Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 529: The 1nd Regiment of the 2st Batch

Chapter 529 The second group of the reckless group

When the second group crashed on the battlefield, the cultists were stunned, and the God-Emperor Blades who were preparing to bless them were also stunned. The only one who had no expression was the God-Emperor Blade's Think Tank. He looked at the airdrops. cabin, thanking the God Emperor for his blessing in his heart.

"Brothers, have you seen the hive in front of you! Rush!!"

As soon as Hu Jin got down to the ground, he quickly issued an order. This order was extremely simple, that is, let the time travelers directly attack the enemy's position.

In fact, it is not an order without tactics. After all, the second regiment has arrived on the battlefield. The only thing they have done is to use the tactics they have always used, which is to charge directly towards the enemy's position, using themselves in the airdrop cabin. With the armor they carry, overwhelming the enemy's positions in one go is now their preferred tactic.

As Hu Jin's order was issued, the traversers of the second group and the imperial armored forces rushed to the hive in front of them in an instant, and the cultists who were still on the battlefield were frightened by these imperial armored forces. Terrified, they looked at those steel giants and those steel giants that were even bigger than their masters.

They have completely lost their morale, and most of the cultists do not have the so-called Chaos Faith. Although they were captured by the Iron Warriors to fight, most of them are just dissatisfied with the Planetary Governor and want to overthrow the Planetary Governor's tyranny.

Now after seeing the 21st Legion, they have completely given up on this idea. The most important thing is to stay alive.

It's just that the travelers of the second group didn't care. They killed the cultists quickly, and then marched all the way to the nest. The armored vehicles modified by the cultists using civilian vehicles couldn't stop them at all. Second.

"Star Traveler..."

On the cultist position in the nest city, the Iron Warriors also discovered the traversers. They looked at the traversers rushing towards their position, and then looked at the macro cannon above the nest city.

There was only one thought in their minds, how dare these star travelers use infantry troops to charge at the macro cannon of the hive city.


The Chaos Lord of the Iron Warriors looked at the star travelers in front of him. It issued an order to the macro cannon of the hive city. As its order was issued, the macro cannon of the hive city also opened fire instantly. The huge macro cannon shells were fired from the macro cannon. It flew out and hit the traversers in front.

In an instant, the charge of the time travelers was disrupted. The armored vehicles were reduced to pieces under the macro cannons. The Iron Warriors looked at the light of the explosion of the macro cannons and laughed at the stupidity of the strategy of the star travelers. .

After a while, the natural look on their faces disappeared. After the smoke from the explosion of the macro-cannon shells disappeared, they were surprised to find that the offensive of the Star Travelers had not stopped. Although the armored firepower was gone, The number of Astartes among the Star Travelers has increased strangely.

However, the Iron Warriors did not think so much. Instead, they ordered the firepower points on the position to open fire. The barrages of logging guns and heavy explosive bombs flew towards the star traversers. A large number of traversers were hit. It's just that the damage of these attacks is not that good. I don't know how the star traveler's power armor is made, but its defense can actually block heavy explosive bombs!
It just blocked a few rounds. Under the continuous shooting, its defense was broken. Watching the star travelers being smashed into pieces under heavy explosive bombs and logging guns, the Iron Warriors finally Relax, at least the enemy can be eliminated.

But they discovered something was wrong again, that's why even if the Star Travelers charged under fire, a very large number of people died, but why were their numbers never less?

"Something's wrong, 12 out of 10 things are wrong!"

The Iron Warriors finally realized the problem, and they hurriedly tried to reformulate their tactics, but it was too late, because the time travelers had already rushed forward. As a time traveler wearing wolf skin rushed into the Iron Warriors' position, the others Those time travelers also rushed in, waving their melee weapons and constantly killing the mortal cultists who wanted to fight back.

Those cultists were desperate. They desperately pulled the triggers in their hands, and then watched the steel giants quickly walk towards them under fire, and then smashed their heads.

"The false emperor's lackey!"

On the battlefield, there are not only these cultists, but also the Iron Warriors. They hold bolt guns and shields and continuously shoot accurately at the star travelers in front. Every shot can basically carry The lives of several time travellers, their synchronization and discipline make all the time travelers feel a bit ashamed.

But this doesn't matter. The second group knows everything. They don't care too much about this. The Iron Warriors' explosive bombs are limited, but their good brothers are unlimited. Just charge and that's it.

The time-travelers continued to charge in the rain of bullets from the Iron Warriors. Their charge was very fast. As soon as the Iron Warriors finished one wave, another wave of time-travelers rushed up. This even gave the Iron Warriors an illusion. , it seems that what they are fighting is not the Astartes of the false emperor, but the endless demons in the subspace.

When their ammunition was about to run out, the time travelers finally rushed forward. Their power swords tore apart the shields of the Iron Warriors, and they began a close-quarters fight with these traitors from the Great Crusade era. The light of the power weapons Flashing above the Iron Warriors' position, for the God Emperor's war cry to resound in the sky, the Iron Warriors were a little unable to hold on under the life-threatening tactics of the time travellers, but they did not give up and were still trying their best to fight back.

But everything was in vain. In three hours, one hour longer than the time guaranteed by Hu Jin, the second regiment successfully took down the positions outside the nest. They had cleared the fortresses and fire points using the Iron Warriors. Now the nest The city's door has been opened to them.

"Well done."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin beside him and nodded towards Hu Jin.

"It took one hour longer than expected, and there are still problems with the playing style." Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming, he sighed, and then replied to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin, this is called a problem with the way of fighting. The Iron Warriors have so much firepower on their position, but they can't stop you. Isn't it uncomfortable to be resurrected? How come each one rushes like a husky?

