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Chapter 55 The Escaped Magnus

Chapter 55 The Escaped Magnus

"Your name is Magnus!" Wang Ming's earth-shattering big mouth beat Magnus to the point where he was stunned.

"Shouldn't you be corrupted?" Magnus finally reacted after being forced for a few seconds.

Wang Ming didn't respond to Magnus, he directly pulled out the golden giant sword from his waist.

Wang Ming propped up the golden giant sword and slashed at Magnus, and Magnus hurriedly used his staff to block it, but Wang Ming's strength was also enormous, and his strength forcefully knocked Magnus back a few steps.

After Magnus parried Wang Ming's attack, he hurriedly retreated.

"The power of this original body is too great." Magnus looked at Wang Ming who was holding a golden giant sword. The power of this strange original body was too great, and he would never get along with him in close combat.

One must know that Wang Ming's body size of [-] meters is higher than that of some Primarchs, which makes Wang Ming's strength much larger than that of some other Primarchs.

After pulling away from the distance, Magnus raised his staff, quickly uttered the evil curse of chaos in his mouth, and evil flames from the subspace appeared beside Wang Ming in an instant.

The psychic flames burned his body beside Wang Ming, and the gorgeous power armor on Wang Ming's body protected his body in the psychic flames, but the psychic flames did not cause any damage to him.

Wang Ming directly faced Magnus' psychic flames and rushed towards Magnus. The golden giant sword in his hand slashed towards Magnus, intending to behead Magnus.

"We still have to use the most primitive way." Wang Ming has no choice now. His previous plan to kill Magnus with a hot weapon hardly worked, and he was stabbed by Magnus. up.

Wang Ming kept rushing towards Magnus, and Magnus' psychic attacks kept attacking Wang Ming, psychic flames and psychic fireballs hit Wang Ming's body continuously.

The defense of Wang Ming's power armor has almost reached the critical point. For some reason, the protective force field of the power armor has no response under the attack of psionic energy.

Under the attack of psychic energy, the armor of the gorgeous power armor actually began to melt, but the repair technology from the "golden age" on it was also constantly repairing the damage of the power armor.

Theoretically, as long as it is not instantly turned into ashes, even a small fragment can be slowly restored as long as it has the right metal.

Wang Ming had already rushed in front of Magnus, the golden giant sword chopped off at Magnus' head, and Magnus also made a block.

When the golden giant sword collided with the Chaos Staff, its power caused the ground to vibrate. If this was in an airy environment, it would definitely produce a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

While Magnus was still parrying his own attack, Wang Ming directly held the sword with one hand and freed one hand, and gave Magnus a heavy uppercut to the chin.

This was supposed to be Guilliman's punch to Magnus, but it was punched out by Wang Ming. Wang Ming's punch directly shattered Magnus's jaw, and then Wang Ming took back the golden giant sword. The blow of that punch.

Using the golden giant sword to slash at Magnus' neck from the left, Wang Ming wanted to behead Magnus and kill him directly.

Seeing Wang Ming's sword pointed directly at his neck, Magnus hurriedly raised his right hand to protect his neck.

But even if Magnus was like this, the fingers of his right hand were still chopped off. Magnus quickly gathered the spiritual energy on Wang Ming's chest and directly sent Wang Ming flying.

The moment Wang Mingfei came out, the tip of the golden giant sword almost brushed against Magnus' throat.

Magnus looked at Wang Ming who had fallen into a moon hill, and quickly opened a subspace crack beside him to prepare to escape.

Wang Ming caused too much psychological harm to Magnus, and he was almost killed by this strange primarch, so he couldn't fight him anymore.

At the moment when Magnus wanted to escape into the crack of the warp, a dreadnought suddenly jumped out from a slope beside him.

This is Wu Xuan who had ambushed here a long time ago. Because the traverser who was protecting him went to kill Magnus, he didn't set the activation time for him, so he didn't activate until now.

In order to ambush Wu Xuan here, the traverser dug a five-meter pit, threw Wu Xuan in and buried him.

He saw everything clearly just now. When the traversers went to chop Magnus just now, he was anxious in the dirt slope. At that time, he really wanted to go up and chop Magnus with other traversers.

But because the fearless mecha didn't activate, Wu Xuan could only miss it, and now he finally activated it.

The power claw of the Dreadnought quickly grabbed Magnus' arm. Under Magnus's surprised eyes, the armor on the chest of the Dreadnought slowly opened, and a melta cannon appeared on Magnus in front of.

Wu Xuan manipulated the melting cannon and aimed at Magnus's body. The zero-distance melting, although it hit Magnus' body, Magnus caused great damage. But Wu Xuan was also affected by this fever.

The front armor of the Dreadnought was melted a lot, but Wu Xuan didn't care about it. He even aimed the two plasma cannons on his shoulders at Magnus, ready to fire.

Magnus looked at the two plasma cannons aimed at him, and he was not calm immediately.

At such a short distance, if the two plasma cannons are fired, the Dreadnought will also be affected by the plasma plasma. Who are these people?
The neurotic Astartes who had besieged him before, a powerful alien Primarch, was now a deadly Dreadnought.

Magnus panicked. He hurriedly broke free from the power claw of the Dreadnought Mecha, and used the psychic flame to directly burn Wu Xuan inside the mecha into coke.

After Magnus dealt with Wu Xuan, he opened a crack in the subspace and ran in directly. It is estimated that he will not want to have any contact with the time travelers for a long time.

"Sure enough, Magnus still couldn't stay." Wang Ming climbed up from the moon hill and looked at the cracks in the subspace that were slowly closing. He lifted the golden giant sword and walked towards the position of the first group of resurrections.

The aftermath of the psychic flames from the battle between Magnus and Wang Ming burned almost all the passers-by in the first group nearby to death.

"Boss, Magnus' psychic flame is too troublesome. We didn't get close to him, so we were burned to death." Wang Xiaofa said, looking at Wang Ming who was walking towards them.

"It's really troublesome. If it weren't for psionic power, I would have almost left Magnus on the moon." Wang Ming also agreed. Psychic power is too much trouble. Dead Magnus.

(End of this chapter)

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