Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 524 The Arrogant Alien Emperor

Chapter 524 The Arrogant Alien Emperor

"No matter who the enemy is, humans have driven them to extinction."

Wang Ming stood on the bridge. He looked at the alien fleets that were disappearing on the radar. His fingers kept moving on the command platform. Orders were quickly issued. With the cooperation of Captain Zhou Heng and the fleet's artificial intelligence, Wang Ming Under the command, these orders were quickly carried out.

The alien fleet is decreasing all the time, while the human fleet has been advancing rapidly. However, Wang Ming still found something wrong. Although the alien fleet is decreasing, its sense of resistance has not weakened at all. This is not normal. This world It's not the alien's home planet. It's absolutely impossible for them to fight like this. The only explanation is that the alien is ambushing them.

As if to confirm Wang Ming's thoughts, an alien fleet suddenly appeared in the void not far from the human fleet. The moment they appeared, they fired a salvo, and the laser and chemical energy ammunition were still behind. The light of nuclear weapons appeared in the void. The accuracy of this salvo was very high. In an instant, the void shields and ion shields of several cruisers were directly overloaded. The structure of the ship was also damaged under this kind of firepower. Unable to resist, their ship structure directly disintegrated under the high pressure and high temperature erupted by high-energy lasers and nuclear weapons.


Wang Ming looked at the cruisers that exploded near the Fortress of the Sun, and issued an order to the Imperial Truth, leaving it to her to clean them up at close range.

The response of the fleet was very fast. After a salvo of fire, those alien fleets no longer had any possibility of fighting back. They were vaporized under the spears of light and scattered in the void of the universe.

After the close-range alien fleet was dealt with, the other two alien fleets were also caught up and dealt with. They couldn't run away at all, and their sublight speed engines couldn't compare to human curvature engines. At the last moment, he could only look at the huge human battleship and pray to his master.

"Well... our three fleets are out together. The human fleet is definitely finished. The master's mission is also completed. Then we can get more blessings, hahaha."

On the Alien's home star, in the Alien Emperor's palace, the Alien Emperor looked at the information in his hand. He happily pulled a human slave beside him and tortured him, and then laughed and said to the ministers beside him.

The ministers around it were thinking about whether to tell the emperor the latest news, but after thinking about it, the emperor would definitely be furious with his character, and he, the consumable minister, would definitely die by then.

"It's better not to tell the emperor yet. The human fleet will definitely be destroyed under the siege of other fleets. Well... let's do it."

After thinking about this moment, it began to compliment its emperor. After all, as the longer-lived minister, it was very aware of the status of its emperor.

"What the emperor said is absolutely true. Our fleet has destroyed the human fleet. We will receive more blessings from the master. The emperor will definitely ascend under the blessing of the master."

The minister said to the emperor respectfully, and it smiled flatteringly, praising the emperor's victory.

"Hahaha, mere humans are just some chickens and dogs. Their empire is just a broken house. As long as we give it a gentle kick, it will collapse in an instant."

The emperor smiled, and it threw away the dying human slave in its hands, then patted its minister on the shoulder and continued to torture the human slave.

The minister quickly went to the alien headquarters and began to mobilize troops, but what they didn't know was that the human fleet was now aggressively heading towards their home planet, and the first one to bear the brunt was the former human federal world.

This world was a military world in the era of the Human Federation. Now under the control of these Mosno aliens, the defense force has been strengthened many times. After all, this race still has a very bad impression of human beings. Human beings used to be They seemed to be complete natural disasters. These guys did not even dare to touch that world for a hundred years after the decline of the Human Federation. They only began to slowly invade the world through constant testing.

"Inferior races dare to occupy the human world."

Wang Ming stood on the airdrop deck. He looked at the fleet's light spears clearing the orbital defense firepower of the aliens. He couldn't help but shook his head. If the Federation hadn't fallen, the human world would not have been occupied by aliens.

After the fleet cleared the orbital defense firepower above the ground, huge airdrop pods were dropped directly by the fleet. They streaked through the atmosphere and tore the sky of the planet. If viewed from the ground, this scene would look like It's like the end of the world, but it's an alien end of the world.

Huge airdrop pods fell into the alien city one by one, smashing the high-rise buildings in the alien city. Countless cries and wailings appeared in the city. The time-travelers and the mortal auxiliary troops dropped from the air. Stepping out of their wounds, they looked at everything in the city, and the anger in their hearts could no longer be suppressed.

They looked at the scenes in the surrounding cities, and advertisements in those cities were projected on their tactical eyepieces, "Human slaves are sold cheaply...". They had never felt that their tactical translation system was so accurate. Those words It was like a knife stabbing into their chests. They had seen humans being used as slaves, but this was the first time they had seen such a scene.

The alien civilization that was destroyed first was at best a defeated species that enslaved humans, but what about this one? They simply treat human beings as livestock that can be traded. How could they not be angry?
The massacre started instantly. This was also revenge for the humans in this world. The aliens were killed by humans in endless fear. These humans who they usually regarded as commodities were now slaughtering them, no matter how big or small. Anyone who is an alien will be killed.

The time travelers and the mortal auxiliary army have done this countless times. There is absolutely no problem with psychological problems. You know, how is it possible to have empathy for aliens? Do you feel guilty for stepping on an ant?

Alien stumps and broken arms were scattered throughout the city, and the mortal auxiliaries and time travelers found the humans who were treated as slaves. Countless slave factories were liberated. Looking at the numb human slaves, the time travelers and The mortal auxiliaries were completely unable to contain their anger, and the alien would pay the price for his actions.

"Three points and one line, don't be afraid, kid, this is normal, just kill it. It is just a low-level species."

