Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 537 The World of the Tau

Chapter 537 The World of the Tau
"Perhaps all intelligent creatures are born with only one emotion."

Wang Ming looked at the scene on the monitor and said inexplicably. He knew that Rozes Bynis was playing with the Tau people. He didn't care about them. They were just aliens and traitors.

"I didn't expect that the Tau would dare to land on the Imperial warship. It's really interesting."

Wang Ming turned off the holographic projection screen in front of him, and then looked at the group of Tau people in front of him. He stared at the aliens who had touched the ship, and then slowly took out the Eternal Life.

After the Tau landed in the Sun Fortress, they did not act together. Instead, they ran to various locations on the ship in batches to destroy it. The group of Tau in front of Wang Ming was really a bit unlucky. They had just Finally, I touched the door of Wang Ming's office.

The Tau people looked at the human in front of them. They didn't know who this human was, but looking at the golden armor on his body and his huge size, he must be the human emperor that humans call him. If he were killed, Those humans will probably collapse.

The Tau Alliance soldiers, who had completely different ideas from the Tau people, were so frightened that they could not hold up their guns. They looked at the giant in front of them. In their minds, the image of Wang Ming was already the same as the image of the God-Emperor in their parents' relics. After fusion, they looked at Wang Ming and could no longer hold the gun.

"The God Emperor has come to judge our betrayal..."

This was the first thought in the minds of the Tau Alliance. They held the weapons in their hands tremblingly, and then slowly aimed their guns at the Tau people. They still had a chance, they could atone for their betrayal, and they could become heroes again. A human being.

Wang Ming also noticed this, and he smiled. The actions of those Tau people were exactly his work. He is a psyker. He can use psychic energy to affect the spirit of living things. Those Tau soldiers Their spirits were influenced by him. Wang Ming amplified their memories of the God-Emperor and then overlaid it with his own image. With the help of the beliefs instilled in them by their parents since childhood, he successfully instigated the rebellion of these TAU armies. .

Speaking of which, it is also very strange. Although these Tau Alliance troops are trained and ruled by the Tau people, they still believe in the God-Emperor. This is the education of their parents and the tacit approval of the Tau people. The Tau people will not care about you. belief, they just need you to join their ranks of the Greater Good.

"Children, your fathers betrayed humanity and the cause of humanity, but you can atone for your sins now. You can fire on me now, or you can kill those aliens to prove that you can atone for your sins and rejoin the cause of the human empire. Children, I respect your choice, you have not truly fallen."

Wang Ming looked at the Tau people and Tau Alliance troops. This time he did not use psychic powers, but just spoke to them. The ability that the Emperor had given Wang Ming before was manifested at this moment. He Just like a god walking in the world, it gave those humans a feeling of spring breeze. The moment they saw Wang Ming, an idea appeared in their hearts, that is, to follow this man and be with him. Let’s do great things together.

"Did the Emperor see this future when he gave me this ability?"

Wang Ming looked at the expressions of those humans, and he suddenly understood what the Emperor meant by giving him this ability. The Emperor could see Doracall from the Unification War era, so how could he not see his future? Woolen cloth? The waves of subspace lead to the past and future of time, and they can all see the trajectory of their destiny from them. This is extremely normal.

"I..., I want to atone for my sins!"

The Tau soldiers looked at Wang Ming, as if they had made up their minds. They aimed their weapons at the Tau people and pulled the triggers. Plasma bullets hit the combat uniforms and Tau fire warriors. Those fire warriors who didn't react were directly hit in the head by the sudden attack.

Those battle suits also wanted to kill the Tau Alliance troops who suddenly betrayed them, but Wang Ming did not give them this chance. Wang Ming's figure disappeared instantly on the spot, and those battle suits instantly transformed in front of the Tau Alliance troops. Pieces of pieces.


As the fragments fell to the ground, Wang Ming also appeared in front of the TAU troops. He stared at the humans who wanted to atone for their sins and showed them a gentle smile.

"Go, kids, go kill all those aliens and take back your identity as humans."

Wang Ming said gently to the humans, who also knelt down on one knee to Wang Ming. They expressed their allegiance to Wang Ming. They wanted to atone for their sins and regain their human identity.

Wang Ming also gave those humans some equipment before they left. Those equipment were the equipment of the first generation mortal auxiliary army of the 21st Legion. These humans did not believe in evil gods. They still believed in the emperor, but they were born in the alien world. It’s just a world where they can still be saved. It’s only fitting that they sacrifice themselves for humanity to atone for their enemies’ sins.

The Tau people on the Sun Fortress were quickly cleared. They had no idea what they were facing. The plasma volleys of the Mortal Auxiliary Army and the bolt shots of the Astartes were the last things they saw. .

And just after the Tau gangsters in the fleet were dealt with, the fleet battle had just ended. The wreckage of the Tau warships was floating in the void of the universe. These aliens had lost the power to protect their own world.

The fleet slowly parked on the planet, and they immediately cleared the orbital defense firepower on the planet. Having said that, although the Tau world's greening and infrastructure are indeed good, their orbital defense system Still too little.

The airdrop pods fell like raindrops, and the Tau on the ground had no choice. They even did a crazy thing. They wanted to use their combat uniforms to blow up the airdrop pods in the air, and they did. Some of them were done, and several airdrop pods turned into fireworks under the siege of more than a dozen battle suits. However, the fleet was not a freeloader. A series of orbital strikes began to escort the airdrop hatches. At the same time, the airdrop pods were The time-travelers also began to save themselves. The second group of time-travelers opened the airdrop pod directly. They used their magnetic boots to stick to the airdrop pod and fought against the Tau people at the high speed of the airdrop pod. The soldiers fight. It's just that there are too many Tau battle suits, like locusts, overwhelming the sky. The airdrop pods finally landed on the ground. When the airdrop pods just landed on the ground, groups of Tau armor Troops and combat uniforms surrounded them, and their artillery fire continued to attack the airdrop pods. Some of the traversers in the airdrop pods were blown to pieces without even getting out of the airdrop pods.

