Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 523 Huge Alien Civilization

Chapter 523 Huge Alien Civilization

"Are you going to be so cruel? How long have you all been holding it in?"

The commander of the local garrison looked at the minced meat on the ground. He looked at the neat travelers standing in front of him, with a speechless face. Although there was no problem in killing demons, the handling of those humans was The situation was not so good, because the place where the incident occurred was a civilian residential area, and a large number of civilians witnessed the execution process.

The humans in this world are not those from the Empire. Their acceptance of this kind of thing is still very low. Fortunately, the local planetary government quickly appeased the civilians, otherwise some conspiracy theorists would probably cause trouble.

After cleaning up the cults on the planet, the state of martial law on the planet has not been lifted. Everyone is still under strict martial law. The pollution of chaos cannot be completely eradicated, but it can be quickly stopped under a complete system.

And just when the situation in this world was changing, a fleet also arrived in this galaxy. After being inspected by the local fleet, the fleet parked directly on the planet. After the fleet parked on the planet, the rest of the fleet arrived. The personnel on board went directly to the surface of the planet.

After Wang Ming arrived on the planet, he also obtained the situation of the local world immediately. He looked at the data pad in his hand and frowned. He already understood the purpose of the Chaos Evil God's attack on this world. This world is very important to both species. For the Eldar, this world is the future of their race. For humans, this world is a bargaining chip for them to use the Webway to escape from the warp.

After Wang Ming got this information, he started a rapid purification operation. Thousands of tons of holy water of the national religion were distributed to the hands of civilians. The water used in the world now is the holy water of the blessed national religion. It can be said that up and down Everyone below has been purified. Those hidden cultists can skip food, but it is absolutely impossible not to drink water, right?

In one day, a large number of corpses burned to char by holy water were carried out from the city. At first, the civilians were a little uneasy, but after a few days when they were fine, they did not say anything more. Isn’t life good for those cultists? Why do those cultists believe in evil gods? Even though the planetary government treats them well, they still do some things that violate the laws of the planetary government. It’s really too much for them.

After dealing with the purification problem in this world, Wang Ming began to discuss the transfer of demi-humans with the Eldar who came with the fleet. Wang Ming has been keeping the transferred demi-human population very low. The purpose is In order to allow the Spirit Tribe to get less people, and what if the population of the Spirit Tribe is too large and the Spirit Tribe population explodes? The water for this population is too deep. The Spirit Tribe has a small population. Wang Ming is afraid that they will not be able to control it. Take a look. , Wang Ming is so considerate.

"You have unequal terms!"

The Spiritual Prophet looked at Wang Ming. She had scolded the Son of God countless times in her heart, but she really couldn't do anything about Wang Ming. After all, only humans had hope for the Spiritual Race.

"No, no, no, Ms. Prophet, how can you say that? The Eldar are not very familiar with the technology of natural reproduction. I am just helping you. If there are too many people and they all die on your side, it will not be worth the loss. ?"

Wang Ming still maintains his iconic smile. This smile coupled with Wang Ming's demigod-like face is very refreshing, but in the eyes of the spirit tribe, his gentle smile is like a chaotic evil god staring at him. He smiled at them, making their fearful ears stand up.

"Okay, Son of God, we have no room for negotiation, right? This world is too important to the Eldar..."

The Spirit Tribe prophet looked at Wang Ming for a long time. She finally sighed helplessly and finally accepted Wang Ming's agreement. Humanity's terms for the Spirit Tribe were completely overlord terms, but the Spirit Tribe had no room for negotiation. The Eldar know the importance of the Webway to human expansion, but they have nothing to do. After all, the Eldar's current situation is already very bad. It is a complete fantasy to revive the Ancient Eldar Empire.

After confirming the transaction, the local planetary government began to collect humans who were willing to go with the Eldar. This behavior was voluntary. After all, Wang Ming was still very concerned about the population status of the world. In case of a large-scale Wouldn’t it be bad if immigration caused them to have some conspiracy theorists?
After handing over the immigration affairs, the team set off again. Now Wang Ming really has no worries. With the efforts of the brothers in the dark side of the empire, there is nothing he needs to worry about. Most of them just require the 21st Legion to allocate some resources from Meers.

Speaking of this, we have to talk about the conspiracy theory of those in the empire. They believe that the Morse Industrial World Group is the private property of the 21st Legion and is the 500 worlds of the Primarch Wang Ming. Among the empire The idea of ​​questioning whether Wang Ming will create a second empire is still mainstream. After all, the 21st Legion is too special. They have their own exclusive fleet and a private agreement with the Mechanicus.

All of this made the empire's top officials very wary of the 21st Legion, but this vigilance was of no use to the 21st Legion. After all, high lords had died in Wang Ming's hands several times.

But no matter what the empire's top officials thought of Wang Ming, Wang Ming didn't care. In the worst case, he would just clean it up. Anyway, the empire has never lacked talents. What it lacked was just those who could see things clearly and not make trouble.

The fleet moved forward, and the space distorted by the curvature engine made everyone feel a little dizzy. The mortal auxiliary army could only try not to look at the scene outside the observation window, while the traversers were bored and maintained the entire Sun Fortress. , these things do not actually need them to do, but the fleet sailing time is really boring, tactical seminars have been held many times, and live-fire training has been carried out for a long time. The time travelers really have nothing to do, they Maintaining the Sun Fortress together with the mortal auxiliaries can be considered a good thing to increase the relationship between mortals and Astartes.

Wang Ming looked at the time-travelers working together with the mortal auxiliary army. He seemed to feel a very familiar sense of déjà vu. This is what the Astartes should look like. They are warriors and humans. They should also They have the same emotions as ordinary people. Deliberate suppression will only lead to some psychological distortions, but the same is true for excessive indulgence. Let them have a sense of responsibility and empathy for human beings. This is a development model for the army. The Astartes are not superior to others, and neither are the Primarchs, they are just the guardians of humanity and nothing more.

