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Chapter 485: Orthodox Federalists

"This is that galaxy, and it doesn't feel any different..."

Wang Ming looked at the cosmic background outside the observation window. He looked at the blue stars in this galaxy, thinking that it was no different in other galaxies. But at this moment, a huge siren suddenly appeared. Wang Ming was surprised for a second, and then immediately began to issue orders to the fleet.

"All ships raise void shields and ion shields, and anti-locking starts immediately..."

Wang Ming reacted immediately. He quickly issued a reaction order to the fleet. He had already reacted. It was obvious that the navy of the federal world had locked the fleet. The only ones that could lock the fleet were ships belonging to the federal technology. .

"Captain Wang Ming, there is a communication coming from the federal communication band."

Colonel Radulovich's holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of Wang Ming. He watched Wang Ming salute him, and then said to Wang Ming.

At the same time, a holographic projection screen appeared next to Colonel Radulovich, and a communication request was flashing on the holographic projection.

"Accept communication."

Wang Ming thought for two seconds, and then said to Colonel Radulovich that he still wanted to regain the world through peaceful means.


After Colonel Radulovich heard Wang Ming's words, he nodded towards Wang Ming, and then gently accepted the communication request.

"Unknown Fleet, this is the 51st Fleet of the Federation Shute. Please identify yourself, otherwise we will destroy you."

The communication request was answered instantly, and an arrogant voice appeared in Wang Ming's ears. At the same time, a man's face appeared on the holographic projection screen. It was a middle-aged man with gray-white hair. And eyes like sapphire, but its face is really a bit hard to describe. It has a face that is extremely unbeatable. This is not because of its own facial features, but because of its features that make people want to give it to them. A punch expression.

"I am the Lord Protector of the Human Emperor. This is the First Fleet of the Human Empire's Restoration Expedition. Who are you?"

Wang Ming originally wanted to say that he was from the Federation fleet, but after looking at the power armor on his body, he gave up the idea. The Federation did not have such exaggerated power armor.

"The Human Empire?! Are you kidding me? Damn traitors! You are dividing humanity. Just wait, you will all be destroyed by the Federation fleet."

After the man heard Wang Ming's words, he yelled at Wang Ming, and then angrily closed the communication. Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection screen that disappeared in front of him, he sighed helplessly, and then walked out After leaving the office and heading to the command room, it seemed that a fight was necessary.

After Wang Ming came to the command room, he suddenly found that Zhou Heng was also there. Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming. He didn't say anything and just nodded to Wang Ming. He also knew about Wang Ming's exchange with the federal world just now. As a former federalist, Wang Ming still shared this information with him.

"Would they give up their aggressive behavior if you were the one involved?"

Wang Ming looked at Zhou Heng and asked him. As a federal hero in the federal era, Zhou Heng should be able to make those guys give up the war if he comes forward.

"It's impossible. You don't know the psychology of the people of the Federation. It's just like when I just woke up. Even if I come forward, they will not join the Human Empire quietly. They want to prove their legitimate identity in the Federation. , I will definitely fight to the death with you."

After Zhou Heng heard Wang Ming's words, he smiled helplessly and replied to Wang Ming. He knew very well what these federal people were thinking. The arrogance of the federal people had reached a very outrageous level. Zhou Heng, who had just woken up, The Captain's reaction after learning about the Human Empire was considered good among them.

"It seems that there is no need to talk about it, so... jump to all their ships, just like in the Great Expedition era, and conquer the world. Try to pay attention to the casualties."

Wang Ming looked at Zhou Heng who looked helpless, and then issued combat orders to the time travelers. Since war is unavoidable, let’s conquer the world completely, just like what the empire did during the Great Expedition. At this time, peace Negotiation is impossible, then there is only conquest.

After Wang Ming's order was issued, the fleet began to counterattack. The other ships in the fleet directly opened their void shields and rushed towards the federal ships, while the Sun Fortress and other imperial ships pressed behind the fleet as the flagship of the fleet. , all the mortal auxiliary armies are on the Sun Fortress, and they must protect the safety of these mortal auxiliary armies.

"Seize all the ships first. Titans will definitely be dispatched in subsequent ground operations. However, they definitely have a lot of black technology in their hands. Titans may be destroyed instantly if they go down. It's troublesome..."

Wang Ming looked at the void battle sand table. He watched the ships controlled by the time travelers rush towards the federal ships and then directly started to join forces. He was thinking about the ground battle after the void battle. As a complete federal world, its absolute There will be a lot of black technology, military technology that can instantly destroy the Emperor Titan, and those bio-enhanced soldiers. Think about the human worlds in the Great Crusade era. This world is definitely more terrifying than those human worlds. . The more Wang Ming thought about it, the more trouble he became. He thought of the Jingyuan Federation. This human civilization was considered a trouble during the Great Crusade, and there was no telling how much trouble this complete federation world would cause.

And just when Wang Ming was thinking about these troubles, a fleet suddenly appeared on the void battle sand table. It was an unknown fleet. It was not a federal fleet or an imperial fleet. Almost all the ship information in the galaxy There are backups in the fleet. If these ships appear, the fleet will analyze them instantly, but this fleet does not have any data.

"Alien creation? Sun Fortress and the remaining ships began to turn, destroy the alien fleet first!"

Wang Ming looked at the unknown alien fleet, and directly ordered the Sun Fortress and the remaining imperial ships to turn around to fight those alien fleets. A civil war is a civil war, but aliens are different. No matter what the situation, Killing the alien first is always the first choice.

