Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 569 The plan of the Chosen Gods of Chaos

Chapter 569 The plan of the Chosen Gods of Chaos

"The battle of the Son of God, what a beautiful scene."

An Eldar stood on a high tower structure in the hive city. He looked at the battle of the original bodies below. As he admired these battles, although he could not see clearly the battle between the original bodies, this did not hinder him. He appreciates it.

"We can't help in the Son of God's battle, and..., as the guy they kidnapped our god, I don't like him too much."

An Eldar next to the Eldar looked at his companions. They were observers who arrived in this world through the webway to observe the battle. They just wanted to record the battle.

"You two, coming here uninvited is not a good thing."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind them. It was Zhou Heng's voice. All the situations in this situation were under his surveillance. He had discovered these two spiritual tribes long ago.

"That..., we..."

The two elves still wanted to explain something, but they were quickly taken to the best auditorium by Zhou Heng, which was on the human position. In desperation, they also took out their weapons and fought with the human warriors. Together we fight against the demons attacking the hive.

"Wang Ming, your blade is not so sharp anymore. Are you starting to feel tired, or have you lost the confidence to defeat me? My brother, you can't do this. Our brother Robert was fighting with me. , but keep moving forward.”

Fulgrim's blade kept cutting through Wang Ming's power armor. It had many opportunities to kill Wang Ming directly, but it was playing with Wang Ming like this, which made it very happy, especially when it saw Wang Ming. With that disgusting expression on its face, it felt like it was about to die. Slaanesh had twisted it into an extremely twisted monster.

"Get out of here, you disgusting ghost!"

Wang Ming cursed loudly, and then stabbed Fulgrim directly in the chest with a knife. The knife was not fatal. Wang Ming had been waiting for this opportunity before, an opportunity to realize his plan. When the knife stabbed Fulgrim, After Grim's chest, human karma fire instantly entered its body. This could not kill it, but it could temporarily restore its cognition as a normal human being, allowing it to feel its current distortions and nausea.

"You! Me! No! No!! Why would I do this! Kill me! My brother killed me! Why did I turn into such a disgusting and twisted thing! What have I done!!"

After Fulgrim regained some sanity by human karma, his mind temporarily changed back to him. He looked at his twisted body, felt the disgusting energy in his body, and felt his current distortion. , he can no longer accept such a twisted version of himself. What on earth has he done? He killed his best brother, turned his army into a group of things that are neither humans nor ghosts, and fell into those twisted and disgusting things. of desire.

"I can't kill you. Your master will not let you go, Phoenix. I hope you can remember this feeling and this feeling of being born."

Wang Ming looked at Fulgrim in front of him, and he could feel one thing, that is, Fulgrim's soul was incomplete. His soul was not only controlled by Slaanesh, but there was something in it. It was the devil, that damn devil. It had taken possession of Fulgrim's body, letting his remaining soul watch helplessly what he had done in this twisted body, this damn thing.


Fulgrim wanted to say something else, but right now, its state was once again changed back to its previous state by the power of Slaanesh, and he changed back into it again.

"Hahaha, my brother, what an impactful thing, I will remember all this. These feelings are simply unfinished for me. It is so exciting, fear, guilt, disgust, anger, regret, These feelings are extremely exciting..."

Fulgrim looked at Wang Ming. He laughed and kept evaluating his emotions. But at this moment, a power hammer suddenly appeared in Wang Ming's hand. Wang Ming raised the hammer with both hands. Since he couldn't fight For sword skills, just use your strength to create a miracle.

The power hammer was swung, and Wang Ming's terrifying power hit Fulgrim directly. Wang Ming watched Fulgrim flying into the distant wilderness and chased after him.

Just as Wang Ming left, the three figures who had been hiding here appeared here. They watched Magnus start his own action.

"Wang Ming has left. The Chaos Evil God will no longer interfere with our actions. Hurry and banish Magnus. Without him, his plan will not be successful."

Xin Jian looked at Magnus. He removed the psychic power that concealed his figure from the two people around him, and then said to the two people around him.


Lu Xiaoxiao and Wang Qing looked at Magnus. They replied to Xin Jian and then rushed towards Magnus. Wang Qing was faster than Lu Xiaoxiao. He directly exposed his true colors during the charge. Then It was an existence that looked like the great demon of Khorne, with red skin and a bloody sword. He roared and rushed towards Magnus, and the travelers of the second group also withdrew directly after seeing the three people. After entering the battlefield, even Chen Xu was forcibly taken away by the time travelers. Since what happened last time, although the travelers still have some doubts about these three fellow villagers on the other side of Chaos, under this situation, they still trust their compatriots. At least Xin Jian took risks more than once. At the risk of being punished by Tzeentch, he told Wang Ming the information. Of course, that might also be intentional. After all, as one of the best underworld things in the universe, his thoughts are simply incomprehensible to mortals.

"It's them..., sure enough, you are indeed this kind of people, extremely loyal to human beings..., I..."

Magnus looked at the three Chosen Chaos Gods rushing toward him. He had known about this for a long time, but now it seems that these three people are still more loyal to humans than he expected.

"Magnus! Die!"

Wang Qing raised his long sword high, and then slashed directly at Magnus. After he transformed into a Khorne demon, his body was even bigger than Magnus. His sword slashed at Magnus. On top of Magnus's staff, a large number of blessings he received from Khorne were able to counter psionic spells. He was the main force in exiling Magnus in this operation.

"You are still extremely loyal to humans, so what do humans do to you? Don't you take a look?"

