Chapter 53 Magnus
Magnus knew the two people next to Wang Ming, Fulgrim and Xing Jian.

One is a brother he is familiar with, and the other is the Chaos God's Chosen who he had a good chat with in the Chaos God Realm.

"You are not Fulgrim, even though you are his face." Magnus said, staring at Fulgrim, who saw that this Fulgrim was not the real Fulgrim.

"Even if I'm not the real Fulgrim, I'm still loyal to my father, Magnus, you hateful traitor!" Fulgrim raised the "flaming blade" and pointed at Magnus.

"Why tell him so much? Let's go together!" Suddenly Wang Xiaofa rushed out from behind Wang Ming, and then a large number of traversers rushed in with Wang Xiaofa.

They rushed directly to Magnus, and the power swords in the hands of hundreds of traversers would be like glow sticks at a concert.

"Courage is commendable." Magnus looked at the hundreds of Astartes rushing towards him, and said contemptuously.

Magnus raised his staff, and evil psychic flames appeared from the void, burning the first few passers-by to ashes.

The traversers in the back stopped immediately, raised their bolt guns and pulled the triggers at Magnus. Hundreds of bolt guns were fully fired, and all the firepower was poured on Magnus.

The bomb hit in front of Magnus, but it didn't explode, but disappeared directly with waves of psychic energy fluctuations.

The long-range attack was completely ineffective, and the psychic flames blocked the way for the traversers to fight in close combat.

"Magnus! Don't you dare to fight melee! Come on, don't be afraid!" At this moment, a person among the traversers shouted at Magnus.

Even in a vacuum, Magnus still heard the sound with spiritual power. When he heard the sound, he directly raised his staff and rushed into the crowd of traversers.

Magnus was furious that he had been taunted by an Astartes.

Magnus's speed was ridiculously fast. He almost instantly knocked dozens of traversers in the front row into the air. Magnus' target was the traverser who dared to mock him just now.

Magnus was a Primarch and a Mage secondarily, and his body-travelers, blessed by the gods of Chaos, were no match for him.

Very quickly, Magnus rushed directly in front of the traverser, and accurately stabbed the traverser with the sharp tip of his staff.

Magnus picked up the traverser with his staff, and Magnus put him in front of him.

"You are very brave." Magnus looked at the traverser hanging on the staff and said, daring to mock a Primarch for not being able to fight melee, he is either crazy or a fool.

You know, even the Thirteenth Master, who is more capable in close combat among the Primarchs, cannot be defeated by hundreds of space fighters in close combat.

"I think so too." The traverser hanging on the staff said weakly to Magnus.

The strange thing is that even though the traverser was very weak, Magnus did not hear the sound that a dying person should make from his tone.

Suddenly, Magnus noticed the surrounding environment. At some point, there was no one in the hull around him, even the traverser who had just been knocked into the air by him was gone.

Now in this hull, only Magnus and the traverser hanging on the staff are left.

Looking at the empty space around him, Magnus suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hahaha..." Suddenly, the traverser hanging on the staff laughed.

Magnus looked at him strangely, he didn't understand how this dying man could laugh.

Magnus took off the traverser's helmet, and the Astartes' helmet was like a delicate toy in Magnus' huge hands.

The traverser's helmet was taken off by Magnus, and his head was exposed in the vacuum.

The vacuum environment makes the traveler very uncomfortable, and the feeling of no air is very uncomfortable, and only the traveler who has experienced several deaths can bear it.

Looking at the bright smile on the face of the traverser on the staff, Magnus suddenly had a bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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