Chapter 533 Vashtor
After the Emperor Titan appeared, the mortal auxiliary army noticed one thing, that is, this Emperor Titan was not the only one entering the scene. There were also a large number of Titans at the feet of the Emperor Titan. During the activity, all their attention was attracted by the Emperor-class Titan.

"The God's Machine is dispatched..."

The mortal soldiers looked at the Titan, which was as huge as a mountain, and felt an unparalleled sense of fear in their hearts. If there was still some possibility of survival in the previous battle, they would no longer be able to survive this time.

"All frontline troops withdraw from the battlefield, all frontline troops withdraw from the battlefield!"

And just when all the mortal soldiers were imagining their own deaths, a retreat order was suddenly conveyed to their personal terminals.

After receiving the order, all the mortal troops evacuated directly, and the next battle was not something they could participate in.

The airdrop pod appeared in the sky, and as they landed on the ground, the time travelers also came to this world. In this war, Wang Ming chose to send out the entire group to truly deal with a Chaos Demigod. , he does not dare to underestimate the enemy in any way. You must know that in the subspace, in the realm of chaos, every demon and every entity has existed for an extremely long time. These ghosts Unless they can be truly killed, their strange power will definitely create a lot of underworld creatures.

Except, of course, for the Daemons of Khorne, which are complete berserkers.

"Vashtor, come on, show me the power of the Chaos Demigod, see if I can kill you!"

Wang Ming holds two weapons, one is "Eternal" and the other is a golden giant sword. He has summoned up all the power he can use, whether it is subspace essence, spiritual energy, or even physical body. He really I really want to kill that Chaos Demigod.

However, compared to Wang Ming, Vashtor did not make any moves. He just looked at Wang Ming. In his eyes, Wang Ming, a "mortal", did not pose any threat. Even though he had the power of that man, Even if his soul is a special existence, it is the same. He will not really play, but will use spells to affect the battlefield. After all, he is still a Chaos Demigod.

The two top commanders on the battlefield did not move, but the Titans on the battlefield did. The Emperor Titans led the Titan Legion and began to charge. They did not need to go up and fight the Demon Engine in close combat, but to find a shooter. Just boundaries.

The Titans of the 21st Legion all have one thing in common, that is, they prepare a large number of energy weapons and intelligent guided weapons. Most of their attacks are energy beams, and they need a shooting range.

When they were charging, the Demon Engines also rushed towards them. The Demon Engines looked various, but their killing abilities were all the same terrifying. But just when they were about to attack, The Emperor-class Titan rushing towards them suddenly launched an attack.

"Light", the thing that best embodies energy in this universe, whether it is thermal weapons or spiritual energy in the real universe, will produce some light, and the most successful person who uses light as a weapon is laser weapon, whether it is in the hands of the Astra Militarum The laser gun or the light spear on the fleet are both rays of light that can destroy everything, but their power is different.

So what if a huge Titan is filled with laser weapons and used with unparalleled power? There is no doubt about its lethality, and the "Wrath of the Emperor" is such a terrifying Emperor-level Titan.

After undergoing the frantic transformation of the First Engineer Regiment, it has become a terrifying existence with a large number of laser weapons. There is no need to worry about the power. The miniaturized ship engine of the First Engineer Regiment will provide a steady stream of energy. The Emperor Titan only needs to use these energy attacks.

Just like that, a shocking scene appeared on the battlefield, like a forest composed of lasers. Countless rays of light were emitted from the Emperor Titan. The terrifying scene was like the light of the real God Emperor coming. generally.

"What on earth did they do to the Emperor-class Titan!?"

Wang Ming looked at the scene where the emperor's light suddenly came in person, and he had a profound concept of the transformation of the First Engineer Corps. The people in the First Engineer Corps were completely a group of multi-turretists, and their ideas were completely It's just that many of them are beautiful, and they also have a strong phobia of lack of firepower.

