Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 534 Vashtor’s speculation

Chapter 534 Vashtor’s speculation

Vashtor, the Chaos Demigod, is very difficult to deal with. Wang Ming has seen it with his own eyes. His telepathic blades are constantly flying towards Vashtor, but Vashtor does not When he was hurt, his power was released like lightning, constantly disintegrating Wang Ming's attacks.

The fire of human karma turned into pieces of golden light in the air, just like the golden rain in myths and legends, beautiful and gorgeous, but this golden rain made Wang Ming's face very ugly, and he could not use psychic powers or It was the essence of the warp that hurt Vashtor, the power of this Chaos demigod was simply too powerful.

"It can only be this way!"

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor in the sky, and then issued an order to the Emperor Titan. Following Wang Ming's order, lasers directly enveloped Vashtor.

"Hey hey hey, old thing."

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor above the sky, he smiled and said to Vashtor above the sky.

But in the next second, Wang Ming's smile disappeared directly from his face, because he saw something that shocked him the most so far. The laser beams of the Emperor Titan were all absorbed. Vashtor is like a water pump, and these energy weapons have little effect on it at all.

"I'll fuck your uncle..."

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor in the sky. For the first time, he experienced the power of the Chaos Demigod. But would Wang Ming give up because of its power? That is naturally impossible. A weapon appeared in Wang Ming's hand. It was an antimatter launcher. Its structure was very simple, very similar to the live ammunition weapons of the ancient Terra era, but it contained antimatter. The bullets, shining yellow through the transparent magazine, were just like ordinary live bullets, but Wang Ming knew that antimatter was installed in them.

"Since you can absorb energy, then try absorbing antimatter too!"

Wang Ming aimed at Vashtor, and then pulled the trigger. Those bullets flew into the air, like some extremely ordinary tracer bullets, but they were all real gods of death. Even if a battleship was hit by one, it would be fatal. It’s all uncomfortable.

Vashtor looked at the bullets fired by Wang Ming. He did not choose to resist. Instead, he directly used a psychic spell similar to a void shield to transfer these attacks into the subspace. He was an unknown person who existed. The Chaos Demigod has been around for a long time, and his wisdom and power will naturally not be low.

"Have you exhausted all means?"

Vashtor looked at Wang Ming on the ground. He stared at this "mortal", and then said to him, his tone did not change from the beginning to the end.

"Of course..., it's impossible!"

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor with a smile, and then used his spiritual energy to rush directly in front of Vashtor in the sky. Without any fighting skills, Wang Ming hugged the chaotic demigod directly, and then his whole body was golden The flames ignited instantly.

As a Chaos Demigod, this is the first time Vashtor has felt such pain. He used his own ability to blow Wang Ming into pieces, but blowing Wang Ming into pieces cannot solve the golden flame. , the golden flame is bound to Wang Ming's soul. As long as Wang Ming's soul is immortal, he will not let go of his enemies. The golden flame continues to burn, and Vashtor can only use his own power to make the golden flame burn. The flames burn, thus consuming the golden flame.

He looked at the fragments of Wang Ming's body on the ground. No matter what, he still killed this guy. After calculation, it was not a loss, but after solving Wang Ming, he would prepare the plan to become a god again. .

But in the next moment, Vashtor suddenly saw a scene that frightened him. There were definitely not many things that could frighten a Chaos Demigod. He saw Wang Ming's body suddenly disappear, and then a complete Wang Ming suddenly stood up from the ground and was still alive and kicking.

"The Immortal?"

Vashtor looked at the lively Wang Ming. He was a little surprised and thought that immortals are not uncommon, but Wang Ming was a bit too surprising. Vashtor clearly used spiritual energy to completely destroy his soul. , how can you still live like this?

"Hey hey hey, I can't die, are you angry or not?"

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor in the sky. He smiled and said to Vashtor. After some communication with the Emperor, he now understood that although he could not kill the Chaos Evil God, then he could They got it by directly disgusting them. They couldn't kill themselves anyway, so they just disgusted each other.


Vashtor looked at Wang Ming. He didn't even know how to deal with Wang Ming. Wang Ming's soul could not be destroyed and could be resurrected even after death. This made him think of a terrible possibility. That man had a problem. A "demon army" in the physical universe, and this demon army can enter the Chaos God's Realm. It is an immortal and immortal demon army whose soul cannot be destroyed, and it can also enter the Chaos God's Realm. The key point is that it is really It’s outrageous that we can move freely in the real universe.

Those four chaos gods may not need to worry, and he may give up his plan to become a god, and at least avoid these "demon armies". This is too outrageous, and this may also mean one thing. That man might really want to take action against those four gods.

"I figured it out. Since I can't really kill you, the Chaos Demigod, then I will find a way to destroy your divine domain. Of course, no matter those four disgusting things, I will explode them all the same. As long as I find a chance..."

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor in the sky, and he thought in his heart. When he thought of this, the corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than a logging gun, but at this moment, a psychic power from the Emperor was revealed. A sudden blow came to Wang Ming, which woke him up and told him to stop dreaming and think about reality. It's just that the emperor's psychic power show shocked Vashtor. It's true, it's true, this guy is that man's great demon, and this man's descendant is that man's demon. Army, the Cursed One really wants to take action against the Supreme Heaven.

Although Vashtor was surprised, he still thought rationally. Although all signs showed that the man wanted to take action, at least he hadn't moved yet, right? He neither stood up from his throne nor was he directly promoted to a Chaos God, which proved that He still did not want to quarrel with each other, but this quarrel was only aimed at the four Chaos Gods. Will this Chaos Demigod become his first prey? It is somewhat possible.

