Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 595: Wang Ming Being Fleeed

Chapter 595: Wang Ming Being Fleeed

Two months is not too long in this universe, even it is just a moment for this universe. During these two months, the entire Space Wolves' Revival Expedition Fleet was transformed into New Astartes. The adaptation period of the New Astartes is very fast, and the operation process is also very fast.

The surgery for all the Space Wolves only took three weeks, and they took two months to adapt. During these two months, the biological priests on the fleet needed to observe the development of the Space Wolves' new implanted organs and prevent mutations that had never occurred before.

After all, although there are cases of transformation surgery for new Astartes in every legion, some extremely special cases are not ruled out, such as Ager of the 2nd Regiment of the 21st Legion. This child was discovered on a world in the early days of the fleet's recovery of the dark side of the empire. This child has a very good fighting talent.

The first mutation case of the New Astartes occurred in him, but that mutation case was not a malignant mutation in the traditional sense, but an artificial muscle strengthening organ of the New Astartes, which allowed his muscles to begin a second development. His height and body shape also grew to three meters and nine, which was considered huge among the Primaris Astartes. Therefore, his power armor and supporting weapons were customized by the First Engineer Regiment.

The biological technicians on the fleet are also constantly studying why their muscle strengthening organs mutate. They even want to preserve this mutation and incorporate this originally uncertain mutation directly into the muscle strengthening organ enhancement surgery. After all, this benign mutation does not have the contamination of chaos, nor does it cause adverse reactions to the body.

This mutation actually allowed his muscle strengthening organs to produce more artificial muscles, making his strength very great among the New Astartes. He could even easily wrestle with a New Astartes of the same weight class and directly overturn him.

However, the fleet's research over the years has not yielded much results. Apart from speculating that it may be a special mutation caused by its own genetic characteristics, there are no more research results. However, the scientific researchers on the fleet have not given up studying this genetic characteristic. Therefore, Ager has not been assigned to any combat missions yet. During his many years in the fleet, he has spent most of his time in the scientific research area.

This also made him very depressed. Apart from the usual training, the most time he met with his brothers from the Second Regiment was in the cafeteria. This made him very depressed. He had a position as a member of the Terminator Squad of the First Company of the Second Regiment on his head, but the time he had spent in the company could be counted on his hands. This made him doubt whether he was a soldier or something else.

To the extent that Agger has even started to study bioengineering on his own. He wants to quickly unravel the secrets of himself and then return to the Second Regiment to join the battle. By the way, Agger has already obtained a federal bachelor's degree in Professor Clayrose's biology exam, but he has not yet left the fleet's scientific research area.

And even if he cracked the secrets about himself, Wang Ming would never let him return to the Second Regiment to join the battle. Just kidding, a new Astartes who can enter the scientific research area to work in the field of biological genetic engineering is such a rare existence. If he continues to learn like this, coupled with the Astartes' learning ability and Clayrose's specific brain biological transformation of this favorite student, maybe the fleet will have another human federation biology professor.

How could such a precious existence be allowed to return to the Second Regiment to be minced on the battlefield?

"My brother, your legion has been completely transformed. Now, we should set out on the expedition again. May our father always bless you and let our father watch us conquer the galaxy again."

On the connection port of the Solar Bastion, Wang Ming looked at Leman Russ in front of him. He felt a little annoyed, watching the Space Wolves behind Leman Russ constantly moving boxes of supplies from the connection port to the Space Wolves' new flagship. Leman Russ really came to him this time with all his might. A large number of Resurrection Power Armours in his spare warehouses, those Resurrection Tactical Terminator Power Armours, and some new weapons that the First Engineer Regiment had just developed and put into mass production were all moved away by them.

There are more than 200 large warehouses in the Sun Fortress. The Space Wolves emptied two of them this time. Although Wang Ming didn't feel sorry for these supplies, he felt a headache when he saw the things that were moved away.

Leman Russ can take advantage of him, but what about the other brothers? Guilliman, Fulgrim, Lion, and even the brothers who may return in the future, they will definitely know about Leman Russ's behavior of taking advantage of others, and whether they will follow suit, Wang Ming is also worried. After all, except for the black uncle Volkan, Wang Ming feels that the other brothers will definitely take advantage of him.

After all, they are relatively lacking in the latest combat equipment. Although the transformation surgery of the New Astartes has been accepted by various legions, only the 21st Legion can mass-produce the Rejuvenation Power Armor and the Rejuvenation Terminator Power Armor that are compatible with the New Astartes. This is not because Wang Ming deliberately retained the technology, but the production process of the Rejuvenation Power Armor. The materials and technologies required were all developed by the First Engineer Corps itself. Although these things can be mass-produced in the fleet, after giving them to other Astartes legions, whether they are able to establish a complete production line is very questionable.

"Russ, let's put it this way. I'll give you a complete production line for Renaissance power armor and the latest production line for expeditionary bolt guns. I can give you the first batch of production materials. See if you can build a complete production system during the expedition."

