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Chapter 567: Ciatro turns into a mess

Chapter 567: Ciatro turns into a mess

The time travelers were gnawing at those demons, and Wang Ming was looking for the figure of Carlos, the great demon of Tzeentch. He kept searching. That thing was really dangerous for him, and it could even affect his soul. , Wang Ming must not let that thing interfere with him anymore.

At this moment, a huge force suppressed Wang Ming's body again, but at this moment, Wang Ming's subspace essence was also activated. Golden flames burned everything, and they burned those psychic spells. , burning the power of those psychic spells to constantly protect Wang Ming.

"Dammit Carlos, get out of here!"

Wang Ming roared, and his subspace essence instantly covered the surrounding one kilometer. At the same time, his psychic energy was also surging crazily. A bolt of psychic lightning directly penetrated the surrounding void, causing those Tzeentch demons to be They were all killed, and the time travelers looked at the killed Tzeentch demons with disappointment on their faces. There were still many Tzeentch demons that they had not eaten.

"No need to test him anymore, just come back."

Just when Wang Ming continued to use his power to attack Carlos, Tzeentch suddenly pulled Carlos back from the real universe into the subspace. His plan was already in progress, and there was no need for Carlos to test Wang Ming. Ming's soul.

"The power of Chaos is becoming more and more interested in me. I guess the only one who doesn't have to worry about corruption is Khorne. With my Ashina swordsmanship, there is absolutely no way that He will be interested in me."

An hour later, Wang Ming stood on a Thunder Eagle turret. He looked at the mortal auxiliary troops who were cleaning up the corpses of cultists and Chaos Astartes on the ground. He sighed helplessly, and then suddenly remembered something. thing.

"Wait, where is Chen Xu?"

Wang Ming suddenly thought of Chen Xu, who he had thrown among the cultists. He still didn't know where that kid had gone.

And just when Wang Ming thought of Chen Xu, Chen Xu was being tied to a cross by the cultists. They were constantly sacrificing Chen Xu. They had sacrificed this guy more than fifty times. But this guy just can't die. No matter how he sacrifices, he can't die. After this guy loses his life, he will come back to life. Moreover, even if this guy is caught, he still won't be quiet. He keeps using all kinds of rubbish and insults. The Chaos cultists are said to be a group of lunatics, a group of cowards who believe in disgusting things and get twisted blessings. The latter cultists can understand it, but the mental illness is more like you, no matter how you look at it.

The cultists have nothing to do with this guy. They can't kill him or scold him. They don't know where this guy got such a large vocabulary. It's really outrageous that he doesn't have the same name when he curses.

They listened to the guy's scolding, and they almost collapsed. Some of the cultists even began to pray to the God Emperor. They hoped that the God Emperor could forgive them for their mistakes and take this guy away. There were also some The cultists couldn't bear it anymore and simply chose to commit suicide.

The leader of the cultists had no idea what was going on. He looked at that guy and really didn't understand. Isn't he just a lackey of Wei Emperor? Why can't he die, and how can his words make people collapse?

"Hey, hey, psionic influence, this damn psionic thing is so easy to use. Their emotions are so controllable. Now... I've had enough fun, let's just kill them."

Chen Xu looked at those guys. He used his spiritual energy to cut off the bindings on his body. Then he looked at the surprised cultists and directly used his spiritual energy to start a crazy killing. One after another invisible power directly killed them. He looked at the cultists he killed and kept laughing. He really liked killing these human traitors.

"This was the case during the Great Crusade, and it is still the case today. I want to kill all the Chaos and need faith!"

Chen Xu looked at the cultists he had killed. He laughed crazily and kept using his spiritual power. At the same time, his spiritual power also attracted someone, that was Wang Ming. Wang Ming had already Feeling his psychic reaction, he looked at the guy who was using his psychic power crazily. He was speechless. What had happened to his legion? There was no normal person left. How could it be that these days there were all these unscrupulous people? A normal guy.

After Chen Xu saw Wang Ming, he immediately became excited. He happily invited Wang Ming to kill the cultists, but now Wang Ming wanted to take him away, but now this kid just wanted to kill the cultists. Cultists, seeing his situation, Wang Ming killed all the cultists in an instant, and then took him away from the area. They still had a lot to do.

After returning to the Governor's Mansion, Wang Ming began to plan for this world. There are still a large number of cultists in this world. They continue to kill the citizens and troops of the empire and sacrifice their flesh and blood to their masters. Today's war situation has become completely chaotic. There are not only hundreds of millions of cultists in each hive, but also a large number of gene stealers. They have completely fallen into the illusion and launched an attack on the imperial troops. This situation can only One thing that can be proved is that the Tyranid fleet is coming, and how they are processing the ingredients in this world for the Tyranid fleet. After arranging fleet vigilance and the orbital defense system of the First Engineer Regiment, Wang Ming began to think about the problem of dealing with those cultists. There are too many cultists in this world, although they do not have the There is no powerful equipment, but just relying on this huge population can already cause a lot of trouble for the time travelers.

The large number of cultists made it impossible for the local civilians to work normally. Listening to the sounds of firefights that occurred every day, and the vehicles pulling the corpses of cultists in the hive, they all had some thoughts about the war situation in the empire. Although the hive city The Chinese media has been promoting the victory of the imperial war, but these things have begun to ferment among the civilians.

