Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 596 Alien Civilization with Normal Technology

Chapter 596 Alien Civilization with Normal Technology

"Did you find anything?"

In the fleet that was traveling in this unknown star field, on the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the artificial intelligence Colonel Radulovich in front of him and asked him with a puzzled look.

Just today, Colonel Radulovich found him directly and showed him several pictures similar to orbital photography. They were planetary photography of several worlds. It can be clearly seen from these pictures that there are traces of civilization on these worlds. Even if they have been deliberately hidden, the detection equipment carried by those probes can also discover those civilizations through different spectral analysis or even direct comprehensive scanning of the planetary surface.

"Captain Wang Ming, by comparing the scans of these planets, I can roughly determine that there are definitely alien civilizations on these planets."

Colonel Radulovich looked at Wang Ming and told him the results of his analysis. After a lot of comparisons and judgments on the level of civilization, they have been able to confirm that there is definitely a huge alien civilization in this star field.

If one must compare its scale with the alien civilizations that the Empire has encountered before, then there are not many alien civilizations that can compare with it. During the fleet's investigation of the entire star field, they found that the entire star field is almost entirely filled with these alien worlds, which is a very abnormal situation.

There are traces of alien civilizations on these worlds, and all of these worlds are habitable worlds, even those that are not in the habitable zone of the galaxy. This is extremely scary.

This proves that this alien race already has the ability to completely colonize deep space. They can transform any world into a habitable world where they can survive. During the time when humans have not discovered them, these aliens have completely controlled this star region. At the same time, they also know the dangers in the galaxy, so they try their best to hide themselves, and it is this concealment that has allowed them to develop to their current level.

A height that even the 21st Legion felt a little scary.

"This alien race must be destroyed, completely destroyed. There is no need to fight a ground war. Just blow up all their planets!"

In the conference room of the Sun Fortress, Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming. He thought about what he had said about this alien race. Hu Jin had already felt the terror of this alien race.

It’s not that Hu Jin doesn’t dare to fight them head-on, but because the things shown by this alien race are enough to make Hu Jin take them seriously.

They have the ability to transform the world on a large scale, and can even transform worlds that are not in the habitable zone into habitable worlds. The appearance of this technology in the technology tree of this race is already a very terrifying performance, which proves that their void technology has reached the level that can cross the starry sea.

What about their military technology? A civilization that knows how to hide itself well will definitely not be bad in other military. They know how terrifying the enemy they face is, just like the motherland of the time travelers, China. Their understanding of war is always a war against the whole world, and the whole world is fighting them.

The military strength of such a civilization would definitely not be too bad, and it might even be more terrifying than the alien civilizations in the Great Crusade. They have already proven themselves to be a threat to humans and even the galaxy. The 21st Legion must not let them continue to live.

"We should first take the initiative to attack a world to see how strong their military is. At the same time, we should collect intelligence about this alien civilization. We cannot destroy an alien race without knowing its intelligence. If they can colonize the entire star field on a large scale, it proves that they must have the means to travel faster than the speed of light. If this means of traveling faster than the speed of light can be used by us, then we humans will have another technology that can travel faster than the speed of light."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin. He agreed with what Hu Jin said very much, but he wanted to take a look at the technology of this civilization. If this civilization had the technology to travel faster than the speed of light without the help of subspace, then Wang Ming would not object to fighting a ground war with this civilization.

As I said, the webway is just a creation of alien civilization. Although Xu Zheng has been in the webway for an unknown period of time and has been studying the composition and operation principles of the webway, the results are not much. Therefore, Wang Ming is still craving for a superluminal navigation technology that can be independently developed by humans and can fully understand the principles behind it. It is unknown how long it will take to develop the two superluminal navigation technologies of the First Engineer Corps, so he cannot miss any superluminal navigation technology that can be fully understood by humans.

Every kind of superluminal travel technology is very important to human beings. What humans care most about in the development of the entire galaxy is not the speed of expansion, but how to carry out superluminal travel without any negative effects in this universe. This is something that almost every race in the galaxy has pursued. The Human Federation has pursued it, so there is subspace travel, and subspace travel is very dangerous. The harm it brings to humans has been a constant threat to humans, but it is impossible for humans to give up subspace travel technology.

Because giving up this technology means that humanity will once again return to the age of conflict, an age when countless worlds are cut off from the human home planet, and they each govern themselves, struggling to survive in the galaxy.

After confirming Wang Ming's plan, the fleet began to move quickly. They headed for the nearest alien world. They had not found the alien fleet so far, and they did not believe that if they attacked the alien world, would the aliens allow them to destroy that world? The alien fleet would definitely come out, and at that time, they could directly use the boarding tactic to seize the ships of this unknown alien civilization.

"They found us after all."

On the alien world where the fleet was about to arrive, an official of the alien civilization looked at the meteors that kept appearing in the sky. He knew what that meant. Those were not their aircraft, but a group of aircraft from other races.

