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Chapter 598 The Lord of Life "Father"

Chapter 598 The Lord of Life "Father"

The alien fleet was fighting fiercely with the human fleet, and during this time, the human fleet suddenly separated. They divided into many fleets and began to head to other alien star systems. For example, the First Engineer Corps had obtained the alien's superluminal engine, and the remaining alien races were not completely wiped out, because the information Wang Ming obtained on the previous alien flagship was enough, and the remaining alien races no longer needed to exist.

The alien fleets that were fighting fiercely with the human fleets could only watch the human fleets separate. They had no way to deal with the human fleets and could only shoot at them in vain. However, after this period of time, the alien fleets simply turned into a group of space junk.

The ships of the human fleet pushed aside the wreckage of the alien fleet and headed directly to the aliens' world. On the alien world, all the aliens were paying attention to the operation of the orbital defense systems. They wanted to use these orbital defense systems to make those alien enemies give up their occupation of this world.

But they don't know that humans don't want these worlds at all. They don't want much, just the lives of the aliens.

The fleet did not use whirlwind torpedoes, and they did not use weapons that might be intercepted. Instead, they directly used a rule-based weapon, a famous rule-based weapon. The "two-dimensional foil" is not uncommon in the arsenal of the Human Federation. It can directly reduce the dimension of an area to two dimensions. This is also the result of the Human Federation's weaponization of dimensional rules.

A small piece of paper slowly passed through the void of the universe and fell directly into the atmosphere of this world. This thing was like a letter from heaven. It passed through the planet's atmosphere without rubbing against the atmosphere. No matter how you look at it, this thing should not be a weapon, but a work of art by an artist from the Human Federation. However, it is a weapon, a very scary weapon.

"I saw my love, and I flew to her side..."

On top of the Sun Fortress, Zhou Heng looked at the world outside the window. He slowly recited the poems in the ancient Terra science fiction masterpiece. Wang Ming stood beside him, and he was also looking at that world. For him now, destroying a world was not a big deal. They had destroyed countless alien civilizations, and now it was just one more. He didn't have any emotions at all.

"Wang Ming, you probably haven't seen the death of the dimension yet, right?"

Zhou Heng looked at the world outside the window, and suddenly looked at Wang Ming and asked Wang Ming if they had seen the death of the dimension.

"From a scientific point of view, the dimension is there. We just changed its nature and did not completely destroy it. How can there be death?"

Wang Ming stared into Zhou Heng's eyes, and some light emanated from his golden eyes. He had studied some dimensional theory books of the Human Federation before, and he was very clear about the nature of dimensions.

"No, no, no, you'll see it soon. The death of the world, the death of the dimension. You can feel this kind of death. It may be related to those psychic powers, you know? The wailing during the dimension can even be heard in the vacuum."

Zhou Heng stared into Wang Ming's eyes, smiled, then turned his head and continued to look at that world. He spread his arms as if embracing that world, and at this moment, the two-dimensional foil was also activated. Starting from a very small point on the planet, a white color began to appear above that world.

With the appearance of these white things, the world seemed to be covered by a piece of white paper, and the world, which originally looked like a round shape, began to compress continuously, like a piece of flattened plasticine. The planet directly changed from a sphere to a flat white paper without any thickness.

And just after all this was done, Wang Ming seemed to hear a wailing sound. It was not the wailing of a living creature, but a wailing that penetrated the deep space of the universe and reached the soul of an intelligent creature. This wailing even made Wang Ming feel a sense of fear.

"I don't know how many times I've heard this kind of wailing."

Zhou Heng felt the feeling of dimensional death. He looked at the reduced world and said to Wang Ming that for him, this was just one of the countless destruction scenes he had seen in his long life. The application of these weapons in the era of the Human Federation was not uncommon.

Human beings are destroying the world of alien civilization in this way. Countless worlds have been crushed into pieces of paper without thickness by human beings' dimensionality reduction weapons. After using those dimensional weapons, they will be upgraded to three dimensions again, but the matter after the upgrade has all returned to the most basic state.

"We... we can no longer stop those guys. They have destroyed countless of our worlds. Our fleet can no longer protect us. So, I ask for your coming and your blessing."

And just as humans were destroying the world of this alien civilization, on the alien civilization's home planet, the ruler of the alien civilization looked at a huge, green, bloated, twisted, indescribable figure in front of him and humbly asked for its blessing.

"The loving Father hears your prayers. Join the loving Father's arms and the loving Father will bring you salvation."

The bloated and twisted figure in front of him looked at the alien ruler in front of him and spoke to him in a distorted voice. This thing, which seemed extremely distorted to ordinary people, was completely different in the eyes of the alien ruler now.

It seemed that there was an angel standing in front of it, a kind old man in green clothes, who was smiling at it, and his every word and action was extremely gentle, just like an old man who could be trusted and relied on. Beside the old man, there was a knight in green armor, wearing green armor and holding a huge sickle. The green on the armor seemed to be full of endless vitality, and there were countless flowers blooming on the sickle, how beautiful! The two were angels sent down by the god that the alien rulers believed in. The god was kind, and when they were in the most dangerous time, the god gave his blessing, allowing his angel to lead its race to find true salvation.