The federal fleet on the opposite side also had this idea. They didn't care about the landed traversers at all. Some warships directly closed off the areas where the traversers jumped, allowing the federal soldiers to kill them together with the traversers. The ships rushed towards those alien fleets. Whenever humans faced foreign enemies, they would magically reach an agreement, and the wars within those ships also strangely stopped. Everyone got the news of the appearance of the alien fleets, and they directly They stopped fighting and looked at each other with their own weapons, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

All the fleets also stopped fighting with each other and rushed towards the alien fleet. The alien fleet was stunned. They directly entered the galaxy after detecting the infighting of the human fleet and prepared to benefit from it, but now they are all facing themselves. It's coming this way, something isn't right.

The alien fleet looked at so many human fleets and they immediately prepared to turn, but it was too late. The local federal fleet did not have the strength to instantly destroy the alien fleet, but the imperial fleet did. First, the main gun of the Sun Fortress opened fire. , a huge light spear flew from the Sun Fortress towards the alien fleet. A large number of alien fleets evaporated in this light spear, and the remaining alien fleets were also destroyed by other federal ships. These aliens did not die. Thinking about it, I originally wanted to be a fisherman, but in the end, I was completely wiped out.

Looking at the wreckage of the alien fleet floating in the void, the civil war among humans instantly started again. Again, a civil war is a civil war, and the external enemy is the external enemy.

Gang-hopping battles in the Federation fleet are not easy to fight. The physical fitness of these Federation people is ridiculously strong. In one sentence, have you ever seen a mortal fighting against power armor with your physical body? The time traveler has seen it today. One of these Federation soldiers. They are all ridiculously strong. They also have power armor. Their defensive capabilities are on par with the Astartes, and their reaction capabilities are also comparable to those of the Astartes. The time travelers have not taken advantage of them at all.

However, these federal soldiers were also disgusted by the endless number of time-travelers they killed. No matter how many they killed, the time-travelers were still endless. The more time-travelers they killed, the more they killed, but their losses could not be replenished. Ah, and the most frightening thing is that these genetically modified warriors who suddenly appeared did not kill them, but actually captured them. This reminded them of the time when they were catching aliens for research.

As time passed little by little, the federal fleet finally couldn't hold on any longer. As the electronic warfare began, the federal fleet couldn't even self-destruct. They could only watch in despair as their command room was breached by the time-travelers. , the resistance of the federal fleet soon disappeared. One after another, the federal ships became the warships of the traversers under the familiar physical invasion network of the traversers. All federal soldiers were imprisoned by the traversers. , they kept abusing the traversers, saying that they were traitors who split humanity, and were just like those iron men, but the traversers ignored these insults, they didn't care at all, for them, as long as the righteousness of human civilization What they cared about was that they had already heard these insults when they landed on the Starry Sky to massacre the mortals contaminated by Chaos.

After obtaining these fleets, the time travelers headed directly towards their home planet. Wang Ming was still very cautious when dealing with a complete federal world. First, he let a strike cruiser driven by time travelers do an experiment. The orbital defense firepower of the planet. Not surprisingly, this strike cruiser was instantly reduced to ashes by all kinds of firepower. The orbital defense firepower of this world is really a bit outrageous.

And when the fleet was about to approach the planet, a latitude trap was activated. Fortunately, the fleet was fully prepared, and the latitude and regular defense systems were turned on, otherwise the entire fleet would have become two-dimensional.

"Airdrops are still possible, but the situation in the entire federal world is obviously a standard urban world. It is already what you call a hive world, but the greening is better. Have you seen those cities?"

In the command room of the Sun Fortress, Captain Zhou Heng looked at the planetary reconnaissance model of the Shute world. He pointed at the black spots in the green sea on the planet model, and then said to Wang Ming and the travelers beside him.

"I saw it, what next? Aren't those hive cities?"

Hu Jin looked at the black spots pointed by Zhou Heng, and then said to Zhou Heng doubtfully.

"Those are hives, but... these hives are moving, and they also have a lot of orbital defense firepower and powerful void shields. It is absolutely impossible to attack by force. After all, this thing can run and fight back at the same time, and the firepower of the fleet is not It is definitely possible to penetrate the city's void shield with minimal losses, so it can only be fought through ground battles, but as for ground battles... It's not that I underestimate the Astartes, it's just that the technology in their hands is absolutely against the Astartes. All can cause considerable losses, and landing is also a small problem. We must find an empty zone for orbital defense."

After Zhou Heng said Hu Jin's words, he looked at Hu Jin and answered this question. These federal hives can run, and their speed is not low. Hitting these hives is a problem in itself. Among them, those with psychic abilities The attacker's advance prediction and various computing devices will predict orbital strikes in advance, and under such circumstances, it will be impossible to hit those hives.

"Airdrop..., orbital empty zone..., then force the hive to move through the orbit, and then airdrop. Anyway, we can fail countless times. All we need is one person landing on the ground."

Wang Ming listened to Captain Zhou Heng's words, and then issued the airdrop order. The time travelers can fail countless times. It only takes one person to land on the ground, and the entire legion will fall on the ground.

"Wang Ming, your kind of technology really surprises me. Although the federal rule technology can also do it, its effect is not as good as the technology you have mastered. Your thing is just like a cheating device. Same."

After Zhou Heng heard Wang Ming's order, he said to Wang Ming with a playful look on his face. Zhou Heng had seen and experienced the technology in Wang Ming's hands. The endless Astartes, no matter which battlefield it was on All are irresistible forces, endless Primaris Space Marines.

"Hahaha... It's okay. This technology also has certain flaws. Let's stop talking and start taking action."

Wang Ming looked at Zhou Heng and smiled bitterly, and then replied to him. The system's infinite resurrection is indeed terrifying, but it still has certain weaknesses. Abaddon already knew this weakness, but he just didn't know whether these Federation humans would fight in the war. If this weakness is discovered, the next ground battle will be in trouble with the strength of the Federation humans.

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