Wang Ming looked at the second group of travelers and complained silently in his heart.

After thoroughly clearing the positions outside the hive city, the travelers entered the hive city directly. There were still a large number of enemies in the hive city, and it was very troublesome to clean up these guys.

Time flies by. A month later, the cleanup of the hive city is finally complete. The traversers who have been fighting in the hive city during these times are almost overshadowed by various fortifications. They are now a little confused. A pipeline Where did so many induction mines and heavy firepower fortifications come from? This is not scientific at all.

"So, now it's time to settle the score."

Wang Ming didn't care about the time-travelers. He knew what his brothers were like. He had never seen any big scenes. He was just temporarily depressed. They would probably get better after a while, so there was no need to worry. And he still has a very important thing to do now.

As for what is important, of course the planetary governor of this world has violated his orders. Wang Ming has analyzed the production capacity of this world and can ensure the stability of production capacity without squeezing. This makes Wang Ming very He was very depressed. He told them in a nice voice to formulate a relatively good rule that would improve the production capacity of their world and improve the living standards of the people in their world. However, some people did not listen at all. This made Wang Ming How to do it? You can only be reasonable, right?
"Tell me, don't use heretical invasions and wars as excuses. I know the production capacity of this world."

Wang Ming was sitting in the palace of the Planetary Governor. He looked at the Planetary Governor in front of him who was almost scared to death. He said to him in a calm tone. He was almost speechless for the insect in front of him, which was estimated to weigh more than 400 kilograms. He just wanted to teach him a lesson, but this guy was almost scared to death, which made Wang Ming very depressed. He had seen many imperial nobles, but he was the first to be so cowardly. Will see you.

"Your Highness, this is all my fault. I have failed the God Emperor, Your Highness, and the Empire. My sins are too numerous to list. I am sorry for my world and my people. It is all my fault. My family I failed His Highness all because of my stubbornness, I..."

Wang Ming listened to the tearful confession of the planetary governor. He finally understood what this guy wanted to do. He took all the responsibilities on himself to prevent his family from being liquidated. His fear just now was purely because he was afraid that his family would be liquidated. Wang Ming's anger destroyed him. Sure enough, these imperial nobles were all a group of old foxes who were good at calculation.

"I don't need your confession, what I need is to carry out my orders."

Wang Ming looked at the Planetary Governor. He walked up to the big meatball and picked it up. He looked at the Planetary Governor in front of him, whose face was filled with snot and tears, and whispered to him.

The planetary governor looked into Wang Ming's golden eyes and nodded frantically. After confirming that the planetary governor's cognition was still normal, Wang Ming let him go.

"What's this all about..."

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor who was crawling out. He was sitting on the throne, feeling helpless in his heart. There were so many worlds in the entire empire, and there were still so many planetary governors who were acting in secret.

After the Planetary Governor was released by Wang Ming, he began drastic reforms in his family. All the factories began to be reorganized, and the Lord Hunting operation was quickly stopped. To be honest, the execution of this Planetary Governor was good. Three Days World, He completely changed the world.

After confirming that these things were running normally, the First Engineer Regiment began work. The factory was modified, the planet environment was modified, and the genetic testing of the population also began. The gene stealers were quickly eliminated, and those at the bottom and the nests were All the gangs were also cleaned up. These tasks made the local nobles feel extremely frightened. They believed that they did not do a good job before letting His Highness do it personally. The nobles stayed up all night while performing these tasks. Hard to sleep.

As time goes by, the world gradually turns into a green world, the wilderness is transformed into a jungle, the ocean is cleaned into blue, and in those purified places, huge cities are also built. started to work, and in those cities, countless factories also started working, and a large number of people entered the factories. They praised the God Emperor for allowing them to get such good jobs and turning their world into a "Heaven".

"Okay, everything is settled."

Wang Ming looked at a newly established garrison in the local area. After he told the time traveler who was the company commander of this garrison some things, he returned to the Sun Fortress. They had solved the world's problems and were working on it too. It's time to go.

The place they are going to next is very interesting. I wonder if you brothers still remember the world called Gurtur, the world of the Tau.

And the fleet is about to go to that world. As for why the fleet is going to that world, it is because of a star message, a star message from the Sword of Stars Chapter. Some brothers of Sword of Stars may not know that this is the twentieth chapter. The only sub-group of the First Legion, they are the Chaos Space Marines who were implanted with the gene seeds of the time travellers. After being implanted with the gene seeds of the time travellers, they were corrupted by the Emperor..., cough cough cough, no. , was blessed by the Emperor.

They escaped their fate of becoming the playthings of Chaos and gained the mission of fighting for the empire. They have some of the memories of the time travellers, and even think that they are time travellers.

When the fleet was anchored in this world, they sent a star message to the fleet. They were originally going to occupy the world of Gurtur, but now the situation in Gurtur is really a bit complicated. The Tau people have already taken over the world. Large forces have been mobilized to this world. They can no longer hold on anymore. Their numbers are limited, but there are too many Tau battle suits.

Their supplies are running low, and the mortal auxiliaries don't have much fighting power anymore. Even the fleet was destroyed by the Tau.

Most of the reasons why the fleet went to that world were not actually to support that war group, but because Wang Ming remembered the trouble of the Tau. The empire had not freed up its hands before, but now the dark side of the empire has achieved a phased victory, and the industrial world The group has also been established. Now that the empire has finally freed up its hands, the titanium problem will finally be solved.

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