Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 577 Persuasion and Conquest

Chapter 577 Persuasion and Conquest

The fleet was parked in the sky above this world. After investigating all the information about this world, they began to take action, and one transport ship slowly landed on the ground.

People on the ground looked at the landing transport ships. They all pointed and pointed. Some people even ran into their houses in fear. They were very afraid of these things they had never seen before.

At this moment, a small transport ship parked directly in front of the palace of the Katnua Empire, the most powerful empire in the world. The top officials of the empire looked at the transport ships, and they all took out their most powerful weapons in fear. Weapons, those small engineering mechas and large industrial construction mechas, these things can almost compete with the Knights and Titans. Well... in theory, they are actually the oldest Knights and Titans.

Wang Ming walked off the transport ship. He looked at the current mechas and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These are the prototypes of knights and titans. Look at the shells of those mechas, the cables, these They are the creations of the Human Federation. They are so technological. Except for some decorations, the mechas in this world are more like those of the Federation than those of the Empire.

"Hello, we are the 21st Legion from the Human Empire. We come with good intentions and evil. As the successors of the Human Federation and the largest empire of mankind today, we hope to return this world to the human race as a whole."

Wang Ming made a gesture to the mortal officials around him, and the mortal officials immediately spoke to the local troops who were currently waiting. However, his words had no effect. They still aimed their weapons at Wang Ming and his party. Transport ship.

"The Empire of Man?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked out from the army opposite Wang Ming. His clothes were luxurious and he had some of the aura that Wang Ming had seen from the imperial nobles. However, Wang Ming's final treatment of the nobles of this world was The solution is still to remove all powers. After all, they are not imperial nobles. If they cause trouble due to subsequent governance issues, Wang Ming will have a huge headache.

"Yes, the Human Empire is now the largest empire in the entire galaxy."

Wang Ming looked at the man in front of him. He lowered his head and looked at him. He looked at him and saw that his soul was very clean and not contaminated by chaos. This is also a habit of Wang Ming. When he looks at people, he looks at his soul first. , after all, Chaos has fought many times, and he has become accustomed to this kind of thing.

"Are you from the stars?"

The man looked at Wang Ming. He listened to Wang Ming's words, and then asked him with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, local lord, have you seen those stars in the sky? That is my fleet, the fleet of the Human Empire."

Wang Ming looked at the man in front of him. He thought that there was some discussion about this matter. If he could do it without fighting, he would not fight. We are all fellow human beings, so it would be better not to fight.

"I know, my astrologer has told me that it is a huge fleet, just like in ancient myths. Your Excellency, I also know what you mean. You want our world to be merged into the human empire, right? "

The man looked at the power armor on Wang Ming, the huge transport ship behind him, and the transport ships in the city and in the sky. He sighed, and then said to Wang Ming that he already knew the result. It is impossible to resist, and they cannot be their enemies. Besides, they are all human beings. Rather than being isolated and helpless in this world, it is better to be protected by the human race as a whole. He knows history and the human federation of ancient myths. .

The overwhelming fleet, the powerful federal army, the terrifying Iron Man, and even their traditional costumes are all the uniforms of the former human federation. But they have surrendered to the so-called human empire. What about the other empires in this world? ? But not every empire is as aware of the strength gap as they are. If there really is a fight...

The man thought of the wars in those ancient myths, the wars that destroyed the world, and how many people died at one time. Thinking of this, the man felt helpless. Now he had no choice but to protect himself first.

The wise will protect themselves, this is an old saying from Gu Terra. Before knowing that there is an absolute difference in strength and that the other party does not have any ill intentions, in fact, as long as he is a sensible person, he will make the same choice, but in this world There are many people in the world who are ignorant of current affairs. They will not agree to join the empire at all. They just want to dominate their own one-third of an acre.

They don't care at all about the fate of the human race. They are nobles above this world, but that is not necessarily the case in the human empire. They will not give up their power easily.

"Yes, Lord, or perhaps I should say King, what do you think?"

Wang Ming looked at him and he asked him. Wang Ming said with a smile, but the man knew that the giant in front of him was definitely not a joke. The man looked at Wang Ming and the Astartes around him. , he looked at the weapons in the hands of these giants and the power armor on their bodies, and he knew that they could not fight against this kind of army, even if they had those ancient technological creations in their hands.

Even if it can defeat the infantry of the empire, what about the other armed units of the empire? Aerial units and extra-atmospheric strike units are simply unable to confront an interstellar civilization. They do not have orbital defense firepower. When faced with an attack by an interstellar civilization, they have no power to resist at all. Regarding this matter, this man Knowing everything.

"I accept, sir, I accept that the Catnuya Empire is willing to join the Human Empire, but sir, can I know your identity?"

The man looked at Wang Ming. He knelt down on one knee towards Qi Qi. This was the etiquette of their planet, the etiquette of expressing surrender to the conqueror. Then he asked Wang Ming's identity. After all, it was relatively difficult to change the political things that followed. related. "I am the Lord Protector of the Human Empire, the Lord of the 21st Legion of the Human Empire, and the Master of the Empire's Morse Industrial World Group. I have many other names and positions. You may think it's a bit long to list them all, right? , how about it, am I qualified to get this world?”

Wang Ming looked at the man, and he smiled and said to him. Wang Ming understood the man's question about his position. After all, no one would communicate with an unknown person about the direction of the world.

