Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 576 "God of Wisdom"

Chapter 576 "God of Wisdom"

In the empire, there have also been situations where Astartes were asked to handle imperial affairs. Guilliman once asked his heroes to lead five hundred worlds, and Wang Ming now has a group of time-travelers who are good at coordinating. The travelers are arranged into the internal affairs system of the empire. As for the fact that the Astartes cannot participate in politics, this matter is actually very easy to solve. The time travelers do not need to worry about corruption. They can work until the universe is silent.

After arranging these time-travelers, Wang Ming took the fleet and left Holy Terra. Guilliman looked at the current group of time-travelers and finally felt that he could relax a little. After all, Astartes' thoughts The ability is really comparable to that of a computer, and it is perfect for them to help Guilliman handle the affairs of the empire.

The time travelers looked at the large amount of parchment, and they couldn't express their tears. These things will always be with them in the future. They really want to go to the battlefield and fight Chaos, but they really don't want to fight with Chaos. Things like government affairs are common, but for the sake of the human empire and humanity, what can they do?

That's how the Astartes are, they learn everything very quickly. They learn from Guilliman's skills and abilities in handling government affairs, and invest themselves in the parchment of the empire.

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand. These time-travelers were all in management professions before. With Astartes' strong learning ability, they should be able to quickly get started with these things, without him needing to worry too much.

And Wang Ming didn't know how much change his decision today would bring to the empire. You must know that with the advent of the industrial world of the Webway and the 21st Legion, some of the empire's problems have been solved, and a large number of The world has begun to develop rapidly, and these are some of the big problems that the empire needs to deal with.

But there is a saying that is right, the night is darkest before dawn. The human empire must survive this labor pain. The empire has begun to be changed, changed by the appearance of time travellers, but now it is necessary to beware of the evil gods of chaos and aliens. It's time. At the same time, the First Engineer Regiment's research on network channels and inertial engines has not stopped. They are constantly studying these technologies and trying to integrate these technologies into the human system.

Wang Ming would not do anything that he was not sure of. In addition to the Internet, humans at least need to master other technologies for traveling at faster than light speed in the physical universe in case of emergency.

The Emperor is also clear about this situation. He is very satisfied with what Wang Ming is doing now, but there are still some things that can never be solved. The missing original body, the traditional ancestral laws of the empire are immutable, and there are still some problems that cannot be solved. Due to the corruption of Chaos and the threat of aliens, the galaxy has never been safe, nor is it completely ruled by humans. A large number of areas have not been fully explored, and countless alien civilizations are hidden within them.

They may become a threat to mankind at any time, just like the Tau. In just five thousand years, they feel that they have dug into the corners of the empire. Not to mention other alien races, they are absolutely dangerous. Existence, absolutely needs to be dealt with, must be dealt with.

Wang Ming was well aware of this matter, so they headed to the Kronos expansion area again, preparing to bring the gospel of the empire to those lost human civilizations and bring some warm greetings from humans to the aliens. Greetings with Cyclone Torpedo.

The fleet sailed like this, slowly heading to the Kronos Expansion. After passing through the Throat of Kronos, the fleet came outside the Star Torch again. They once again passed through the subspace channel that had been explored before, and went directly to Paths they had explored before.

And when the fleet arrived in the farthest galaxy they had discovered, the fleet began to activate the curvature engine and sailed, and the fleet just moved forward, heading towards areas further away from the empire.

It is not that there are no human footsteps in this star field. The Human Federation once had a lot of colonies here. At the same time, due to some development issues, there are also a lot of aliens here. These are some of the historical issues left over from the Human Federation. , why didn’t they kill the aliens at that time?

The fleet sailed like this. Wang Ming sat in his office. He looked at the star message given to him by the Astropath. He admired the results of the revival expedition fleet led by Wang Xiaofa, and then opened the message he had just received. .

"Ghost signal? What is this?"

Wang Ming looked at the message. It was a signal sent from a position about fifty light years away. This thing had existed for who knows how many years. The signal they received was no longer known how many years ago, but There is no doubt that it is a human signal, and the communication technology it uses is the same as that of the Human Federation, which proves that there is a world of the Human Federation in that direction, a world left behind by the Human Federation.

"The fleet turned and headed towards the location of this signal. Our first stop has been found."

Wang Ming looked at the news and ordered the fleet to go to that area. Their purpose was to save the human world. No matter whether there were still humans there or not, they had to go and take a look.

The sea breeze blows slowly through the cities on the coastline. The cities are actually just large villages. In the villages, the women are handling the fish that the men brought back today, while the men are preparing their own tools. Prepare to go out to sea the next day.

Yashika was sitting on the beach. She looked at the beautiful ocean of this world. She was not originally a human being of this world. She was not of this world in the true sense. Her soul was not of this world.

"There is no empire, no war. If psykers hadn't still existed, I would have thought that I had traveled through time again after death. But this time, the lobster gave me the object of reincarnation..., regardless of gender, it has been fifteen years, too. got used to…"

Yashika was sitting on the beach, the sea breeze blowing through her long hair. She had had many identities, including a hive gang boss, a Planetary Defense Force soldier, an Astral Militia sergeant, an ordinary Imperial citizen, and a person who traveled across the world. Earthlings, she has now looked away. She has not lived a peaceful life since she was deceived by that sea creature. All the time, she has either been fighting with various monsters and monsters on the battlefield, or she has been the one in the nest city. Struggling in living hell.