Moreover, under the infiltration of cultists, a large number of excessive demons descended, and news of the destruction of the world also entered the people. With the help of people's fear of death, several cults with the core of distorting the belief of the God Emperor also appeared in the hive city. In the Zhongshang Nest, the State Church could not bear this situation at all. Their battle nuns continued to conduct various trials in the nest. It was okay that the cultists were being tried, but various unjust, false and wrong cases brought Wang Ming to trial. He was extremely angry. They were all crazy people. How could they care about this?
The situation in this world is really too complicated. Wang Ming even saw a message that a lot of mushrooms suddenly grew under a hive city. Yes, green mushrooms. Wang Ming was numb. Where did the green skins come from? This is unscientific. There are no green skins in this world. Where did they come from? It's terrible.

The whole world was in chaos. Wang Ming was completely speechless. He had sent all the troops in the fleet. This was the first time that Wang Ming felt that there was not enough manpower. He even began to use a large number of mortal auxiliary troops.

Wang Ming was speechless about the current situation in the world, but he still had to deal with it. A large number of troops entered the battlefield, but they faced cultists. As for the greenskins, Wang Ming directly chose to use the fleet. The fighting iron men above let these human technological crystals kill those greenskins who know where they came from.

"The empire's strategy has been destroyed. They probably never imagined that everything in the entire world is controlled by a complete system. Then we can gather our troops and fight to the death with the lackeys of the false emperor. Now, this world will finally be ours.”

In the top nest of a small nest city not far from Clark's Nest, an elegant man wearing aristocratic clothing looked at the group of companions in front of him. He raised his wine glass and toasted to them. They are the rebels of this world. The culprit is the leader of countless cults in this world.

Wang Ming didn't know that the cultists in these hives were not independent, but a complete whole. Although they had different beliefs, their beliefs all pointed in the same direction, and that was chaos. Real chaos, not chaos. The Chaos Gods, but Chaos as a whole, just like Luojia, they believe in the great whole of Chaos, and they hope to draw everything they want from the great Chaos, this world, this star region, this Star Territory, they are very ambitious.

The former cults on Ciatro were not like this. They used to have various beliefs and would even go to war with other cultists for their own beliefs. This is why the planetary government did not control them. On the one hand, It can't be managed at all. On the other hand, they will also consume each other.

But ten years ago, a mysterious person came to Ciatro. It only took a year to unify the cult in Ciatro with various words and promises. It promised to all cults that, in this way, They have obtained this world, and then everything in this world is at their disposal, whether it is sacrifices or satisfying their own desires. This is the way it can unify these cults.

A promise, and a promise with visible results. After a year of developing according to this person's plan, all cults have seen the results. Their sacrifices have received more blessings from the Chaos Gods, and their plans have received more blessings. Gradually, all the cults began to do things according to that person's plan. Until today, under that person's plan, they began to take advantage of the opening of the Great Rift. The empire went around putting out fires and reviving the expedition. Before the fleet dared to arrive, a large-scale rebellion began. They wanted to defeat the planetary government in one fell swoop and seize the world. However, this plan had some minor changes due to the use of the webway by humans, but these The change made that person very happy, and it continued its plan.

"According to my plan, we can all get this world, and by then you will all be promoted and become apostles of the gods."

The man in noble clothing smiled. It looked at the leaders of the cultists and said to them that everything was planned and everything was planned by the Lord of Changes.

The leader of the cultists looked at the man, raised the wine glass in his hand, and then drank it down. The wine in these wine glasses was swallowed by them like the world, but is this possible? It's absolutely impossible.

The man looked at the leaders of the cultists. He wanted to make things in this world chaotic and make the empire overwhelmed with various problems. For this plan, it even asked some green-skinned organizations to be brought here. World, let this world produce green skins, let green skins enter this battlefield, let the empire fight large-scale battles with green skins, and let the Tyranid fleet in the void also arrive in the galaxy of this world, let When it comes to consuming the Empire's fleet, it has already estimated that the Tyranid forces cannot enter the atmosphere of this world, and in the void, the Tyranid fleet will consume the Imperial fleet, and the consumed Imperial fleet will then Take down all the orbital defense systems they captured.

It has planned everything, everything is the plan of the Lord of All Changes, allowing the Lord of All Changes to take over this world, allowing these fools to complete the Lord of All Changes' plan, and finally become sacrifices to the Lord of All Changes.

Wang Ming is not aware of the Chaos cultists' plan now, but even if he is aware of it, nothing will happen. The cleanup of Clark's Nest is proceeding steadily, and the population transfer is also proceeding steadily. A large number of people who have passed the review in other nests are The population has joined the Krak Hive, and a large number of small hives have been abandoned. Chaos believes that they will drag the Empire into the quagmire of war fighting in the hives, but they do not know that the Empire will not fight them in the hives at all. Instead of directly blowing up the hives, they directly blew up the hives. These hives may be very important to other legions, but for the 21st Legion, these hives can be rebuilt quickly. Just don't care.

For the 21st Legion, destroying the enemy is the most important thing. The consumption of resources and the loss of profits are insignificant things to the 21st Army. They only need to be able to destroy the enemy. The engineers from the First Engineering Corps will solve everything.

The chess pieces on the chessboard have been laid out, but as for whether the chess pieces on it will lift the chessboard... it depends on who the chess pieces are. The 21st Legion has always been a special existence, and they don't need to care much. They don't need to care about the political games within the empire, the exchange of interests among the nobles on the planet, or the resource consumption of world reconstruction. They only need to make their enemies feel fear.

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