Chapter 528 Iron Warriors
The fleet sailed through the void of the universe and sailed in the starry sky on the dark side of the empire. They had been away from the empire for too long.

"We are about to arrive at a world that is at war. This world is already supported by the Astra Militarum and a Chapter, but the enemy has an entire Chaos Warband. We need to help them take this world back from the Chaos Warband."

In the conference room of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming told the travelers about the world they were about to arrive in. The world they were about to arrive in was an imperial world with a long history. It is worth mentioning that during the Great Expedition era, other worlds in this world There are a lot of connections with the Iron Warriors, Wang Ming can already guess it.

When this world fell into the dark side of the Empire, the whole world was in chaos. The planetary governor of this world followed the ancient tradition and got in touch with the Astartes Chapter that was closely connected to their own planet. Then they didn't know that The war group is an ancient renegade legion. After getting in touch, they were indeed supported by an Astartes war group, but that war group was not a war group, but the Iron Warriors Legion. You can imagine what happened next. And know it.

The Chaos Space Marines came to this world, and the humans of this world fought back desperately. Then a small fleet from the Renaissance Expedition arrived and began to fight with the Chaos Space Marines in this world.

"So, the enemy is the Iron Warriors?"

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming. He thought about the information he had received, and then thought about their enemies.

"Well, according to the intelligence of that battle group, it's like this. The opponent is a master of positional warfare."

Wang Ming nodded to Hu Jin, and then called up the information about the Iron Warriors during the Great Expedition. For these veteran legions, there was never a lack of information in the fleet's database.

"Positional battle..."

When Xu Feng, the leader of the fourth regiment, heard about positional warfare, his eyes lit up instantly. They were familiar with positional warfare. They had learned it from the Imperial Fist before.

"Wanting a positional war? Then let us go, boss, give us two hours, and we will definitely make those positions disappear."

Hu Jin looked at Xu Feng, shook his head, and then assured Wang Ming.

The fighting style of the second regiment is to charge non-stop. No matter what the enemy is, just charge and it's over. This is true for whatever they face. If the charge can't solve it and the group is destroyed, it must be that the number of charges is not enough.

"Then the main attack will be left to the second regiment. The fourth regiment can test the tactical operations. If you need anything, just apply to the munitions department."

Wang Ming looked at the two captains, and he nodded towards them. Wang Ming maintained trust in all the captains. After all, their tactics were trained in countless wars, and so did Wang Ming. Having experienced this together, there is basically no doubt in the 21st Legion. Everyone is a brother who has been together all the way. Mutual trust and a sense of identity in the blood are what they have been able to survive in this desperate universe. Maximum strength.

Now let us turn our perspective to that world, and let us take a look at the war situation in that world.

The imperial hive world "Fu La Le" is a standard imperial hive world. The people of the local world are in a state of "happiness and health" under the series of oppressive policies of the planetary governor. The planet The Governor's policy towards Wang Ming is also a violation of the policy. The Renaissance Expedition Fleet arrived very early. The Planetary Governor also received Wang Ming's policy, but he will definitely not implement it.

The war situation in this world today is already very bad. The Astartes company that revived the expeditionary fleet is completely unable to compete with the thousands of Iron Warriors in this world. The Iron Warriors in this world We, these Iron Warriors have occupied a hive city. Now the 20 billion imperial citizens in this hive city have all become the reserve soldiers of the Iron Warriors. Under the coercion of these Iron Warriors, they voluntarily or He was forced to pick up weapons and fight against the imperial forces on the front lines of the hive.

Although these people are not good at fighting the Astra Militarum, the numbers are too great to hold them back. One million people died and another million people were dragged up. The Empire is really unable to defeat them. Although the Empire is There is the support of the Astra Militarum and the Astartes, but the numbers are really not enough. Five Astra Militarum and one Astartes company can't get in no matter how hard they try.

Recently, those Iron Warriors have even had a tendency to actively attack the Imperial forces. They have collected intelligence about the Empire and are preparing to quickly occupy the world.

"Lafite, what's going on with those cultists? Why haven't there been any movements these days?"

In the trenches of the Imperial Army, a soldier looked at his comrades. He opened a pack of individual soldier rations, and then said to his comrades.

"I don't know. They have been quiet these days. Apparently they were quite violent before."

The soldier named Lafite took out a cigarette from the soldier's individual rations. After he lit the cigarette, he calmly said to his comrades that it had been a long time since he came to this world to fight. Those cultists had been here before. The fighting was quite fierce, but in the past few days it was as if they were all dead, and no one could come out of their position.

"The Krieg regiment opposite has been preparing for nine days, just waiting for those guys to charge. Now it seems that their work is probably in vain. Bring it to me!"

The soldier watched Lafite take a cigarette from his individual soldier ration, and he frowned. You must know that there is only one cigarette in each pack of rations. This is the mortal of the 21st Legion that he finally got. The auxiliary army's individual soldier rations are not easy to deal with. After telling Lafite, he snatched away the half-burned cigarette.

"Who knows, but we can't underestimate the enemy. There are traitors on the other side. Give me the rations of the 21st Legion. Give me the can of Glo."

Lafite looked at the cigarette that was snatched back by his comrades, his eyes full of reluctance, and then his purple eyes suddenly lit up. He saw a can of Glo in the individual soldier rations.

"Here, here, why are you in a hurry? You can finish such a big thing by yourself. Bring the pot over and let the brothers eat some. The rations these days are like soap."

The soldier looked at Lafite, and he threw the can on his head. He was really speechless about this Cadian man. They said the Cadian people were excellent warriors. How could this man in his regiment be like a soldier? Same as oil.

"Drip drip!!"