However, some group leaders still landed, and the traversers were resurrected beside them. The first phase of the landing mission was also completed. Since these traversers lost the heavy firepower in the airdrop cabin, they could only go their own way. In order to fight, they used their own individual weapons to fight against the Tau's battle suits. Their firepower was naturally no match for the Tau's battle suits and armor.

"Well, it's a bad start."

Wang Ming was watching the live broadcast of the ground battlefield on the airdrop deck of the Sun Fortress. The time traveler without armored firepower did not have much advantage under the Tau's air-to-ground attack, but Wang Ming also had his own way. As long as When he went down to the ground, the armored firepower of the traversers was gone.

As for why the Titans on the fleet are not used, the Titan pilots on the fleet are Wang Ming's treasures. If he is not facing the enemy's Titan army, he does not want to use these precious Titan pilots.

Wang Ming looked at the open airdrop deck in front of him. He gritted his teeth. It wasn't the first time anyway. Jump!

Some brothers here may ask, why doesn't Wang Ming use teleportation technology to go to the ground?
That's of course because Wang Ming didn't want to get stuck in the ground. Think about it, a Primarch got stuck on the ground and was pinned to the ground and killed by Tau troops. Wang Ming didn't want to be a shame to the Primarch.

Wang Ming jumped directly from the airdrop deck. His power armor was made to deal with the atmosphere. He didn't panic at all when facing the planet's atmosphere. His armor rubbed against the planet's atmosphere, and its strength could completely withstand these high temperatures.

Wang Ming fell to the ground like a meteor, and then just hit the head of a Tau armored vehicle. Wang Ming's huge impact directly smashed through the Tau armored vehicle. Yeah, it was just a small explosion.

"Damn, this landing position is really good..."

Wang Ming climbed up from the wreckage. He looked at his surroundings and found that he had crashed into a Tau armored force. The armored firepower and combat uniforms of the Tau were staring at him in surprise.

Wang Ming showed them an awkward smile, and then he started his own killing. He kept waving the eternal life, and his phase position blade cut through the armor of the Thai baht armor from the dimension. Those battle suits and titanium The targeting system of the Starman's armored force was completely unable to keep up with Wang Ming's speed.

They could only watch helplessly as their armor was cut into pieces by invisible blades. Those battle suits wanted to keep up with Wang Ming's speed, but they were too slow. Wang Ming could easily cut them into pieces.

The entire battle only took three minutes. The power of the Primarch was unstoppable on the battlefield, especially the equipped Primarch.

Wang Ming stood on top of a large pile of Tau wreckage. He looked at the armored strength of the Tau that he had destroyed, and felt a strange feeling. They had been fighting enemies that were stronger than or about the same as themselves, such as They talked about Tyranids or Chaos, and those weird psychic aliens, but when he actually faced aliens like the Tau, Wang Ming felt a very relaxed feeling. The Tau were really easy to deal with. .

Their battle suits couldn't keep up with his speed, and their armored firepower posed no threat to him as long as it wasn't a long-range strike.

"Okay, let's go find the brothers."

Wang Ming's figure disappeared instantly. He now needs to find the time-travelers fighting in this world. Those time-travelers fighting in this world, he needs to provide more vitality to those time-travelers, otherwise he will just The individual firepower carried by the time traveler cannot create an advantageous battle situation.

Wang Ming searches for time travelers very quickly. The time travelers are all transformed by his genetic seeds. On a certain level, Wang Ming has a very high connection with them. Wang Ming does not need to follow his personal terminal. Searching everywhere on the planet, he only needs to walk in any direction to find his heir.

The first group Wang Ming discovered was the second group. When Wang Ming discovered them, they were fighting against a Tau armored force. When they faced the Tau, they were in a very passive situation. They needed to face the ground. On top of the armored firepower of the Tau, they still had to face the battle suits that were as numerous as locusts in the sky.

And there is a Tau warship on their heads. They can persist for so long only because of their immortality. When Wang Ming found Hu Jin, he was already tied up. The second group of time travelers Because they needed a resurrection point, they directly protected Hu Jinli's three layers outside.

When Wang Ming arrived, he was released. As for why the second group of time-travelers tied him up to protect Hu Jin, it was of course because this boy always wanted to lead the time-travelers to charge. The time-travelers charged It's okay. If Hu Jin was beaten to a pulp by the Tau because of their charge, wouldn't their resurrection point be gone? After finally landing on the ground, how could they give up this position to the Tau?
After Wang Ming arrived at the position of the Second Regiment, he took out a large number of armored vehicles. After receiving the support of these armored vehicles, the traversers of the Second Regiment finally no longer had to passively take the beating. The combat uniforms and warships in the sky were directly shot down by Xikaran.

The armored firepower of the time travelers roared, and they directly crushed the Tau armored vehicles. The Tau people even had no way to deal with the Cruel Blade. Their weapons could not penetrate the Cruel Blade's armor. They Just watching helplessly, their armored vehicles and themselves were crushed into a ball of debris, but they were unable to do anything.

The rationality of the higher good is being trampled by the war beasts of the human empire. Their so-called rationality to conquer the universe is being slapped in the face by the war machine of the human empire. They finally realize one thing, that is, this cruel galaxy In China, there is no such thing as peaceful cooperation. If you want to cooperate and live in peace with the empire, you can do that, but you must have more power than the empire, or have the capital to negotiate with the empire. The empire has never been a peace-loving civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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