Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 536 The Night Lord’s Game

Chapter 536 The Night Lord’s Game

On the peaceful world, the Tau people live and work in peace and contentment. They are carrying out their own production work, but in the void of the universe that they cannot see, their fleet is being destroyed.

Light spears and macro cannons fired in unison, various void torpedoes and missiles flew in the void, and close-range defense lasers and various void fighter jets flew in the void.

The small fishing boats of the Tau people had no resistance at all in front of the empire's warships. Although they could not stop the empire's fleet through fleet battles, they still tried every means to stop the humans. They even made a move. Something that Wang Ming couldn't understand was that they actually wanted to join the human warships and destroy them from the inside.

Regarding this situation, the humans are almost laughing to death. There is an Astartes force on every fleet. How dare they? Although their battle suits can provide huge firepower, The power of a few battle suits is still not enough to compete with an entire Astartes force.

"Hehehehe, brothers, come on, the Tau people have come in and we need to deal with it."

On top of the Sun Fortress, Ye Fan looked at the brothers in his company. He smiled and said to them. After hearing the news, the time travelers also showed a kind smile to Ye Fan. The titanium is active, the empire Actions that people love to see.

The time travelers took their own weapons and headed to the area invaded by the Tau. To be honest, the reason why this group of Tau were able to rush to the Sun Fortress was really thanks to the blessing of the "Tau tiles". They actually escaped the close defense. Lasers used a warship to crash into the Sun Fortress. Fortunately, they didn't hit a residential area, otherwise the casualties caused would probably make Wang Ming uncomfortable for a while.

"Human warships are so big, they are almost as big as a planet."

The Tau people walked in the huge corridor of the Sun Fortress. Their team was huge, but in the huge corridor of the Sun Fortress they were like a group of ants. It is worth mentioning that there was another group following them. A human force. These humans are the Tau Alliance. They are humans who voluntarily joined the Tau. They have betrayed humans. Although the reasons for their betrayal are various and strange, since they have chosen to betray humans, their ending is doomed. , their lives are destined to be destroyed by humans.

The Tau troops advanced in the Sun Fortress. They looked at the surrounding environment and the technology around them, and they were extremely surprised. They did not recognize these human technological creations, and they were not any human beings they knew. Some of the Tau in the battleships have also studied humans, but they have never seen such high-tech human technology.

And just as they were advancing, something was also eyeing them, Rozes Bynis, the chief think tank of the 21st Legion. As a former Night Lord, he was still very interested in these aliens.

"I don't know what the standards of fear are for these aliens. Well... let's try those human traitors first."

Rozes Bynis looked at the human Tau Alliance troops, he showed a cruel smile in the darkness, and then started his action.

The Tau troops were walking and suddenly noticed something was wrong. Why didn't they see a single human after walking for so long? And why did they feel that their Tau troops were getting fewer and fewer? I don't know when, I felt an inexplicable fear. A sense of fear suddenly appeared in the hearts of these Tau people. They did not know the source of the fear, which forced the Tau people to stop.

They began to count the number of Tau Alliance soldiers. There was no problem with the number, but why did something seem wrong with those Tau Alliance soldiers? There seemed to be no sparkle in the eyes of some Tau Alliance soldiers, and their bodies and voices seemed a bit stiff. But nothing big happened.

After confirming that nothing happened, the Tau continued to move forward, but what they didn't know was that in a dark corner not far away from them, Rozes Bynis was smiling and using psychic means to control several bodies. Operation Corpse.

He had just used psionic energy to kill several Tau Alliance troops, and then used psionic energy to control their bodies to continue their actions. He was looking forward to the reaction of the aliens when they discovered the dead people. Creating fear was a major specialty of their legion.

The Tau people continued to walk, and the silence around them was terrifying. They had no idea where the humans were. They met another human along the way. The whole environment was so quiet that it was a bit scary. In the end, they could not even operate their machinery. No sound can be heard anymore. There are only footsteps around, sparse footsteps, those are their footsteps. Apart from that, there is no sound around, as if the whole world is isolated from them. There is only the sound in front of them. Corridors endless corridors.

Sometimes a quiet environment is the most frightening. All intelligent life has a feeling that a quiet environment is safer. However, if an environment is too quiet and scary, it will change from safe to weird. .

The Tau people clearly felt this feeling. As they walked, they suddenly discovered one thing, that is, some of the human auxiliary troops could not keep up with their pace. Their pace was not fast. Even slower, the human auxiliary troops couldn't keep up with their pace at all, and their walking pace was also quite strange. They walked slowly and crookedly, and the equipment on their bodies swayed with their movements. In this loneliness In the environment, the sound of these things colliding with their armor was very loud.

"They have a problem."

This was the only thought in the minds of the Titanium People and the Titanium Alliance Army. They immediately took out their weapons and aimed at the Titanium Alliance Army. However, those humans did not react at all. They just continued walking. Moreover, after seeing the weapons aimed at them, they actually showed strange smiles on their faces. They just walked towards the Titanium People and the Titanium Alliance Army with a smile on their faces.


Finally, a Tau Alliance soldier pulled the trigger, and the plasma ammunition of the pulse gun directly hit the Tau Alliance soldier's chest. However, something that frightened everyone happened. The Tau Alliance soldier actually He just continued to walk towards them with a hole in his body, and he did not show any signs of being shot. The smile on his face was still hanging on his face. He smiled very brightly, but between the Tau people and the Tau In Xie Jun's eyes, it was like a dead man smiling at them.