It's a bit funny to say that she actually starved to death in the bottom of a hive city in her last life. This time she came to a peaceful world, but in each of her reincarnation experiences, she was able to Something will definitely happen wherever she goes, and it will be some big things. Those things need to be solved by her. According to the words of the sea creature before each death, these are His Highness's tasks.

At the same time, she also knew that she was not the only time traveler. She once met a buddy who committed suicide after learning that he was traveling through the Warhammer Universe. According to him, this guy It is better for the universe to be dead than alive, but judging from the current situation, I guess I am still doing sit-ups sustainably in some world. But this has nothing to do with her. She just wants to enjoy the present moment and finally have a safe world. If she doesn't enjoy it, she doesn't know where she will be reincarnated in the next life. But thinking about it this way, in fact, It is also better than those brothers who were reincarnated from wheat.

You know, these brothers are a kind of wheat that can live for a very long time, and their vitality is so strong that it is difficult for them to die even if they want to.

After praying that she would not turn into wheat in the next life, Yashika picked up the shells she picked up and returned to her home. Compared to those village residents, her status in this world is better. She is a city Inhabitants, citizens of a coastal city in the West Vilna Empire.

She knew the situation of this world, a world that had not been discovered by the empire, but she didn’t know the time, whether it was the Great Crusade or what time it was. If it was the Great Crusade, it would be okay. At least the empire of that era was still very tolerant. As long as this world As long as the leader does not go crazy, he can still enjoy the east wind of the Great Expedition for decades.

"Mom, I'm back."

Yasika returned to her home, she put the shells she collected on the ground, and then said to her mother who was cooking.

Fortunately, his family in this world is relatively good. His father is a city guard captain and his mother is a tailor. Her life is still very good, at least better than in the hive. She still remembers the days when she was eating corpse starch under the hive city. There was even a time when she even ate people... real people.

"Oh, Yashika, my baby."

The mother looked at her child. She put down the dough in her hand and looked at the shells that Yasika brought back. Her daughter had always been so sensible. These shells were exactly what the noble men needed. They said they needed to do something. The nobles are buying these shells for the instruments used in sacrifices. Although the price they are given is not much, it is at least a little bit, right?

"The pollution of Chaos... I hope the subtle Emperor's Mantra I used to engrave on it will be useful... Maybe this is the mission this time. Please, can't you let me enjoy a good life for a few more decades?" "

Yasika looked at her mother, walked to her side and kneaded the dough with her. With her current status, she could only do this first. If something went wrong, she would also think of other ways. For example, when assassinating those priests, her combat skills are still there. It is still possible to kill a few unsuspecting psykers, as long as their power is not too strong, but this is only under the most ideal situation.

"High Priest, how is your spell arrangement going? When will our sacrifice begin?"

In the capital city of the West Werner Empire, in the palace of the West Werner royal family, the current emperor of the West Werner Empire, King West Werner XV, asked its high priest.

"My king, it will be fine soon. You don't want large-scale sacrifices to cause chaos among the people, so you can only use this method. Those collectors of shells are our sacrifices, and their souls can pass through The shell, something they have come into contact with, serves as a medium for me to sacrifice for you.”

The high priest looked at his king, and he said to him respectfully that as the country's largest priest, he had been working for the country's royal family for a long time. Both sides took what they needed and shared the sacrifices, in order not to affect the final outcome. plans, and their sacrifices are generally very secretive.

"Pure souls are the best sacrifices. Only by using these souls can you get more blessings and praise the great God of Wisdom."

Sid Werner XV looked at his high priests. Their secret sacrifices were also for the favor of the God of Wisdom, who liked these conspiracies, tricks and secrecy.

"Yes, praise the great God of Wisdom."

The high priest looked at his king, said to him, and then began to prepare for the sacrifice.

If you look closely at the clothes of these two people, you can actually see that the traditional aristocratic costumes of the West German Werner Empire they are wearing are actually the same as the human federation military uniforms, except that they have been decorated with countless fancy accessories. The originally gray and straight human federation military uniforms have now become like this, which is really a bit sad.

At night, Yasika was sitting on the roof. She looked at the stars in the night sky. She didn't know if it was an illusion. There seemed to be many very bright stars in the sky, and they were also larger than other stars.

But the humans in this world don't know that the stars that appear above their heads are actually an entire fleet, a human fleet, a fleet of the 21st Legion.

A huge fleet is parked on the planet in orbit. The people on the fleet look at the world. This is really a beautiful world. The blue ocean occupies most of the world. In this blue world Above, a large number of cities are spread across the largest continent in the ocean. This is a human world, and it is also a very stable human world. This kind of world should be able to implement some means of peaceful recovery.

Orbital reconnaissance has observed the situation in this world. The level of civilization in this world is only the feudal era. Except for some weapons modified by the human federation, they basically have nothing to resist the annexation of the empire. And there is an interesting one. The thing is that the humans in this world actually have some small engineering mechas similar to knight mechas, as well as some large engineering machines. Those things should be the predecessors of Titans.

Wang Ming didn't pay too much attention to these things. Although there were a large number of human federation weapon modifications on them, it was really just a blind thought to expect these things that had been around for many years to fight.

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