Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 568 Three Primarchs

Chapter 568 Three Primarchs
"Start the orbital strike."

Wang Ming looked at the data pad in his hand. After three months, the evacuation of the population has been completed. Now it is time to harvest those cults.

The fleet was parked in orbit, and the orbital strikes they released penetrated the planet's atmosphere and flew into every hive. The artillery fire that was like the destruction of the world continued to fall, and those hives that were like mountains were striking in these orbits. Underneath, they were turned into steam, and everything in them was destroyed.

Wang Ming watched those pillars of light falling from the sky. They were like the pillars of the palace of the gods in myths and legends. They were very beautiful, and they carried the beauty of death.

"The light is like destroying the world, but it is to save the world."

The wind blew past Wang Ming's side, and the cloak behind his power armor blew up. At the same time, his hair was blown up. He was bathed in the light of the light spear destroying the hive city, as if he was a giant emitting golden light. Looking at those light spears in the distance, they are the destruction that fell in order to save the world, destroy chaos, destroy evil spirits, and destroy all threats to human beings. This is what all human beings in the galaxy are doing.

Wang Ming turned around and left here. He looked at the star travelers around him and issued an order. After this order was issued, the travelers immediately became excited. They looked at their original body. At this moment, they His view of Wang Ming has changed. He used to be a time traveler brother, but now he is a true Primarch.

"Prepare your weapons, kill humanity's enemies, and let them see what kind of species humans are. Whether they are Chaos or Tyranids, we will kill them all for the sake of humanity and the human empire."

Wang Ming looked at the time-travelers. He issued this order and then went directly to the battlefield of the nest. The cultists could no longer bear it. They launched an attack on Clark's nest and sacrificed a large number of mortals to summon them. At the same time, a demon primarch also joined the battle in this world, Fulgrim, that disgusting big loach.

"It's the Primarch."

The Star Travelers looked at their Primarch, and then followed Wang Ming's footsteps to the hive capital battlefield.

"My brother, my brother, you are still so boring. Do you think this is useful? It is the same time and time again. You are so boring."

Fulgrim walked on the earth, and it kept killing those who rushed up. The knife in its hand was swung gracefully, and its elegance and lethality were in no conflict. A strange beauty also appeared in it. On the body, it looks extremely weird, but it also makes people feel its "beauty".

"Believe me, we will definitely succeed this time."

Magnus used spiritual energy to hide in the void. It was observing Fulgrim's battle, constantly analyzing some things, and calculating the probability of success of their plan. All of this was arranged by the Lord of Change. , compared to all the Chaos Gods, Tzeentch can be said to be the Chaos God who has never given up corrupting Wang Ming. It has always been very interested in Wang Ming.

At this moment, a golden flame suddenly appeared on Fulgrim's head, and one of the golden spears was inserted directly into Fulgrim's head, banishing him with one blow.

But the exiled Fulgrim came back to the real universe in an instant. He looked at his slowly disappearing body on the ground and smiled.

"Fulgrim, you've slacked off a bit."

Magnus’s voice rang in Fulgrim’s ears. It commented on why Fulgrim didn’t dodge the attack, but Fulgrim didn’t take Magnus’s words seriously. It did that on purpose just now. Yes, it wants to experiment with the blessing that Slaanesh gave it that can exist in the real universe for a long time.

"It's interesting, you two are here...hahaha, it's great to kill two at once."

Wang Ming slowly appeared in front of Fulgrim. He looked at Fulgrim and the void around it. He could feel the hidden Magnus. With his subspace essence, he could feel The sickening Chaos power of the Warp within Magnus.

"My brother, why are you like our father? That red cloak suits you very well. It's as red as blood. It's really nice..."

Fulgrim looked at Wang Ming. He stared at the cloak behind Wang Ming and commented to him. Wang Ming's outfit was exactly the power armor he wore during the military parade on Holy Terra. The style of this outfit was not the same. For example, the style of the Empire's armor is similar to that of medieval armor, but it is the heavy armor style of ancient China. It has dense armor pieces composed of protective stance generators. The combined defense power of these things can even block a macro cannon. Shoot directly.

"Fulgrim... your evaluation is really very to the point. This red color is dyed with the blood of Imperial warriors, and it is also made from your twisted blood after killing you chaotic bastards." Deepened.”

Wang Ming took out Eternal Life and a golden spear. He now fully understood how to use human karma-fire-covered weapons. These golden spears were a fatal threat to those enemies of chaos.

"Oh..., my brother..."

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

Fulgrim wanted to say something, but at this moment, Wang Ming suddenly appeared in front of it and slashed at its head with a knife, but the blow was blocked by Fulgrim, with a strange shape. His sword blocked the Eternal, and the power of Slaanesh blessed the evil weapon, making it impossible to cut and able to withstand the burning of golden fire.

"Come on, let me see how much power you, this twisted thing, have gained with the blessing of your master."

Wang Ming wielded Eternal Life, and Fulgrim wielded the long sword. They were constantly fighting. No one could intervene in the battle between the original bodies. The time travelers could only look at countless lights and twisted space. He couldn't see the details of the battle clearly, but Zhou Heng could. He frowned and looked at Wang Ming's movements. Wang Ming's movements were too slow compared to Fulgrim's. His fighting was too slow. His skills and speed are completely inferior to Fulgrim's. If this continues, Wang Ming will definitely be defeated.

At this moment, a mortal auxiliary suddenly rushed towards the position where the two original bodies were fighting. Zhou Heng just wanted to stop him, but at this moment, Hu Jin stopped him.

