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Chapter 594 The Reformed World

Chapter 594 The Reformed World
"The target has been confirmed. They are planning to hinder the development of the planet. Lord Protector, will you kill them all?"

In the shadow of the Governor's Palace, the Raven Guard captain used the communication device in his helmet to ask Wang Ming, who was communicating with Leman Russ.

"Allow all to be killed."

Wang Ming, who was communicating with Leman Russ, heard the words of the Raven Guard captain and directly issued an order to them to kill.

This team of guards was the Raven Guards recovered from Trazyn. A large part of them did not return to their original legion, but continued to act with the 21st Legion, while another part had already hidden in Holy Terra. They were used as early warning devices to monitor the top leaders of the Empire. As long as those top leaders of the Empire had any ideas, they would give them a big brain hole before they executed the idea.

After all, this was the task Wang Ming gave them. As a legion that was good at stealth, their stealth ability was almost a metaphysical state. Sometimes, as long as they didn't want to appear in front of the enemy, the enemy would not be able to see them at all.

Even if the enemy has an auspicious device in their hands, the same is true. The level of this stealth metaphysics has reached the point where the auspicious device is frantically alerting the enemy that there is something nearby, but the enemy simply cannot find it. It has reached a metaphysical level. According to some research by the fleet, it is suspected that their genome contains a subspace ability, and this subspace ability is the culprit for their stealth metaphysics.

However, thanks to this stealth ability, the Raven Guard has now become a very powerful reconnaissance force and assassination team in the fleet. Some things that the time travelers cannot solve using head-on tactics, they can solve through their stealth abilities, just like the current situation.

What Wang Ming needs is to deal with all the nobles on the entire planet, rather than fighting another civil war with them. Although fighting a civil war with the nobles of this planet in this world will definitely result in the elimination of all troops within two hours, it is far inferior to the clean and efficient assassination through the Raven Guard.

After these Raven Guards killed the nobles of this world, Wang Ming had already figured out how to deal with the news of the death of all the nobles on the entire planet. He would then use the issue of the empire's honor to announce that the nobles of the entire world had committed suicide out of shame for their poor management of the world. Anyway, this thing was just a trick to fool people.

Wang Ming just needs a reasonable explanation to the people, and he doesn't need to worry about other things. The kids from the Political Department of the 21st Corps who will arrive later will handle all these things. Speaking of this, it is also thanks to the educational work of the 21st Corps.

The 21st Legion has never lacked talents. Under the careful teaching of the 21st Legion to every child born in the fleet, these children are all rare military and management talents. Those among them who are good at military will directly join the Mortal Auxiliary Army, some with special talents will also be incorporated into the 21st Legion Astartes garrison legion reserve, and those management talents will be incorporated into the 21st Legion Political Department.

These management talents will be deployed to some worlds when they lack managers, replacing the original managers of these worlds to carry out reforms in the style of the 21st Legion. This is a very good cycle. With the population base of tens of millions of mortal auxiliary troops in the fleet, a large number of children will be born in the fleet every day, and these children are the most precious things in the fleet.

They have unlimited possibilities, they can become a commander with excellent command, or a management talent with good strategic planning. Under the education of the fleet, they will receive advanced education that even the imperial nobles cannot receive. Various educational resources are also piled on them for free. In Wang Ming's vision, these children are the future of the entire human empire.

After all, compared to the traditional dogmas of the Empire, the 21st Legion-style education received by these children on the fleet has given them a higher vision and more views on the future of human civilization. Their belief in the God-Emperor is also more firm. In the fleet's current affairs classes, they will learn about the Empire's current situation, the Empire's current enemies, and the Empire's future development model. These are all things these children need to know, and after learning these things, these children's enthusiasm for learning has reached a fanaticism like religious belief.

I've said too much, now let's see how the Raven Guards carry out Wang Ming's orders.

After Wang Ming's order was transmitted to the tactical eyepiece of the Raven Guard captain, the Raven Guards began their own actions. They aimed all the modified grenade launchers in their hands at the heads of the nobles.

Almost at the same moment, they pulled the triggers of their grenade launchers, and as special-made bombs flew out from the special silencers produced by the First Engineer Regiment, almost at the same moment, all the nobles in the planetary governor's palace, their bodies were like water that evaporated in an instant, and instantly turned into pieces of blood mist. This is the standard reaction when bombs hit the flesh, and there will almost be no intact corpse left!
"Mission accomplished, now clean up."

After killing those nobles, the Raven Guards walked out from the shadows directly. Thanks to the secret meeting of those nobles, all the servants in the planetary governor's palace had been cleared out, and the Raven Guards no longer needed to have their hands stained with more innocent blood. In this sense, those planetary nobles had done a good thing.

Back to the topic, after the Raven Guards walked out of the shadows, they took out metal cans from their waists. They looked at the red bloodstains condensed from the blood mist on the ground and started cleaning up immediately. There was a troop specializing in assassinations around them, and they also did a very good job of finishing the work.