Wang Ming is not as confused as other Primarchs about the end of the war. He is originally a time traveler, and they have no hope of returning home. If the war in this universe ends, Wang Ming will spread all his troops across the galaxy and continue to protect mankind. , the message processing ability of the Astartes will play a very good role after the war, and he will also help the entire empire in Holy Terra to start the civilization improvement, allowing mankind to return to the technological level of the Human Federation.

Of course, all this is based on the fact that humans have won all the wars and eliminated the impact of subspace on humans. This wish seems impossible for a long time. Wang Ming looked at the soldiers, he smiled, and laughed at his daydream. The Chaos Evil God has always been a sword on the top of human heads. This sword hurts human beings all the time, but human beings It is too uncomfortable to have no way to do anything about it. The endless games of the Chaos Evil Gods are endless. Three of them do not want to destroy mankind, but just want mankind, the largest psychic race in the galaxy, to fall into chaos.

"The power of resistance..., alas..."

When Wang Ming thought of this, a feeling of powerlessness appeared in his heart. He sighed helplessly, and then returned to his room. The fleet still had many things waiting for him to deal with, including the fleet's supplies and the entire fleet's personnel. Eating, drinking, and defecating are all tasks he needs to complete now.

The fleet kept moving forward, but what they didn't know was that in the direction of their advance, a huge alien race was preparing to fight humans under the orders of their gods. This alien race was so huge that it was almost as big as the Great Crusade. The alien civilizations that have caused headaches for the human expeditionary force are almost gone, and they have also been blessed by their own gods. In the eyes of the emperor of this alien race, humans are not afraid at all. This wave is completely my advantage.

The emperor of this alien civilization even fantasized about going to war with the entire human empire and making the human species completely the slaves of their divine blessings. After all, the human slaves in their hands could not keep up with their expansion speed.

"Report, Captain Wang Ming, we have arrived at our destination."

Wang Ming was sitting in the office. He was working on the documents in his hands. He listened to the reminder from the artificial intelligence, then put down the documents in his hands and began to mobilize the federal database. The "IS" federal city world and military world were once used as The alien border world between the Federation and Mosno lost contact with the Human Federation after the advent of the Old Night. Regarding these lost human worlds, Wang Ming has always maintained the direction of promoting human civilization, but this The situation in the world is probably not going to be too good.

According to the records of the federal database, the federation has always maintained a hostile relationship with the Mosno aliens. If the federation had not been unable to take action due to some things, this alien civilization would have become one of the countless alien civilizations destroyed by human civilization. To be honest, they You are lucky to be alive now. You must know that on the path of the Human Federation's expedition to the entire galaxy, the Federation's military boots have stepped on the soil of countless worlds, trampling the alien bones on them into fly ash.

"This is also a historical issue."

Wang Ming looked at the information on the data board in front of him. He held his temples tiredly, then closed his data board. He placed the data board on his desk, and then issued a battle order to the entire fleet. Prepare orders.

With the existence of alien civilization, Wang Ming has already begun to think about the worst. The forces of the Human Federation are powerful, but in the face of an entire alien civilization, can a world's troops really survive? Moreover, it has been so long. Wang Ming still knows what the galaxies scattered in the Milky Way by the Human Federation were like during the Great Crusade. Alien civilization has always been a threat to mankind.

If he hadn't needed the Eldar's webway now, and if humans had mastered the ability to navigate the galaxy at faster than light speeds without subspace, Wang Ming would have liquidated all the aliens in the entire galaxy. The galaxy would always belong to humans. This is not an extreme statement, but it is the fact that all species in the galaxy are in a state of death and death, including the Tau Empire.

And just when Wang Ming ordered the fleet to enter combat mode, huge rays of light directly bombarded the fleet. The void shields of several strike cruisers that had just been released by the Sun Fortress were directly overloaded, and they turned into fireworks and shattered. In the void, the fleet's command system quickly conveyed the news to the commanders of each ship.

Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand and immediately ordered a counterattack. It was not difficult to find the enemy. The federal radar detection equipment could instantly find the enemy in the entire galaxy.

Above the radar, two huge fleets were rapidly changing their attack positions. Wang Ming stared at the two fleets above the radar, with murderous intent in his eyes. You must know that there were many mortals on the cruisers during those few attacks. For the auxiliary army, the death of the time traveler is nothing, but those mortal auxiliary armies are all human beings.

"It's so careless, it shouldn't have happened, it shouldn't have happened."

Wang Ming looked at the debris marks on the radar that hit the cruiser. The anger and self-blame in his heart made him clenched his fists in pain. It shouldn't have been like this. The shield of the federal ship could block that wave of attacks. Yes, but those strike cruisers were released too early, that was his problem.

But the matter has come to this, only by killing those aliens can we avenge the mortal auxiliary forces. The fleet has already locked an alien fleet, which is very far away from the fleet, almost spanning most of the galaxy, but this is not a problem.

The light spears of the fleet rushed towards the alien ships at the speed of light. Although those fleets reacted quickly and changed places after firing a shot, the speed of the light spears was faster. This alien fleet moved a few ships slower. It was evaporated directly under the spear of light.

On the other side, they were preparing to take a detour and sneak attack. The alien fleet of the human fleet also suffered a counterattack from humans. Its strategic position made the human fleet very happy. That fleet did not expect humans to discover them. They belonged to Directly charging towards the human muzzles, the light spears and macro cannons shot at them, causing them to pay the price in blood.

"The size of this alien should be quite large. It seems like this is a big project."

Wang Ming looked at the two huge fleets, thinking about the size of this alien civilization and the subsequent cleanup.

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