"No need, he can't die." Hu Jin looked at Zhou Heng and said to him. Zhou Heng had no doubts about Hu Jin's statement. There were only a few normal people in the entire fleet. They were veterans from the human federation era. Things, immortal time travelers, and even an alien god on the fleet, he did not doubt that person was extraordinary.

"Hahaha! Demon Primarch! Hahaha! Kill!"

Chen Xu laughed crazily, and then directly used his spiritual energy to suppress Fulgrim. At this moment, Magnus appeared. Magnus watched Chen Xu use his spiritual energy to attack. Chen Xu was killed, and at this moment, Chen Xu used spiritual energy to directly block Magnus' attack.

He looked at Magnus and became even more excited. He increased the use of his psychic powers, even though his voice was burning with vitality from the side effects of excessive psychic use, and there were subspace whispers in his ears. He He continued to increase his psychic power, but his psychic power was so likely to compete with Magnus, who could use psychic power to extinguish stars, and his body was exploded by Magnus in an instant.

"Hahaha! Yes, yes, Magnus, you are still so powerful. I have seen you during the Great Crusade. I also wanted to remind you to prevent you from falling into Chaos, but I did not remind you. "

Chen Xu looked at Magnus, his body was reorganized in the void, and then he stared at Magnus and laughed.

"I remember you, the mortal auxiliary."

Magnus looked at Chen Xu. It recalled the memory of the Great Expedition. It recalled the strange mortal auxiliary army. The mortal auxiliary army once wanted to say something to it, but he did not succeed.

"Great Primarch, thank you for remembering me. Thank you very much. Now I am coming... to complete my regrets."

Chen Xu looked at Magnus. He rushed directly towards Magnus. He picked up the power sword that fell on the ground after he was killed, and rushed directly with his mortal body. To Magnus.

But how can a mortal body fight against the demonic original body? As soon as he rushed in front of Magnus, he was directly beaten away by Magnus. His body was directly shot into pieces by Magnus, but these fragments instantly He reorganized. As an immortal, his rebirth speed is very fast. This rebirth speed is also because he died too many times because he was too bored.

Chen Xu looked at Magnus, he was still smiling, he still couldn't die, still couldn't die!
"There is an old saying in Gu Terra, don't you know that a mantis' arm blocks a cart?"

Magnus looked at Chen Xu who was laughing. He raised his hand and fired a psychic lightning, then blew him into pieces.

"For me, I am very familiar with this sentence."

Chen Xu looked at Magnus and he laughed. He smiled. He was so familiar with this sentence. He was so familiar. He was not the mantis blocking the car. He had psychic powers. Can use psychic powers regardless of the consequences.

When Magnus listened to Chen Xu's words, it also smiled, and then continued to kill Chen Xu. Just as Magnus was killing Chen Xu, the battle between Wang Ming and Fulgrim also came to an end. time.

Surprisingly, Wang Ming actually cut off Fulgrim's head with the last sword. Wang Ming's sword skills were not as good as Fulgrim's, but Wang Ming knew how to use Ashina's sword skills. His plasma shot hit Fulgrim first. Grim's body, and then decapitated him with one blow.

"Hahaha, not bad, really good. My brother, your sword skills have improved a lot."

Fulgrim came back and looked at Wang Ming. It smiled. It looked at Wang Ming's eternity and said to Wang Ming with a smile.

"You're not using your full strength."

Wang Ming looked at Fulgrim. His body was burning with golden flames. He had been using his subspace essence, but his subspace essence could not burn Fulgrim. Fulgrim's essence had Protection from Slaanesh.

Wang Ming and Fulgrim just looked at each other, and then started fighting again.

Looking at the battle between the original bodies, the time travelers could not get close to the battle between the two original bodies, but they could intervene in the battle between Magnus and Chen Xu. A large number of time travelers rushed towards Magnus. , at the same time, the mortal auxiliaries on the imperial position also began to shoot at Magnus. The two primarchs could not intervene in the battle, but they could still deal with the other demon primarch.

Thermal weapons are not effective against Magnus. Its psychic shield can block the attacks of those thermal weapons, but the time travelers can do it in close combat. Their blades are constantly attacking Magnus, but Magnus is a A Primarch, how could thousands of Space Marines pose a threat to a Primarch? And it is also a demonic primarch blessed by the evil god. It keeps killing the traversers, and the corpses of the traversers keep flying in the air. Although the traversers do not have the ability to fight the primarch, they still Keep attacking, they can't die anyway, just fight directly.

They have faced too many enemies, and they have fought too many enemies. This is not the first time that Magnus has fought. Their battle is very smooth. Anyway, they just charge and kill Magnus. That's it.

Magnus is also very troubled by the time-travelers. As warriors who can be infinitely resurrected, the time-travelers will not feel tired or feel the enemy's strength. If one charge cannot solve the enemy, then try again. That's it. If you still can't kill them, then try it again. No matter how many times, they will be successful as long as they kill the enemy.

Magnus's psychic spells continued to kill the time-travelers, but at this moment, Wang Ming's head was chopped off by Fulgrim. The head was decapitated with one knife, clean and neat. The knife was perfect. But just a minute after Fulgrim killed Wang Ming, Wang Ming's body stood up again. The moment after he was resurrected, their battle started mechanically.

Watching these battles, although Zhou Heng also wanted to join, he had to help the mortal auxiliary army deal with those demons. He was second only to Wang Ming in combat effectiveness in the fleet. He had to ensure that the task of protecting the nest city was not fulfilled. Any questions.

While the battle was taking place on the battlefield of the hive capital, the man in noble attire was also looking at the battlefield of the hive capital. Its owner had already begun his own plan. Two great demon princes had descended on the whole world. At the same time, Countless apostles belonging to the subspace gods have also come to this world, and they will eventually get this world.

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