Wang Ming looked at the Space Wolves carrying the supplies. After thinking for a while, he said to Leman Russ that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. As a Chinese, Wang Ming knew this truth very well. So Wang Ming was going to hand over a complete set of production systems that matched the New Astartes to the Space Wolves. They only needed to be responsible for the construction of the first batch. The rest of the construction of a complete production system was the Space Wolves' own business. "Oh, my brother, of course, thank you so much."

After hearing what Wang Ming said, Leman Russ put his arm around Wang Ming's shoulders and laughed and said to him, "The Star Traveler Legion and the Space Wolves Legion will stay in this world for another month. At the same time, the First Engineer Corps, which had just completed the construction of this world, also started their overtime work. Wang Ming was also dragged over by Leman Russ to drink every day."

One month was enough time for the First Engineer Regiment to hand over the complete production line and its production process to the Space Wolves. When the two fleets parted ways a month later, Wang Ming was almost soaked in Fenris's secret wine. He watched the fleet slowly pass through the webway and enter the Chronos mining area again. He made up his mind that he would never drink with Leman Russ again.

That guy can really drink. Even the emperor can’t drink more than him. How could Wang Ming possibly drink more than this guy?
The fleet slowly passed through the deep space of the universe and headed for the black area of ​​the Milky Way again. The world they were in this time was not a federation world, but a star field with no records at all. There were very few records of this star field in both the Empire and the Federation, as if something had completely covered it up. The few pieces of information about this star field were also rare in the miscellaneous navigation records of wandering merchants. Before heading to this star field, Wang Ming spent a long time searching through the databases of the merchant dynasties loyal to him before finding it.

This star field has various names in the various records of Rogue Traders, and Wang Ming chose a more distinctive name and named it the Gate of Tartarus. This name, named after the mythical hell that once existed above Ancient Terra, fits the characteristics of this star field very well, which is deathly silence, complete deathly silence.

The Empire has wanted to explore this star field, but every time it explores, the merchant dynasty fleets that enter this star field will disappear silently. No one knows why. This place is like a real gate to hell. Once you enter, you can't get out.

However, Wang Ming feels that this star field is actually not simple. There may very well be an alien civilization here, and the level of this civilization is not low. It can hide itself very well. Both the Empire and the Federation fleets have lost interest in exploring this star field, and the fleets that enter this star field will also disappear inexplicably. This is either the influence of chaos or the traces of the existence of an alien civilization. Moreover, this alien civilization may also be a civilization with extremely powerful psychic technology.

Their technology tree may be different from that of humans and other species in the galaxy. For example, the alien civilization that the fleet encountered before had a technology tree that was completely different from that of humans. Their space power was extremely fragile in front of the human fleet, and the same was true for orbital defense. However, their use of psychic power was more sophisticated than that of humans. This was not only due to the blessing of the evil god, but also due to the civilization's own research on psychic power.

Moreover, if there is really a civilization hidden in this star field, then this civilization is extremely terrifying. They will hide themselves in the Milky Way. Since they know how to hide themselves, their understanding of this dark universe is definitely the same as that of humans. They know that all civilizations different from themselves are enemies.

However, now that humans want to explore this star region, if there really is an alien civilization in it, then I'm sorry, this alien civilization must be destroyed. There is no doubt about it. Humans do not allow aliens to exist within the boundaries of their empire, unless it is a race like the Eldar who has sufficient capital for cooperation and has not been completely affected by Chaos, then they can reach temporary cooperation with humans.

After all, all cooperation is based on relative equality of strength. This is why the Human Empire does not want to have too much intersection with the Tau. In the eyes of the Human Empire, the Tau Empire of the Tau is just a very small civilization. Even though it has a certain strength in today's dark galaxy, compared to humans, Eldar, Ork, Chaos, Tyranids, and even space dwarves, it is only a very young civilization. It has not witnessed the extreme darkness in the universe.

The Tau people had no idea that something was threatening the entire galaxy, they didn't know what was in the subspace, and although they wanted to trade and communicate with all civilizations in the galaxy in an equal and rational manner, in this universe full of crazy people, they behaved too normally, or rather, they behaved too naively.

Compared to the Tau, what this civilization did was what a true civilization should do. They understood that everything in the galaxy is an enemy, and they tried their best to hide themselves before being discovered by their enemies. However, now this hiding is about to be broken by the human fleet.

The fleet flew directly to the star field. After they entered the star field, various detectors were released. Those detectors flew in the universe at several times the speed of light. These things were professional detectors used by the Human Federation to confirm whether there was civilization in a star field. They were all equipped with curvature engines. After detecting that a world may have civilization, these things would report their detected situations to the fleet through the communication equipment equipped on them.

What surprised Wang Ming was that the communication principle of this thing was actually a communication principle based on quantum science. This thing was completely a product of the human federation's former black technology. To be honest, there were quite a few of these black technology products on the fleet, but there were actually not many that could be fully used by humans today. Their operating modes and operating principles all required humans to learn from scratch.

As those probes flew towards various areas of this star field, the alien civilizations in this star field also noticed these things. They carefully observed the probes flying over their world, and their psychics carefully used their psychic powers to shield the technological components of these probes, making it appear that only some very minor faults had occurred.

This is their means of protecting themselves. If this civilization gets closer to their worlds, their methods will not be so gentle. Those human fleets that once disappeared in this star field were all their work.

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