However, Wang Ming didn't know that the transformations on the Emperor-class Titan were already considered one of the most stable transformations of the First Engineer Regiment. If he recalled the Skyfire suicide, he could get a glimpse of the First Engineer Regiment back then. When I was researching energy weapons for the first time, there was that extremely terrifying instability.

Back to the topic, let us return to the battlefield. The light on the battlefield has gradually disappeared. The Emperor Titan has completed his first wave of shooting, and the rest needs to be handed over to the other Titans. Still using lasers, as if the light of the God Emperor had truly descended on this planet, the demon engines turned into lumps of molten iron under countless lasers.

However, it is not that they did not launch a counterattack. The demon engine produced by Vashtor was extremely powerful. Some war dog-level and even some warrior-level titans were killed in the attack of the demon engine. Even the Lord Protector was killed. The same is true for the Super Titans. The void shield was quickly overloaded by the attack of the demon engine. Their bodies were instantly shattered into pieces and evaporated molten metal by the attack of the demon engine.

"It hurts..."

Wang Ming looked at the Titans that had been killed by demons. His heart was full of distress. These were his darlings. However, what Wang Ming felt distressed was not the Titans. The Titans were gone and could be rebuilt. What he felt distressed was. Those Titan pilots, if these Titan pilots are gone, they are really gone. Replenishment and training will be a huge problem at that time. It is obviously not very possible to recruit some Titan pilots from other forging worlds. We can only find a way to replenish some from Mars.

The battles between Titans are extremely terrifying. In order to prevent accidental injuries, the time travelers have retreated behind the Titans. They are watching the battles between Titans, waiting for an opportunity. After the Titan battle is over, they charge. Chance.

The Titans continued to fight one after another with the huge demon engines, and they kept falling to the ground. The opportunity that the time travelers were waiting for soon came. Wang Ming looked at the gradually worsening battle situation, and he directly ordered Let the Titan Legion stop attacking. A lot of the Titan-class demon engines have been cleaned up, and the rest can be left to the time travelers. "let's start."

Wang Ming walked onto the battlefield. He looked at Vashtor and the remaining demon engines in front of him. He issued an attack order to the traversers. The traversers who had been prepared for a long time heard Wang Ming's words. After giving the order, they all rushed towards the demon engines.

At the front of the team, the light of psychic energy is constantly flashing. It is the spiritual light of the 21st Legion Think Tank. They are a group of dangerous high-level psychics. This is also the largest war in this kind of apocalypse-level war. Weapons, there are a ridiculous number of Alphas and psykers among them. Under the careful care of the Emperor, their psionic levels can be said to be ridiculously high, but this also represents some dangers. The application of their psionic powers It's not that accurate, and you may explode yourself no matter how much you use your psychic powers.

After all, they were just ordinary people before time travel, and they had not received systematic psychic training. The only psychic training was the teachings of the former Midnight Lord on the fleet. Most of the time, they could only Suppressing their own psychic powers and not being able to use them with all their strength. Now, this kind of apocalypse-level war is what they need. A real training ground, psychic powers are a dangerous thing, but it is also a practical thing. They Its destructive power is even more powerful than some of the empire's war weapons.

As a psyker, Wang Ming is naturally aware of their power. Some of them are definitely no less powerful than Wang Ming.

These dangerous psykers are terrifying. They are the first to come into contact with the Demon Engine. The moment they come into contact with the Demon Engine, all kinds of strange psychic spells appear on the battlefield, such as gravity, lightning, etc. Flames, invisible telekinesis, and even some extremely weird things. The scene on the battlefield was like a science fiction blockbuster, even more outrageous than a science fiction blockbuster.

It's just that their psychic spells are not too threatening in the eyes of Vashtor, the Chaos Demigod, and the losses of its demonic engines are not too great. As a Chaos Demigod, the ones in his hands are not too big. There are so many demon engines that the loss of them is not worth paying too much attention to.

