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Chapter 525 The Furious Alien Emperor

Chapter 525 The Furious Alien Emperor
"Hmm... So... what the hell is this world like..."

Wang Ming looked at the planet covered with crawling flesh and blood outside the observation window, and he asked the travelers around him.

"This... Boss, we don't know. This is what happened after the reconnaissance fleet arrived here."

Hu Jin looked at the world made of flesh and blood, and he felt a little numb. What the hell is this alien civilization? Why is it so twisted?

"I have asked mortals to avoid it. The spiritual pollution of this thing is not small. It is definitely a creation of chaos."

Wang Ming looked at the world of flesh and blood. He felt that his eyes were a little stinging, while the travelers just felt dizzy. The mental pollution of this thing was too great.

"Blow it up and let's head to the next galaxy."

Wang Ming looked at the twisted thing, and he issued an order to the artificial intelligence. After receiving the order, the star-destroying weapon was activated. Since he had dealt with this kind of thing before, the fleet did not use the kind that ignites the star core. weapons, but threw huge anti-matter bombs onto the flesh and blood world.

"There should be no problem."

Wang Ming watched those anti-matter bombs flying towards the world of flesh and blood. He felt that there was no problem. These anti-matter bombs could completely destroy a world. But at this moment, laser energy beams suddenly flew out from the ground and hit directly. These powerful anti-matter bombs exploded in the void under this attack. Huge balls of light exploded in the void. They were the energy erupted from the mutual annihilation of complete matter.

"Um... let's use the light spear to clear the orbital defense fire points bit by bit."

Wang Ming looked at those light balls, thought for a moment, and then issued an order to the artificial intelligence.

According to common sense, in a world with complete orbital defense, orbital strikes are extremely unsafe, but... the designers of the Federation fleet must have taken this into consideration. The ships of the Federation have a range of It's terrifyingly big, and its attack distance allows it to attack from a safe position.

Next, the aliens in the flesh-and-blood world were all dumbfounded. They were still complacent about approaching the enemy's attack, but the huge light spears quickly made them understand the horror of human beings, as if the DNA of their ancestors had been As if activated, these aliens recollect their ancestors' fear of humans.

They wailed and begged for forgiveness toward the lights in the sky, but the rays of death still enveloped their cities and the twisted flesh and blood earth. The travelers did not know that the flesh and blood in this world were all Made using living humans.

All the elderly humans who have been slaves of this race for thousands of years have turned into flesh and blood in this world. This is a sacrifice for the disgusting thing they believe in, and it is the blessing of that disgusting thing to them. That disgusting thing The thing devoured human souls, leaving behind only giant monsters made of those human flesh and blood.

Shoot, shoot, shoot, the light spear is shooting, the macro cannon is roaring, the flesh and blood evaporates under the high temperature, even the world is wailing, it is wailing its pain, roaring its anger crazily, and just as it roars At that time, a wave of spiritual energy also appeared in the void, and powerful spells appeared instantly on the edge of the world. They rushed towards the fleet, and when the fleet found these things flying towards them, they directly Turn on the warp drive to escape.

Although the fleet's defensive shields are all turned on, the fleet does not dare to bet on the attack power of those things in the underworld. After all, subspace does not teach you science, and things that ignore physics often happen.

No matter how powerful a void shield is, or an extremely reliable physical armor, these things have little effect at all under the attack of the countless physical rules of the subspace.

"You underestimate it."

Wang Ming looked at the planet and saw that the flesh and blood on the planet were constantly churning, as if he was demonstrating to them out of anger. However, this kind of demonstration had no effect on Wang Ming. The fleet continued to attack. Once it was covered with full firepower, not only did the battle fleet begin the attack, but the engineering ships that followed the fleet also went to the galaxy to start removing meteorites. You must know that this flesh-and-blood world has an atmosphere.

Spears of light entered the atmosphere one after another, macro-cannon shells as huge as mountains fell onto the earth, there were countless anti-matter bombs, and huge meteorites. Even if this world was built with spiritual power, Even the void shield cannot withstand such a powerful attack.

The void shield built by the flesh and blood planet using spiritual energy was instantly overloaded. After a blue light flashed above the planet's atmosphere, it was completely unable to withstand the attack. Countless flesh and blood were evaporated by the attack, and countless aliens died in the orbital bombardment. Down.

This world can't stand it anymore. It keeps wailing and trying to absorb more spiritual energy in the warp, and then use spiritual energy to protect itself, but is this possible? Its spiritual energy has begun to go out of control. The spiritual energy of subspace is a dangerous thing for everyone, even for this chaotic creation. Although it looks terrible, it is also a chaotic creation of subspace. , but after all, it is not those non-entity demons. The terrifying spiritual power is drawn out by it, but with its control strength...


The flesh and blood planet exploded in a burst of light, and its flesh and blood flew in the void, like ketchup in a vacuum environment. Wang Ming, who was on the fleet, watched this scene. He didn't know why the flesh and blood world exploded. Well, according to his estimation, they would have to fight this huge creature for at least an hour before it died.

However, the following wave of psychic energy fluctuations immediately made Wang Ming realize that the psychic energy of this chaotic thing was out of control. Wang Ming was half-kneeling on the ground. As a psyker, his perception of psychic energy was better than that of ordinary people. Even more sensitive, ordinary people may only feel chills all over their bodies under this kind of spiritual energy fluctuation, but Wang Ming felt a huge sense of dizziness.