"I understand, sir, the Catnuya Empire declares its allegiance to you."

The man looked at Wang Ming. He really knelt down this time. He already understood the situation regarding these positions. He surrendered to this empire. Their surrender to this empire may be just a little shit. Civilizations only surrender, but for them, they only need to give up some power to get the protection of an interstellar civilization, and even become the nobles of this interstellar civilization. They only need to give up their right to rule, and their families can Continue to pass on the inheritance safely, and you can continue to enjoy the life of a noble.

After dealing with the Catanua Empire, Wang Ming took the local humans and began to persuade the empires. However, not everyone was sensible. For example, in the second empire of persuasion, their rulers The emissaries of the Human Empire launched an attack and declared war on the Human Empire.

The rulers of the Catnuya Empire couldn't figure out how they dared. However, Wang Ming thought this was a good thing. He needed someone who could scare the monkeys, and the local who dared to declare war on the empire The empire is the best target to kill chickens to scare monkeys, and he is the chicken that was killed.

Wang Ming did not intend to make any reservations about the empire. The time travelers immediately began to attack the empire. Countless ammunition was poured on the walls of the empire, and a large number of powerful weapons were piled on top desperately. Even that The empire's industrial mecha, which was a machine designed to compete with the Titans, was also reduced to pieces under various firepower. The humans in the empire looked in despair at the Titans that had turned into pieces and fell to the ground. They All despaired, and surrender appeared, like a contagious disease.

After the first surrendered soldier appeared, more soldiers surrendered. According to them, they were only protecting the interests of the nobles. They might as well just surrender and get it. It only costs a few gold coins a month. What kind of fate are you playing? ah.

Wang Ming did not treat these surrendered soldiers badly. They were not cultists contaminated by Chaos anyway. They all received preferential treatment.

Those soldiers were ignorant of the empire's preferential treatment policy. According to the tradition of this world, these surrendered soldiers were probably worse than untouchables, but it was almost the same. This was a very normal thing in this world. , but they received preferential treatment, which also reminded them of what the messenger of the Human Empire said. They are not humans from this world, but humans from the huge interstellar civilization of the Human Empire. They are here to regain this lost world of humanity. .

Before, the soldiers thought it was fake under the deception of those nobles, but how could they completely believe in the existence of the human empire? At least they really had a blow from the sky, which was a height that even their fighter jets could not fly to. , and looking at the Gro stew in the bowl in their hands, they absolutely believe that the Human Empire is a powerful interstellar civilization, and whoever doesn't believe them dares to be anxious.

The nobles of this empire were very uncomfortable with the surrender of those soldiers. They looked at the battleships in the sky. Of course, they thought they were battleships. In fact, these things were just transport ships.

They have become completely numb and have completely given up hope of defeating this empire. This empire is definitely a real interstellar civilization, and they cannot defeat this existence at all.

In this way, the empire surrendered, and at the same time the conquest of the world began. All the empires in the world that did not obey them and were included in the empire's territory were destroyed. One empire after another surrendered, and each empire's territory was included in the empire's territory.

At this moment, a large number of Mechanicus descended to the ground. They came to recycle the technology of this world. The original versions of Titan and Knight mechas in this world are important recyclable objects. In fact, Those high-end technological products from the era of the Human Federation are technologies needed by the Mechanicus.

It’s just that it’s not the technology that the empire needs. Yes, the empire’s technology has already made a leap. After all, the technology of the 21st Legion is also the technology of the empire, isn’t it? All the technologies of the Human Federation can be found in the 21st Legion. , if it weren't for the old guard in the empire, these technologies would have fallen into the hands of the empire long ago. However, Wang Ming still increased his contact with Guilliman and transferred some of the technologies to Guilliman and several other legions. Compared to The old guard in the Empire, the Primarchs who existed during the Great Crusade, and the Mechanicus are actually quite accepting of these technologies.

And just when the empire was conquering the world, in that remote coastal town on the territory of the West Werner Empire, Yashika looked at the warships landing on the planet. She was confused. She was extremely confused. She did not recognize the models of those battleships. Their style was not matched by any of the empire's battleships, but the Imperial Skyhawks on the battleships still indicated that they were imperial battleships.

"When did the Imperial warships become so technological? Also, which era is this? Why did the Imperial warships join the atmosphere? Didn't these things crash after being captured by the gravity well? Why? Can they still fly?"

Yashika looked at the warships flying towards her city. She was very strange. Is she still in the Warhammer universe? Is this still an empire? Have you suddenly traveled to other universes?
But after she went to the landing point of those battleships, she was sure that she was still in the Warhammer universe, because she saw the Astartes. Those Astartes were absolutely unmistakable, but when she saw When those Astartes were in action, she couldn't be more confused. Those Astartes were actually doing physical examinations and treatments for civilians, and even giving out food. Which warband were they from, so kind? If it weren't for the Asian faces after the Astartes took off their helmets, she would have thought they were Uncle Black's sub-group.

Looking at these kind Astartes, Yashika plucked up the courage and walked up to one of them. Then she performed an eagle salute to him and used the high gothic skills she had learned in these lifetimes. Yu asked him.

"Dear Brother Astartes, may I ask which Chapter you are from? I would like to express my gratitude to you and your Chapter."

Standard imperial language and standard etiquette, this is to prevent herself from being treated as something and being beaten to death by these Astartes. After all, she has a certain psychological shadow towards these Astartes.

(End of this chapter)

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