Their race has always been committed to hiding themselves, but now, they are still discovered by other civilizations. They have been prepared for this a long time ago, but they did not expect that this would happen so soon. Even though they have been trying to hide themselves, it still happened now. In fact, a long time ago, in a star field, they were not the only civilization, but those civilizations immediately cleaned up after discovering each other under the endless law of the dark forest. Countless wars in this star field have consumed all the civilizations in this star field. As the only survivors in the dark forest, they also know the law of the dark forest. Therefore, when they expand to this star field, they are cautious every time they expand, for fear of being discovered by any race other than them.

The fleets of those civilizations coming from other star fields will also be cleared out by them when they are forced to do so. Now, the scale of this fleet is something they have never seen before. They already know one thing, that is, a powerful civilization has discovered them, and their hiding is completely useless.

The comprehensive exploration of the entire star field is not something that an ordinary small civilization can do. Even they cannot conduct such rapid intelligence gathering and exploration of their own imperial territory in such a short time. That is definitely a very powerful civilization. Under the law of the Dark Forest, this powerful civilization has been tacitly assumed by them to be here to destroy them. Their perception of this powerful civilization is that they are their enemy.

Coincidentally, their enemies also thought so, so the alien fleet in this galaxy began to remove their disguises and rushed directly towards the human fleet, and the human fleet also discovered them directly. This discovery surprised Wang Ming, because that fleet was not something distorted, but a technologically advanced one, just like the alien fleets that only appear in science fiction novels, with streamlined ship bodies and technologically advanced ship hulls. All of this surprised Wang Ming very much.

Because he did not find any signs of chaos on these ships, it proved that this civilization might be a civilization that developed technology independently, and they had no contact with the evil gods in the galaxy. This was undoubtedly very good news, because it meant that their technology could be used safely and normally by humans.

After confirming this matter, Wang Ming directly arranged a boarding operation. The target of the operation was the largest alien flagship in the alien fleet. Wang Ming was very interested in this alien flagship. He hoped to obtain the alien civilization's superluminal navigation technology from it.

Soon, the battle between the fleets began. Macro cannons and light spears sounded the glory of the Imperial Navy. Those attacks continued to hit the alien ships, but they were all intercepted by the defensive weapons on the alien ships that were similar to the Void Shields of the Human Empire. This kind of defensive technology similar to the Void Shield should not belong to the technology that uses the subspace, such as the Void Shield, but something similar to the ion shield, but their technological content is obviously a little higher.

After all, the attacks on those ships were not directly offset by these things, but after hitting these things, all their kinetic energy and energy were consumed by something like a stagnation field. However, this kind of shield is not omnipotent. After all, their defense is still limited. Under the rays of light, the alien fleets began to suffer losses, and one alien ship after another exploded in the void.

Their shields were overloaded by the attack, and compared to the human empire's weak material technology, they were unable to protect their ships after the shields were overloaded.

While the fleets were fighting, Wang Ming directly ordered an Earth-class battleship to carry them and rushed towards the largest alien flagship.

The shields and armor of the Earth-class battleships can move freely on this battlefield. He rushed towards their largest flagship despite the firepower of the alien fleet.

"Report, we have arrived at the best boarding position!"

Just after the Earth-class battleship approached the alien flagship, the Earth-class battleship's artificial intelligence directly reported to Wang Ming that the ship had entered the best position for boarding and they could now carry out the boarding operation.

"very good."

Wang Ming looked at the artificial intelligence in front of him, he nodded to him, and then his troops began the boarding operation. Huge boarding torpedoes were launched, which directly penetrated the shield of the alien flagship that had been overloaded by the Earth-class battleship, and then plunged into the body of the alien flagship.

At the same time, the aliens in the alien ships were constantly carrying out intense combat operations. It was the first time for them to face this kind of war, and they seemed a little at a loss. They kept running in the corridors of the ship, carrying out their own combat missions. At this moment, a huge boarding torpedo suddenly passed through the wall of the ship's corridor. The aliens passing through the ship's corridor had no time to react at all, and were crushed into meat paste by this huge boarding torpedo.

"Has landed on the alien flagship."

After passing through the cabins of several ships, the boarding torpedo slowly stopped with the help of the anti-propulsion engine. This was not because there was an error in the propulsion time setting of the anti-propulsion engine, but because they did not expect that the armor of the alien flagship was so weak.

Hu Jin walked out of the boarding torpedo. The Terminator squad of the first company of the second regiment led by him looked at the alien corpses all over the ground in the ship and started their action directly.

Wang Ming also walked out of the boarding torpedo on the other side of the ship. He also looked at the alien corpses all over the ground, but his focus was different from Hu Jin's. He looked at those alien corpses and observed what the aliens of this alien civilization looked like.

And when he got a rough idea of ​​what the aliens of this alien civilization looked like from several relatively complete alien corpses, Wang Ming had some new ideas about this alien civilization.

The appearance of the aliens of this alien civilization is actually not much different from humans, but the biggest difference is that their skin is whiter than humans. At the same time, their facial features are more three-dimensional than humans, and their bodies are also larger than humans. They don't have much body hair, just like the alien giants in a movie called Prometheus that Wang Ming once watched. However, unlike those things, the aliens of this alien civilization are covered with a layer of biological exoskeleton armor connected to their flesh.

This alien race looks very normal, with no traces of chaos contamination. Their technology also falls within the normal range of technological civilization, which is good news.

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