I had clearly detected all the galaxies near that galaxy through detectors before, but why didn't I find the world that the Emperor was talking about?

This is very abnormal, extremely abnormal, damn, why are things getting weird again? Wang Ming couldn't figure these things out, so he simply stopped thinking about them. Just like the Emperor said, you have to see it with your own eyes. Go and see.

Navigating in the subspace is very boring. In addition to watching the traversers' exercises every day, Wang Ming also goes to the barracks of the Mortal Auxiliary Army to see the situation of the mortals. You must know that their voyage will take a long time. , the time is very long, and it is very easy for something to happen in this situation, so Wang Ming must go and see for himself.

Moreover, in order to prevent the mortals in the fleet from having psychological problems, the fleet conducts psychological surveys every day, and the canteen will prepare dishes every day to appease the soldiers' psychology. Travelers are also bored, so boring time travelers have also become fleet members. The personal teachings of the children's teachers, the Emperor Angels, also reassured the parents of these children. They were originally worried about the impact that subspace navigation would have on these children. Now that the angels are taking care of them, there is absolutely no problem.

I don’t know whether it was because of the Emperor’s blessing or because the time travelers handled it well enough. There were no problems during the voyage. All the ships arrived at the Earth System.

After the fleet arrived at the Earth, it docked on the Earth's orbit. Wang Ming needed to replenish a batch of high-quality mortal auxiliary troops on the Earth to supplement the mortal auxiliary troops provided to Macarius.

The recruitment operation went very smoothly. People cheered and praised the strength of the Federation and were willing to contribute their own strength to the Federation. When Wang Ming said that these soldiers were going to support another lost Federation world, people became completely fanatical. Up, countless young people have signed up to join the army. They want to support their compatriots and serve the people of the Human Federation.

Wang Ming watched the young men wearing brand-new federal military uniforms and carrying plasma rifles walking onto the transport ship. He still felt a little guilty. He had deceived them. There was no longer a human federation. They were now fighting for the human empire. They were fighting for a civilization that was struggling in the galaxy. However, to Wang Ming's expectation, in the class after the recruits entered the Sun Fortress, they did not have much concern after learning about this matter. In response, they expressed their understanding of the existence of the human empire.

As young men who have received compulsory education under the federal system, they are all very smart. They quickly understood the meaning of the existence of the human empire. In a crazy universe, you must be crazy together, otherwise you cannot protect it. own civilization, at the same time, these young men even began to believe in the Emperor, but it was not a religious belief, but a rational belief. They worshiped the Emperor and felt that the Emperor was a person who supported the building. The great men who will fall, they also expressed regret for the failure of the emperor. A great reason has failed after all.

After completing the recruitment, the fleet left the earthly world and headed for their target world. Those young men brought a lot of vitality to the fleet. As a group of recruits, they satisfied the veterans, and as technicians, they surprised the priests of the Mechanicus.

Wang Ming, on the other hand, looked at these new recruits and thought how wonderful it would be if all humans were like this, how wonderful it would be if all the world were like the earthly world.

The Asian voyage took several months before the fleet arrived at its destination. This was very strange. As a world not far from the Earth Galaxy, it did not take that long to reach its location. In theory, it only took It only took a few days, but this voyage took only a few months. After asking the navigator, Wang Ming learned a surprising situation. The fleet had actually arrived in this galaxy long ago, but the package The subspace storm surrounding this galaxy has made time and space unstable. This is a very strange statement. To the people on the fleet, it seems that they have experienced several months, but in fact they have only sailed. Just a few days, a few months in subspace, such is the instability of subspace navigation.

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