Magnus looked at Wang Qing's sword. After it pushed Wang Qing back, he shouted to the three of them. The three just looked at the human position. They saw fear, hatred, and disgust.

"We don't care. What does our loyalty to humanity have to do with humanity?"

The three of them turned to look at Magnus, with smiles on their faces. They said in unison to Magnus. Those words and their expressions made Magnus look like a clown.


Magnus looked at the three of them. He had nothing to say. Their loyalty to humans had nothing to do with humans. They didn't care what humans thought of them. They just needed to be loyal to humans and live to help humans eliminate evil spirits. , death can be regarded as eliminating harm for human beings. Anyway, they are no longer human beings or ghosts, and they don't care about this at all.

They are different from those Primarchs who betrayed the Empire. They are not a group of superhumans with psychological problems. They were a group of mortals before they traveled through time. But they know what is in this dark universe, and they know exactly what is there. They are the staunchest loyalists of mankind. They understand that their lives are meaningless on the chessboard of the gods, but they are still loyal to mankind. They know the cruelty of the empire, but compared to the empire, chaos is nothing at all.

Especially the things they saw in the subspace, those mortals above the demon world, those mortals captured into the subspace, those mortals struggling in the hands of demons and having their souls devoured, they have all seen it, they have even seen it. A mother cried while holding her twisted child. Even though her child was twisted, even though her child was dead, she was still crying and trying to wake him up, just like the scene in the movie "Death of Hope" they had seen before traveling through time. These things strengthened their determination to be loyal to mankind.

"Don't say that these are all gone, just cut off the head!"

Wang Qing looked at Magnus. He started fighting with the demonic original body. Xin Jian and Lu Xiaoxiao also used psychic spells to support Wang Qing. The time travelers also heard the conversation between them. They saw Following his three fellow villagers, they also rushed forward. Since they have proved their loyalty, they must help them. They are all warriors of mankind and have nothing to do with any camp. As long as they are loyal to mankind, they are comrades and like-minded. A warrior is a loyal warrior who fights for human ideals.

Magnus faced so many time-travelers and three divine choices that were not too weak to him. It was already a bit difficult, especially when facing Wang Qing, this guy began to be frightened. Khorne has traveled to countless worlds and fought against enemies from all latitudes. His fighting skills are even more powerful than Wang Ming's. After using his body that was twisted and blessed by Khorne, its combat effectiveness He can completely crush that Butcher's Nail. At least he has a brain, right?
"Hahaha, kill, kill, kill, kill!! The Blood Emperor! Give your head to the throne!!"

Wang Qing roared, and he kept attacking Magnus. Magnus's psychic spells were not too powerful for Wang Qing. Khorne's counter-psionic blessing was not a decoration. His The body is an expert in anti-psionic spells, so all he needs to do is chop, chop, chop.

Magnus could only use his own fighting skills and physical strength to constantly fight against Wang Qing. It had a very headache for this guy. This was the second time it had seen the Chaos Evil God blessing mortals to such an extent. , the first one is Xin Jian.

They are still so loyal despite being in Chaos, their bodies are full of Chaos evil, but compared to those rebel Primarchs who have fallen for themselves, their loyalty is like a hard slap on those Primarchs. Their faces make their so-called reasons for rebellion look like clowns, but are they not clowns? If they were not time travellers, if they did not know everything about this world, they would definitely fall for themselves. There are many ways for chaos to corrupt human souls, and they also spent a lot of time to avoid those corruptions, and they know What the hell is chaos? They don't even believe in a punctuation mark in the subspace.

Magnus was having a good time fighting with the time travelers, but something happened on Wang Ming's side. He stabbed Fulgrim in the neck, just like Guilliman was injured by Fulgrim. Like that, Slaanesh's subspace evil poison directly entered Wang Ming's body, but Wang Ming didn't care about these things. The human karma fire would protect his body. He only needed to care about one thing, and that was how Completely banish the thing in front of you back to the subspace. Human karma fire cannot kill the demon original body. Behind them are various evil gods. His human karma fire has no effect at all. The evil gods will protect them. Toys.

At this moment, Wang Ming suddenly remembered something. He quickly used his personal terminal to send a message to Feng Fan. This guy was definitely good at breaking through language.

After Wang Ming finished sending the message to Feng Fan, Feng Fan immediately teleported to the battlefield through resurrection. He looked at Fulgrim who was fighting Wang Ming, and then turned on the loudspeaker of the Emperor's Proverbs beside him. The broadcast started.

"This is Fulgrim. It looks like a big loach and has no beauty. By the way, do you know what a loach is? Come on, don't fight. Look at this. Look, look, how similar it is. The big subspace loach, hahaha, I really don’t understand, why did you choose this look, cosplaying the ancient Terra species? Hahaha..."

Feng Fan kept talking trash. Fulgrim originally didn't want to pay attention to him, but when it saw the picture of the loach on Feng Fan's data pad, it couldn't hold back anymore. Fulgrim was so arrogant. It is well known that it cannot bear to be compared with that kind of thing, but just when it wanted to kill Feng Fan, Wang Ming blocked it. Wang Ming looked at it and smiled, and continued to ask Feng Fan to increase his strength. .

At this moment, Feng Fan immediately began to let himself go. He accompanied the Emperor's Proverbs, just like a cross talk, infinitely magnifying the problems Fulgrim used, and then addressed Fulgrim in an extremely exaggerated way. Rim said that this made Fulgrim's arrogant character unbearable, but it still enjoyed this emotion. Slaanesh had completely polluted it, but it still couldn't help but want to hack Feng Fan to death. ah.

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