"Let me go..., this thing is made by humans..." Wang Ming felt the spiritual energy fluctuations, and he discovered something that made him extremely angry. The building materials of this flesh-and-blood world were actually living human beings. He just heard the wailing of those humans, which was the despair of those humans before they died. These despairs made Wang Ming look at the appearance of those humans before they died. They were killed by aliens and then twisted into flesh and blood. Their souls were also killed by those aliens. The evil god of faith was devoured, and all that was left was their despair.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

The time travelers looked at Wang Ming who was kneeling on the ground, and they immediately surrounded him. They looked at Wang Ming's state and felt something was wrong.

"It's okay, I just saw something. I want to make this alien civilization's death not so easy!"

Wang Ming stood up from the ground. He looked at the wreckage of the flesh and blood world floating in the void. He gritted his teeth and said to the traversers.

And at the moment when the fleet destroyed the world, the alien emperor who was far away from the alien home star suddenly trembled. Its holy star had just been cut off from it. That was a blessing given to it by the gods. Unless the gods took away the Come back to give blessings, but that is impossible. The sacrifices of humans and our own people have never stopped. If this is not possible, then there is only one possibility. Its holy star has been destroyed. Who has it? Maybe destroy its holy star?
The Alien Emperor thought about it and finally thought of the only possible enemy, humans. It was the humans who destroyed the Holy Star, but hadn't those humans been destroyed by their powerful fleets? How is this possible?
The alien emperor began to think, and the god he believed in had laughed happily. He laughed, and the subspace also gave birth to subspace storms because of his laughter. He looked at his believer and began In its prediction, this alien civilization will be destroyed, and before they are destroyed, they must use them to create more fun for themselves.

He helped his believer to figure everything out, and the alien emperor suddenly figured everything out in an instant.

"There is no way to destroy the human fleet. The minister is lying to me, the military command is lying to me, and everyone in this empire is lying to me!!!"

After the Alien Emperor figured out everything, he became completely angry. The entire empire was actually lying to him. This emperor was like a clown, being fooled around by them. His anger made everyone in the Alien Palace The clouds began to twist, and layers of thin ice began to form around it. The Alien Emperor was a psyker, and through constant sacrifices, its psionic level was not low. It obtained The Evil God has the most blessings.

Its anger soon attracted a group of alien guards and ministers, but the alien emperor's angry reason could not let him think too much. A series of psychic lightning instantly turned those guys into ashes. After killing these aliens, the alien emperor went directly to kill the alien commanders in the military affairs headquarters.

Just like that, the angry alien emperor led his psyker guards to kill for nine days. The bodies of these aliens were even piled into a hill. Finally, after these alien corpses and a large number of human slaves were sacrificed to After the evil god, the alien emperor calmed down, and he ordered the entire alien empire's fleet to surround and kill the human fleet.

When it issued this order, Wang Ming had already led his fleet to use nanorobots to destroy five alien worlds.

On top of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the aliens that were slowly decomposed by nanorobots on the planet in front of him. He showed a cold smile. In order to find a way to make these aliens suffer before death, he went to Zhou Heng specifically. I went to learn about the combat cases against alien civilizations in the era of human federation with Colonel Radulovich.

Finally, he saw in a document the expressions of those aliens when nanorobots destroyed the world. It was this expression, despair, pain, and confusion. These expressions were the expressions of humans when they tortured and killed humans. Wang Mingyao Let them feel the pain of those humans.

The nanorobots are devouring the planet and the aliens on it. These aliens will never think that it is the humans they regard as slaves who are killing them. However, because there are human slaves on the planet, these nanorobots still have Targeted killings only attack aliens, and they don't even look at the humans.

Moreover, through the substances on the planet, the number of nanorobots is increasing. No matter what methods the aliens use, they cannot stop the progress of the nanorobots. Their thermal weapon attacks increase the number of nanorobots, and their souls If it can attack, it won't be able to destroy many nanobots.

These aliens could only watch in despair as their bodies were slowly decomposed. The pain of slowly disappearing flesh and blood was what they had seen at first. They had seen it more than once in the human slaves they sacrificed, and now this This kind of pain happened to them, and their flesh and blood were decomposed, which was an extremely slow death. Pain and despair were the emotions they felt when they died.

"Pick up those humans. Those with chaos beliefs and pollution will be killed immediately."

Wang Ming looked at the real-time video of the orbital reconnaissance live broadcast. He said something to Colonel Radulovich beside him, and then went to his office. He wanted to see the research network of the company led by Xu Zheng with the First Engineer Regiment. How's the research going?

After obtaining the right to use the network channel, Wang Ming directly threw Xu Zheng and a company of the First Engineer Regiment into the network channel, letting them study the network channel day and night, and every month there would be one The time traveler returned to the Sun Fortress through resurrection and conveyed the latest research on the web channel to Wang Ming.

"Boss, we are currently studying the structure of the Web Channel. The information given by the Emperor is very useful and has saved us a lot of detours. We can directly start the next phase of research. However, the Web Channel is still It’s too complicated. It’s like a bridge that bypasses subspace and reality. If we want to research the manufacturing of this thing, we estimate that it won’t be much faster than the time it takes to complete the research on the inertia-free engine.”

In Wang Ming's office, a time traveler from the First Engineering Corps stood in front of Wang Ming. He told Wang Ming their latest research status.

"Well, you have done a good job, just tell me if you need anything."

Wang Ming looked at the time traveler in front of him and nodded. After that time traveler paid a military salute to Wang Ming, he went to the medical area. He still needed to be teleported back through resurrection, and his genetic seeds had to be handed over to the fleet for preservation. Okay.

"Two technologies... are so far away..."

Wang Ming looked at the ceiling helplessly. The network channel was so difficult even with the Emperor's information and complete physical objects, not to mention the inertial engine. How could it be so difficult to develop super-light speed technology in the human physical universe? Woolen cloth?

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