So in order to prevent this possibility from happening, Vashtor chose a simple and direct method. He returned directly to his own divine domain. He still wanted to become a god, but the current situation required him to recalculate, at least You must avoid that man's demonic army and quietly become a god without attracting that man's attention.

Moreover, Vashtor still needs to solve one thing now, and that is the golden flames on his body. These flames are still burning. It hurts too much, as if they are trying to burn out his essence. He must quickly remove them. This thing is solved.

"Huh? Are you leaving?"

Wang Ming looked at Vashtor who was suddenly speeding up in the sky. He looked confused. Why did he stop fighting?
"You don't need to worry about him. He can't become a god and he's not the biggest threat. Go ahead and continue your revival expedition, kid."

The emperor said to Wang Ming, his tone was full of a kind of love similar to that of a father for his son, but ignoring the words of the psychic master on Wang Ming's face, this was indeed the case.

"Do you really don't need to worry about Vashtor? He is a Chaos Demigod, and he also has some influence on the real universe."

Wang Ming took out a set of ritual armor from the system and put it on himself. While putting it on, he asked the Emperor that he still had not given up the idea of ​​killing the Chaos Evil God.

"No need. When the final moment begins, He... they will all be liquidated."

When the Emperor heard Wang Ming's question, he replied to Wang Ming. Wang Ming wanted to kill all the evil gods of chaos, so why didn't the Emperor do the same? The Supreme Heaven will always bring endless pain to mankind, but now it is not subject to liquidation. When the final moment begins, both the Supreme Heaven and the physical gods born from emotions will be affected. Reckoning, just not now, He can't give up on humanity, and can never...

"Okay, Emperor, I understand."

When Wang Ming listened to the Emperor's words, he seemed to realize something. As a time traveler, he could naturally think of a possibility of the final moment mentioned by the Emperor, which was the extinction of mankind and the real death of the Emperor. When the God of Destruction and the Lord of Darkness...

Wang Ming absolutely does not want to see this scene. They are immortal, which means they can see the Milky Way, and maybe even the moment of the destruction of the universe. And when human beings are destroyed, what is the meaning of this universe?

Wang Ming walked to the battlefield without saying a word. He felt powerless in his heart now. They were time travellers. According to the novels about their hometown, time travelers can change the universe and the story, but what about them? In addition to delaying the destruction of mankind, what else can they do? They can't kill the Chaos Evil God, and they can't change the established fact that everything will eventually be destroyed. The feeling of powerlessness, the complete feeling of powerlessness, this is what people said before time travel. The Warhammer Universe in the Forbidden Land of Travelers is a universe that makes everyone feel hopeless.

There is no hope, only a desperate future full of war and chaos. All they have is a desperate move forward in this universe. They have seen everything in this universe, but cannot save it. They are like a group of travelers. They are trying to Change everything, but they will find in the end that everything they do is in vain and vain. However, Wang Ming will not give up, he will never give up, he is a human being, he is a time traveler, he Must move on.

Compared with the despair they face, the despair faced by humans in this universe is more realistic. They will not even truly die. Death in this universe does not mean rest, but the soul becomes toyed with by the evil god of chaos. Toy.

But those mortals did not give up. They still worked hard to survive. The Astra Militarum also fought hard in the galaxy for the faith of the Empire and the God-Emperor. They did not have the bodies of the Astartes, nor did they have the Astartes. Perseverance, but they didn't give up, they were still fighting, they didn't give up, so why did they give up?

Even if the future that is destined to be destroyed has become a fact, even if the power of the supreme sky is beyond their ability to resist, they will go on without hesitation. They are desperate travelers. When they embark on this desperate journey, they Since they cannot return to their hometown, they will dedicate themselves to the human race in this galaxy, to the human race, and to their responsibilities as a human species.

After Vashtor left, the demons were quickly eliminated by the time travellers, but the remaining Chaos Astartes were in great trouble. The number of Chaos Astartes had already been counted. , ten warbands, nearly ten thousand Chaos Astartes, scattered in various hives and wilderness on the planet, these Chaos Astartes are not easy to clean up.

Fortunately, the 21st Legion and the local garrison had more troops. They began to search and clean up the Chaos Astartes 24 hours a day, lest these guys massacre civilians in that corner, and then summon The devil created a lot of trouble.

In the bottom hive of a small hive city, the Chaos Astartes are currently fighting against the entire bottom hive. They don't know why their enemies are so difficult to deal with, as if the entire bottom hive is dealing with them.

The civilians attacked them with their own weapons without fear of death, and they had never seen such a neat bottom nest and such terrifying bottom nest residents, and these bottom nest residents did not look like bottom nests. Residents, whose residents in the bottom nest can wear such neat clothes and carry uniform equipment? Are they sure they are not the planetary defense force of this world?
"This is the headquarters of the First Militia Regiment. We have captured the enemy. Please support us quickly. We cannot hold the enemy back for long."

On the battlefield of the Bottom Nest, a man wearing a factory foreman's uniform looked at the workers in front who were fighting the Chaos Astartes. He was reporting the situation to the militia headquarters of the Bottom Nest with a communicator.

What these Astartes encountered was not the regular army of Mors, but the militia troops that were present in every nest city of Mors. These militia forces were also part of the reform of the 21st Legion and trained the workers in those factories. Get up, let them have their own weapons and unified management and command, so that when the enemy invades the world and attacks industrial facilities, those workers can also protect the factory and themselves.

And now those Chaos Astartes who have entered the bottom hive have experienced the results of this policy. The entire hive is their enemy. These people have finally lived a good life, how can they let the Chaos Astartes destroy it? ah!

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