It only took a dozen minutes, and the whole palace was as clean as new, as if nothing had happened. Even the gaps in the ground accidentally blown out by the shrapnel were filled up by the Raven Guards using some special materials. The whole process was perfect, as if all the planetary nobles in the palace had suddenly disappeared, and this was exactly what Wang Ming wanted. After the Raven Guards completed their mission, the managers on the fleet came directly from the fleet to the planet. They entered the palace of the planetary governor and began to hand over their work. They started to sort out the work of the planetary nobles at their fastest speed, eliminated the policies of the planetary governors for the sake of profit, reorganized the work process of this world, and then began to start their work in an orderly manner.

As for the reactions of the local officials after seeing those unfamiliar managers, they did not need to worry, because Wang Ming had already arranged for the officials from the ministry to say hello, and the local officials were also the first to know that the local nobles had all "committed suicide" due to poor management. Although they had a lot of doubts about this statement, they had no relationship with those planetary nobles, so they did not need to worry too much.

They were just a group of workers working for the planetary nobles. Why did they have to think so much? It was just a few ration bars a month. Even if all the planetary nobles died, what did it have to do with them? Anyway, they just wanted to survive. As long as the ration bars every month were not deducted, they would not complain for the so-called planetary nobles.

The political changes on the planet were very fast. Overnight, people all over the world felt the speed of the planet's political changes. All the policies of withholding were abolished, and ration sticks were no longer issued as their wages. Instead, they were replaced by a system called credit points. All people on the planet were also incorporated by the planetary government into a department called the Planetary Development Department.

Everyone was assigned new jobs according to their previous occupations. Lumberjacks were still lumberjacks, but their food, clothing, housing and transportation were now all provided by the planetary government. There was no longer any so-called planetary government that purchased the wood they cut down.

All they need to do now is to cut the required wood according to daily regulations. At the same time, they are also required to take the saplings and cultivation soil distributed by the planetary government and replant trees in the cut-down areas after completing the daily felling task. This is also a circular working model.

These saplings and soil have been genetically edited by the First Engineer Corps. The growth of the saplings and the nutrients provided by the soil are incomparable to those of the previous natural trees. This is the strength of the Human Empire. Some of the empire's technology seems to be very backward, but in fact the technological content contained in it is very terrifying. Although it looks backward, it is actually extremely practical. Take the bayonets that are commonly equipped by the imperial troops as an example.

These things are actually a kind of monomolecular weapon. Their sharpness and durability are incomparable to those ordinary swords. They can really cut iron like mud. However, in front of the monsters that the empire generally faces, although these bayonets can break the defense, the actual lethality is still too low.

And then again, when it comes to genetic technology, both the Human Federation and the Human Empire are very powerful. All they need to do is edit the genetic chains of local trees to speed up their growth. The cost is just an increase in the nutrients they need and a slight shortening of their already very long lifespan. These costs are acceptable.

After these changes, the people on the planet suddenly found that their lives had suddenly improved. They finally didn't have to worry about three meals a day. Moreover, after the reorganization of the planetary government, a large number of new jobs emerged, such as farmers who had never appeared in this world.

According to the planetary government's estimates, these professional farmers account for 31% of the world's population. This is thanks to the world's level of development and the size of the world itself. The size of this world is approximately the mass of two Holy Terras. Although its planetary mass makes the world's gravity a little high, it is still acceptable for humans, and it is also acceptable for those genetically edited plants.

Moreover, the crops that the 21st Legion transplanted to this world are the genetically edited rice that was planted on a large scale during the Human Federation era. The biggest dream of the scientists who developed this rice is to ensure that all humans in the galaxy have enough food to eat. This crop can grow in almost any ecological environment, including high-gravity environments, and it can be harvested once a month. It has extremely strong vitality. As long as these crops are planted on a large scale, no one in this world will go hungry anymore.

"The problems of this world have probably been solved, and we are about to embark on a new expedition. My brother, your legion's surgery has also been arranged. Including the adaptation period, it will be completed in about two months. You will stay in this world with me during these two months."

Wang Ming stood at the edge of a newly cultivated field. He looked at Leman Russ beside him and said to him with a smile that for Wang Ming, he felt that his favorite thing was to watch these worlds being rebuilt. He liked to see humanity getting back on track. To be honest, Wang Ming hated war very much. He hoped that humanity could develop peacefully, but to ensure this peace, all enemies of humanity in the galaxy must be eliminated.

"Of course my brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time, we must have a good exchange of feelings."

Leman Russ spoke to Wang Ming in a casual manner. He agreed with Wang Ming's idea very much. It was not the idea of ​​transforming all the wild wolves in his legion into the new Astartes, but he agreed with the idea of ​​the future of mankind.

Russ has always been a very pure person. He is not like his brothers during the Great Crusade. Compared with other brothers at the end of the Great Crusade, his thoughts on his legion after all the wars were over, his thoughts have never changed from beginning to end. He did whatever the Emperor asked him to do, even when he returned to Fenris to store swords after the end of the Great Crusade.

Especially during the Heresy, when Leman Russ sought the key to defeating Horus, after using the Spear of Dionysus and learning the nature and origin of the Primarch...

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