In the city, a female mortal auxiliary held the hand of a seven or eight-year-old little girl. He let the little girl's finger hold the trigger, and then gently taught the little girl to kill the alien child who tortured and killed her mother. The cub, and the alien cub in front of her, is now scared to death. It desperately uses the distorted and frosted voice of the alien to beg for mercy from the little girl. It has no trace of the way it used to torture and kill humans. A sense of arrogance, like an animal, no, it is an animal.

"Relax, relax, come on, kid, pull the trigger and it'll be dead."

The female mortal auxiliary army spoke to the little girl gently, just like a gentle mother teaching her daughter to make snacks. She gently stroked the little girl's hair. The tenderness and motherhood of women were fully reflected at this moment. She She was also a mother once. When she was in Holy Terra, she lost her child to the slaughter of demons, which was a child about the same age as this little girl. From that day on, she hated any human enemy. When the time travelers recruited the mortal auxiliary army, this woman was the first to sign up in that area. She swore this oath after her child was killed by a demon. To kill all human enemies for the God-Emperor, she has many cases among the mortal auxiliary armies. Most of the mortal auxiliary armies recruited on Terra signed up for this purpose. They Wants revenge, wants revenge on all enemies of mankind.


With the help of this female mortal auxiliary, the little girl finally pulled the trigger, and a weak plasma ball hit the alien cub, which made the little cub grin in pain.

"Oh, the power is turned down a bit. Come on, kid, let auntie increase the power a bit. I didn't know the alien's body structure could withstand it so much. Come on, come on, give it another shot."

The female mortal auxiliary looked at the little girl with a smile. She spoke to the little girl, and then increased the power of the plasma pistol a little.

The surrounding mortal auxiliary troops and time travelers looked at this scene, and they all had some indescribable feelings in their hearts. They knew this woman. When the airdrop capsule landed, she rushed even more happily than the time travelers. Shouting "Strike the emperor's will, burn the aliens", she rushed out with a power axe. She was the most cruel when it came to cutting down the aliens. The most the time travelers could do was slap the aliens to death. This The woman chopped the alien into more than a dozen pieces before she stopped.

But now she is like a kind mother, teaching this cute seven or eight-year-old girl to kill aliens. This is so outrageous no matter how you look at it...

"Hmm..., what do you think?"

A time traveler looked at the mortal auxiliary army beside him and asked him.

"Uh, sir, I think it's too merciful. This alien tortured and killed this little girl's mother. I don't think it should be like this. Look, this alien kid's body is all covered with carapace. Let's remove the carapace. Wouldn’t it be better to give it a bath with low-power plasma afterwards?”

The mortal auxiliary army looked at the time traveler, he thought for a moment, and then answered to the time traveler.

"You are really a living king of hell..."

The time traveler looked at the mortal auxiliary army. He felt that he was too conservative. He just wanted to light the alien sky lanterns and take a low-power plasma bath... Humans in this universe still know how to play. He is just a follower of the rules. He is just a law-abiding time traveler, but he is still too conservative and has not seen the big world.

"Here, one more shot."

The female mortal said to the little girl gently, and the little girl nodded ignorantly. Although she didn't know what the thing in her hand was, she knew that it was the alien in front of her that made her motherless.

"Well done, Auntie will give you something delicious to eat."

An hour later, the female mortal looked at the remains of the alien that had been beaten into a hornet's nest. She happily touched the little girl's head, then took out a pack of individual rations for the Mortal Auxiliary Army, opened it and took out a piece Candy was stuffed into the little girl's mouth.

She had thought about it, she wanted to adopt this little girl and let her become a warrior of the God Emperor. She immediately told the traveler company commander who led the team about this. After getting the permission of the traveler company commander, She took the little girl back to the Sun Fortress.

"This should also be out of a sense of guilt... I lost my child and want to make up for it... What a loving mother."

The time traveler took the data pad and looked at the information on the female mortal auxiliary army. He let out a long sigh, and then said to the mortal auxiliary army beside him.

"Sir, I don't know. I don't have a child yet."

The mortal auxiliary army looked at the time traveler. He said to the time traveler with a confused look on his face that he didn't have children yet. He had been single since he joined the 21st Legion from his own world.

"It's okay, kid. I see you're quite old now. I'll arrange a blind date for you then, so take advantage of it."

The time traveler patted the mortal auxiliary army on the shoulder and said to the young man.


The mortal auxiliary army looked at the time traveler. Why did he feel that this adult was the same as the elders in his family? But also, the adults were all demigods who didn’t know how old they were. But this didn’t feel right. The angel arranged the blind date. What the hell? !

"Well, you did a good job. Next, we have to clean up a lot of alien worlds and completely destroy this civilization. I hope you can maintain this speed in the next actions."

Wang Ming looked at the soldiers of the Mortal Auxiliary Army in front of him. He looked at the battle reports of these Mortal Auxiliary Army, nodded to them with satisfaction, and then put the medals on them. The medals of the 21st Legion and the Imperial Military Affairs The medals are different. Each medal is made of blessed precious metals, soaked in holy water for thirteen months, and then dried with the incense used in front of the emperor's altar on the fleet. There are even some With a drop of Wang Ming's blood added, this thing can be regarded as a sacred object that can be carried around.

These medals awarded to the Mortal Auxiliary Army are all the "Fearless Warrior" medals of the 21st Legion. They are awarded to soldiers who sacrifice themselves to protect their comrades to complete the mission. Take a closer look at these Mortal Auxiliary Army soldiers who have been awarded medals. They all have some prosthetic bodies on their bodies. These soldiers lost their limbs in order to protect their comrades on the battlefield, but it does not matter. Soon their bodies will be intact as before. The fleet's medical benefits are not just words, all The Mortal Auxiliary Army can really be enjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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