Just when Lafite was about to get the pot, the sound of a charging whistle suddenly sounded. The sound came from the position of the Krieg regiment next door. After hearing all this, Lafite hurriedly put his head out. The comrade who looked at the situation held down, and as he held down his comrades, a barrage flew over their heads.

"The enemy has attacked, and the Kriegs on the opposite side have also moved!" Lafite looked at the barrage above his head. He felt that the communicator had been used to convey the information. The intensity of the attack this time was stronger than any previous one. It seemed that Those cultists are also ready to come for real.

"I beg you! Don't rush. The 85th Hertel Regiment is next door. Let's discuss it with them. Will we die if we ask them to cooperate? The Emperor doesn't like to waste his own currency like this!"

And just when Lafite's Astral Legion was preparing to fight, in the headquarters of the Krieg Regiment next door, the political commissar of the Krieg Regiment was hugging the leader of the Krieg Regiment. Blocking her attack order.

"Just half an hour, no no no, fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes! I'll go talk to the group next door, don't rush, please!"

The regiment's political commissar looked at the mask of the Krieger regiment leader in front of him. He knew what was happening to the soldiers under the mask. It was completely taken over after the death of the previous commander. The command was exactly the same as the previous commander's, charging. As the political commissar of this regiment, he is already a little exhausted mentally and physically.

After graduating from Tadashi Academy, he had always thought that he would shoot all the deserters, use his personal charm and speeches to boost the morale of the soldiers, and let them have the courage to sacrifice their lives for the God-Emperor, but he arrived The Krieger Regiment, what he learned at Tadashi Academy was of no use at all. No one would ask him to shoot him, no one needed him to boost morale, and there wasn't even any issue with military discipline.

He has been with this regiment for five years, and he is already paralyzed. The former regiment leader finally listened to his words, and then he was beheaded by the Chaos Space Marines in the previous battle. The current regiment leader is completely stubborn. He Already numb.

"No, now is the best time to consume the enemy. The enemy is actively attacking. We can consume their firepower and reduce some pressure on the group next door, making it easier for them to eliminate the enemy."

Captain Krieger looked at the political commissar who was holding him. She still wanted to get the communicator, but the regiment political commissar had noticed her movements and grabbed her hand. He was going crazy now. , What a waste of ammunition. There are countless cultists in the opposite nest. How much can the Kriegs in my group consume? This is a completely loss-making business. Can this guy think about it with a normal person's thinking mode?

"The Emperor hopes that we will win in the long term. If you do this, you can only achieve short-term victory. The Emperor will be unhappy!"

In desperation, the political commissar of the regiment could only move out the God Emperor. He was like coaxing a child, thinking that the God Emperor would be unhappy, so that the Krieg leader would stop the attack and let the Kriegs fight in position. Judging from their age, they are indeed coaxing children. These Kriegs all look like teenagers. They are all quick adults who came out of artificial wombs.

Captain Krieg was stunned when she heard about the God Emperor. She finally nodded to the political commissar of the regiment.

"They are starting to attack. Brother Gulaco, what do you think?"

On the edge of the Astra Militarum position, above the Astartes battle group's position, the company commander from the "God Emperor's Blade" battle group looked at the charging cultists in front and asked the think tank beside him.

"Those traitors can't stand it any longer. We should go up too, Mu'at. We still have too few troops compared to those traitors. This world may become our burial ground."

Guraco Think Tank looked at Captain Mu'at, and he said with a smile to him, this is their tradition. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the "God Emperor's Blades" will fight with everything they have and never give up.

"Hahaha, so what, for the God Emperor, it is our mission to shed our own blood on the world of the empire."

Captain Muat looked at the think tank brothers, and he laughed loudly. The "God Emperor's Blade" would be like his name, killing all enemies for the God Emperor, and using his life and soul to let the God Emperor's light shine in every corner. Shine above the world of empire.

"The God-Emperor will protect us."

The think tank looked at his company commander. He said this sentence as if praying, but his company commander heard some profound meaning from this sentence, but he did not think so much about the enemy's military strength. It is ten times theirs, which is not too much. Even if there is only one point of victory, they will not give up. There are hundreds of billions of imperial people in this world, and it is absolutely impossible for them to give up these imperial people.

"Hahaha, of course, the God Emperor will bless us."

Captain Muat looked at the think tank brother, he smiled, and then laughed and said to him.

"No, Muat, the God Emperor will really protect us."

Gulaco looked at the sky and said something meaningful.

"It has arrived in planetary orbit, has locked the battlefield position, and is preparing for airdrop."

On the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming stood on the airdrop deck. He looked at the Space Marine strike cruiser on the planet through the observation window of the airdrop deck.

"Let's go, let's go support that battle group."

Wang Ming looked at the strike cruiser, then walked into a cargo airdrop cabin.

The cargo airdrop pod slowly left the Sun Fortress, and then entered the planet's atmosphere. Feeling the trembling of the airdrop pod entering the atmosphere, Wang Ming thought about the next battle. The Iron Warriors and the others had not encountered it before, such as the War of Vigilance Star. We had fought before, but only with the 7th Regiment. The 7th Regiment directly used artillery strikes to send them and the orcs into the sky. Now it is still a bit troublesome to actually fight a fully fortified Iron Warriors warband.

"Forget it, the second group should be able to solve all problems."

Wang Ming leaned on the seat and felt the vibration of the airdrop cabin. He handed everything over to the second group that had been put down before. He hoped that they could quickly capture the Iron Warriors' position.

Just when Wang Ming was thinking this, the airdrop capsule of the second regiment had already landed on the battlefield. It was not very accurate to say that it had landed. Their airdrop capsule completely hit the battlefield. They were landing. In an instant, many cultists who were charging towards the Astra Militarum were killed.

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