But he would not watch his demon engines being massacred by the time-travelers. He moved, and a smell similar to industrial waste gas appeared on the battlefield. Even the three lungs of the time-travelers could not completely filter out this smell. Gas, they were like a group of ordinary people under this gas. They began to cough up blood, and the injuries caused by various heavy industrial exhaust gases also appeared on their bodies.

And the moment Vashtor took action, Wang Ming also started his own action. He used his spiritual energy to fly up and rushed directly to Vashtor. He didn't know how to play so many tactics and just cut down. That's it.

Vashtor also noticed Wang Ming, and it also flew up. Its wings, which were completely unaerodynamic, carried it into the air, and its speed was faster than Wang Ming. At that moment, a lightning-like attack was launched from its wings. The attack directly hit Wang Ming. The lightning energy was so fast that Wang Ming had no time to react.

At this moment, Vastor fully demonstrated the power of the Supreme Heaven. It controlled the lightning of the Supreme Heaven and knocked down Wang Ming, who had used spiritual energy to fly, to the ground like a god.

"Uh..., it hurts..."

Wang Ming was lying on the ground trembling. There was pain everywhere on Wang Ming's body. Vashtor's attack had damaged all the power armor on Wang Ming's body. Not a single part of the power armor on his body was intact. Wang Ming saw that Looking at the broken power armor on his body, he felt that his power armor was not armor to protect him at all, but just clothes that he wore throughout his life.

It's really just an illusion of Wang Ming's. There are many things that can't penetrate Wang Ming's power armor, but the desperate power armor that can penetrate Wang Ming's power armor is really unstoppable. Even so, maybe There is a suspicion that he said nonsense, but it is indeed the case. Wang Ming's power armor is very powerful in defense, but look at what he is facing. It is either a chaotic demon, or the terrifying psychic energy of aliens, or... With those powerful heavy weapons, Wang Ming's power armor is completely consumable with Wang Ming.

Wang Ming slowed down for a second, and then stood up directly. Suddenly his body was still in pain, but Vashtor would never give it time to recover. Wang Ming looked at Vashtor above the sky, and then Directly using telepathy blades to attack him, Wang Mingke had no reservations. Thousands of telepathy blades, accompanied by the golden flame of Wang Ming's sub-space essence, all rushed towards Vashtor. This scene was like The sword energy in those fantasy novels on the earth stretches thousands of miles, but Wang Ming is not the protagonist in those fantasy novels, and he does not use the so-called magic power, but spiritual energy.

Speaking of which, the application and expression of psychic energy are really great. Wang Ming's hand is not the most powerful psychic in the entire universe. At most, he can only be regarded as a powerful psychic. You know, let’s not talk about the Emperor and Prime Minister Ma, let’s talk about Magnus. He himself once said that its psychic power can extinguish stars. Those high-level psychic wizards are much more powerful than Wang Ming. .

"Your thinking gives me strength, Wang Ming."

Vashtor looked at Wang Ming. His sound, like mechanical gears churning with flesh and blood, made Wang Ming very uncomfortable. The moment he spoke, the same sound that appeared around Wang Ming appeared around him. The industrial waste gas did not have much impact on Wang Ming. Wang Ming just felt that the surrounding air had become poisonous. He was a genetic prototype, and his body could resist these poisonous gases.

"Vashtor, this is the first time I have truly come face to face with you, demigod of chaos. How does it feel to have your plan to become a god disrupted?"

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor in the sky. He held up his two weapons and said to him with a smile. The ridicule in his tone was extremely obvious.

"I would rather you call me 'Creator'. Your actions make me very uncomfortable and it causes a lot of trouble to me."

Vashtor did not get angry like those chaotic demons and yell to kill Wang Ming. Instead, with his mechanical voice, he told Wang Ming about Wang Ming's troubles about him.

"Is that so? Then I'm quite happy."

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor. Vashtor's attitude was what he expected. He was obviously a demigod of chaos, but he didn't have the chaotic emotions inherent in the chaos demon. Instead, he was as rational as a machine. .

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