Chapter 54
"Goodbye, Magnus." Since the helmet had been taken off by Magnus, the traverser could only mouth to Magnus now, but the words were in Chinese, which Magnus could not understand.

As the traverser finished speaking, the nuclear bomb installed in his power pack also detonated.

This is a plan that was discussed before going to support Guilliman. Let the traversers attract Magnus' attention first, then rescue Guilliman directly, and then use nuclear bombs to give Magnus a big blow. of.

By the way, the plan to bomb Magnus with a nuclear bomb was proposed by the traverser who played self-destruct with heat and chaos on Raphais.

The nuclear bomb exploded in the ruins of the hull, and in an instant a huge nuclear explosion light ball engulfed the ruins of the ship.

The moon does not have air as a medium, and the damage range of the nuclear bomb is not as large as that on the earth. In addition, the equivalent of this nuclear bomb is not particularly large, and it just blows up the ruins of the ship.

In the Moon Hill not far away, Wang Ming and the [-] traversers of the first group looked at the ruins of the ship that was blown up by the nuclear bomb.

"Boss, can this work?" The traverser resurrected from Wang Ming's side, and said to Wang Ming while looking at the ruins.

"This probably won't kill Magnus, so prepare your weapons." Wang Ming said to the traverser, he didn't believe that a nuclear bomb could kill a Primarch who had already ascended to demon.

And that is indeed the case, Magnus slowly walked out from the ruins of the nuclear explosion, the spiritual energy surrounding his body kept the nuclear radiation out of his body.

Magnus was very angry. He immediately discovered Wang Ming and his party hiding in the moon hill, and rushed towards them quickly.

Wang Ming looked at the angry Magnus, and didn't make any moves to prepare to attack. Wang Ming just put the helmet inside and turned on the communicator.

"Captain Leandro, is the light spear ready?" Wang Ming asked Leandro Ferreira through the communication channel.

"It's ready, Lord Primarch, the light spear has locked onto the demon primarch, and you can fire at any time." Leandro Ferreira replied to Wang Ming, the light spear of "Imperial Truth" has locked on Magnus, ready to fire anytime.

"Fire immediately!" Hearing Leandro Ferreira's reply, Wang Ming directly ordered the light spear to fire. Wang Ming never thought of confronting Magnus head-on.

Wang Ming knew that with his current fighting ability, he was absolutely unable to fight against Magnus, and Magnus' spiritual power was very terrifying.

If he could directly kill Magnus, it would be absolutely impossible for Wang Ming to fight him.

As for tying Magnus back to sit on the golden toilet for the emperor, it’s impossible to get a joke. Well, Magnus’s terrifying spiritual power and the blessing of evil gods are two epic buffs. As long as he wants to run, there will be no one. can catch him.

Following Wang Ming's order, the light spear of the "Imperial Truth" pierced through the dark lunar sky and directly hit Magnus to position.

"Missed!" With the vision of Wang Ming's original body, Wang Ming saw the moment the light spear landed, Magnus instantly opened a subspace crack and got in, and the light spear's attack also fell through.

Looking at the ground vitrified by the light spear, Wang Ming felt a pity in his heart. It was a pity that he could not kill Magnus directly.

But just when Wang Ming was feeling sorry, a staff that suddenly appeared from behind pierced him directly.

"Don't talk about martial arts, engage in sneak attacks!" Wang Ming turned his head in surprise, looked at Magnus who was half body protruding from the crack in the subspace, and slowly spit out these words.

No one expected that Magnus would sneak attack Wang Ming in this way.

However, Wang Ming reacted quickly. He grabbed Magnus' staff and pulled Magnus out of the subspace crack.

The traversers in the first group looked at Magnus who was pulled out by Wang Ming, and directly surrounded Magnus.

The traversers clung directly to Magnus like swarms of wasps, constantly attacking Magnus with their power swords in their hands.

"Wang Lei! You stabbed me! Stabbed the gap in the middle! Magnus is there!"

"Who stabbed my leg?"

"Cut this! Magnus is here!"

"Damn! Who turned on the plasma? Don't use thermal weapons! There will be area damage!"

"Take Li Peng away quickly! That guy took out Rerong again!"

"Guys! I've touched Magnus' mouth! Melt the heat on me!"

"Brother! Take your hands away! That's my mouth!"

"Who stepped on my head?"

"I hacked Magnus!"

The traverser's attack on Magnus can't be said to be out of order, it can only be said to be a mess.

Magnus was also annoyed by the time travelers on him, and as a powerful wave of spiritual energy emanated from Magnus' body, the time travelers on him flew out collectively.

After cleaning up the traversers, Magnus looked at Wang Ming who had been stabbed by him. It had injected Tzeentch's evil power into the staff, intending to corrupt Wang Ming, a strange Primarch.

"Believe in me, I will give you endless knowledge, and I will give you the power of the sea of ​​soul." In Wang Ming's consciousness space, one after another bewitching voices sounded in his ears.

"No, I'm lazy, I don't want to learn so much knowledge." Wang Ming replied subconsciously.

"Then I can also bestow you with powerful psychic powers." Said the bewitching voice.

"No, I don't like psionics." Wang Ming said.

"Then I can give you whatever you want." The bewitching voice said.

"Hmm..., I think..."

"What do you want?" Seeing that Wang Ming was already thinking about the conditions, the bewitching voice asked eagerly.

"I want to kill you." Suddenly, in the space of consciousness, Wang Ming stretched out a hand and grabbed the darkness in front of him, directly grasping the source of the bewitching voice.

The source of the bewitching sound was a strange bird with blue feathers. After being caught by Wang Ming, it kept struggling in Wang Ming's hands.

"You belong to the cursed person..." the strange bird looked at Wang Ming and said in horror.

Before it finished speaking, a golden light suddenly appeared in Wang Ming's hand. In the golden light, the strange bird kept screaming in pain. The golden light kept erasing the strange bird's body until it disappeared completely.

With the disappearance of the strange bird, Wang Ming's consciousness returned to reality.

Magnus looked at Wang Ming who was walking towards him after resuming his activities, and thought that the Tzeentch demon he injected into Wang Ming's body had succeeded.

Wang Ming just walked in front of the defenseless Magnus without hindrance.

Magnus looked at this "corrupted" brother, and was about to say something, when suddenly Wang Ming smacked Magnus' face with an earth-shattering big mouth.

Magnus was immediately dumbfounded, isn't he already corrupted?What do you mean by beating me?
(End of this chapter)

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