And just as the alien ruler was speaking to the thing in front of it, it did not see that the guards around it had turned into bloated zombies. Countless viruses were raging in their bodies, and the energy that descended from the sky was corrupting their spirits and souls.

“Thanks to the great Lord of Life, thanks to the merciful Father, thanks to the great angels sent down by the Father, my race will be truly redeemed in the arms of the Father.”

The new ruler looked at the angels in front of him with a twisted smile on his face. He had already seen that paradise, that place full of love and tolerance, full of countless vitality. Ah, the great Lord of Life, He will bring true salvation to their race, so that their race will never have to endure the pain of death again, and will forever join that big family of tolerance, understanding, and happiness.

The alien ruler did not know that the moment he agreed to believe in the Father, countless people on his home planet had already become sacrifices to one of the four extremely terrifying beings in the subspace.

In this world today, all kinds of diseases have strangely appeared in this world. All the alien individuals in this world have been infected, but they are unaware of it. They look at the twisted limbs growing on their bodies and the wounds on their bodies that are constantly oozing festering fluids, and they laugh and praise.

Thus they say, of the great Lord of Life whom they praise.

"Ah, the great Lord of Life, He brought endless life to His own race. He made all life in this world tolerated and redeemed. He turned enemies into friends, strangers into relatives, and eliminated the fighting between factions. He made people become close friends who love and tolerate each other."

They praised, they sang, they held great sacrifices for the great Lord of Life, and they longed for the great Lord of Life to take some of the sacrifices from them so that there would be more beautiful scenery in His great garden.


Mortarion looked at the aliens who kept singing the name of Nurgle. He said this word. In his understanding, this race was ignorant. They accepted the belief in Nurgle very easily. But this was none of his business. He just came to face his brother. Before on Holy Terra, he was pinned to the ground and beaten by his brother who was possessed by his father. This time, he had received more blessings from his father. He didn't believe that his brother could defeat him so easily.

And this time it has also prepared a big gift for its brother, the same gift it gave it back then. It is a virus, a virus that corrupts the soul. Once the virus is transmitted, it will attach to the soul of every intelligent creature and make it feel pain. It intends to let its brother's offspring feel the pain it suffered back then, so that its brother can join the big family of the loving father and stop serving the false emperor.

Mortarion looked at the aliens who kept praising their kind father, and then he looked towards the sky of this world. The atmosphere of the planet had been dyed green by various viruses, and above the planet, countless flowers and countless lives were constantly multiplying and thriving. Of course, that was from the perspective of those aliens.

But the reality is that the entire world is covered with countless twisted and corrupt things, and countless aliens are walking among those dirty things. In their eyes, those things are beautiful flowers and plants, and the river water that is full of various viruses and has become viscous due to the reproduction of countless viruses is the sweetest wine in the world.

The whole world has fallen into a strange joy. Aliens all over the world are singing. The singing is so cheerful, just like countless corpses are singing. Distorted notes, cheerful voices, such contradictory things are combined together, but they are full of a strange vitality. They sing and wait for the arrival of the race that has plunged them into endless suffering. At that time, they will also pull the race that tries to destroy them into their big family.

Because the loving Father they believe in is tolerant and merciful, everyone has the opportunity to atone their sins. Anyone can join their harmonious big family, sing with them, and receive true salvation under the tolerance of the merciful Father.

"We are approaching the alien home planet. The advance reconnaissance has been released. Your Highness, I think you should come and see this."

Just after this world had fallen into the endless "kindness" of the kind father, the human fleet also appeared in the galaxy where this world was located. On the Sun Fortress, the Imperial Navy sailor in charge of the pilot reconnaissance looked at the pilot reconnaissance of this world, and he immediately reported the situation to Wang Ming.

"Chaos contamination? Impossible. This race is obviously a normal technological civilization. How could they be associated with Chaos... Wait, I see. Are they playing the role of savior? Nurgle... Oh, this is really interesting. We are also considered villains, aren't we?"

Wang Ming looked at the data board in his hand and the information on it. He just didn't understand why this race embraced chaos. When he thought about what he was doing, he suddenly laughed with relief. From his perspective, he was eliminating the threat to the alien race for humans, and in the eyes of the aliens, isn't the monk a demon? But Wang Ming didn't care. Originally, he wanted to keep a gene bank sample of the world for this alien race for subsequent sociological research, but looking at the current situation, it seems that this alien race is going to be exterminated.

The fleet approached the alien's home planet. They released a two-dimensional foil towards this world, but this two-dimensional foil was not successfully activated. This was also within Wang Ming's expectations. After all, judging from the situation, Nurgle's corruption of this race should have reached a certain extent. This world is already full of Nurgle's power. The concept of corruption symbolized by Nurgle has formed a strange orbital protection above this world. Most of the fleet's attacks can no longer have an effect on this world.

"This world is almost becoming a demon world."

Wang Ming looked at the green world outside the window, looked at the situation in this world, and felt the stench of the power of Nurgle in this world. Wang Ming sighed and said involuntarily that they could not leave this world alone. This was a world that was about to become a demon world, or in other words, it had already become a demon world. This world must be destroyed.

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