Finally, they opened fire, and the plasma ammunition kept hitting the Tau Alliance troops, but those people seemed not to feel the pain. They still moved forward under the rain of bullets, and all the attacks hit them like Hitting a corpse had no effect at all. Even if their legs were broken, they would still crawl towards their position.

This scene was beyond the cognition of the Tau people, including those of the Tau Alliance. They looked at the people crawling towards them, and the fear in their hearts had reached a peak. Gradually, the frequency of shooting gradually increased. Chaos arose, and ammunition continued to fly everywhere in the corridor, but no matter how they attacked those people, they still did not stop and continued to act.

Even though their bodies were beaten into pieces, even their heads were beaten into pieces, they were still moving, like corpses that could move. They keep advancing, keep advancing, and no attack can stop them. The Tau and the Tau are going crazy. They don't know how good human beings turned into such things, and because of these The only things left were humans, so the Tau people began to be wary of the Tau Alliance Lords around them.

This is actually a natural situation. When all intelligent life encounters something unknown to them, they will have a fear that comes from the genes themselves.

And in a dark place not far from them, Rozes Bynes looked at them with interest. The fear he saw on the faces of those guys was what he wanted. In terms of creating fear, midnight Lords can be said to be complete experts. In the era of the Great Crusade, they were synonymous with fear.

"Okay, enough fun, now it's time to clean them up."

Rozesbynes looked at the aliens and humans, then walked directly out of the darkness, slowly walking towards the aliens and humans with a "kind" smile on his face.

The Tau and the Tau Alliance also saw Rozes Bynis. They knew what it was. It was the Astartes of the Human Empire. They hurriedly turned their guns and attacked Rozes Bynis, but their The attack did not hit Rozes Bynes. Rozes Bynes immediately disappeared in front of the aliens and humans after seeing the muzzles of their guns.

The Tau people and the Tau Alliance looked at the disappearing Rozes Bynis. The fear in their hearts could no longer be suppressed. Some humans simply threw down their weapons, hugged their bodies and huddled in the corner. They couldn't help but Understanding what they were facing, the moving corpses, and the mysterious disappearance of the Astartes, they faced these unknown things, and their psychological defenses had completely collapsed.

Those Tau and those who still dared to fight had no time to care about the mentally collapsed Tau. They were quickly observing the surrounding situation, trying to find the figure of Rozes Bynis, but There are only dark corridors around them, and they can't see anything.


Suddenly a scream sounded, and a Tau battle suit was quickly dragged into the darkness by something unknown. There was only a scream, and there was no sound of fighting. The XV 8 battle suit was being dragged into the darkness. After that, there was no movement of resistance, as if he had disappeared in an instant.

This caused the Tau and Tau Alliance troops to immediately form a group. In this way, they tried to keep themselves away from the darkness and away from the terrifying existence in the darkness.

But, is this behavior really useful? The answer is obvious, of course it is useless. Even if they formed a circle, the darkness around them was still swallowing them. Each Tau battle suit was dragged into the darkness, and each Tau Alliance soldier Instantly torn to pieces by the thing in the dark.

Fear continued to spread among the crowd, and they did not know when they would be dragged into the darkness.

At this moment, a Tau man who couldn't stand it finally started shooting into the darkness. Plasma ammunition continued to shoot into the darkness, but there was no reaction. Even the light of the bullet hitting the object was not visible. Then the darkness was Like a demon that can devour everything.

After seeing the behavior of the Tau man, other people also shot into the darkness, but their shots had no effect, not even a trace of fire. Except for the darkness, it was still darkness, and people were still dragged into the darkness. , there were still people being torn to pieces, fear had completely erupted, everyone was going crazy, they kept shooting, just hoping to attack the terrifying existence in the darkness.

"Hmm..., the effect is good, but it's still a bit too careless. I'll go crazy if I just want it. If it were our mortal auxiliary army, they would probably have started thinking about using super melt bombs to blow me up, hehehehe..."

Rozes Bynis looked at the Tau and Tau Alliance troops who were constantly attacking the darkness. He smiled and thought in his heart. He also commented on the psychological testing capabilities of these aliens and humans. Compared with the mortal auxiliary army, they are really better. Too bad, at least the mortal auxiliaries will remain calm no matter what they face, and then use all means to kill the enemy, even if they die to the last person.

"Devil! Demon!!"

Among the Tau, a Tau Alliance man yelled crazily. He kept pulling the trigger in his hand, but there was no ammunition in his weapon. Slowly, his movements stopped, and he Looking at the darkness in front of him, he pulled out the pistol from his waist. He looked at a Tau Alliance soldier beside him, and then showed a strange smile.

"I don't want to have my soul devoured by demons..."

He said to the Tau Alliance soldier beside him, then put the pistol against his head and pulled the trigger. The Tau Alliance soldier in front of him was covered in his blood.

"Yeah..., I don't want to either..."

The Tau Alliance soldier looked at the corpse of his comrade in front of him. He also pulled out his pistol, and then put it against his head.

As if it was contagious, the Tau soldiers all started committing suicide. The Tau people could not understand the behavior of humans. They wanted to stop them, but they could not stop the humans. They could only watch the humans and said, The devil, soul or whatever, just committed suicide.

The Tau people could not understand what was in front of them, and they felt that boarding a human warship was a mistake.

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